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First this season perhaps but nothing new in the grand scheme of the last couple of years as fans of Rye House and Glasgow will tell you. The irony of your post is that your top three are probably one of the strongest in the league on paper as well. Offered Schlein, Harris and Covatti or Kennett, Lawson and Kerr I reckon you’d have a near 50-50 split on the trio fans would take. Eastbourne have a longer tail than yours but their home track advantage negates that in the case of Saturday’s meeting. If you thought Atkins and Rowe should have been getting anything out of Brennan and Wood round Arlington then you’ve not done your homework.5 points
Good as neither are of the standard required to do that - Buster totally messed up our team that looked so promising in the winter so he will have to be prepared to take the financial hit for his decisions when things go pear-shaped. As my parents always taught me - to every action there are consequences!4 points
Phillips is just not upto it full stop he averaged less than a point last season and hasn’t improved in a weaker league. Pretty sure George knows it but daddy’s money buys him a place.4 points
First meeting. A point away with 3 riders not firing. I will take that.3 points
To say I’m shocked you’ve commented would be an understatement. Who was it last season.....that’s it, the whole team should have been axed according to you.3 points
Of course we have the ability to order cold weather just for you. A really good competitive meeting, with the end result that we wanted and needed. As I said about our meeting last week, the defeats have not really been about the lower order but down to the three heatleaders. The good thing is a HL is much more likely to return to form than a second string, and they all proved that in meetings riding for their Premier League teams last week. The track was odd with dirt moving off the normal lines, and us having to cover the bald patches especially on the 4th bend. Usually the right lines are where the dirt is, and that is usually around the outside, but Danny King in the 5th heat cut back to a tight inside line and was about 5 yards clear in one corner from former leader Lasse. Some really good riding and passes, and Sheffield put up a good show, especially Danny K and Broc Nicol. Was getting rather tight nearing the end, but that all changed with the DIamonds getting 4 5-1's to Sheffields one 5-1. As expected the riders that lost it for Sheffield were the enigmas Proctor and Howarth. Proctor even shut off before the line in heat 14, meaning Matty, pushing him hard, pipped him on the line. Howarth gave it a go early one, but 2 lasts in his final races says something. He used his head last night and was a better rider for it, but. Obviously it was cold again, but I would say to those that gave this meeting a miss, they missed a treat. It's a great sport in any weather, and with warmer weather forecast for the near future, why would you want to miss out on meetings like last night, with some great races and sterling performance epitomised by the efforts and results of Max Clegg. He's looking like a very good replacement for Ash, who I personally would have had back. The heatleaders are back, we are winning and we are top of the League. What more do you want.3 points
You’ll see jack riding no.8 all season I’d expect unless for injuries. It’s quite farcical as I understand it - can only have 3 foreign riders from your squad declared in the 1-7 for any given match but can have a 4th foreigner as no.8 - so Toruń use Doyle, c.holder and iversen, they then declare a junior polish squad member in the team at say no.4 but don’t have to ensure he has 3 rides or anything so then just put jack in wherever they feel like! I think they can even declare a polish rider in the team as r/r and then have foreigner at no.8! Seems barmy to me! Yet polish league is supposedly the promised land!3 points
Take a bow Max Clegg, awesome tonight!! Great to see Diamonds back to winning ways3 points
Would recommend watching the whole match - if not watch heat 7 at 43 mins. it does not disappoint2 points
Thanks LC. Signed Jesper, Nicki, Bjarne and KB, and ran my free training school for 10 years now that has produced all the Gems team, including Archie Freeman 150cc British Champion and both 125 and 500 NJL champions last year. Brought Newcastle back in 1997, and some unpopular cretin says "I destroyed Newcastle Speedway." NURSE NURSE2 points
If you read the report it tells you that they think there has been a mistake... which is not unknown... HMRC chased us for what they said was a £34 and coppers underpayment... they got really nasty then realised it was their mistake and sent us a cheque for 800 quid not a word about the balls up they made and no apology either but they threatened to close the business if they didn't get what they said they were owed... and they were going to charge a daily interest payment on the £34 until us bad people paid their dues to the state.... total shower who are never wrong... until you prove otherwise then its oops... Grrrrr.... Regards THJ2 points
this seems like a thread which needs strangling at birth. It hasn't started well. BTW i disagree politically with Tsunami and TWK usually but I have never felt the need to be so rude, despite the fact that one is a Geordie and the other a Mackem and both are exiters.2 points
I've had my run-ins with Tsunami on the political threads, but you can't question his speedway credentials. Involved in one of the most successful spells of Newcastle Speedway and then running some invaluable training schools.2 points
In the pantheon of ignorant a##eholes on this Forum - you must be top.2 points
Doyle, Batchelor, Musielak, Ellis & Lampart will comfortably outscore Masters, Schlein, Nicholls, Howarth & A.Morris2 points
2 points
Not my favourite track but some decent races, did I mention it was cold. A few freindly faces, Tero, auntie Sue, Thj and the odd Comets fan.2 points
