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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2019 in all areas

  1. I appreciate the league would have folded without Buster intervention but it can’t be good for the sport in the long run - I just think Pboro original team with Harris and Cook would have walk the league then dump Harris to go to Ipswich and pboro then dump Cook to come to Lynn all Busters clubs - it stinks and in any other sport it not be allowed to happen.
    7 points
  2. Something along the lines of this would be nice and something we could all get behind: 'Due to the fact that the Workington Comets have had to be displaced from their home at Derwent Park in order to facilitate construction of the new Community Stadium the Council is giving the club its full backing in developing a new home on the site of the training track at Northside. Such a move would reduce the costs of running the sport whilst allowing the club to directly benefit from income generated through food and drink sales. There will be great opportunity for local businesses to get involved in the creation of this exciting new facility which will see the continuation of what is a great family sport and one that has been embedded in local sporting heritage and culture over the last 50 years'.
    5 points
  3. Perhaps it was the plan all along for Cook to cone to Lynn when averages fitted - when one man controls 3 clubs in a 7 team league that’s more than possible it could have been the plan
    5 points
  4. High speed, lots of banking and now that last year's track alterations have settled down the racing has improved massively, with distinct inside and outside lines. We haven't had a dud meeting this season despite the relatively comfortable wins.
    4 points
  5. its taken a while to have some firm response from someone who has more say and is closer to the management . THJ has backed up all those comments/thoughts and wants from the die hard fans .i personally now feel that we have had a response that everyone was wanting . (in the wrong kind of way ) . but i feel this chapter is now over for all . we will all have memories from years gone by , some good and as i have mentioned before ,some bad . if workington speedway was a bottle of fine wine . now would be the year to uncork it and have a few glasses in front of the fire . remembering all the great times and enjoy the craic with fellow supporters when they meet . its going to be darker and deeper for laura and co in the coming months/years . all we can do is wish them well for the future .. i was happy to have this form of entertainment on fri/sat nights for a long time .even put money into it big time ! made loads of friends through it . riders and fellow fans from other tracks . but memories and photos are still there to gaze at . .
    4 points
  6. I attended this meeting yesterday as I was in Poole with the family and Doyley was in town and here is my view on it for what it is worth. Track looked well watered when we arrived at around 11am and wandered around the pits with the kids. Both teams seemed quite relaxed on the the track walk , laughing and joking with each other as they approached the start line and none of the usual collective dirt kicking and rider debates when issues are apparent. Plenty of track work was going on with the starts being ripped up and more water going down. The guy in the tractor certainly didn't hang around as he was belting up and down in the tractor. Never seen a trackman move so quickly! Then they announced the news re Lampart's 'injury' which when looking at the averages already meant the meeting would be a longer affair as the Swindon reserves had to cover a bulk of the rides. The next announcement was that due to the threat of rain at 1pm they wouldn't do the parade as usual but get straight into heat one at 12noon which they did with Zach as R/R so immediately a delay loomed there. Good job the rain didn't arrive! Doyley was flying heat one to the quickest time of the season so far and he seemed to be easing off in last couple of bends. So far so good. The Poole reserves had a fairly easy 5-1 in heat two as Ellis Perks had the first 'moment' on the bottom bend losing second to NBJ. Then came heat three with Ellis suffering the same fate of Perks with a massive tankslapper on the 4th bend. The following lap was Musielak's spectacular 'lay down' in the same spot which even if he wasn't injured before it looked enough to rule him out anyway. No idea of the alleged 'plan' by Swindon beforehand but when he walked over to get changed soon after his right arm was not being moved much at all. I am no rider but it looked in heat 4 that Batch had the wrong setup as the bike was very lively and difficult to control. I can see why he pulled up as it was taking him in directions he didn't want to go. After that race he got it sussed out and rode ok, maybe he changed bikes or setup? Richie Worrall looked good in heat 6 riding