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  1. Does anyone care what John Cook says ? he should be fined for his ridiculous comments em he probably could not afford to pay.!!!!Look at the difference of Cook and passionate and progressive MR Bishop at the Isle of Wight they are like chalk/ cheese.
    5 points
  2. "Ben also needs to realise that he has the potential to be a professional speedway rider and that's a very different animal to being a star in a League where half your opponents struggle to stay on, get their bikes to do four laps and in some cases can barely skid a bike. I've seen him have some terrific rides at this and Elite level so the talent is there. I don't think the NL comfort zone is doing him any good" The above is a quote by Eastbourne's Jon Cook. Delightful to see what he really thinks of the National League, a league that Eastbourne have just moved out of and that featured a lakeside team not so long ago. Nobody claims that NL riders are the finished article but i personally find the above comments incredibly rude towards everyone who competes in and follows the NL. Here's my quote back "You can stick your opinions and any club you have anything to do with now or in the future where it doesn't shine as you won't be getting one penny from me."
    4 points
  3. Track not fit for racing Ray ? If so nothing new there
    4 points
  4. I saw an excellent meeting on the island on tuesday Sid. Cook's comments are an insult to all of those riders that put on a show to entertain us.
    4 points
  5. If you are on facebook, this is definitely worth a read (Isle of Wight Speedway page) It pretty much sums Barry Bishop up - honest, decent, caring and passionate. I daresay the words he first thought of aren't reflected in the post...………….
    3 points
  6. Let's hope the court case in Poland isn't adjourned.....
    3 points
  7. We have a youth meeting coming to Swindon in a week or so also with Kent bringing a side down in another meeting.I have seen a few NL meeting's and Swindon had a few a couple of season's ago ( Danny Ayres great value and entertainment).It showed me it does not matter what level it is at speedway it can still be entertaining the NL has come along way in my opinion a good product in its own right.
    3 points
  8. Totally agree. It needs a level playing field with fixed points money which then drives costs and if all riders participated using standard equipment and were then forced to hone their riding skills instead of being gate and go merchants on bikes that many if not most fail to control across a wide range of track conditions then the sport might get back to close racing, team riding and entertaining the punter. Until they bite the bullet and do what is right for speedway and not their own insular but contrived business arrangement where they operate on outdated business models with no idea of what the punter is crying out for, speedway will not even register on the sports radar of any potential new follower. SGP and many of the other televised European meetings as well as the overseas leagues have been given carte blanche to crap on U.K. speedway from a great height and this has been condoned by the BSPA headed by two cronies who the sport would be better off without. Sacrifice is needed for the greater good and the sooner that some of those running clubs realise this the better.
    3 points
  9. "Imperial Echoes" wasn't the original March-on music at Coventry. I made my first ever visit to Brandon in 1956 for the Final of the Midland Riders' Championship, and music played then was called "The King's Guard" which was a very stirring march. After Birmingham closed down in July 1957, I became a regular at Brandon and the "King's Guard" continued to be the introductory march for about a another season when so I was told, there was a break-in at the stadium, the record was broken and a replacement couldn't be obtained, so "Imperial Echoes" took its place. In those days, all tracks had a distinctive introductory march - there was "Entry of the Gladiators" at Wembley (which a lot of other tracks tried to copy), and "Marching Along Together" at New Cross, and my all-time favourite "We're on our Way" at Perry Barr. Birmingham's march-on was magnificent - all of the staff wore pristine white coats and marched in step with arms swinging, and at the end of the meetings the staff lined up and marched off just as smartly - a far cry from the way the staff come shambling out from the pits these days. Too many people seem to think that it doesn't matter these days, which is a great pity I think.
    2 points
  10. Was you in there when Nigel Leaver(sure it was him)done a collection because he had blown an engine,riders weren't so well off then.In exchange for people putting money in,his wife/partner done a bit of a strip.I soon got my money in the glass. Seriously though had some great nights in Champs bar,then food in Lynn then back home to Wisbech.Remember ending up round Henka's once for an after party,party.That was when Simon was about 2/3yrs old.I could waffle on for ages about all that stuff,but i did make a lot of good friends from those days.
