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6 points
Kemp is one of 3-4 who could really develop in to top class riders but for that reason I can't see any single one of them dominating like Lambert has between 18-21 age range when they get there. As much as Kemp gets the column inches the likes of Brennan and Flint are on his coat tails and then we have Thomas who has a bit more experience that Kemp and Brennan and the likes of Edwards and Atkins developing well too. All good for UK speedway. What these boys need to do now is what Lambert did, get European experience, we only had 1 Under 19 Finalist in Europe last year (Brennan) and progress would be to have 2-3 this year and every year from now on then try to push them in to U21 where they will face the Polish masses and learn more quickly.5 points
What a massive opportunity missed. Expect the management to begin the "Peterborough needs to show it wants Speedway" after a couple of poor defeats. An absolute joke. We could have competed for the title. Instead, we're left with a poor side.3 points
Undoubtedly one of the most stupid comments I have ever seen on this forum. Ignoring weather forecasts means that you go ahead no matter what - even if it is almost certainly the case that the meeting will be postponed or abandoned, costing the staging club thousands. One NL promoter told me he lost £4,000 when unpredicted rain washed out a meeting with riders at the track. He went on to say that another would endanger its very existence. Clubs simply have to have regard of forecasts, no matter how contradictory or subsequently inaccurate they might be.3 points
How accepting cash only is so out of line with spending today. I am 72 so supposedly an old fuddy duddy in many peeps eyes. But very rarely do i spend cash. I do usually carry about £20 in notes, plus couple one pound coins, one or two 50p's and couple of 20p's, but that is usually spent on car parking. More or less everything else is by card. Very rarely write a cheque, couple a year. Its so convenient just to pop the card on the card machine if under £30, sometimes I have problem remembering the pin when over £30, but thats because I have 2 cards to remember pins. But if I had a family going to speedway I couldnt be put up with having £50 cash to pay. It in itself will be a put off for the younger generations. Why would any modern day sporting facility want to collect loads of cash. Cash will slow down turnstiles, and certainly be a security risk. It all has to be added up at the end of a meeting, and kept secure. I wont go into obvious reason why cash is king. Do riders get paid cash, some will be earning over £1000 per meeting even in the UK. Surely they don want that sort of money on them. Not forward thinking by promotors if you ask me. Terrible decision is cash only.3 points
Think reality will really hit Johnson as to how bad panthers are in the next 10 days3 points
Yes it does... But some people still feel the need to complain... Typical speedway fans I think, always negative and always have something to moan about, no matter how positive something is... THAT in itself is killing the sport just as much as the BSPA is... Negativity spreads like wildfire3 points
Admittedly the rain didn't arrived until late this evening, but how many people would have ventured out tonight in temperatures of 5 or 6 degrees, with a howling gale that's been bending the trees in half all day? Far better to make an early decision & run it on Sunday with temperatures forecast to be in the early teens & a dry day expected. Common sense prevails for once.3 points
Despite what the scoreline suggested it was a very enjoyable meeting with entertaining racing and the weather was on our side. Good to see Josh Bates in the mix and scoring well.2 points
Just got home from a very enjoyable meeting. Sunny, relatively warm and all done well inside 2 hours. last night was near to stadium and it was freezing. Those who were able to attend today definitely benefited from the decision to reschedule The meeting Finally, congratulations To Ellis Perks on his 4 programmed ride maximum.2 points
Never been personally abusive on this forum and never will be. Criticising - sometimes strongly - someone else's opinion, however, is something that I do on occasion. Every single speedway fan that attends a meeting will check the forecast before they leave their home and what it says will often determine whether they go or not. We see that on countless occasions on threads throughout the BSF. No-one would deny that forecasts can be contradictory, changeable, inaccurate and even bizarre. But to suggest that they should be treated as irrelevant or ignored in a sport that depends so much on weather conditions and to run meetings regardless of what they say when a postponement at the track is financially ruinous is ridiculous.2 points
You have hit the nail right on the head here Wait for the expected theres no one out there willing to ride but everyone really knows why. Didnt Peterborough finish bottom in the ill fated David Hawkins financial disaster of a season in 1991, can see them bottom again year at least this management will also be remembered for something in Panthers history .2 points
Decent enough meeting, as most though and expected Robert Lambert was a class above and was only really troubled for a lap in the Final, still a worthy champ. Cant remember if he had been to Berwick before last night but I thought most impressive rider was Tom Brenan, when Eastbourne come come for their league match he could be a trump card for them at reserve. Impressive performances from Drew Kemp and Jack Thomas, there seems that good things are happening in British speedway with the younger riders and i thought last night was evidence of that. All 22 races in the main meeting done and dusted before 9-30 curfew, no fallers, no re-runs so well done to all concerned.2 points
