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i think the only thing Buster is guilty of this year is trying to make the sport more financially viable. by setting strict pay caps it means the clubs are run to a proper budget and don't overstretch themselves, something that's been needed for many years, and by now having 3 teams it means nearly half the league adhear to that, instead of just 1 team each year. if the other teams followed suit then it would get rid of a lot of the "will they run won't they" every year ... ok, so there will be some riders that won't ride here, but surely it would then show who is bleeding the leagues dry without getting extra income on the terraces to cover that.9 points
I think the difference is the witches fans had low expectations and Peterborough’s original team was far stronger than what they ended up with.5 points
I'm a witches fan,,, I don't want your week old programme,,, tell me in the kiosk it's an insert,,,, robbers4 points
I never actually met Cook but he seems like a good bloke committed to the sport. Yes he has made a few mistakes but he is a top class rider and his own man who doesn’t care about what people think of him, most of which appears to be speculation and rumours. For all his loyalty for BV I think he’s been treated badly by Lemo and also by Chapman. Give him a break.4 points
Say what you want about Ged but he cared about Peterborough speedway and I miss his Passion..he never hid. we now have faceless owners who don't care and we don't hear a word from them.3 points
The reality is this crap team will be together all season. Whether the fans will be is a different matter.3 points
The place has definitely made strides in the right direction. The surface bumps and waves seem to have gone, and riders had racing lines most notably turn 2 out wide for the brave. The running was slick, the announcements and music were clear, and by stoke standards a decent crowd in lovely sunshine. People who have stayed away because of the poor reputation of race day experience, really should give it another go. The place imo is heading in the right direction.3 points
Think this one will be tight! We’re due an away win having got ourselves in good positions in most of away meetings so far only for one or two to let us down! Hopefully they can finally all do it on the same night! I’m going 44-46 witches to nick it!3 points
40% of Busters fixtures have been local derbies. I’m glad he brought Ipswich and Peterborough into the top division and selflessly saved UK speedway.3 points
Hey don't get spoiling it for the bitter and twisted , their only enjoyment these days is taking a poke at the bloke who saved the bees in 2011 and despite the ravings of the narcissists ,ran it succesfully in the top league for the next 6 years . where were the big gobs ,when no-one wanted Coventry In 2011 . oh I know queueing to to get their free admission off the bloke they can't stand3 points
The reasons that cause so many supporters to loathe the way Buster Chapman runs UK speedway ( with undue influence ) go much further back than 2019! His determination ( together with Rob Godfrey ) to ignore the feedback of many supporters over at least five years, along with his "I know best" attitude is the bulk of why he is disliked. Rather than building for the long term of UK speedway, he seems hell-bent on it's destruction in the short to medium term. He has been "building King's Lynn for many a year but it is losing support year on year under his "care". Are you sure that you are not him Sportsman?3 points
THERE is no doubt that he is also very popular with fans, as witnessed by the support he received at BV on Saturday.3 points
Good morning all Just watched SON from Belle Vue on catch up and I thought it came across brilliant. Best match I've seen this year. Perhaps BT did some editting if some of the live camera work wasn't great. Full house, brilliant speedway, minor nations mixing it. Got to say the new style SON is excellent.3 points
Mate. You're doing yourself no favours with that sort of attitude. There's not a single Sheffield fan on this forum that doesn't want this club to succeed. There's a lot of us who have been fans for life and supported through thick and thin. I've followed this club since I was 8 and I bloody love Sheffield speedway. And I'm more than sure everyone can appreciate what's being done behind the scenes. Marketing wise, the Bates' have brought the club to another level. The club is run incredibly well and the whole experience is world's apart from what other clubs offer. But the product isn't good, the racing hasn't been there great for a while now and with the move to Sundays, it's only seemed to have gotten worse. I'm not gonna even pretend I understand anything about what you guys do, I'm not gonna pretend like I know what the answer is and I'm sure 99% of the people on this forum don't understand a lick about track prep. All I know is the racing is rubbish and that's what I personally show up for- racing and to support Sheffield. We're all fans here and we only want what's best for the club. But we are the paying public as well, and ultimately if the product isn't good enough, then people aren't going to pay their money to go. End of.3 points