    2 points
  11. Easy pop on ignore like i have. Then you just have to hope nobody quotes and everything's a winner.
    2 points
  12. I do t think it’s rocket science particularly. Better racing on hole-free tracks, more entertainment between raves to create an atmosphere, regular fixtures, less R/R and particularly guests, cheaper admission and better facilities for paying spectators where possible. Standards at the moment are very low and the bar needs raising.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I don’t agree that Cook has always been an unpleasant character. In many ways he has a lot of good qualities as a promoter. IMO Jon Cooks “ problem” if I can call it that is that he is not a “people person” , and an absolutely hopeless PR man. I do know riders who hold him in high regard as a promoter, but he doesn’t communicate well to the general public. He should be kept in the back office as an organiser, not let out in the spotlight .
    2 points
  15. I think the comments are not just an insult to the riders within the NL but also to the promotions attempting to keep their teams alive. Cook has basically said don't bother watching NL as the riders are no good and racing likewise. To generate a bit of publicity and gamesmanship between teams great, Eastbourne & Kent have done that very well over the past few seasons but to publicly slate opposing businesses is nothing short of desperation.
    2 points
  16. I'm afraid there are some serial moaners on the forum.Some just moan for the sake of it.Like some people need a coffee in the morning to get going,well some need a good moan to start the day and they are happy.
    2 points
  17. 7 Team league, race each other twice, that's a wonderful 12 home meeting Plus the P/Off's for the lucky top 4. Fans moan at not enough meetings so the BSPA change the K/Out to the Supporters trophy, and what do the fans do......................................................moan. some of us still have the sport we love, stop moaning and support your clubs, to many once great clubs are no more.
    2 points
  18. The Promoters disrespect their own competitions by using a truly ridiculous operating model, taking away any credibilty or kudos in winning them.. Speedway meetings become meaningless under such administration.. Fans are not daft, therefore many who still follow the sport closely, and love watching it, don't attend domestic speedway but will pay good money to travel to Poland regularly to watch their Leagues, and attend GP's, SoN etc around the globe.. Stop running meaningless meetings by bringing integrity to the competitions and make them worth winning, and maybe those many, many disillusioned fans would start to return? One thing is for sure, keep doing the "same old, same old" and you only have one outcome..
    2 points
  19. Had my say on this on the Eastbourne 2019 thread. It's clear that most believe that Cook's comments are completely unjustifiable. Word I have is that he has little time for the lower leagues, including the old PL when Lakeside were EL. I know that the points limit in the NL was dropped to its present level against the wishes of most of the clubs and at the behest of the BSPA. This was apparently motivated by a desire to force riders up and lower pay costs in the Championship. There's no question in my mind that it made the NL's ability to draw attendances harder. Despite that, I think that NL teams have done an excellent job in putting out competitive, attractive line ups that are a long way from development league standard - anyone who has seen the Colts(for example) this year would, I am sure, agree.
    2 points
  20. Like all "leaders", politicians and dictators Chapman began with all kinds of honeyed ideas for bringing about a UK revival if things were done HIS way. Empty pointless hot air - shouted from the outside while he was a noisy looker-on, not sitting at the top table. The other promoters who had exhausted all their ideas gave him the green light and we have ended up going much, much faster down the slippery slope to non-viability.
    2 points
  21. A sensible rule book, properly policed and fairly applied would be a start and would give the sport credibility. For those who don't remember it was one of Chapman's promises when he took office. Many might think it is an easily achievable objective that wouldn't cost very much, if anything. For reasons I can't fathom, we are still waiting.
    2 points
  22. Totally disrespectful to both the NL as a whole and his own 2 riders who have chosen to ride for 2 teams. Also don’t forget that Bowtell has been touring around for an NL spot so his riders obviously don’t agree with him!
