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None of those will have a Witches race jacket/suit on though so I’ll save my money to watch the team I support6 points
Just tell the truth. Issue a statement saying they are not prepared to take a financial hit with Ellis not riding. It's not hard is it.5 points
It's an absolute joke that Sweden get priority over cup matches. It's still an official meeting. And one that I should imagine most fans and promoters will want to win. (Who doesnt want a trophy) They say they only get priority for cup matches but come on.... that's where it starts. You know ho the rest will go.5 points
I don't want to ignore him. I think his inane, bitter rambling, and ability to get everything completely wrong, is hilarious. And that's a FACT (probably). Anyway, I'm off to hand in my resignation at work. Once I have no money coming in, and the mortgage, council tax, gas, electric, etc start to build up into thousands, that will mean I have money to burn. FACT. (I assume). p.s. Isn't this thread supposed to be about "Craig Cook ; What next?" The poor sod's been left out of every Premiership team in the country and forgotten, now he's being left out and forgotten from his own thread!4 points
Sorry that makes zero sense to me. It doesn’t matter who the riders are, where they come from or their nationality. The current seven riders that are wearing Witches kevlars are representing my home town team, the team I support so of course they’re my team. If a rider or two are missing for whatever reason, whoever comes in for one meeting only and wears a Witches race jacket, will also be representing “my team”. We’ll agree to disagree.4 points
3 points
Think that was a tongue in cheek comment I don’t think any of us really think we’re going to win the title this year. All most of us wanted in our first season back in the top flight was to see some good racing, and to be competitive and so far we’ve succeeded on both counts.3 points
The HUGE difference is of course that he doesn't ride for three teams in the SAME league... Like British Speedway allows... In fact they allow riders to ride for EVERY team in the same league.. And Chris Harris, Scott Nicholls and Rory Schlein in particular seem to do their level best every year to achieve this feat. . Riders should be allowed to ride for as many teams globally and domestically as they want and can, if that is the only way they can make a living, however, it should simply be for ONE team only in each League.. Otherwise it means the Leagues themselves have no integrity, no credibility and ultimately therefore no relevance.. And if the Leagues have no relevance, why bother to attend? Poland and Sweden allows riders to domestically ride for more than one club but never in the same League. . Meaning their Leagues do have integrity, credibility and relevance.. They also have decent National media coverage, National companies sponsoring their clubs, and very decent fan bases.. (I wonder if those things are linked?) I would suggest that if they ran the British Speedway operating model they would have none of the three positive attributes above.. In fact, just like British Speedway... It's 2019, we live in a 24 hours non stop media age... What you could get away even 20 years ago, never mind 50, you now can't... Time to do it properly or not bother at all I would say, it's current operating model isn't fit for purpose now, and definitely isn't fit for the future...3 points
Ignore this guy he’s an ex freeloader who is peed off he can’t get in for nowt anymore so spends his time spreading lies. I stopped listening to him as I struggled to hear him anyway over the sound of him grinding his axe.3 points
Come on now.... It wouldn't be Speedway (in Britain), without some made up septet improved by bringing ringers in would it? You can get away with in British Speedway what you cannot do in my lads U16 Sunday Football League as they all need photo profiles to show they are registered players on the league website, which the ref checks before the game.. British Speedway.... Tee Hee... I wonder if they have ever considered doing 'fixed nights' for all the main European leagues to avoid such clashes? Seriously, if you are going to have clashes, like happens every year, and you end up running loads of contrived nonsense meetings, like happens every year, then you might as well do it at weekends when crowds would be bigger.. Especially now the Football season is virtually finished.. The SoN at BV showed what a Saturday night crowd was like versus running the same meeting on a Monday or a Thursday... You wouldn't have had a full house on either evening.. It's OK now for it all to be 'made up', the fans that are left expect nothing else, so do it when most of them can/will attend.. It doesn't really matter who wins..3 points
Save for how long? This year? Two? For years now every time the premiership gets into trouble they con teams from the Championship into moving up, they then get into trouble and move back down again or go bust. They try the same thing over and again and hope for a different outcome each time. This time no one was stupid enough to move up so Chapman did what he did to buy the league another year or two. Whilst I'm pleased that things are going well for Ipswich at the moment, I still think this will end badly... And I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be feeling sorry for Peterborough fans2 points
