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  1. Can posters on here please stop criticising Redcar for the 'lack of a 2nd ambulance'. Firstly if the requirement to have a second ambulance was needed by the ruling bodies then Redcar would have provided one or we wouldn't have been given the meeting in the first place. Secondly can the critical posters tell us how many other British Semi final meetings - or indeed Finals - have actually had two ambulances in attendance? No? Probably because, fortunately, last nights circumstances have never arisen before. The only difference two ambulances would have made last night was that the meeting would have finished possibly 50 minutes earlier than it did. The major hold up being after the awful Heat 1 crash where riders were being medically attended to on track for perhaps 20 minutes. It was deemed then by the attendant paramedics that outside help was required and the 'county' ambulance (why is it called that?) was called for. I don't know what the critical posters think of our (marvellous) health services these days but ambulance staff/paramedics do not just dump patients off at hospital and I would suggest that said 2nd ambulance would not have been back at the stadium when the unfortunate spectator took ill. A First Response ambulance arrived within minutes and their specialist knowledge deemed that a seriously ill person required hospital treatment and another ambulance was called for. To criticise Redcar for any of this is beyond belief. The vast majority of the people stayed to the end (including the presentations) and although we grumbled what's the problem? The Redcar promotion team are enthusiastic and forward thinking and should be praised for the efforts they are making this year and not being shot at by petty minded jibes from outsiders. Oh and I also didn't appreciate a certain riders comment over the microphone under the circumstances.
    10 points
  2. "I, along with a few others left after heat 9 so you are wrong in your assumption that all the crowd stayed back for the presentations." wow!, so a small number or people left after the second medical incident after heat 9? This was around 9:15 pm. If this is worth commenting on no wonder the likes of ' Waco ' puts so much into this forum with his constant negative remarks. Your ' local ' so why leave at 9:15? ....you don't need to answer that. The curfew at Redcar is 10pm , always has been since 2006 and it is written in the lease as ' Racing SHOULD be completed by 10pm'. The curfew has been breached on only 3 occasions in 13 years and after consultation with senior members of the management it was agreed to run passed it again last night for the good of the fans. Let's applaud Redcar Promotion for that decision!
    6 points
  3. As someone who travelled 2 hours for it, I have a right to complain. But you know what, i wont. Why should i. You cant help a 1st heat smash with 3 riders needing alot of medical help. Dont think even 2 ambulance would have helped that situation. Hope both Jason and Kyle come away rather unscathed. And best wishes to them. Gutted for them to miss out on the final. Then the crowd member took I'll, looked serious from a distance away. Hope that person is ok. And it was all precaution. They announced they have extended the curfew till 10:30pm. That looks a tad optimistic for them to get 9 races in but they did it. I arrive back home to Manchester for 00:30am so it bad at all. I enjoyed myself. Well done redcar I say. Oh and congratulations to the 6 riders who qualified
    6 points
  4. So, we have Dudek probably best gater in the world, Laguta up there with him, add Madsen and Hancock - stick them in the same race and it could be a real bun fight in the first corner. I think Polish speedway authorites are spoiling speedway. There should be no top class speedway the night before a world GP anywhere. Riders deserve to be able to put in the max effort to win the world championship, the pinnacle of any sport.
    5 points
  5. AUSTRALIA ? With no EU law restricting You in the future, You can call on the Aussie boys, who are eager to come over, and unliek many of the Europeans they are loyal to British speedway, not having to ride in their home country every other week durign the European season
    4 points
  6. What a brilliant comment from someone who has no idea how a speedway meeting is run. 90% of tracks have a curfew and tonight Redcar deliberately ran over it to complete the meeting so no problem whatsoever. The club paid the BSPA to run this meeting and extra medical staff and vehicles are very expensive to hire so why double your bills, just in case? Despite the medical emergencys , which no one could have foretold, it was a decent meeting and it was completed , none of the healthy crowd that were present, ( and you weren't there ) complained and all stayed back to watch the presentations so no 'shambles' occurred.
