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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2019 in all areas

  1. Sweating on the fitness of Lasse? Ha ha what rubbish,,,, much stronger with r r since he is now third in the averages. Unless they are sweating on him declaring himself fit,, which is what they don't want.
    9 points
  2. Mate. You're doing yourself no favours with that sort of attitude. There's not a single Sheffield fan on this forum that doesn't want this club to succeed. There's a lot of us who have been fans for life and supported through thick and thin. I've followed this club since I was 8 and I bloody love Sheffield speedway. And I'm more than sure everyone can appreciate what's being done behind the scenes. Marketing wise, the Bates' have brought the club to another level. The club is run incredibly well and the whole experience is world's apart from what other clubs offer. But the product isn't good, the racing hasn't been there great for a while now and with the move to Sundays, it's only seemed to have gotten worse. I'm not gonna even pretend I understand anything about what you guys do, I'm not gonna pretend like I know what the answer is and I'm sure 99% of the people on this forum don't understand a lick about track prep. All I know is the racing is rubbish and that's what I personally show up for- racing and to support Sheffield. We're all fans here and we only want what's best for the club. But we are the paying public as well, and ultimately if the product isn't good enough, then people aren't going to pay their money to go. End of.
    7 points
  3. hands up all those feeling sorry for Mr Godfrey .
    5 points
  4. Well for a start he’s been better than Chessell, Phillips, Bailey, Atkins, Rowe, Thomsen and arguably a good few more, well done Luke, keep it up
    4 points
  5. Someone needs to tell him Sneddon has retired, as he's obviously scared of coming back.
    3 points
  6. Glad a neutral brought the screeching from Haley up. Us poor home fans have to put up with the screaming banshee, every meeting. It adds nothing to the enjoyment of the racing.
    3 points
  7. Bet you feel a bit daft now,
    3 points
  8. Is there a more unprofessional rider in speedway than Jason Garrity? No respect for anyone involved in last night’s fixture.
    3 points
  9. When more than 2 teams are tied on the same number of points, you go back and count bonus points. So in the tie for 4th, 5th and 6th, France had scored 3 bonus points (and therefore finished 4th). USA had 2 bonus points (finishing 5th) and Latvia had just 1 bonus point (so 6th). Correct. In the event of a 3-3 in the Knockout heats, the team ranking highest progress. It finished 3-3. So the 4th placed team (France) progress over the 5th placed USA. I guess the Americans did a lap of honour because their night was over. France needed to get back to the pits for heat 23. Where two teams tie, you look at the heat where they met. If it was a 3-3, then the team in 2nd and 3rd are ranked highest. Aus v Den was indeed a 3-3, but with Aus finishing 2nd and 3rd, they were placed higher.
    3 points
  10. OK, I'll give it shot and try to explain.... Heat 7 France beat USA 5-1 Heat 13 France get a 3-3 with Latvia but France's 2nd and 3rd gives them a NON-COUNTING Bonus point for simply breaking ties at the end if the meeting. Heat 17 USA beat Latvia 4-2 France therefore beats both and gets the Ranking for the meeting as 4th, USA with the win over Latvia gets 5th Ranking and Latvia 6th. Ranking is important in Heats 22 and 23, Ranking breaks 3-3's. Because of the 4th Ranking France only needed a 3-3 to go through whether they got a 1st and a 4th or a 2nd and 3rd USA had to get a 4-2 or a 5-1 to beat France. Heat 23 France would have needed a 4-2 or a 5-1 as a 3-3 would have given the 3rd Ranked Danes the win. I think I have that right....if I'm wrong I'm sure someone else will correct me.
    3 points
  11. Wasn't a great meeting, racing wasn't much good until a couple of bits later on. The format just doesn't work, never will for me. GB qualified easily and we're stood watching France v America in which nobody cares who goes through. Please bring back the World Cup.
    3 points
  12. I enjoyed the meeting today
    2 points
  13. ALONG with a few others!
    2 points
  14. No. I believe he lost the rights to the name as one of the consequences of failing to completed the NL Fixtures last year.