Top class performance, Barker back , all contributed, Bacon excellent 6+1 , 2 wins for Greaves , Charles excellent again2 points
I would rather be in championship,,, but it currently looks like the prem will be easier for us to win2 points
I've attended many meetings at Wolves over many years. It can provide good racing. Passing on the outside does happen but the overwhelming number of passes occur on the inside coming out of bends 2 and 4. The track is prepared to provide extra grip coming out of those bends. Understandably, the home riders become more familiar with the track and can often be seen taking advantage of those lines, whereas away riders can often be seen taking too wide a line or drifting too wide. Obviously, there are track specialists who don't ride for Wolves, who know exactly how to ride the track and top riders who can quickly adapt to most tracks. However, many riders today have relatively little consistent experience of racing on tight technical tracks and 2 or 3 visits to Wolves each year doesn't give them sufficient opportunity to master it. Time and time again I have watched decent riders lose out to Wolves riders taking advantage of the grip coming out of the bends but seemingly unable to adapt to take advantage of it themselves. To be clear, there's nothing wrong with the track or the way it is prepared. Every team tries to create a track that gives home advantage but it is less apparent and advantageous for those tracks that are within the more usual parameters for size and shape. Wolverhampton has always been a track I enjoy visiting because of the racing but I concur with others, that it is no longer prepared as it was in the Doc Bridgett days and that the level of entertainment has suffered as a consequence.2 points
Yeah Lindgren struggled from the back clocking up 10+ home averages whilst missing the gate in half his races. You couldn't have chosen a worse example.2 points
No he isn't on his own, but he is an improvement on what a couple of the current riders are doing with the track you now have. If you want a magic button that's going to instantly make Panthers title contenders, why don't you trot off down the bottom of the garden, go shake the magic money tree and make everything better. Easy to stand there and tell everyone what's needed but someone has to pay for it, and it's clear the present owner isn't willing to. It's easy for Neil to say how everything would have been affordable under Ged but the fact is he DID sell the club yet Neil seems to tell us he didn't need to , everything was affordable and it would have been a bumper season. What like the last few where the begging bowl constantly came out. Panthers have a number of problems, from the top to the bottom. But it does seem to me that a number of Panthers fans seem to think they are entitled to a successful season and that the somehow throwing their toys out the pram will make it all better.2 points
As usual you have missed the point. If the crowds are poor, which they are and BV are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds every season, which they are, then they must have tons of cash to burn. FACT.2 points
I thought the deal was that Monday’s and Thurs were protected as Top flight ( I know, dont laugh) Speedway in the UK. So that’s all gone by the wayside. Who negotiated that deal, Teresa May ?2 points
2 points
So unofficial,,, must be a practice,,, so free to get in then2 points
Shows how often I go there. Last time it was poolepirates.co they should have an automatic re-direct on that domain name.2 points
Typical buster track thinking fast times is the B all, who really gives a stuff about track records, thinking the track must be good if the track record is broken, not giving any thoughts to entertainment and that's what any sport is about ENTERTAINMENT.2 points
Loads of tracks have pulled fast ones over the years and got away with it. I know Belle Vue got punished for the hose pipe fiasco, but that is an exception to the rule. You had Eastbourne with the 'stolen' generators and last season Mildenhall refusing to turn up for an away match. Most of these incidents are swept under the carpet and quickly forgotten. The long suffering fans just get used to it.2 points
Second leg of KO cup. Bears holding. 17 point lead from the first leg. Will it be enough for the Bears to progress ?. I reckon it will. Reserves hold the key . Charles will be ...Charles, reliable, and a terrific rider to boot. Lets hope MPT keeps his form and Bens machinery holds good. UTB !!1 point
1 point
Lets face it Ipswich fans have been waiting such along time to be champions again, im sure a few more months wont bother them if and its a big if it actually happens.1 point
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1 point
No badge,, we having a house party round one of the massif,, unless a deal on the offering1 point
And our horns were a pound each,,,, so not exactly a massif outlay1 point
Yeah - or just lie to your paying public. Whatever floats your boat I suppose.1 point
Having lost my team some 14 years ago, it's far easier to watch the sport without any emotional attachment. I couldn't care less who wins as long as the track is well prepared and i get to see some decent racing. As for the rule bending and other farces that appear almost on a weekly basis, well i just take it on the chin. Surely there isn't anyone left that takes the sport seriously.1 point
