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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2019 in all areas

  1. You're not supposed to.... Nobody is.... That's the whole point of them....
    6 points
  2. I see that it might be to reduce costs, by having to employ cheaper riders, but some clubs have increased prices. So, in effect,,, their charging more, for less. Not sure that, that will work.
    4 points
  3. To attempt to create separation between the Prem and Champ sides as the level was previously incredibly similar. Buster wanted his top flight to be more superior in standard.
    4 points
  4. Think it is the Emil we all hoped to see in the GPs. It is the Emil I thought would be world champion.
    4 points
  5. The twitterings inside ZagarRacing's head
    4 points
  6. Might as well not have fixed race nights then lets all go back to our normsl race nights and have done with it !!!!
    4 points
  7. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, it may be right, it may not. But that won’t stop him coming on here and spouting bõllocks
    3 points
  8. From the euphoria of last season to the misery of this. What a devastating end for the Comets and their fans.
    3 points
  9. It's not the points limit at all it's because clubs can barely pay the seven riders they have so the BSPA are trying to tighten down on the build points so cheaper riders are drafted in from the leagues below... that's why 6 man teams were given such serious consideration but it's all false economy and promotions don't do the right thing. Plus there aren't enough riders in each league band level to fully support and supply riders for their respective upper leagues... If there were around 100 riders for each league structure there wouldn't be an issue... however we only have around 120 riders for the top two leagues and some riders are getting pushed on to early when they are possibly not ready and a bit out of their depth... Don't get me started on this cos it really boils my bladder... I honestly feel now the whole thing needs to collapse for a season and come back in a totally different guise... but it will never happen however here's a prediction... I don't think Workington will be the only casualty in 2019... Regards THJ
    3 points
  10. Good work Jason!!! If only J.C. was based in the U.K. nowadays, on top of everything else we could have a decent commentator for the T.V. meetings.........
    3 points
  11. I sincerely hope Cookie has a premiership place, he is flying and needs to be riding more, but I feel for the Peterborough fans as they have been shafted big time, before season started I thought they had named a cracking team and it was dismantled. Having 1 guy own 3 teams is crazy.
    3 points
  12. Come on guys this is 2019 not 2014 i think it is unquestionable that Jacob is now a far better rider than Scott is nowadays. Jacob coming back in will really strengthen Wolves now both home and away .
    3 points
  13. Another master marketing stroke in the offing then?
    3 points
  14. We see the same riders at the NSS as at every other PL track and yet they give 100%, they try different lines and racing is often fast and close. The only conclusion I can draw from that is that the problem doesn't lie with the riders but with the tracks.
    3 points
  15. I think that ship sailed some time ago. If Lynn management had actually listened and tried to improve things (even unsuccessfully) maybe a few more of the ex attenders would still go. However when complaints and suggestions are ignored it gets to the point of why bother. There are a rising number who have reached that stage.
    3 points
  16. Wont be the first time clubs have lied about the line ups. Usually only find out riders are missing on the parade
    3 points
  17. Spot on... The margins for big % success are so huge given the poor levels of attendance at most tracks, that just a small increase every week will generate significantly more money.. I suggested something similar to a Promoter several years ago... Get 100 regulars together (who are interested in helping) and give them 10 tickets to bring 10 friends/colleagues. That alone would swell the crowd by 1000 if all turn up so would have made the sport look popular in itself.. Then over the next few weeks do discounted tickets gradually moving up to full price in the fifth meeting for the newbie, ie 75% discount, 50% discount, 25% discount then full price.. Hopefully by then, after five meetings, the newbie would start to follow the team and sport... He was worried about the fans using tickets as freebies for friends and family but I told him there are far more than 100 fans who would be happy to pay full price themselves and see their team prosper and use the tickets with integrity.. He said the tickets would cost the club 8 grand (£8 a ticket at the time) so he wasnt sure of its viability.. The reality of course was the only cost was for 1000 tickets being printed and that would have cost him about £30 back then, with the chances of any regulars getting a freebie being minimal, and even if they did it would have meant hardly any 'real' loss, given it would have been such a very low number... The mindset of a promoter...
    3 points
  18. So a rearranged Danish fixture on an off night for them still takes precedence over our SGBP fixture which has been on the approved FIM International fixture list since the start of the season!? That's really putting the bspa in its place!!!
    3 points
  19. That I don’t doubt, but it’s a fluke by putting 2 & 2 together. Time will tell.
    2 points
  20. One of Speedways finest tracks gone.
    2 points
  21. Heat 15 : https://youtu.be/6nTctUfM0e8
    2 points
  22. Wasn’t that said to be the main reason for dropping down to remain on a Wednesday? Glorious day in Highbridge today, and a perfect night for speedway!
    2 points
  23. Which itself is crazy They wont use an average from 2017 if 2018 was missed but will accept if a rider has EVER achieved the required level to satisfy this rule Bonkers
    2 points
  24. Clearly the weight of his balls helped with the grip
    2 points
  25. Dropping down partly but then to remain on a weds I would say is a bigger reason
    2 points
  26. Shirley you will get more than one point .. brum look ineffective .
    2 points
  27. I think some just want to see nothing but constant passing,,, very rare in speedway,,,, now if you do want to see that though,,, watch moto3
    2 points
  28. ...I must have been watching a different match...maybe it does not show on telly, but there was some great racing ! Been to Stoke many times, can't say I was that impressed, no comparison !