    2 points
  15. Well done Craig, always under pressure but held his nerve with Lebedevs crawling all over him.
    2 points
  16. Hugely impressed with Becker.
    2 points
  17. THE Campaign to Save Coventry Speedway and Stox has been given a double boost in the space of less than a week. Rugby Borough Council announced yesterday (May 7) that their Local Plan had been given the green light by the Government Inspector, and this follows a referendum on the Brandon and Bretford Neighbourhood Plan last Thursday (May 2). Crucially, the Inspector’s final report into the Rugby Local Plan will lead to a significant amendment which will further protect Brandon Stadium against development. We are delighted to report that the Government Inspector recognised the importance of Brandon Stadium for both speedway and stock car racing, and that the lack of protection against the loss of sports facilities made the Local Plan initially ‘unsound’ requiring an amendment to be made. The Inspector stated that there was a key omission in Policy HS4, referring to “the absence of any protection against the existing built sports facilities, which is necessary to ensure provision in the borough is not diminished over time. “Paragraph 74 of the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) expects that existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land should not be built on unless they are surplus to requirements, or would be replaced elsewhere by equivalent provision or by alternative sports and recreational provision. “Policy HS4 as submitted includes these provisions for open space but not for built sports and recreational facilities.” The Inspector then refers directly to Brandon Stadium and concludes that changes to the wording of Policy HS4 are required in order to be consistent with national policy for sports and recreational buildings in general. He says: “Although many sports facilities are in public ownership, some are privately owned and therefore vulnerable to closure and redevelopment for alternative uses. “I heard evidence at the hearings about the proposals for the residential redevelopment of the Brandon or Coventry Stadium, which was until recently in active use for speedway and stock car racing. “The Plan would not be unsound without a specific policy to protect or allocate the stadium. “However, the absence of a policy to safeguard existing sports and recreational buildings generally in the borough from being built on unless surplus to requirements or replaced elsewhere, in line with paragraph 74 of the NPPF, does render the Plan unsound.” The Inspector has confirmed the revised wording published by RBC as draft modifications. For completeness, the relevant changes made to Policy HS4 of the plan are as follows, shown in bold and underlined: Policy HS4: Open space, sports facilities and recreation C. Public open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields (REMOVED: assets identified) within the Open Space Audit evidence and/or defined on the (REMOVED: Proposals) Policies Map and/or last in sporting or recreational use (REMOVED: will be protected from development) should not be built upon unless: • An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, building or land to be surplus to requirements; or • it can be demonstrated that the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or • the development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss. The Inspectors’ Report recognises the case made by the Campaign Group at the Public Examination held last year and the time and effort taken. It marks a significant milestone and should now allow the Campaign to move on as well as enabling the Council to consider – and hopefully reject – Brandon Estates’ planning application for housing redevelopment on the stadium site. We currently await the report of the Independent Consultant appointed by Rugby Council to assess discrepancies between the planning documentation and the material provided by ourselves. But this is perhaps an appropriate time to review the weight of evidence which is now stacked AGAINST the speculative Planning Application: *Changes to the Rugby Local Plan instigated by a Government Inspector, who conducted his own site visit, resulting in the fact that the Plan now offers protection to existing sporting facilities where there is clear ongoing need. *The Brandon and Bretford Parish Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted at last week’s referendum, which clearly states that it is the wish of the community for the Brandon Stadium site to remain as a sports venue. *A submission from 11 MPs/Lords, including four from the local area, urging Rugby Council to reject the Planning Application and support efforts to bring the sports back. This letter was drafted by MP for Rugby Mark