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As others have said, once again, those running the sport in this country have shown that they haven't got a bloody clue. 20 years of TV coverage now and STILL they haven't grasped how to use it to market the sport.7 points
Time to abandon this before someone gets injured. Dangerous track. Perhaps Chris Louis should call up Matt Ford for advise in preparing a decent track.6 points
Don't worry.. Jeremy Corbyn Fan seems like he knows something. And I think I've found his sauce6 points
Every time I see a race like that at the NSS I secretly thank Chris Morton.6 points
Question as to why no deal has been offered is who made that decision, Buster or Chris Louis? Whoever it was I feel is rather short sighted with the potential of getting more people in than usual for the cameras and for future meetings. I just think they've missed an opportunity here that just maybe could cost them in the future, but it is only my opinion of course.4 points
Secretly ? I think every speedway should thank him. This achievement should be shouted from the highest pedestal . He was the person who knew want needed to be done..4 points
Well it'll please my dog because he'll get a nice walk at Ferry Meadows on Thursday evening.3 points
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Promoters know best.... I would suspect anyone with a faint knowledge of the sport flicking channels will not be in any way shape or form thinking "I must go and watch Speedway".. Two hours of prime time advertising completely unused and wasted.. On nights like this you would think promotions would work together as a collective and subsidise the whole of the meetings costs as 'The BSPA' and advertise every meeting around the country taking place this week during the two hours of the broadcast.. Let everyone in for free and give the impression the sport is booming, and hope that by informing those around the country watching that there is a meeting close to them in the next six days, they might attend.. You could even do interviews with the relevant promoters where they could advertise their own meeting and maybe do some special offers live on TV.. But as I say.. Promoters know best..3 points
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I would take that risk and it has to be remembered the times could come down, given more practice and advice on how to ride our track. He certainly attacks the track, bike pops a bit and gearing sounds too low. We have nothing to lose IMO, Simon is not doing what he was appointed to do and List could improve with more track time. Something has to change.3 points
The problem is not that promoters / the BSPA / Buster Chapman miss so many opportunities, the problem is that they don't see those opportunities.3 points
Mort went to various tracks all over Europe watching races on them. He took bits of the track from all he saw and put it together in 1 track. Which is now the NSS and voalaaa Incidentally. He made sure he designed the track first and have the stadium fit around it. Others fit a track inside a stadium. Morts way is deffo best3 points
it appears at the moment, any negativity is from the people who are complaining about the negativity on the forum. I haven't experienced a great deal of negativity in recent times on this forum The demise of speedway in the UK is not just happening in Berwick, but at nearly every speedway club in the UK, Berwick has to take responsibility for it's share in the demise, as all promoters are culpable in it's organisation, or lack of it. When the cost of running a business outstrips it's income, then it is doomed to fail, it is then incumbent on the business to bring it's cost in line with it's income. It does however appear that in many cases promoters are increasing the prices it bring themselves in line with their expenditure. The net result in a very cash strapped society, they have out priced themselves, and it is no longer affordable. This is the main reason crowds are falling, time to stop blaming the customer and provide what the customer wants to buy at an affordable level.3 points
To be fair it also had something to do with Danny King, Drew Kemp, Broc Nichol and especially Kyle Howarth as well. Sheffield were the first team to arrive at Shielfield this season with all of the riders willing to get stuck in and race. Newcastle and Glasgow had a couple but were mostly passengers, Edinburgh just couldn't be arsed with the exception of Luke Ruddick. Virtually every point on Saturday was earned the hard way and that led to close racing, errors under applied pressure, crashes, a visiting side comeback. Mind you someone on here reckons it was the worst meeting of the season so far ... Seems you can't please some - or maybe they had their whinge set to auto-publish at 21.053 points
I had realised my mistake previously but choose to be in keeping with Poole and not correct it3 points
You're still missing the point but hey ho all is well and good in the world of speedway so why does it need to tell people that it's there.3 points
How many fans would or would not have attended is a matter of speculation. Probably a fewer number but the hardcore that attend would have still been there. The possible lower income would have been offset so some degree by the lower appearance money needed to pay for a 3 point NL rider compared to what would have been paid to a CL #1. OK a short term financial hit, but one that could be recovered from. What the long term financial hit will be of losing the trust and confidence of the paying public will be, only time will tell. But when the public lost confidence in Gerald Ratner, Perrier, and others, history tells its own story. As for resigning, the Birmingham promotion is made up of The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost...if one resigns, there are still two left. And it sends a message to other promoters about the consequences of their conduct too. Consider the alternative...the last time a promoter came up with a "no electricity here" excuse, he was elevated to Chairman of the BSPA. Is that really the precedent that you want the sport to follow??3 points
