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5 points
Can I say that you are all entitled to your opinion of dogs and their owners treatment of them? All I would say about my attendance at speedway meetings with my faithful friend is this. I am a responsible owner. Lenny remains on a lead at all times at meetings. Should he disgrace himself (God forbid) I always (N.B. ALWAYS) pick up. And he doesn't bark or detract from the entertainment in any way. The only time that other fans take note of his presence is to come and say hello and enjoy his happy response to their attention. He, therefore, in my opinion, only adds to the occasion and in no way upsets anyone or imposes his attentions on anyone. If it were in any way different I would not bring him. I make no apology for wanting to bring Lenny to meetings and we both enjoy each other's company. The way our adopted team is going this season, if I choose to stay away I think Lenny would leave me at home. Lenny's a nicer bloke than some so called fans that I've met and he is certainly better behaved than a small minority of children at meetings I've been to. Lenny is a light brown Greyhound cross. I'm conspicuous by my Bees coat and hat. Feel free to come and meet us at meetings at any time and debate the wisdom of my bringing him with me.5 points
Let's just go and win at Armadale and let others worry about the maths4 points
2 hours is not enough for young riders to learn their trade. There are always going to be crashes and mishaps. I can't relax and enjoy the meeting with the curfew hanging over me. A second ambulance would reduce some of the delays and should be looked at by the management. You have to give the punters what they have paid for. You wouldn't go for a three course meal and miss out on the dessert!3 points
so Adams average will revert to a rolling average so presumably his average will go down by about a point and a bit . This Double change should improve us by around 5 points a meeting and a real chance of winning heats 1,13 and 15. Kyle and tobias had averaged 5 and 1.6 per meeting so 6.6 combined. Adam and Nathan should average between 11-12 points combined . Enough now to nick a few home meetings hopefully.3 points
The build up of deep shale on the second bend exit coupled to the narrow straight is a problem to mainly the inexsperienced young riders,of which there are several at kent ,,this needs to be addressed now before there is a considerable exit of fans due to the crazy short curfew ,,15 pound as well ,,,is too much for national league speedway with no senior citizen consessions...You can hardly understand the announcer in the stand,,the presentation should be much slicker ...The ref Cris Gay holds the tapes to long and always causes lots of starting problems that also eat up the time.....It all needs sorting,,this is of course only my opinion.......3 points
The bank holiday afternoon curfew is a new one on me. It has never been enforced prior to this season. The farcical events of two weeks ago stopped me going today, i took up Swindon's offer of £9 admission instead. Far too many meetings at Kent don't go the full distance and fans should be compensated when they don't.3 points
Well I'm back on the track Staff now and am not at all impressed by having to re build the back straight fence every other heat. Almost entirely due to the track cambers which take the riders into the fence, totally wrong. If this is not rectified many more meetings will be cut short without a doubt and paying the extra pound this season to spectate is asking too much, thank god the club never moved up to the Championship, laughing stock would be an understatement.2 points
When you have only 2 hours to complete the meeting every minute counts and you need to keep on top of this from the start to the finish. Yesterday the riders had been introduced and paraded and the first race could have started bang on 4pm. Instead someone sent out 3 juniors to trundle around the track waisting valuable racing time. Keep this for during the interval of after the meeting if you find you have the time, it's just a little bonus If you can afford to include it.2 points
Don’t think fans would grudge any rider “ good money” but the reality for a lot of clubs is that attendances don’t see to be getting any better,and Birmingham seem to be one of these clubs,so the poster has a point IMO.Speedway riders don’t disclose their earnings( fair enough) so fans can only speculate.2 points
2 points
Me and my wife watching on tv was amazed at rosco comment what a prat he is sometimes2 points
It wasn’t just a poor decision it was diabolical and quite rightly the BT panel condemned it unanimously, Rosco of course as usual saw it to his advantage so didn’t find anything wrong with it but from a racing point it of view it was ridiculous. It really is about time that the TV matches are refereed by the best referees, what made it worse was I thought I saw Tony Steele in the pits who I assumed was the second SCB official, if it was he should have been on the button.2 points
I've attended well over 70 meetings at kent, so I'm a paying customer and entitled to an opinion. Why during the enforced breaks isn't the track graded and watered. Surely this would benefit the younger riders to have a consistant surface to race on. You only have to listen to the sarcastic cheers in the main stand every time the tractor makes a rare appearance. With so few venues in the South East, it's not so easy to take it or leave it.2 points
Very poor decision by the referee .strange that rosco thought it was right .just think if it went against rosco he would have lost his rag2 points
Somebody plz shoot down that drone awful to watch from the sky, not a good advert for the sport delays gardening more delays a poor decision by the ref to award a race all in all a poor first meeting for " bt".2 points
2 points
If Harris and KP rode to their averages Ipswich would have won by more Its all ifs buts and maybes2 points
Considering that the glass was full and people were having good time on Dec 20 compared to now when running at all seems to be the usual plus point and the regular closure threat is used to counteract dissent then I'd say that it's a half measure in a pint glass however you want to cut it2 points
2 points
Another way of looking at it is that the Edinburgh v tigers rain off could delay the rest of the competition. We all know what happened last year.its not Glasgow fault that the Edinburgh match was rained off so Glasgow should not suffer if the bspa bring in a deadline for the match to be completed. Somerset average 2.25 from there 4 meetings and Glasgow are averaging 2.4 from there 5 meetings. So if Edinburgh can't fit the match in or it gets rained off again Glasgow should be included as the best runner up2 points