3 points
He's trying for the sake of to speedway in the UK. If he fails you can have someone else give it a go. Ged who sold a rider to Poland for ££. Not thinking of the fans or the other 6 riders Seems that most have forgotten that one. I hope Buster does sell, because Lynn are suffering for it..2 points
Doesn't matter if you complain or not. Buster can't hear any such nonsense and he knows best. Welcome to Buster's Great Imperial Adventure. He does get one aspect of public relations right though. he says " Don't come if you don't like it" and of course they won't.2 points
Footnote After match 1 I suggested Witches fans should take a screen shot of Witches topping the table.... After match 4 - take another2 points
So far this season I would actually say this is a the worst Panthers team I have ever seen..keep this up and the crowds will decline..who wants to watch a crap team that loses with nothing to ride for?2 points
Great result! All 7 riders scoring important points, cut out a couple zeros and engine failures and we’ll be really rocking and rolling! I know pboro aren’t the strongest team currently but can only race what’s in front of you - big 4 points!2 points
2 points
So far this Panthers team is an embarrassment..can't even ride our own track.2 points
2 points
A football match lasts 90 minutes plus stoppages. But you don't get 90 minutes of thrilling play! Time wasting, play acting, time to take corners throw ins, substitutes, passing side ways etc. A speedway match should also be 90 minutes with the 15 heats being the main but not the only attraction. So a bit unfair to then compare costs There's probably someone asking on a football forum why is football so dear compared to speedway. Also unfair comparing league racing with GPs. GP riders have a team of mechanics in the pits changing set ups and tyres so can make changes quickly. Most riders in league speedway have a mate that helps out if they are lucky. Home riders changing set ups might explain the delays and also explain why some away riders do better after a interval. So in some cases you may need delays to get good racing but you may also then get the wrong result!2 points
If Supporters Club membership is anything to go by, we definitely have more this year!2 points
2 points
Cook didn't want to ride for Peterbro and was a lame excuse he gave it was nothing to do with kelvars it was to do with sponsers2 points
Given his current form, anyone else really regretting not getting the deal done with Cook, he's on fire at the moment what another heat leader he would have been for us!2 points
2 points
And an incredible atmosphere when full of excited Poles Hopefully we’ll be sat with some calm Swedes again this year However much they ‘big’ Cardiff up, this event has overtaken it and is now the biggest and best indoor GP. Plus Warsaw is a very underrated city with plenty to explore.2 points
Hi Sunliner im afraid you are right. The website has migrated to a new design, which is an improvement, but doesn’t carry live updates in the format we were used to. The management have pinned there colours to the ‘twitter’ mast. You should be able to see the feed from the new site without the need to have a twitter account.2 points
All Panthers fans want Chapman to sell the club we don't want him at Peterborough full stop. As for Lynn suffering through Chapman buying Peterborough well that's not the fault of Panthers fans I suggest you have a word with Chapman and point out you views to him , i'm sure you'll get a polite answer.1 point
Good job the panthers meet against the aces was off that would have been another defeat has the reality train hit home yet .johnson keeps making excuses for riders but the reality is there cack1 point
Andersen is a busted flush but would have been ok in the original side. Bjerre and Barker were reserves but tonight sitting at 2 & 3. It's not rocket science to see that the lack of quality is the problem (6 home race winners ). I'm sure that decent home riders would do justice to the track.1 point