mid track without problem to gain his first win of an impressive afternoons work. The next race not to be re-run after this was heat 13!!! Perks was done for two minutes in the next and much to my surprise was replaced by Zach in my eyes wasting a valuable available ride for Rosco and his over worked reserves. The ref dragged back heat 8 for a jump by Ellis although he was in third down the back straight and it had the early makings of a decent race when the reds came on. Next up was Doyley's crash and when you see him bin it on his own something isn't right with the track. Not being a regular at Wimborne Road I thought it odd that the blade was used and not a grader on the tractor all afternoon as the bottom bends seemed quite deep. Perks then had another 2 minute exclusion much to his disgust as I think some confusion might have been had over the IRR regs. He was back out again in the next one, for 1 corner anyway, after being on the wrong end of a first bend clash between JD, Rich Lawson and himself. Glad neither rider was hurt as it was a nasty one that deflated an airbag on bend one and ended with only Lawson's right boot and his steel shoe being visible as he disappeared under the fence face first and had to wait to get the air bag lifted before he could get up! Perks didn't re-appear in the re-run which by my reckoning made it seven rides for him. I had actually written Wajtknecht in as the original RR before they announced Perks thinking he would have run out of rides. I had him down as starting in heats 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (although didn't appear for the re-run but I thought they announced it still counted as a ride?) but then he re-appeared in heat 14 too!! Which one didn't count please??? Nico and Doyley had a good race in the re- run of the re-run of the re-run of heat 11 after Klindt's tape exclusion and Zach's fall which if the track was as dangerous as JD states then fair play to him for making that move on Nico! Strange start to heat 13 with JD getting it spot on from the replay I have seen although it looked a flier and Batch making a decent start from 4 but the tapes detached themselves from the post and dangled the whole race over gate 4 position. If ever a race was likely to be called back then that was it but no we had four laps and no reds! By then the dust was getting bad but that was due to the length of time the meeting had taken at that point. It wasn't too bad in the earlier races to be fair. The track had also developed a blue groove but also a couple of whiter areas on bends one and two which my 11yr old daughter asked me was it the base? It could have been I guess but couldn't tell from the grandstand, whatever it was it didn't look right being on a speedway track. Overall the entertainment served up didn't give value for money I feel. The racing was poor but I guess daytime meetings are not always the best anyway. I am pleased to see the hole on bend one has been sorted out as that was awful when I was there last August for the Rebels fixture. One thing I thought was poor was the presentation of the meeting. Results and race information couldn't be faulted on the whole but other than the toss of the coin and the rider of the meeting no other interviews were done with any riders etc. The announcer didn't really get any connection with the crowd at all and with the meeting taking around 2 1/2 hours to complete (it wasn't the 3 hours stated elsewhere on here) some more entertainment/interaction might have been nice. I know some people on here feel the presentation at Somerset could be improved but it is already far better IMO than that I experienced yesterday morning. The whole visit to Poole was built around the speedway fixture to be fair but I might think again unless the track improves. I read later in the programme notes that Matt Ford doesn't understand why numbers are dropping through his turnstiles but if that is what is served up each week in Dorset I have a good idea why as like I said I didn't feel it represented value for money yesterday.
    4 points
  7. Panthers will win tomorrow. This Panthers team aren't just a speedway team. They're a group of assassins who sniff out weakness, and penetrate with scissor like precision.
    3 points
  8. There`s not a man out there who doesn't know that feeling.
    3 points
  9. As per the Speedway GB website.... Drew currently has a 2019 home average of 6.67, and an away one of 4.21, giving him an overall 5.50 average. This puts him 4th overall in the Tigers' averages. He was assessed at 2.00 at the start of the season, so at the moment he's trebling that at home, and doubling it away. So I'm at a loss as to how he's been a disappointment so far, especially when he's been second string for over half his meetings, and not reserve. Even his family think it's too soon for him to be second string just now. Surprisingly, our highest averaging away rider so far, also based on 2019 only, is Ty Proctor!!