The problem is... If you're going to start cancelling meetings based on weather forecasts you may as well do away with the fixture list.2 points
Nicholls won't happen now but I would have thought what panthers have is not acceptable .if as been posted on here that even Kennett turned panthers down. Is that how low they've come in pecking order. I keep hearing about getting right set ups and getting all 7 going at same time but as I've said I wouldn't bet any panthers rider to win a heat .when lynn have a rider who's struggling to score pts and scores a shed full it tells you how bad panthers are .if management can't see the wood between the trees it will start becoming a costly exercise if they lose next 3 matches as I expect2 points
Threads with titles like this are only damaging to speedway in this country . Maybe bring it up in the Sheffield 2019 thread ? I am sure all the above is correct but the way i see it is dont bother going there its rubbish . which i am sure is not your intention.1 point
The meetings are not top drawer though so no it will not. For me personally it's better than where we were but we're just back where the club should be so that was the easy bit; hans fan summed it up nicely on the previous page. 2020 looks a bloody long way away with that side and the possible consequences.1 point
Who cares, i would be more worried about your riders not winning races. Thought that would be more of a concern to you rather than the opposition number 1 dominating your heat leaders.1 point
1 point
After today's meeting at Leicester we have to seriously consider making changes and moving Lambert and Phillips out. Lambert was expected to score points away from home but isn't even doing that. Phillips is also struggling badly. We need to act soon before we lose too many more matches and the crowds start dropping off. Not sure what the answers are with replacements and averages etc.. but i think something needs done.1 point
It’s a no win situation,but predicting we that forecasts before race days except in exceptional circumstances is a dangerous precedent IMO.The sport is in a dire state .1 point
1 point
Are you saying that challenging the fans to come in the rain and getting 10 heats in, is a greater consideration of the fans than not to risk it and holding it the following day. Remember the storm was a massive one with high winds and rain, and forecasts can regular be 30 miles out. As someone said in am earlier post, Promoters are on a hiding to nothing to get things like this right. Makes you wonder why they bother doesn't it. Then when they jack it in, they would get stick for that as well. Oh well.1 point
You should see how many are here... Financially ruinous The fans have voted with their feet... Some others think they know better though1 point
Tough on Stal Gorzow to be on the wrong end of that score, they lead in parts and were well in it even with just a couple or three races to go.1 point
I think Leicester only postponed the meeting, because Newcastle had agreed to ride on the Sunday if need be. If riding it today hadn't been an option I'm sure they would have given it the best chance to go ahead on Saturday & would have probably got it in ( or at least 10 heats) before the rain came late in the evening. Having the option to ride today just made it an easy & sensible decision really.1 point
Norbold I'm kind of like you I was born within walking distance of New Cross, if I had attend New Cross before they closed down when I was a baby then I would have been most likely supported them instead of Wimbledon. My late father used to go to New Cross when he was younger, with his favourite rider being George Newton.1 point
1 point
I've said it before and I will say it again (more than once probably), promoters can't win. If they go ahead and the forecast is spot on, it's "well, that was never going to happen, the forecast said so." Otherwise it's the comment above by iainb .1 point
Showers forecast for Rybnik- Cloudy in Leszno and in Wroclaw Rybnik should be on here https://supersportowo.com/stream11.html Both Extraleague on here http://www.maniak.tv/kanal-7 and here http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv-4.html1 point
As of 1st May the current 1-7 will be just 0.07 under the points limit - http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/premiershipteamissues191 point
£15(£11 concession) was not too high a price to pay for a National Individual Final(albeit U-21).1 point
I think the rescheduling of this meeting has been excellently handled. My guess is a better crowd today than would have turned up last night.1 point
Just watched CZ v Lublin. What a great match. Pawel Miesiac - what a rider!!! With G. Laguta waiting to sign is the jig up for AJ or Lambert?1 point
little tip use the same pin number on both cards . or though that may not suit you to do that1 point
Just in case anyone missed the meeting last week, great race... Lasse Bjerre is such a good team man, giving Matty an earlier win too, really pleased with him so far this season... Puts tonnes of effort in and is willing to make sacrifices (race wins) for the sake of the team1 point
The only thing I want is Chapman totally out of Peterborough , until that happens I'm quite happy not to bother attending as I have no time for the man or any puppets he brings in to run the club.1 point
1 point
Who else wanted to take the risk and buy the club? 90 tons of shale and new machinery.. Lost Cookie cause he thought he was the special one out of Busters 21 riders.. People have been saying that in general, meeting running times have been better, the programmes are better quality.. 2,500 crowds... Neil Watson has just said 3 points under the limit until May.... Tell me who else would do a better job.. No one else wanted to know... I'm not a fan of Buster, but what more do you want... It's only April1 point