    2 points
  23. Think John cooks comments are just ridiculous. The NL is a great product. Let’s be honest John cook knows nothing about speedway as he couldn’t keep up with paying his NL riders last when they was in the NL, so god knows how he keeps up with paying the Eastbourne riders. As for the opponents staying on there bikes well stop lowering the points limit so much and forcing riders to ride above there means. Speedway is a progression sport, so if you dropping the team limit so much there is not point in haveing an MDL/SDL. I find NL good racing. But my personal opinion is that unfortunately this year the NL is a glorified MDL and it’s hard to sell a product like that and get the punters in. But that’s just my opinion. Id like to find out what everyone’s else’s opinion is...........
    2 points
  24. A rider failing to bridge the gap between the NL and the Championship (or PL as was) is nothing new. They can be nigh on unbeatable at the lower level yet still struggle when they step up - Barrie Evans and Jay Herne spring to mind. Personally speaking, I think your view of the NL is nonsense. The gap between riders in the NL is comparable to the higher leagues and may even be less. Is there anything in the NL that compares to the difference between Craig Cook and Danny Phillips, for example ? How about Jason Doyle and Simon Lambert ? As someone who regularly attends the NSS, the Premiership racing there is better than the NL. There is no doubt in my mind about that, but to suggest the NL is 'pretty boring' is rubbish. The meeting with Plymouth, for example, was to use my own words 'splendid'. If riders like Morley and Wood can't - or shouldn't - ride in the NL, what happens when Eastbourne drop them - as seems entirely possible ? Cook seems to have his own agenda here - Bowtell has 'fire in his belly' despite the fact that of the three his present average is the lowest and around half of Morley's. I wonder if the comments are motivated by the fact that of the three Bowtell is the only one not riding NL speedway. I think what makes me most annoyed is Cook's stupid and entirely inaccurate view of NL - 'where half your opponents struggle to stay on, get their bikes to do four laps and in some cases can barely skid a bike'. That, as anyone who watches the NL speedway regularly, is utterly ridiculous and an unwarranted insult against the riders in that league. Not only that, it has the power to damage the huge effort that NL promotions are making across the country to attract paying spectators and stay in business. They deserve better.
    2 points
  25. I don't often agree with Sings, but on this subject he is 100% right. Jon Cook should be ashamed of himself for this insult.
    2 points
  26. IMO Chapman is a clueless numpty. He couldn’t run a bath! He’s been chairman of the BSPA and overseen the biggest decline in British Speedway in recent years. Chapman and his useless sidekick are arrogant and don’t listen or understand the fans and are totally incapable of improving the sport. If you ignore your customers, they will eventually ignore you. Speedway and loyal fans deserves better!
    2 points
  27. Hi guys. Thank you for your feedback about the presentation at last night’s very entertaining meeting. With your usual guys unavailable it was a pleasure to have been able to step in and help Garry and Debbie out. And to those of you who took time to have a chat at the end I thank you very much. Here’s to the next time.
    1 point
  28. Clearly Ian Jordan is trying to distance himself from the remarks made. To be fair, I don't doubt his sincerity for a single moment. Problem for him is they were made by someone very close to the Eastbourne promotion (close enough to actually be able write in the programme) so he won't be able to disassociate himself from them entirely. As to whether Jon Cook is 'perfectly entitled' to make such remarks, I would say that is a matter of debate. While we are all able to give opinion on a particular issue, what we are not entitled to do is to make statements that are blatantly untrue in the full knowledge that they are blatantly untrue which could affect another person or their business interests. The way I see it, that is precisely what Cook has done.
    1 point
  29. Did he witness a daylight robbery,,,,,,,??? Did he see Harris sign as our number 1
    1 point
  30. Too right, i came away from Peterborough v Poole a few weeks ago thinking, this is why i went to speedway in the fist place. Unfortunately these occasions are few and far between.