    3 points
  10. Got nothing to do with whether I have or have not. This is what this guy does for a job/chosen career and has no doubt spent a number of years training to be a professional speedway rider so should be fairly proficient at it. My comment is merely that the last time he rode he didn't exactly set the league on fire and I hope he has improved as if he hasn't, then what does he add to our current team, or better still, what does he offer that we were not already getting from Simon. By the way, I could ask you too the same question and the majority of the people on this forum have probably never ridden a speedway bike but I was not aware that it was a pre-requisite of joining this fans forum. But hey-ho
    3 points
  11. 2.15 any one, going going...…. 2.15 to the bald bloke at the back
    3 points
  12. That`s some field in Glasgow- try picking 4 to go through from that lot !!!!
    3 points
  13. Only Saturday night isn't the most spectator friendly any more. For those who watch speedway there is live GP on ten of those Saturdays. Two more are taken up by the Speedway of Nations. Two weeks ago the BBC screened the FA Cup Final, this weekend pubs will be full of people watching the Champions League final, the Cricket World Cup will have live games on a Saturday, Wimbledon tennis. While I support a Saturday night club it faces all these alternatives and it is affecting crowds. We're not the only game in town on a summer Saturday any more.
    3 points
  14. One wonders at the miraculous change of circumstances that now permit Cooke and Chapman to reach an understanding, when it was not possible with Panthers.
    3 points
  15. The BSPA have proved time and time again that they are incapable or unwilling to improve the product that people pay to see. Poor racing surfaces, not unexpected at a new track like Swindon but inexcusable at a long established track like Poole. What happened to track inspectors and do referees have no role in deciding if track conditions are safe or not? As for improving the show - laughable attempts at for example stopping gardening and tactical delays decided by team managers which extend the grading and tractor racing joys. Oddly suddenly great racing returned to the Peterborough track with hardly any between races grading. Hmmm. The leadership of the BSPA pay lip service ( if that ) to their customers and any business that does that will go extinct. As for the televised matches, this season they show the by now usual scene of a handful of elderly fans in an almost empty stadium and very boring follow the leader racing ( sorry motorcycle riding )in 80% of the heats. What a way to attract new customers!
    3 points
  16. Work has been done but not the work that needs to be done. The base is knackered I would suggest, and needs relaying. Until that happens everything in between will be a temp fix and isn't actually solving the problem. Whilst I understand there will be a significant cost implication, in the end Poole speedway are bringing the sport into disrepute and if there was a correct and proper process from the governing body they would be fined and instructed to fix the issues. As it is, it's all a bit jobs for the boys and so Poole can carry on regardless. Its poor and on a grander scale really highlights the unprofessionalism across the sport as a whole. The real shame of it all is that Wimbourne Road was once, and still can be, a great speedway track. It's a great shape and has stood the evolution of the bikes. Unfortunately on here we have a few pillocks who see no wrong and will push the mantra until their dying day. I really hope the majority of Poole supporters can see and understand the problem, it'll not solve anything in the end, but its nice to know there is still some sanity in the human race down there.
    3 points
  17. You best recommend Rasmus Jensen to Rosco or you’re going to miss out on announcing it first.
    3 points
  18. And I thought you were supporting the Bandits these days.
    3 points
  19. You are not alone in thinking it stinks. I really can't understand how anyone can be arsed attending when moves like this are afoot. On the other hand, Buster did save speedway, but with rules like this, you don't have to wonder too much why it needed saving. If rules allow them to be manipulated so easily, what's the point in having rules? Cracking sport and spectacle, but the rules show its unsavoury side. Only takes so long for it to dawn on you.
    2 points
  20. The dog track certainly had its problems but it never produced the sort of racing we see at the NSS because of its size and shape. Long straights and tight bends. Even in the last few years, when Colin Meredith was the curator and the track was well prepared, the quality of racing improved but gating was still paramount and passing at a premium unless riders made mistakes. The difference is that unlike the dog track, Poole is a track proven capable of providing good racing and only now prevented from doing so by allowing the track to get into its current state.