But it is still out of date and doesnt relate to one of the teams involved so that makes it old enough to be considered 2nd hand and even poorer value than normal.......1 point
They don't know head from ar5e 1 lot of riders saying track grippy team manager saying track slick the only thing I see is riders consistently turning up with dog crap equipment . buster will soon be having heart attack at a guess 1000 there today will be expecting 500 next match if he don't change things1 point
I think most would be happy if Cookie was still there. Not Busters fault, that one.1 point
1 point
What is it with Witches that whoever has the Nr1 race jacket does badly...been like that for a good few seasons now...1 point
Krakow start list 1 Patrick Hansen DMU Denmark 2 Jordan Stewart MA Australia 3 Andrei Popa FRM Romania 4 Gleb Chugunov MFR Russia 5 Olegs Mihailovs LaMSF Latvia 6 Wiktor Lampart PZM Poland 7 Niels Oliver Wessel DMSB Germany 8 Philip Hellström-Bängs SVEMO Sweden 9 Dennis Fazekas MAMS Hungary 10 Rafal Karczmarz PZM Poland 11 Andrii Rozaliuk FMU Ukraine 12 Filip Hjelmland SVEMO Sweden 13 Patrik Mikel ACCR Czech Republic 14 Niklas Säyriö SML Finland 15 Jack Thomas 16 Davis Kurmis LaMSF Latvia 17 Reserve TBA PZM Poland 18 Reserve TBA PZM Poland Straslund start list 1 Luke Becker AMA United States of America 2 Nick Skorja AMZS Slovenia 3 Daniel Klima ACCR Czech Republic 4 Tim Sorensen DMU Denmark 5 Zach Wajtknecht ACU Great Britain 6 Lukas Fienhage DMSB Germany 7 Dominik Kubera PZM Poland 8 Matthew Gilmore MA Australia 9 Broc Nicol AMA United States of America 10 Drew Kemp ACU Great Britain 11 Gaétan Stella FFM France 12 Dominik Möser DMSB Germany 13 Christoffer Selvin SVEMO Sweden 14 Frederik Jakobsen DMU Denmark 15 Roman Lakhbaum MFR Russia 16 Timi Salonen SML Finland 17 Reserve Leon Arnheim DMSB Germany 18 Reserve Ben Ernst DMSB Germany Pardubice start list 1 Michael Härtel DMSB Germany 2 Steven Goret FFM France 3 Artjoms Trofimovs LaMSF Latvia 4 Maksym Drabik PZM Poland 5 Alexander Woentin SVEMO Sweden 6 Dan Bewley ACU Great Britain 7 Petr Chlupac ACCR Czech Republic 8 Jaimon Lidsey MA Australia 9 Jernej Hriberšek AMZS Slovenia 10 Lukas Baumann DMSB Germany 11 Jan Kvech ACCR Czech Republic 12 Arslan Faysulin MFR Russia 13 Jonas Jeppesen DMU Denmark 14 Robert Lambert ACU Great Britain 15 Marko Levishyn FMU Ukraine 16 David Pacalaj SMF Slovakia 17 Reserve Pavel Čermák ACCR Czech Republic 18 Reserve Jan Macek ACCR Czech Republic1 point
Cheeky hits,,,,, 3 quid for and old belle Vue programme with an insert,,, not good. Just cos you own my club too Buster,, don't take the mick1 point
could have told you that ages a go people have not got cash to waste on sport and other things1 point
1 point
I am more and more the opinion that it is just down to pure luck when a young talent comes through. I mean look at Denmark, who have no problem with track availability and even in theory upped their game by putting Gundersen in charge of youth development. But in all honesty, as I have said a few times, the last top riders like Bjerre, Liglad, Madsen and Kildemand were all well on the way before Erik took the reigns. Bjerre and Madsen already on 500cc. Since that time Danish talent has dried up, Swedes have had problems getting someone through, the Australian system throws up a surprise now and again and we have got lucky with Lambert and of course Tai. But I have said before, the case of riders doing 3 or 4 leagues cuts down opportunities. But is it a chicken or egg situation? Is it necessary because there aren't the riders out there or does it put youngsters off at an early stage because they can't get the rides.... Is it only realistic to have an Elite championship with the top teams and have another championship for the lesser teams maybe with promotion/relegation each year? Cut out the dross and have a nailbiting comp. Although in speedway there probably isn't the money there to run a sort of 2nd division SWC1 point
Nobody other than FIM wanted to make the 3rd rider a mandatory U21 and Poland is the only nation that has more than 1 good enough of them.1 point
1 point
I went to Stoke today, and won't be going back to Sheffield for several weeks (mid July, I believe). Had the meeting against Leicester been half decent, I might have come back sooner. It wasn't. 10 races of gate and go followed by 5 getting covered in dust. As a good friend (who was there today) said, why would you go to Sheffield when you can go to Belle Vue or Scunthorpe instead ?1 point
Wow, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Plenty of people on here I would not want on a jury. Let the Scunny management tell us what happened and any repercussions.1 point
1 point
Ah, so Free Practice becomes a slow bicycle race!1 point