Pawsey and other local MPs to sign were Colleen Fletcher, Jim Cunningham and Marcus Jones. *Public consultation to the Planning Application resulted in an unprecedented response of over 1,800 letters and e-mails, all but seven of which called for the rejection of the planning application. *The response included submissions from speedway riders and stock car drivers past and present, including World Champions, locally, nationally and internationally – as well as from the vast majority of local residents who view the iconic stadium as a much-loved local facility. *A local newspaper poll in mid-2018 resulted in 96% of over 2,000 votes supporting the return of the sports to Brandon – fully endorsing the public consultation. *Official bodies of both sports, including the BSPA, SCB, ACU, BriSCA and the BSCDA have all voiced their opposition to the plans. *These comments were noted by Sport England, who raised a number of concerns with the applicant’s Viability Statement. *The Campaign Group have made several significant submissions in response to planning material, highlighting with evidence an astounding number of errors, inaccuracies and untruths. *Planning consultants Framptons have already been forced to withdraw a section of their Needs Assessment under threat of action from the former site owners as their account of the events of 2016 was found to be unsatisfactory. Two-and-a-half years after speedway and stock cars were ejected from the stadium, with no serious consideration given to their future, the determination to see them return is stronger than ever. The latest developments in the Rugby Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan add further weight towards the need for the rightful outcome to be reached in the speediest possible time. As to what happens next, we believe that once the Independent Consultant’s report is received, it will enable the senior Planning Officer Erica Buchanan to complete her own report and recommendation for consideration by the Planning Committee. Though we have not had confirmation, we would reasonably expect that to take place in June or July of this year.
    1 point
  18. This seems to happen every season unfortunately, the lack of an explanation isn’t good enough when people made arrangements weeks or months before the cancellation. Eventually promoters will wonder why away fans don’t bother.
    1 point
  19. And an incredible atmosphere when full of excited Poles Hopefully we’ll be sat with some calm Swedes again this year However much they ‘big’ Cardiff up, this event has overtaken it and is now the biggest and best indoor GP. Plus Warsaw is a very underrated city with plenty to explore.
    1 point
  20. This is off the http://se.aktuellspeedway.eu site, Matches listed on a Wednesday below ,and Brummies same night, squad system in place ? might not ride all matches ?? 5 man teams are they not ??
    1 point
  21. Given the way Promoters commit 'Hari Kiri' by devaluing their own competitions through the ludicrous sharing of riders, the entertainment factor is pretty much what so many still follow the sport for... The Comps themselves are not worthy of pulling anyone in so the on track spectacle has to be the thing which does it... Amazingly some promoters still seem to put 'winning at home regardless of entertainment value' at the top of their priority list.. Sheffield used to be a great track to watch at, a shame it seems to have lost its way..
    1 point
  22. Still a bit surprised that Ledwith is being run at 5. With Jenkins and Rowe who are consistent at most tracks and in the side i figure it would make mire sense to protect Rob at 3 or 4 until he is fully settled? That said solid win away with issues shows the strength of Kent and weaknesses of Stoke.
    1 point
  23. Wow, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? Plenty of people on here I would not want on a jury. Let the Scunny management tell us what happened and any repercussions.
    1 point
  24. My logic in thinking Horton was out of the way was because Coventry speedway ltd was dissolved in January. There is article about this is on the Save Coventry Speedway website
    1 point
  25. Should be on here https://supersportowo.com/stream11.html and https://ustreamix.org/embed.php?id=polsat-sport
    1 point
  26. Dear lord. There is a guy who moved down here from Manchester and he supports Poole every week apart from when BV are here.
    1 point
  27. IT wasn't the usual TV director ...
    1 point
  28. They changed the rules for this season, so that the lower ranking team in the KO races has to take a heat advantage (4-2, 5-1) to advance. Your comments don't surprise me though, as few others in the area I was sitting in were aware either. There certainly hasn't been much publicity either of the rule change.