    2 points
  21. The main issue the sport has is that it simply doesn't promote itself as a collective entity so the vast majority of the country don't know it exists.. The potential though is huge.... Over 60,000,000 people live within an hour or so of a speedway track.. And the club they live not too far away from have a virtual monopoly in that area... However, standing in a supermarket foyer with a bike and a wallpaper pasting table full of car stickers and photos, advertising just one club is a compete waste of time.. Tracks will pay tens of thousands out this week alone to riders who will barely put one extra person through the turnstiles.. Yet nothing to a marketing company who could.. Clubs will spend hours trying to put one over their rivals by using some convaluted method of team equalisation, manipulating ambiguous rules to their own ends and gain, and all to try and win a competition that their own nonsense rules and behaviours renders completely worthless.. Yet will spend hardly one second working together as a collective to get themselves noticed both locally and nationally... Buster seems to have spotted the opportunity by taking over three reasonably geopraphically close clubs, meaning he can advertise all of them together... Getting them all kitted out similarly/professionally too will also help raise Speedway's 'brand awareness' amongst those who live in and around East Anglia.. Millions must be paid out amongst all three Leagues each season to riders.. Obviously not privy to actual figures but, at a guess, Premiership teams alone must have a wage bill of around circa 250-300k for 30 matches or so.. And Championship teams 150k to 200k each for 30 matches maybe? A huge pot of money exists in Speedway to potentially invest in selling itself if used right..
    2 points
  22. See I`ve got you down as a supporter, especially with a season ticket, and not a fan, maybe you should run it by Mr Barrie as he`s the one keen to divide everyone up.
    2 points
  23. More chance with Sheikh Ya-leg than Sheikh Khaled. Unless the Comets can get a Promoter with the available funds and the vision; who can stir up a bit of passion and engage with the council then unfortunately it will never happen. Or the other option is you get someone to run an operation on a shoe string but then you do not attract the fans and it is a total "Catch 22" situation because the standards drop so low and the product is just something that no one wants to watch thus not attracting fans to fund your operation. Money talks; But it don't sing and dance; And it don't walk " (that song will be in ya head all day now) but you need people in Jeans for that (blue ones apparently) and fans through the doors are a critical factor and I agree Keith Denham is the entrepreneurial type who could make a success of something like this but again its a big ask of someone who has been there and done it; but struggled with it; then ultimately walked away from it at the end of the day and for what thanks? Oh for Mr Denham now eh! all those Grumbletonians who slagged him off remorselessly!!! bitched about him at every opportunity even down to having a go at his family!!! Oh for KD back now eh!!! come home to roost that one like eh? Again the Thomas Armstrong Motor Park and Xtreme Entertainment Speedway Stadium definitely has a ring to it, although may be not when you look at the acronym. The TAMPAXESS Arena doesn't sound a very nice place to be!!! Sorry!!! So we will go back to your suggestion eh? The Thomas Armstrong Speedway Stadium sounds good to me now!!! Doh!!! Going down the TASS to watch some Speedway!!! yep we will stick with that... Joking apart what is there in it for a business like Thomas Armstrong, the first thing they will look at is "what's the return for our shareholders", also it isn't really one of their core business footprints either, they would be happy to build it but I think running it would be alien to them. Now the Malhotra Group PLC or a company of that ilk taking over the Northside Site and sticking on a Motor Park with a Hotel and putting on car showrooms and may be a care home utilising a multi occupancy and multi use site could do something like this however it has to get out there and the vision has to be sold to companies like this... So Mr SS a small 4000 all seat covered in stadium costs about £6 million; regeneration of site; Hotel (Casino maybe) Several Car Show Rooms to Rent out Older Persons Village with Care Homes and Support another £4 Million; so you win somewhere round that on the Lottery and I will come in Develop; Build and Manage the whole set up for you and the combined returns will be colossal... and more importantly fund your hobby of having a Speedway team... However there is an Aerosmith song that fits the bill here; bit depressing but the lyrics ring true Every time when I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by, like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got the dues in life to pay I know nobody knows Where it comes and where it goes I know it's everybody sin You got to lose to know how to win Half my life Is books, written pages Live and learn from fools and From sages You know it's true, oh All these feelings come back to you Sing with me, sing for the years Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears Sing with me, just for today Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear Sing with me, just for today Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away Dream on Dream on Dream on Dream on until your dream come true DREAM ON big boy because if we didn't have dreams then what would we have. (now I must get some work done; tea break is over and I must get back on my head) Regards THJ
    2 points
  24. Good read as usual THJ full of brutal reality. Can you not have a word with Sheik Khaleed see if he also wants to invest in a sport just as exciting as Premier League Footy but currently just lacking a big enough audience ?. In my opinion there has never been a more persuasive time to get Council support (land , infrastructure and financial ) than right now. Keith Denham definitely has the resources to create a facility at Northside. The Thomas Armstrong Speedway Stadium sounds good to me. Maybe I will have won the Lottery by then anyway !!! For those whose pot is half empty ( THJ) 'Hope is being able to see despite all of the darkness' ! Now where did I put those anti depressants .