Decent meeting, the standard is getting better every year. Obviously Robert Lambert was a clear favourite, untroubled apart from a lap in the final, but there were some very good performances tonight from the likes of Tom Brennan, Drew Kemp, Jack Thomas and Zack Wajtknecht. Not one rider looked out of control tonight, okay there were varying levels of ability and speed, but each rider looked smooth and had a decent style. The future is bright.1 point
Love how people are still saying lynn is still gate and go .1 point
Which is how a team sport should be... The town or city becomes tribal and their team becomes all encompassing.. 2.5 million people live in Grt Manchester.. Just circa 1500 go to Belle Vue... And many of these, (just like is reflected across the country), now just go to 'watch the Speedway', as competitions in the UK have so much nonsense attached to them that it no longer matters whether you are successful or not... Imagine trying to get away with such garbage in Poland as Tai Woffinden being allowed to guest for ZG or Leszno? And help either qualify for the play offs! Wroclaw fans would riot! (And TV wouldn't touch any sport running such daft rules with a barge pole and neither would the blue chip companies who currently sponsor it.) A professional team sport representing a town or city should generate such passion, sadly over here because of the way it is ran, Speedway barely raises any emotions at all...1 point
If sport was fair, the people with all the money and best equipment would win every sport. It's the surprises, upsets, and controversy that keeps us all engaged.1 point
That was 20 years ago, no one buys riders anymore and the system is largely discredited. It doesnt need a complex replacement. Simply riders are contracted from the start of the season to the end.1 point
I thought last night's meeting was entertaining enough. With the rain due to arrive, I think it made sense to get on with the meeting (as much as was possible, with last night's referee!) rather than delay it with track grading. The best two races were probably Heats 13 and 15, suggesting it was the correct decision to carry on with the meeting. I prefer to see racing than tractors!1 point
Strange. "The Sun" today shows the result as Edinburgh 51-39 Glasgow.1 point
I have to admit I had a very odd relationship with Hackney. I was born and brought up in Hackney and, until I moved away in 1965, the track was about a 20 minute walk from my home across the Marshes. So, for the first three years of its Post-War existence I was a regular there every week. However, I never actually supported the team. The reason for this was that I was already a New Cross supporter and so, when Hackney opened in 1963, they became the local Provincial League adversary. New Cross, of course, closed in 1963, but then in 1964, West Ham opened, so I transferred my allegiance to them, not being able to bring myself to support the "enemy". Towards the end of 1965, I moved away and Hackney and West Ham became fairly equidistant to my new home, so that made things a bit better and more acceptable in my own mind to be a West Ham supporter. For many years, until West Ham closed, I still visited both tracks on a fairly regular weekly basis. However, I have always felt a bit uncomfortable in not supporting Hackney as, in every other regard, I always have, and still do, regard myself as a "Hackney boy" and have always been very proud of it and, in many ways, still regard it as my real home. I contribute to a number of Hackney Facebook pages and, of course, my best-selling book, Pie 'n' Mash & Prefabs, is all about Hackney in the 1950s and 60s. There! I've made my full confession at last. It's good to finally get it all off my chest!1 point
Buzz was the Tac for Lindback Col..... Hence he went in 15 as well. . Watching Polish Speedway really does show up how poor the offering is in the UK... And I don't mean the best riders being on show, as it's clear the UK cannot afford them.. For me it's the whole package that leaves us decades behind regardless of the standard of rider.. Fans all in T Shirts of their teams.. It would cost approx one heat leaders salary for one match over here to buy 1000 T shirts at cost and give them away to fans.. The riders lined up waiting for the 2 minute whistle meaning they all come out together building up atmosphere, (music being played as they enter the track).. Buzz had four minutes allocated between HT 14 and 15 to be ready... The racing starting 2 mins after the whistle so riders don't go back to get things rechecked as they don't have time, and gardening has to be done quickly.. The starts meticulously ran by the Marshall with head phones on directly linked to the ref meaning tyres are mm away from the tapes, hence no rolling at the starts and each rider has to comply or the ref instructs the Marshall to speak with the one not following orders.. The mechanics and managers all in club colours, not their own overalls... All these things bring professionalism to the sport and it's also noticeable how tribal it is, there is hardly any congratulations given to an opponent by the riders, (which may be down to not being able to ride on any given night for every team in the league like you can over here, being team mates one night in the Premiership and rivals the next in the leagues below)... And all done and dusted under two hours inclusive of TV advert breaks.. Unlike over here, the only thing Mickey Mouse about Polish Speedway is the ZG badge! No wonder the crowds are so good..1 point
No-one mentioned Peter York yet? Having put up with him at Coventry for several seasons commenting on each race my answer is definitely NO it is not needed and is damn annoying.1 point
We don't get a true picture from you Haza because you don't go anymore, all you can speak about is out of date stuff basically ....... same with others on here who don't go anymore??1 point