2 points
Central Park has far too many meetings that are curtailed.This is one of the reasons I do not like NL....young riders making mistakes,maybe track not too good etc etc.It all adds up to delay after delay.And the fact that Kent increased admission prices for people just to stand around with nothing happening is just wrong.There was a lot of delays last season and this hardly encourages people to go.2 points
Well after yesterday he won't be getting my little help as often. If you're going to charge top dollar you need to at least give the customer all 15 heats!2 points
You are well aware, I am sure, that at none of Buster's tracks such foul language as "official attendance figures" is permitted. £10 in the swear box please.2 points
Do you know? I don't care what we're talking about. Those 2 sentences are more telling than anything I've read on here in a long time, maybe since I joined the forum in 2001. Yes 2001. When we debated sensibly about tracks, riders even Norbold's Hole. I'm heartened by your contribution. There's hope.2 points
Maybe I'm getting old (no maybe about it David) but I can't differentiate between the white and yellow helmets this year2 points
Ryan Fisher for me would be a good signing. Gives it his all in every race.2 points
grateful for BT coverage but the view of race starts from a camera 200 feet above the ground is awful.2 points
Wow,,, Harris is erm,,,,,,, let's put it politely,,,,,, under performing. And I don't care if he isn't fit,,,, if not fit don't ride,, simple2 points
Was nice to meet you too THJ , I take back my slagging you off on the Worky page last season, you're not a bad bloke really2 points
1 point
Interesting to see yesterday that both Poole and Swindon's number one riders are both called Brady Kurtz... I wonder if there are any other examples of riders with the same name riding for two different teams... Quite amazing coincidence...1 point
1 point
Thought Shanes was more on the pace last night. Certainly looked more likely to score than he has done in previous meetings.1 point
Absolutely. I've been a regular at Central Park since the track opened, but the crashes and delays are wearing me down. As i get older, i get less tolerant to all this nonsense.1 point
new neighbours are jast like neighbours at home . you have to start as you mean to go on , our previous next door neighbours whined about every single thing until in the end we were almost afraid to go out to the dustbin and let the lid down , when the new ones moved in ,we started as we meant to go on , after about 3 days they knocked on the door moaning about me mowing the lawn at 7.30pm . I didn't even question the problem .just said .go forth and multiply but in not so many words , having been put firmly in their place ,we have heard no more complaints from them . start pandering to moaners at your peril .1 point
Yes 1 above and any below- think averages change almost weekly.1 point
speedway riders are like politicians . what they say in a press conference .where potential employers are onlooking , will be an entirely different thing to what they will say in the changing rooms or between themselves . very few have the minerals to say it like it is ,1 point
Right now by riding when not fit enough to ride to his full capability he’s letting his teams down and would be doing the same riding in the SON - is he going to be in the pair in place of lambert or woffy?? No1 point
1 point
But are Ipswich going to survive ( and Peterborough and possibly even King's Lynn ) because that attitude by Buster is going to turn off a lot more supporters ( other than the 6-800 die hards at each of those tracks ). Another two months will see crowd levels reach and indicate the true measure of support for the sport in the UK. As with so much of the business end of UK speedway we will never know who the true backers of Buster's bid for overall control are.1 point
Well said... Nice to see someone with some common sense.. You do have to laugh at some of the content on each teams threads by fans bemoaning why their team is 'poor'... Every year the SS does a bumper edition where you read absolute garbage from promoters of tracks saying things like "we have picked a team who can all increase their averages' or 'he has shown glimpses in the past of the level of rider we think he can be'... All absolute nonsense... Riders run similar averages year in year out because, guess what? That is their level... Several will be four and five point men the whole of their careers.. Always were, are now, and always will be... To expect them to do any better is folly, especially as they ride against pretty much the same riders every season who are doing exactly the same thing to their averages (ie pretty much standing still).. If you have ridden for five years or so then usually that is pretty much as good as you will get.. After ten years or so then there is usually a tipping point where you go backwards.. "Let's bring Woffy and Bartosz in"...1 point
1 point
Reading on the speedway updates site suggests that Kent have 2 hours track time per week from the start of heat one on a Monday regardless of the start time. Unless Kent can manage to race 15 heats in under hours the sport surely has a limited future at the venue? Delays in completing meetings in a timely manner threatens the continuing existence of the sport at Kent IMO. At National League level seems 2 hours isn’t enough time for 15 heats at Kent. Whilst I would share Richard Weston’s thoughts about the track being to blame.....seems most of the fallers were home riders who should know how to ride their own track ? With the charges for admission rivalling those of the PL maybe Kent should invest in greater depth of medical cover to reduce the frequent delays for rider medical treatment?1 point
I imagine this topic will shortly be full of people admitting they were wrong and that the track changes made have worked out OK!1 point
1 point
That would of made Buster cough a bit as well, would of done it if it was his Lynn team, got to say how is it forum user fans see these little possible team strengthening advantages but experienced speedway management like Colin Pratt dont, unless of course he put it to Buster and got a very short reply ending in off1 point
Weather looking good for the Warsaw GP Weekend, High's of 18'c on the Saturday, with highs of 20'c on the Sunday, both days bright and sunny.1 point