    1 point
  29. Thought the meeting was ok but you arent going to get great racing at times when there is a gulf between the teams. Usa had only 1 rider really mixing it (and how good was young Becker by the way). The finns also only really had Aarnio at times involved and the Latvians Lebedev Tai looked imperious when he sorted his set up out and Lambert loves Belle Vue. Cook did nothing wrong but i feel although he has ridden for Belle Vue that he doesnt always ride the right lines around there...just my opinion Madsen looked super quick once he got going as well I believe its between us and the Swedes, Poles and Russians Never thought i would say this but im not to worried about Emil , more so Laguta who i think could be a serious World title contender this season if he takes another step forward
    1 point
  30. There were 1 or 2 good races but not at all to usual Belle Vue standards. The whole thing felt as flat as a pancake on the TV. Lost total concentration and just had it on in the background from about heat 15.
    1 point
  31. Just got man of the match yesterday
    1 point
  32. Good to see young Luke doing well and getting man of the match keep it up
    1 point
  33. Format not great. Bring back the World Cup. Racing was okay, but could have been so much better with a top class, even international field. The final would be a blast here.
    1 point
  34. This format really is rubbish. Bring back the World Cup.
    1 point
  35. Fair play to Craig, track experience paid off on this occasion. Certainly done his bit tonight, with only 1 defeat to Iversen.
    1 point
  36. A classy ride from Madsen. Great racing.
    1 point
  37. Are BT in control of the cameras this evening? Constant switching of angles, filling the frame with one rider - makes it almost impossible to follow the race.
    1 point
  38. As Swindon do not appear to be using it, why not get a few trucks, go to Wales and pick up a prefab stadium?
    1 point
  39. I really fail to understand ,why everyone on here has such a bad attitude towards Mr Chapman ,he bought a club that no one wanted ,he paid for it ,he didn't ask for the fans money .We have speedway in the top league ,but only one team can win it.he inherited a team and fixture list.but he needs this season to lay the foundations for a long term future,I think far to many people are making unnecessary judgments,without proper thought to the process required to build for the long term.
    1 point
  40. If a rider is fit to ride - then he is fit to ride everywhere he is contracted to. I assume that Nicholls was a replacement for him rather than a temporary facility. In which case, he runs the risk of Wolves being unable to reintroduce when he can be bothered. Nicholls, Morris and Thorsell for 2 positions. I can see Morris having one of the shortest stints ever at Wolves.
    1 point
  41. He last rode Extraliga 14 years ago as a young lad. Has admitted equipment has been a downfall over the years but invested heavily over the winter. It's paying off handsomely so far as he has been outstanding.
    1 point
  42. As good old ian thomas allways said,"its simple just turn left at the end of the straight"if fit to ride in poland or where ever he is fit for uk.
    1 point
  43. Mmmm interesting comments on ( B ) rough park you say.. well you could ask all apart from 1 or 2 visiting riders who have been there so far this season & you'll get a pleasant surprise on how many have enjoyed racing on it & don't forget that we only have 1 day access to get the track RACE ready so hats off to top track man Johnny swales..
    1 point
  44. Not to the extent where they have to pump water out of the puddles on a hot August evening. The first 5 heats are like racing in a paddy field. That's why it's not as good as it can be. I've yet to see a tractor during a meeting. Nothing wrong with one or two tractor breaks to drag the dirt back. if timed correctly it needn't impact on the meeting at all (i.e. during the interval, or when a rider has two races in a row).
    1 point
  45. He's just not very likeable these days. Comes across as a very difficult character.
    1 point
  46. Let him gain some experience whilst at the same time hoping Greg's wife has a speedy recovery and he is back soon. Not sure on the situation, but guess it isn't something that will be solved in the next few weeks though
    1 point
  47. He said he's seen it. What a thread to introduce politics into, shame on you.
    1 point
  48. Sneaking into a hotel illegally, and jumping on after your mate with a female not fit to defend herself, is alright in your eyes is it. Specsavers for you then. Some of us have higher, or just have, some morals unlike some.
    1 point
  49. Quite agree, as some folks don't have the time that others think everyone else has. There are two threads on Ivan Mauger, but has anybody been hurt by this rule breaking ? Some folks need to grow up and get on with their lives.
    1 point
  50. Not the place or time for past grudges. The girl was close to death for quite some time. I think she has gone through enough.
    1 point
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