and as a viewer i enjoy the semi finals and final. it adds tension and excitement. no issue from my side with gp winner potentially being the 8th highest scorer, ultimately that's not important, the main aim for riders getting the most points towards the title. i think current point system is perfect, would be very disapointed if they tinkered with it.3 points
Now that the dust seems to have settled a bit on this business, I'd like to put forward some of my own observations. I'm not trying to blame anyone and nor am I trying to defend anyone - just giving my own thoughts on an unfortunate matter which I agree, has been damaging for speedway as well as for Birmingham. Speedway is not like football in which a club can field a seriously weakened team and still get a draw or even fluke a win by packing their defence and playing in a negative way. Speedway matches have to be competitive and for this to be the case, the competing teams need to be reasonably balanced. If the meeting had gone ahead last Wednesday, then Birmingham would have been obliged to track a team which had no chance of making a competitive match of it, so to postpone it made economic sense. Those who suggest that the BSPA should take "action" should realise that matches are postponed and re-arranged quite frequently (albeit usually with a bit more notice than this one!) - and that Birmingham and Eastbourne had agreed a re-staging date BEFORE the announcement of the cancellation was made, so no rules were broken in that respect. I agree that to come up with a fictitious reason for the postponement was unwise, and is probably now regretted, but I don't think this was done with the intention of hoodwinking the supporters who are well able to put two and two together - more as a wish to provide the media with a plausible reason. This situation is not unique - it has been done before and it will be done again. I'm not saying I like it - I don't, but to a point I can understand the reasoning. Last season, Poole postponed one of their home matches in exactly the same circumstances, and made no secret of their reason for doing this. They did it "honestly" as some have suggested, and likewise, they and their opponents had agreed an alternative staging date before the call-off was announced, but this did not prevent or lessen the volley of internet criticism which came their way. The rules say that a guest or rider-replacement cannot be used for a missing rider if he has not previously ridden for you. This is fair enough and would have been applied in this instance (although by splitting hairs) it could be argued that Adam Ellis HAS previously ridden for Birmingham, and the question has been asked (but not answered) as to why this rule was not applied to Wolverhampton who have been missing Nick Morris all season and who has never yet ridden in their colours? Birmingham have had a rough time of it so far this season and most will agree that the team has looked fragile, so if there is to be a case of turning a blind eye to the rule to help out a struggling club in a meeting which to all intents and purposes is a dead rubber, then surely this should have been the one? I don't expect many to agree with me on this, and I really don't mind that - but I thought I'd set down my two-pennorth!3 points
3 points
So once again British speedway changes rules mid season, and have scrapped the national trophy final, and another piece of credibility of the sport goes out the window. now certainly no sour grapes here as today's away win puts us in prime position to win. But how can you start a competition trying to get a top 2 spot, (so potentially aim for an away point rather then taking risks) and then change it is beyond me. And to just change the page on the BSPA site without making any press releases.... On the bspa website after fridays match, the bspa even quoted in the first line of the match report that Mildenhall have one foot in the final..... So what's changed since Saturday morning? I really love my sport, but really starting to see why people are leaving British speedway and doing monthly trips to Poland instead. Just means more meaningless fixtures kow when teams can no longer qualify, meaning lower crowds. So there is mo winner here.2 points
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Could you imagine what the pesky Panthers fans would say if you did get Cookie2 points
He only rode one track well, and that was Swindon’s big open track which he loved. They’ve even shortened that now and he didn’t like it the other week! His Away form has always been rubbish. He has a 6-7 point average solely due to scoring heavily on the old Swindon track. He’s a weak link and it could end up costing us a successful season if we don’t act before his average drops.2 points
Good job MPT was there.Would of been a lot worse. Ty started the season on a little under a 7. Lambos back up . I know he fell last night, but after tonight he has dropped around 2 points off his average. Hes had 4 home and 4 away I think.Some ain't league so don't count to his average, but in all competitions he has averaged under 5. Lewis although not there tonight (hope his daughter is ok, that's the main concern) but he has dropped over 1.5 from his average. Not a knee jerk reaction, I've said it a week or 2 ago.2 points
Jeez if they have signed bates for bjerre what's the point ...they'll still be cannon fodder. Bates has had some great meetings at showground but that was on a track where big balls round the fence won races . tracks nothing like that now2 points
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Think Buster should swap Bellego and Wright around between his teams im sure the Panthers fans will understand2 points
Ritchie Worrall is plop but must go and say it to his face and tell him he must be dropped.2 points
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Time to ditch tv before it kills off league speedway Time to ditch Monday as a league night Time to use Fridays and Saturdays for better attendances2 points
Well done David Bellego….. superb Oh wait..... How many times did they say Bellego name, the number 6 is a give away!2 points
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Why Don’t they have a open meeting invited as many 4 pointers and riders without teams etc to it and see who wins Kent have been having matches against select teams just to keep people coming on the race night2 points