    2 points
  29. Unless it's in the interest of the sport of course
    2 points
  30. IF that happens, and Cookie is at the Showground next Monday riding for Lynn, it could well be the straw that broke the camels back for many Panthers fans...
    2 points
  31. Pickering has talent and he will be picked up by someone.
    2 points
  32. I take your point but why would anyone carry on going to meetings handing over £18 just to keep a club going - If as a fan you feel your money is better spent on other things that you enjoy more that’s what your going to do - if the club listened to ex fans concerns it would be something but they don’t it’s there way or no way . I still class myself as a speedway fan I watch on tv every meeting I can but I choose to keep my £18 for other things .
    2 points
  33. I was fortunate to have seen Ronnie ride on a weekly basis at Plough Lane, plus a few Dons aways from 1969 -72. He was a supreme stylist and a brilliant team rider. He is without a doubt, one of my favourite riders of all time.
    2 points
  34. Emil obviously thought before the race, "I am sure there's a bit of grip up near the fence I reckon I could use"... I was watching it downstairs and my 16 year old lad was watching it in his room... As it ended he flew down the stairs and screamed "Dad! Did you f*****g see that!?".. Amazing what instantaneous reaction this sport can still bring isn't it? A reaction so very few others can match.. NB (I blame the parents for their kids poor language obviously)
    2 points
  35. Frank was the best referee. One evening at Arena Essex it was forcast to rain about an hour after start time. Dot on start time as the announcer said that there would be no parade and the first heat would be coming on track the two minute warning sounded. As the 4th place rider got half way around the bend after finishing at the end of each race the two minute warning was sounded for the next race. A couple of fallers slowed things down a bit but we saw 15 races on a dry track and the rain soaked the crowd as they made their way to the car park after the quickest meeting I have ever attended. Just wish all referees would get through meetings as quickly as Frank did.
    2 points
  36. They made a hell of a lot of changes to Ipswich in the winter? Have you been hibernating? The general feedback from fans is that attendance is up and racing improved but like at Swindon BT meeting none of that was reflected to the watching viewer. Lots of Ipswich fans decided to stay at home because of no price reduction and having had a meeting on Thursday. its the promotions (and BT) that are missing a trick. All TV meetings should be 10 or 12 pound to get a crowd in and partially funded by BT. Swindon offered reduction at their BT match and had a good crowd, that requires for some thought from those who promote the sport.
    2 points
  37. Somebody has put a lot of thought into that format. Redcar are to be congratulated on putting something a little bit different on. I wish them a very successful meeting. Just wish I didn't live so far away as I would like to see how it works out.
    2 points
  38. Harris 2019 League ave..... 4.00 Home 2.50 Away 5.33 Whoever the rider is 2.50 for a home number 1 is not acceptable. not even acceptable for a reserve! But hang on a minute.....Thats for his meetings that will count to his average, what about the ones that dont count ? If you look at the 6 matches in the Supporters Cup where his scores are not used for his average then its much more like a number 1 Home 7.73 Away 7.38 Total 7.57 Hmmmmmmmmm interesting... does enough in Cup matches to think he is worth keeping but reduces aves in matches that count to drop his ave. Wonder if he will have a midseason shift of clubs again?
    2 points
  39. Cant see Cook coming to any of Busters three sides.
    2 points
  40. He wasn’t exactly their lucky mascot though was he!
    2 points
  41. Reminded me of Phil Crump at Somerton Park Newport, with his back wheel on the fence for most of the race!
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Yes, in an attempt to make the top league 'look' better, rather than trying to 'make' the top league better
    1 point
  44. Steve could have got away with 36 points if both the national & championship league's had merged and create a much better league with more English riders rather than foreigners like back in the 70's with the exception of 1 or 2 & I think the crowds ( not all of them ) would still be able to keep clubs afloat I maybe wrong but that's my thinking of it.. what you think..
    1 point
  45. No info. But perks has put that he as big news coming. And put #premiership. So it's a guess at which club
    1 point
  46. Along with the so called backers who promised funding after our record breaking season,they've all run to the hills, it appears now we're out of sight and very much out of mind
    1 point
  47. I don't agree, nor would folk at Leicester. Your complaint about 38-point limit is based on under-performing riders, not the limit.
    1 point
  48. I don't think that is an insurmountable challenge. When I worked for a large local employer I knew most of the people there who attended speedway. Therefore, let's say I was a Robins Ambassador, I could "invite" 20 people from my work to attend speedway for free each week and escort them through a meeting. If clubs were really invested in this the it could also include a pre-meeting pit walk, meet and greet with a rider and even watching a heat from the centre green, all things that cost nothing for a club to put on. If there were 10 ambassadors, each bringing 20 new fans per week and if only 10% of them returned as paying customers, over the course of a 20 meeting season it would generate 200 new fans and increase income by over £30,000. All for little more than a bit of effort.
    1 point
  49. When you've dug some up - can you please ship it down south?! Many thanks.
    1 point
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