    2 points
  25. Rather have lambert tbh
    2 points
  26. Best of luck to Simon,Jacob and max who will find it hard in the main body,especially away from home.just need Lasse to sort himself out now.
    2 points
  27. SS you're not wrong and everyone who is/was passionate about the Comets is hurting, however I am not sure any of the former promotion who quite rightly should be applauded for their success in 2018 will want to disclose their role in the demise of the club and its ultimate failure to come to the tapes in 2019 or to give any details on what has actually gone on with the track or stadium. I would also add to that (non-disclosure) list any discussions that went on with third parties; the council; or the other sporting clubs involved. What I can add is; that there was a genuine intention to run this year however finances dictated otherwise before the track/ground issues were even considered. For me and as close as I was to the promotion they did try their best but the path they ultimately chose (or were led down) was not sustainable and unless you have a vibrant club (support wise) and in the Comets case that would have been around 750 adults paying around an average of £15:00 each per meeting the whole thing financially was not viable; then of course you could always look to a benefactor who has cash to spare and loves Speedway however KD a very competent businessman sank thousands into the spot before seeing the light and bailing out and of course we all know what has happened to LM and the position she now finds herself in with regards to losing her businesses and the club she loved dearly. Also this isn't a new phenomena to the Comets as previous owners of the club Eddie Thornborrow and Ron Bagley went through similar pain in the early 80's though not dissimilar it was finances that were the main influence in folding the club. However this is all water under the bridge and everyone (including Jenga) has a view on what the real reason was then as to why the spot folded. So you may only have some of the truth as to what has gone on and some sensible suggestions on here that are very near to the truth (and some a mile off) but I doubt you will get all of the real reasons, however it is hurting everyone who is/was passionate about their speedway in West Cumbria and those loyal fans who followed the team through thick and thin up and down the country let alone home meetings. The Supporters Trust and the Friends of Workington Speedway who in two seasons sank over £20k into the club setting up direct debits and paying in additional cash all to no avail; these people need answers for sure and no doubt if it ever came back these supporters again would be at the forefront of supporting the club. However I doubt it will ever come back now and I am normally a "pot half full" type of guy but in this case the pot is definitely half empty. Regards THJ Oh!!! got called away from me desk and see you have been at it again so I will stick this one on here as well to respond to. (have you retired; are you on holiday or do you just have time on your hands?) It would be nice to hear the "Clarion Call" and have something positive to look forward to but where will that come from? who will put up the cash or take the risk to run a business that has seen off Keith Denham and Laura Morgan in recent times and has (as pointed out above) a history of being a major financial risk and a gamble business wise over the years. As you state "Something along the lines of this would be nice and something we could all get behind": 'Due to the fact that the Workington Comets have had to be displaced from their home at Derwent Park in order to facilitate construction of the new Community Stadium the Council is giving the club its full backing in developing a new home on the site of the training track at Northside. (They weren't displaced? the club run out of money and folded before the ground issues started? if they came back they would now not have a viable home granted; so I would suggest this request is made to the council as you have directed it toward them and see what they say as it is not in any promotions gift to give to the fans) Such a move would reduce the costs of running the sport whilst allowing the club to directly benefit from income generated through food and drink sales. (Why should/would the council be concerned with this (making a private individual money?) and I would suggest it would be a hard sell as the speedway in general does not generate a vast amount of jobs in the community or support any cause that the council can get behind for them (the council) to garner any kudos from the process) There will be great opportunity for local businesses to get involved in the creation of this exciting new facility which see the