Exactly what happening with us..... £10 deal (or similiar) and we would be there.... So thats 14 regulars not going.... £252 lost and counting. Also there is none next week.... so much for weekly speedway.2 points
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You can go down your local and ask them to switch on BT Sport and spend £18 on beer. The club have known for weeks about this meeting, simply posting on social media doesn't mean it reaches millions instantly but good social media marketing would reach alot of people locally. Posting a tweet and expecting retweeted only really hit the same fans week in week out, should have invested a few hundred notes from the BT post and done a big campaign to get people in for £10 and if it attracts new fans in who knows they might come back for a few meetings later Missed opportunity2 points
I don't mind criticism, but it would be more helpful if you were to enter into debate, and put forward your ideas to help stop the demise of speedway not just at Berwick but in the wider context. It's quite obvious there is a problem, and the longer it persists the more likely that it will fail, now is the time to get everyones heads out of the sand and be realistic. Would hate any other club to be where Workington are now2 points
15.14 TOP SCORER’S HEAT (Heat 15 in SGBP, SGBC and ND League Competitions 15.14.1 Gate Positions are determined by the outcome of the Coin Toss at the start of the Meeting. 15.14.2 The Home Team Manager nominates first, but once nominated these cannot be amended, except by the Referee should the nomination not conform to the Regulations. 15.14.3 Nominations must be a ‘qualified’ Rider, as follows: - a) Any rider in the 1-5 by MA (subject to them not already having taken 7 rides) b) a reserve (6th and 7 th by MA) who is in the top 3 point scorers (including bonus points) from their programmed rides (subject to them not already having taken 7 rides). If a rider is disqualified for an offence under Art. 15.3 a Team Manager may choose either of the following options: - i) the disqualified rider can start on a 15 m handicap in positions c or d (the opposing team does not change gate positions) ii) is replaced by a reserve who will start from the same gate position at the tapes (subject to not having already taken 7 rides). For a 2 nd offence the rider will be disqualified with no replacement permitted. NB: If a qualified rider is withdrawn or has no equipment the Team Manager must nominate another qualified rider. In a re-run of heat 15 a non-disqualified rider who is unable to take part may be replaced by a reserve or another ‘qualified’ ride2 points
Yes a cracking meeting and fair play to Leicester who did deserve the and will certainly pick up some trophies I see the official excuse for the defeat was ....... bad luck ............. hmmmm ......... when our riders fall its bad luck but not oppositions Bates and Douglas fell in scoring positions and I felt Perks was harshly excluded when Bjerre clearly clouted him going into turn 1 We have problems everywhere .... Our heat leaders are frankly not performing ................ steve excellent when bike working ... but having too many issues Jorgensen is just so inconsistent its untrue (rubbish in heat 4 then brilliant in heat 7 to average in heat 10, excellent in heat 11 and then nowhere in heat 13 !!!) and Bjerre has been awful and his 4 point haul summed it all ... he's not gating and he is slow and certainly has no idea about the quickest way around Brough Lambert and Philips are struggling.... very badly - the former cant ride the track and the latter aint good enough Saving grace - Wethers + Clegg .. riding very well (certainly at home) It is clear now that the team isn't good enough ..... regardless of what the promotion says ....... its 4 home defeats in 6 and I cant recall us ever starting like that I applaud George for being loyal to his riders , but drastic surgery is required and I hate saying it but Bjerre, Lambert and Philips need replacing2 points
There are a lot of fans who still go to speedway, but do not post on this forum. Mainly because it is the same comments over and over again, regardless of what actually happens on track! Fantastic start to the season, but - in reality - there is absolutely no point posting that on here =D2 points
I cannot believe it.I checked table the other day to see if Kent did lose at Mildenhall they would still have a decent chance to get to FINAL!!!! Now it has changed with NO mention whatsoever???? How can you start season with same rules and suddenly change!!!!! Takes away two meaningful meetings for TWO teams. There is so few fixtures anyway which is why Kent are trying to fill with (let me say)less than meaningful fixtures.2 points
Not sure how Eastbourne could gone to CL + not included Eddie Kennett his average will in next few months reach a true level probably around 8.50. Lawson and Kerr give them a very good top 3. It's easy to come up with "names" and being a Saturday track not easy to attract people like Adam Ellis / Bradley Wilson-Dean, Nick Morris who may have been options for them with Lakeside and Eastbourne links who are trying to get rides and are getting rides in Poland. They will likely replace Brennan temporarily as he is now 4th in averages but I don't think they'll want to use RR for a month, like all Clubs they will get benefit of increase in points limit from 38 to 40 after June 30th. They are also in Shield semi and likely KOC R2 so if they can arrange those for after 30 June could be a side to be very wary of in latter stages of both Competitions; especially if they focus on those as targets. Counter with Brummies who I support who are already out of Shield and likely out of KOC and realistically a tough League Campaign ahead. When CL season ends don't think 1 point losses to Glasgow and Leicester will look too bad v likely Top 4 which I think will be those 2 plus Berwick and Redcar.2 points
As 'bloom' said, a good advert for speedway. There might be a case for having some bad luck,,, but ye shouldn't be relying on luck at home2 points
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