    4 points
  7. Principally because the ‘better off’ teams wouldn’t share around their riders so some teams struggled badly. The British league of 1965 was successful because it provided more variety of opposition plus teams were put together under the ‘ rider control’ system. Maybe a similar system would initially be required - especially if Buster owns all the clubs!
    4 points
  8. Kev got 8+1 from 4 this season with Worrall and Clegg beating him so not to bad (Worrall and Wethers beating Starke this season). Maybe Berwick can learn a trick or two from Newcastle who last season used a facility for a rider who was taking time out the sport despite the 28 day facility running out the day before (this costing Berwick a top 4 place).
    3 points
  9. Because of the stupid way the authorities run the sport!! riders have a different average for team building than they do for green sheets which govern team structure and riding order etc then, they switch to rolling averages Adam’s team building average was this years Premiership times 1.5 now, the ROLLING averages kick in which include his second division scores from last season, plus this years Brum scores, hence the drop
    3 points
  10. Traditional Race Sheet for 2019 Slovenian GP :- https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/23358/gp-2019-2-pdf-434k?da=y
    3 points
  11. It’s took a number of seasons for the “penny to finally drop” with Ford &Co.The fans have been telling them for years
    3 points
  12. If it was mandatory that reserves had to be British u21s, that would be a great step forward. It was disgraceful that it was dropped a couple of seasons ago. Bring on our own talent. We will benefit in the long term.
    3 points
  13. Having just watched the GP Qualifiers for tomorrow’s SGP in Krsko, I was surprised to see that Polish clubs had precedence over the FIM on GP riders in qualifying for gate positions in an FIM event. Last nights Danish final took two Poole riders out of a league event to ride in an FIM event. Seems to me that the Polish Speedway Authorities are doing a Winston Churchill to the FIM!!! Might be a good idea if the FIM were to inform the Poles who are are the sports “Governing” body, that’s if they’ve got the B4LL5’s..
    2 points
  14. THE SON is in effect the World Team Cup but with a different format.
    2 points
  15. Drop the h from my name and I will take the job
    2 points
  16. The tradition for speedway clubs is to look after their own business and not realise that a strong league is vastly more important than becoming the last man standing and having no one to race against. Poole, after all the trophies they have won the last 15 years, and scoffing a lot of calories in riding talent to serve their purpose, are perhaps realising that winning isn't the be all and end all and can leave fans feeling bloated.
    2 points
  17. Just Gavan with his anti Poole agenda, Jack is not a brat.
    2 points
  18. http://www.redcar-speedway.com/2019/06/01/thank-you/
    2 points
  19. That was mainly because the " Haves " refused to help the "have nots" with riders making it a really unbalanced league.- The promoters talked a good game but failed to implement it properly !!!!
    2 points
  20. Just a bit of twit-for-tat after Heat 6!!
    2 points
  21. South Bank residential houses are less than 1/4 mile away , they were closer till a recent ' development ' knocked the estate down. Dependant on the wind direction the noise from the Motorsports Park carries considerable distance and can be heard over a mile away.
    2 points
  22. Oh poor Hans , that's a shame when he was going so well, hopefully a speedy recovery.
    2 points
  23. I posted this on another thread but thought it was fitting for it to be here as well. I think Polish speedway authorites are spoiling speedway. There should be no top class speedway the night before a world GP anywhere. Riders deserve to be able to put in the max effort to win the world championship, the pinnacle of any sport.
    2 points
  24. Damn that's bad news, speedy recovery hans.
    2 points
  25. THE Danish Final isn't an FIM event ... with British tracks not racing at home every week some fixture planning should not go amiss.GP practice isn't compulsory so the riders can chose. However, I do agree that the FIM should have stopped Polish tracks from staging meetings involving GP riders on a Friday before a World Championship round. But not all agree.
    2 points
  26. you get your chequebook out then
    2 points
  27. Meeting costs are not affected by the number of riders (apart from travel money). It's the number of heats and therefore points that determine the outlay.