continuation of what is a great family sport that has been embedded in local sporting heritage and culture over the last 50 years'. (what benefit is there at present to any local business, we (my company) have supported Speedway for the last 10 years and not one job has been earned from this advertising, not one new client has banged on our door saying here is a contract mate as you support the Speedway; and we are not alone in this as speaking to Alan Hedley of Sapphire Engineering a few years back with regards to business opportunity and speedway advertising he said that even as a main sponsor of a club he had not reaped one benefit business wise in all the years he sponsored the Diamonds; not one return for all that investment; again another sensible businessman with no axe to grind being honest) What the Comets needs first is a Promoter before there is any shouting about where a track can go, then the promoter will need to know what support the council will give him/her. Then a rational business decision will be made as to whether it is viable for the club to run, but again the big issue is support as 450 fans paying on average £15;00 per meeting does not pay for a championship team without secondary income, so where is all this money coming from? sponsorship? because again and what seems only prevalent in speedway is businesses would rather give money to the riders than the club! its crazy as surely no club; no riders! or am I missing something here? maybe the sponsors should pay the riders and save the clubs money that way! Look at what is successful in the Championship; Glasgow Model: Joking apart we know how they survive; they are losing money hand over fist however they have the support of a very successful company (and family) who back (financially) the Tigers along with some very generous sponsorship, it isn't a problem and it is working for them at present and long may it last, however if this support was racked back then things could be different. Scunthorpe Model: Rob Godfrey has a great set up at Scunny but he will be the first to tell you Speedway costs him money but it is what he loves, Rob owns and runs his venue and has other revenue streams which subsidise the Speedway and Rob runs a tight ship financially and I believe this is the way to go but it is difficult; Redcar and the motor park set up would fit at Northside however Redcar have not been without their own financial problems; and not looking for an argument from any of the clubs mentioned but the woes of speedway in general have been well debated on here with some very pragmatic and sensible arguments (by the likes of mikebv; halifaxtiger; bruv and others) and have been well put and debated to the "nth degree" but will they ever influence the "Powers that be"? I very much doubt it I hope I am wrong but I think it will be difficult for the sport to return to West Cumbria not withstanding the following 1. A Promoter willing to invest and run it as a business (a hobby or a charity) 2. A Promoter with the financial clout to front up all the costs required to join the BSPA 3. Support from the Council (land; infrastructure and financially) 4. A venue to run the sport from! as the DP option now I feel is dead 5. Other revenue streams (Scunny Model at a Motor Park type venue) 6. A fan base that at least exceeds 750 people paying on average £15:00 7. A viable business plan 8. BSPA support (or 9. A mug like me to win the Euro Lottery) I have just scratched the surface here and look forward to being picked apart by all and sundry but I think you had your response from the council with regard to the stadium some time back pre local elections; however what they have said and what they have done have been a total contradiction. As Private James Frazer said on many an occasion "we're doomed! SS "we're doomed! Apologies in advance Regards THJ
    2 points
  28. So know Danes or Brady, so much for fixed race nights, just aswell run on a Wednesday, what a shambles
    2 points
  29. Please ignore Zagar Racing. The guy picks names and clubs out of a hat.
    2 points
  30. You have obviously mellowed in your opinion of Jacob then over the years as you wrote this when a few of us Redcar fans wanted him in our 2018 team. "Seriously, what is it that Redcar fans see in Bukhave that the rest of us can't see. I saw a hard trying rider going nowhere, but hanging around to make himself available. I am aware of a personal attachment he may have with Redcar, but I think Konopka was a better bet than Bukhave. Honest opinion." Anyway at least his hanging around presented him an opportunity
    2 points
  31. I thoroughly recommend this book, a must for anyone interested in Newcastle speedway. Joe has produced a labour of love, I can only marvel at the work he has put in.