    1 point
  31. A really good meeting, everyone standing near me were really impressed with the presentation, the guy who was on the centre green kept moving things along and you could hear him!! As for the MUSIC, what a difference so much improved to what we usually get, what we they have been playing for the last two seasons I have been coming I am sorry to say has been absolute rubbish, all very modern stuff, last night fans were singing along and we even had music bringing the riders to the start line. The only quibble I have is why, when the young Aussie and Italian were going to be interviewed after the meeting they sent the bikes out so we couldn't hear them, its not as though time was short as the meeting moved along nicely. More of the same please.
    1 point
  32. But nothing to do with his involvement in a semi final tomorrow
    1 point
  33. R/R for KP because of his involvement as a witness in court today....
    1 point
  34. He wouldn't know how to get there. He never turned up when lakeside rode on the island a couple of years ago.
    1 point
  35. Whilst very diplomatic and gently throwing Cook under the wheels the fact remains that the comments printed in the Eastbourne programme by a member of the Eastbourne promotion fall back onto Eastbourne Speedway as a whole. If these were spoken comments on the mic after a match they could have easily been brushed aside as heat of the moment but putting into print is a deliberate and considered act. As Director of Eastbourne Speedway it is Ian's job to either proof read content in the programme or charge that to someone suitably PR savvy. Instead the statements are out there, the apologies are not and pitching that Cook is entitled to his opinion isn't really suitable given the scale of the insults dished out.
    1 point
  36. But the point being made was that a guest had to be in another teams 1 to 7. That's sensible, as if it wasn't, a team could bring in say a former Premier rider and then that would be be clamped down on and the existing rule installed to stop it happening again. Rules usually have a good reason behind them. Why does every rule have to be explained to new people in the sport anyway. It tends to be just passing on peoples prejudices.
    1 point
  37. I think that's owhat would please the current hardcore fans but it's the whole experience which could attract new followers. At present, between races its dull, the environment is poor with few seats/liitle rain cover at many tracks, presentation tired and no alternative entertainment in the downtime (and I don't mean on the centre green)
    1 point
  38. More exciting racing might save the sport imo (real or contrived). Every fan loves close racing/passing/team riding, it's what gets fans excited and talking about the sport away from the track. It's also something no fan can make happen, it's down to the promoters and riders ....
    1 point
  39. If he can see the dust cloud as he approaches Poole then he is late for the start of the meeting!
    1 point
  40. To avoid Ringwood, you could take the Blandford Forum road as you leave Salisbury. From Blandford Forum simply follow the signs for Poole. You will know when you are approaching Poole as you will see a dust cloud!!
    1 point
  41. Cook has always been an unpleasant character. So it's never surprising whenever it inevitably surfaces in public. Pity that he is garnering such bad PR for Eastbourne now, though.
    1 point
  42. You can not turn the clock back, sadly I think it’s too late...the opportunities to restructure the sport have long gone. Speedway is in an uncontrolled tail spin and I believe it is beyond recovery. The sport is bust and there’s not a silver bullet that will save it. The people in charge are totally incompetent. TV money should have been used to promote and build the sport and not greedily pocketed by self serving TR or squandered on unsustainable rider pay. TV money will never return.
    1 point
  43. Where does he think riders like Morley,Wood, etc get enough money to keep their machines in tip top condition? I think that type of statement brings the sport into disrepute. I hope some sort of apology is issued or some punishment dished out to him. Disgraceful.
    1 point
  44. Chapman only did what he did because he hasn't the wit or wisdom to carry out the root and branch restructuring the sport desperately needed, instead he's enabled the many times failed premiership model to carry on for a little longer until it goes t!ts up again. Have said before I think this will put the long term future of Ipswich (and Peterborough) in serious jeopardy. No one was looking long term when this ridiculous deal was made.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. I have not been to speedway this season, I promise you it is not because of the price. When you are filling your programme in on lap 1 bend 2, there is something seriously wrong, it has become so easy to take it or leave it if there is something else to do. I don't know how to put it right, or even if it is to late to put it right, I hope it survives, but while it is the fans fault for not supporting speedway, as opposed the Promoters correcting their mistakes over a long period of time, I fear for it's future.
    1 point
  47. Thank goodness for that .......i initially wondered if it was turn 2 at Poole.
    1 point
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