    2 points
  28. So effectively a one off shoot out on Monday evening with either side winning the crown. Ironically last time IOW won a trophy Chris Hunt and Kevin Sheppard were joint managers but this time they will be involved for opposite sides. The warriors actually need to win by 7 points or more which makes thier task that bit tougher. With Morley and Wood both Central park experts at the spearhead they could both go unbeaten. Dsnno Verge has come on massively over the winter and is a true heat leader now. Lots will depend on how Ryan Terry daily and Chris widman go, both have had excellent races and both had nightmares. Connor King secured his first ever national league race win for IOW at central park last season but if memory serves also had at least spectacular off afterward, and young Chad seems to score well at most tracks especially if he gates. Kent continue to operate RR for injury victim Alex Spooner and with Jordan Jenkins on exam duty Richard Andrews comes in as a most popular guest, and his 5 rides (inc rr ride) will be most critical to the Kings fortunes. Drew Kemp is a out and out no1 and you can tell every dropped point really annoys him, not always out of the gate first and with the track being slick in recent weeks that has made passing that bit harder. Andrews as mentioned is a popular guest and his swashbuckling style especially around central park meant he was on many fans winter wish lists. As long as he and skipper Rob Ledwith stay upright the Kent engine room should be enough to see the kings home. Rob by his own admission started the season on gas mark 9 and spent a fair bit of time picking himself out the fence, especially at Plymouth. But he has now wound that in to gas mark 7 and is now with the rr ride consistently getting paid double figures and his influence will be key. Rocket Rowe is making Kent a bit of fortress whilst slipping somewhat under the radar. He has added outside passing, and more first bend aggression to his arsenal. And is consistently posting ever faster race times. Jacob Clouting has stepped in the last few weeks and has really delivered the goods, had a confidence boosting heat 2 win last week and looks to have a decent future in the sport, with a very attractive style.And nitro Natham Ablitt has bitten the dust so many times this year but jumps up and scores points in the ReRun each time, a young man with a massive future. Action gets underway with parade at 6.15pm and tapes up 6.30pm. What ever the result the trophy will be presented Monday night, so hopefully a bumper crowd will be in attendance. For what it is worth i predict a topsy turvy evening with Kent winning on the night by a narrow margin.
    1 point
  29. Will you stop posting Scorpians. It is Scorpions! Hope you will oblige Spidermon
    1 point
  30. You would need to ask them
    1 point
  31. Dreadful track, mainly follow the leader racing, and a referee who needs to go to specsavers! My one eyed cat could spot those jump starts. Oh well, on to the next one.
    1 point
  32. Olching also raced at Birmingham that season (at the old greyhound stadium across the road from the present Birmingham venue) and did only slightly better. Their team consisted of mainly unknown German riders who seemed to be well into their 30's, and they were completely baffled by the track which was very small and very tight. In many of the races, one Olching rider would knock another one off and the Birmingham riders just took things easy and were able to pass without breaking sweat when the Olching riders veered out to the fence. One of the Olching riders was named Muller and we were led to believe that it was Egon Muller, and only found out that it wasn't when he went on track! The match took place a day after the Boston debacle, and Joe Thurley moved heaven and earth to keep that result dark. The Olching riders all seemed really friendly blokes and I did strike up a friendship with their photographer, Herbert Retzer. We corresponded for a few years and spoke on the phone once or twice, but then we lost touch and I never knew what became of him. Martin Smolinski did try to locate him for me, but had no success.
    1 point
  33. What Bellevue millionaires now?, that was the only british team he agreed to sign for el nougat'. I could have went in all guns blazing for your stupidity , that would in all likelihood have put your therapy back a few months.