    2 points
  32. Its great to see a Lynn fan who understands the crap that Panthers fans have been served up so far, it is wrong that one man basically controls three clubs and many of the permutations of manipulation of what could happen are starting to unfold slowly Theres Lynn fans on here moaning about the state of the AFA track so the Lynn fan who loves to wind up the Panthers fans when they dare to mention the showground track will need to realise its a subject thats closer to home and has the same culprit. The showground doesnt take a battering from stock cars every week so maybe thats why its been easier to put right the early season problems
    2 points
  33. we have 2 hours 20 mins now, anyone give me 2 hrs 15. 2 hours 15 anyone, come on it's got to be worth 2 hours 15.
    2 points
  34. It's just a front to keep the missus happy
    2 points
  35. Problem is - very few, if any, of the "modern initiatives" seem to have succeeded (most have failed), therefore those that recall better times often feel that a return to what worked then would be worth a try
    2 points
  36. One of the great Speedway fixtures of years gone by , Tiger , Shrimp, Billy the Kid , Cowboy Cook , Siggy etc Lets hope its a cracker ! 49 - 41 Aces
    2 points
  37. We all know our sport is in a perilous state so why gloat in it??? It's not funny, it's serious and we need as a Sport to do something about it. Whilst my Team (Birmingham) cancel meeting with some ridiculous excuse about Power problems, at least Promotion at Eastbourne take time and effort to articulate actual reasons and give their Supporters respect all supporters deserve. No point any sensible Business opening if they know they are going to lose money so it seems that unlike most Promotions - Eastbourne actually have common sense; business sense and a glimmer of understanding about respecting their support. They have taken flak for this but if decision means they run in 2020 I applaud them as I fear we may lose a number of other clubs again this winter.
    2 points
  38. It's the promoters fault that the sport is on its knees. They failed to invest when times were good and have failed to promote when times are bad. They are not capable of selling their product to the british public. Tinkering with the rules every year isn't going to bring the fans back. There is no solution that isn't going to cost money. A top PR man or a national advertising campaign would cost a fortune, with no guarantees of success. Preparing a decent track and putting on a slicker show would be a start, but most seem incapable of acheiving this essential task. With the Poles now bullying the FIM into submission, speedway in this country will fall further behind the pecking order, if that's possible.
    2 points
  39. In this case neither can I as Jedd's average remains unchanged. however you could have the scenario where you sign a rider on a (not assessed) average of 6.5. for whatever reason his average drops to 4.00. you the release him just before his new GS average kicks in and replace him with another 6.00 rider. Then one month later reintroduce him to your side by replacing a 4.00 rider with him. Tho and behold he averages 6.00 again and you've strengthened up without strengthening up.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. The grandstand is constructed from a steel framework, infilled with concrete seat plinths and brick walls. The only wood used is on the seat planks which are laid and fixed on concrete seat plinths. All hand rails and crowd control barriers are steel tubing.
    1 point
  42. Nice theory but the lack of a home league match is probably more to do with having to fit in three cup matches, a Premiership shield fixture and three bank holiday Monday stock car meetings before any Premiership matches. Apart from that I don’t believe Cook would be part of something like that which deliberately shafted a set of fans, to me he seems more principled than that.
    1 point
  43. The fact that your original post was in response to a few of us Redcar fans wanting him in the team plans for 2018 would suggest we didn't agree at the time. He had shown improvement in the few visits he had made to Redcar after his initial spell, hence why some of us wanted him to get a place with the Bears. It's not a sign of weakness to admit you've come around to our way of thinking It was his assessed average that made it difficult to get a team place.
    1 point
  44. Can't imagine that the Buster "Monster" would even contemplate a portion of humble pie. I am in the camp of those who believe it was a planned outcome all along ( since Buster took over the three clubs ). Thus "The Monster Deal Maker" on the chessboard of UK speedway waves his wand.
    1 point
  45. Least Jakey should be back by then
    1 point
  46. The Cookie Monster I would think?
    1 point
  47. I'd love to hear something from Laura or Jacko on hear. The silence is deafening when most Comets fans are hurting.
    1 point
  48. You have to be there really to see the whole picture if reserves deserve extra rides or not,, reading words sometimes doesn't tell the whole story
    1 point
  49. Maybe there was no intention of ‘sorting it out in private’ and a different agenda lies behind it all Not answering phone calls, doesn’t sound like an intention to sort things out in private to me
    1 point
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