I find it tiresome when people keep referring to Poland as the model to aspire to. Thirty plus years ago they had nowhere near the number of supposed high class foreigners in their leagues as they do now but still got huge crowds, suggesting that fans there support the sport, not the perceived level of rider. Germany can also get sizeable attendances. The reasons for this are not simply down to the racing on offer but encompass many other factors including other leisure-time options and historical support levels. However, I'm not over there I'm here and will continue to support British speedway and team speedway in general. I've watched several Polish meetings, they are just as varied as ours in terms of the racing itself and because I have no affinity with the teams I find it quite dull. I can also take or leave the GPs, because I don't support any particular rider in the series so couldn't really care less who wins.1 point
Buster's biggest contibution now should be to just try to put the track back to what it was previously, whatever hes done appears to of destroyed much of the entertainment factor and seems to of had a massive impact on the home riders in the team, anyone who follows any sport thinks they know best and will always give there opinion, even Ipswich fans were moaning before the start of the season at the team being assembled but have been surprised at the way there team is performing now. As for money trees there out of stock at the garden centres at the moment as Bolton Wanderers fans have bought them all apparently.1 point
I will be doing practice + qualifying it`s a first so I want to say `I was there!!!`.Only the cost of a £4 programme. Not exactly going to break the bank. I always find it interesting to see the different lines the riders take. Just sitting in that stadium is worth the money. So seeing 5.30 practice then 7pm qualifying it`s a must for me. Shame that it`ll be missing Tai & a bunch more following the insertion of Stal Gorzow v Wroclaw match on friday evening. Boy is Tai going to have a busy weekend with Wroclaw v Torun on sunday as well.1 point
1 point
Tight git they do normally have some English in the programmes- what you going to fill the results in on- a fag packet Normally i would have also said forget practice- i have fallen asleep at more than one !!! however this new flying lap qualifying could be interesting and if i was there i think i would take a look.1 point
Many of those like myself in this case are not posting as they want to be negative - quite the opposite. Its because we care and want to see it turn around When someone is critical of a team or rider performance or even management decisions it actually shows their passion in most cases (even if the way it comes across isnt always the best)1 point
Another hour or so, and I will be on the way to St Pancaras to get the Eurostar to Berlin.... Cant wait, normally the first visit is most exciting, but knowing how cool a city Warsaw is, I am a kid in a sweet shop.....1 point
Where is Charles Wright or perhaps you don't think he's done enough to retain his place .1 point
If they just told the truth and said we dont want to race as no facility for the unavailable ellis the public may have grumbled but would have worn it. By all this cobblers they drag the club thru the mire.1 point
To be fair, given the dust bowl that is Wimborne Road I would have thought most Poole fans have to go on Twitter to see the result....1 point
1 point
I think you are wrong, why should a rider use sub standard equipment and score less to make less money it makes no sense. His gating has never been his best asset so a poor score at Wolverhampton is of little relevance. If he scores poorly in his next meeting at Kings Lynn your argument would hold a little more water.1 point
Poole look stronger with those changes. Nicholls remains a track specialist and the Swindon fella was very impressive a couple of weeks back and seemed to love the place. Not really bothered about this one in all honesty, we have bigger fish to fry. More concerned about the current league leaders picking up another 3 points against Wolves on Monday1 point
You make him out to be an established rider in the SGP,he's still a youngster who is bound to be inconsistent.Listening to the radio commentary Lambert too gave a 100% in his races busting a gut to overtake.It was a night where he failed to gate,and as a couple of Wolves fans have said a lot of it was gate and go,and one of the worst meetings Bruno had seen at Monmore unfortunately.That's how it goes and many SGP riders have done the same no doubt in the past.1 point
To be fair the track was not at it's best and a lot of it was gate and go. In the first half the Stars were gating and in the second half Wolves were, to get the win. Final score was perhaps flattering to Wolves. Shouldn't worry about Lambert, he's a great rider that I enjoy watching. It just didn't happen for him tonight including bike problems in heat 1. He's done better than this at Monmore in the past.1 point
Of course he is, he says, or someone does on his behalf, all the right things on social media, he encouraged fans to get behind him last year, put their names all over his van and kevlars etc etc He's also a local up Manchester way and I thought did all the right things by the club. He's been honest about his problems which goes a long way with fans too.1 point