    1 point
  34. I questioned Zach’s heart and bottle ( he has the ability ). time will tell all I can say is watch this space over the next few days
    1 point
  35. Thh I didn't see much wrong , hardish riding, nothing compared to riders like Matousek, NP and a few others back in the day
    1 point
  36. We appear to agree about the contact taking place in gates 1& 2, where we differ is in regard to Howarth's involvement in the incident. The way I saw it, and it's only my opinion, the contact between Starke & Garrity unsettled both rider and caused them to both move out from the Kerb at the same time as Howarth was coming across from gate 4. Without the benefit of a replay (preferably from different angles) it's all down to opinion based on each persons view of the incident. I saw the incident from one angle, you saw it from a different angle, the referee saw it from another angle. None of us had the benefit of seeing a replay and having the full picture on which to make a fully informed decision. We may have different opinions, but that is all they are, opinions. Although the referee has the benefit of his opinion(decision) is always right and final (even when it's wrong ).
    1 point
  37. There's a Special Offer for this one.. You get to travel for over 400 miles to get there and back from Ipswich Spending lots on fuel and lots of hours on the road.. And then get an opportunity to pay full price upon entry.. "ROLL UP! ROLL UP! FORM AN ORDERLY QUEUE PLEASE"! Maybe offering away fans a discount would be worthwhile, even if not the home fans? Could have flogged £10 tickets at all the Ippo home matches this season, or from when it was announced.. (ex BV meeting in case any Aces fans in attendance that night take up the offer)... In fact Speedway should do a reduced ticket for all away fans, sold from their own circuit.. Maybe more would go? And the current 'morgue like' atmosphere at tracks would improve..
    1 point
  38. It was hard move similar to Hans on Kurtz at Peterborough , to say its dirty Nicki esq or likely to cause injury is a bit ott in my opinion.
    1 point
  39. These two comments annoyed me at the time they were made so decided to wait until I commented on them. Given we are trying to attract people to come to speedway I dont think that these comments were particularly useful. Also they were wildly inaccurate. In fact when I arrived at the track at 6:30 the track was being watered! Did these and other comments have an effect on the crowd? I have no way of knowing and if Im honest maybe not in this instance. However one thing I know for certain. They will not have helped.
    1 point
  40. So many ifs and buts to this tie. I've seen Lasse Bjerre be brilliant and poor at Berwick, TJ and Matty Wethers could be big spoilers tonight, are Jye and Coty fit?, will Dany Gapp be jekyll and hyde over the two legs?, will Berwick have any backup to Spud and NBJ tomorrow night? For me it is a 50/50 tie. Decent weather today, hopefully big crowds for the two legs and a good cup tie atmosphere.
    1 point
  41. Scunny have a few problems with their team even before tonight's Garrity injury. Allen might be back but if he's not I gather Ryan Douglas is on Standby to guest. Kyle Bickley booked to guest for Josh Bailey although after the sad passing of Kyle's Grandad I don't know if this effects anything. (Best wishes to the Bickley Family)
    1 point
  42. Here we go again lets cut the standard ..When will speedway ever learn . Year 30 of the same plan
    1 point
  43. God there’s some dicks on this thread. He had a bad night and it ended up costing him a lot of money. Dont let the facts get in the way of drivel though eh ? Carry on as you were.
    1 point
  44. Been touted by Gary May as well. Said Somerset would definitely prefer one league. The downside is riders like the top riders Doyle would be lost. Can you imagine the remaining top guys wanting to turn up at the more remote tracks? The quality would probably sit somewhere a bit better than the current championship level.
    1 point
  45. The slicker the track the better the racing is at nesr all tracks. It's a bloody myth that grip gives good racing. Grip just makes the guys in front quicker meaning harder to pass Keep the track slick. Dont grade it till about heat 10 which allows a little dirt line out by the fence which then gives an extra racing line for the riders. But then I'm no track curator so probably talking bullcrap
    1 point
  46. Somebody change the name of the title please . every time is see it I'm singign the song in my head all day .
    1 point
  47. Come on, even you must realise that's silly comment to make. He did not lay the bike down. We've all seen the crash & no rider in their right mind would purposely catapult themselves into an air fence unless you also think Doyle did the same? Seen the crash & exactly the same as Tobi's.
    1 point
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