SomersetBlue albeit a passionate Somerset fan, has a tendency to be very biased. I myself thought Somerset had one of the best heat leader trios in the league but as has been said Harris will throw in plenty of duff ones and with Covatti missing, it decimates the whole team. It amazes me people keep talking about Somerset as being 'up there' and 'one of the favourites'. This has to be worst Somerset team assembled for many a year. Probably the worst since we ended up with Lubos Tomicek at number 1!2 points
2 points
Apparently Newcastle’s odds of winning the title have just gone from 500-1 to 499-1. Always good to see a written off underdog doing well, whether it be the team or Max Clegg.2 points
Just been looking at this and a good link posted by Steve Park and unfortunately it does not look good at all for the Comets An Insolvency Services Company from Birkenhead have been appointed to wind up LJM Asset Management Ltd however I am not sure where the £300k figure of debt owed to HMRC comes from but it does have implications with regard to the Speedway. No doubt this story will grow and rumble on however it made the move to put the "licence on ice" for a year and not to run an astute one as it would have resulted in the collapse of the club right at the start of the season... Very sad situation Regards THJ2 points
The thing is under Ged you always felt he had one eye on strengthening up whenever possible and he was never afraid to make changes. Under Buster? Who knows!2 points
Strikes me as if they're waiting for team changes elsewhere. Most likely Nicholls or Thorsell.2 points
What fun! Stan Burza still riding & coming 3rd in 1st round Hungarian Chanps (1st Pepe Franc!!).2 points
And with the reds just been relegated this weekend,and town hardly endearing themselves in a piss poor league, the future of the new stadium looks even brighter,get the shades out2 points
Perfect choice then - he can shove his words right up his @£$€2 points
One race win at Cardiff 12 years ago seem to have given Harris an aura that quite a few people can’t look past. He’s a very inconsistent rider and only going in one direction. He hasn’t helped himself in my book by becoming a member of the club within the sport who label fans with opinions they don’t like online as “keyboard warriors.” So unprofessional. Get on with your job that we pay you to do. Give me Scott Nicholls any day. When we had both men at Rye Scott was just as entertaining when behind, he just didn’t find himself in that position as often as Harris. Five years down the line if both are still riding then I’d imagine Nicholls will be at a similar level to where he is now, Harris will probably be a five point man or taking pocket money from kids in the NL.2 points
That's handy. I started in Lynchwood on April 1st and do get a bit stuck sometimes for lunch. Where is your McDonalds?2 points
Nicol was impressive. These American's aren't phased by the tight turns of Brough. To a lesser degree Aaron Fox and Max Ruml have looked decent in 'recent' ish season's and it looks like Becker has the hang of Wolverhampton already. At 4.00 assessed it makes you wonder why the Diamonds never look in that direction.1 point
Hope and expect to shut you up.....for the love of God hope someone or something does!!!!1 point
As Tero is on an average of 6.83 and fits where as Theo is on 5.49... Tero was also suggested as "an option if Jye was out longer" on the premise that you would surely go for the rider with the highest possible average available... So not sure what you are driving at here... however if Jye ends up out for three or four months (hopefully not) would you prefer Theo or Tero... both would fit as a longer term injury replacement... Tero is also available now so that's where I got him from... Regards THJ1 point
44-46 Doyle 14 Ellis 5 Musielak 9 Lampart 4 Batchelor 8 Wajtknecht 5 Shanes 11 point
Being on the top bank of the 1st bend at Worky, in front of previous food van, must rival it for the coldest place. Your right, there was a few of them.1 point
And don't forget oxygen, you are well above sea level up there, and the wind comes all the way from the Arctic.1 point
1 point
1 point
Maybe you need to be more on social media but everyday iv seen something regarding his meeting. His website could be a more upto date (and on Glasgows too I would guess) and like others have said riders should have been announced a while ago. As a monarch fan very happy with first 3 announced and looking forward to it.1 point
1 point
1 point
Decent meeting and a fair result.the home win was never really in doubt the the visitors battled away to keep the meeting close,and have to be favourites to progress through to the next round some entertaining racing and good effort from both sides,again track prepped smoth and consistant done and dusted quickly ,which was good as that dam east wind had a bite to it big bonus-------never saw a tractor all night Perfect!1 point
anyone got any pics or video of Craig Cook and Richard Lawson shaking hands and respecting each other racing ? looks like they are all lovey dovey now .......Richard included in the testimonial ...1 point
Didn’t look so easy at Eastbourne according to the updates. Probably on a large guarantee1 point
Strangely for someone so young he has all the attributes of a seasoned professional. Always in control of his bike, always appears calm in public, and just Carrys and presents himself in a highly professional manner.1 point
Cook has 3 spots in the Champ. 1.Swindon (CFS connection surely pulls the weight) 2. Wolves doubt it 3. Poole well it would be funny considering Ford hates him. I know he had problems in Rybnik and has a very tarnished reputation in Poland due to him being a GP rider and being one of the worse riders in league 1. Needs to come out get a spot and keep his head down and out of the way. And he will look in the champ this year due to how weak it is. When you are riding against 17 year olds and you were a Gp rider you should go rather well.1 point
I still can't get my head round the fact that middlo is sponsored, as per his tweet thanking all of them, mind you Poole appear on TV more than most other teams so they obviously get plenty of coverage for their money. quite wrongly I assumed the names on his shirt, cap etc were team logos not his own personal sponsors1 point
have a feeling it will be very well supported not necessarily because everyone is a middlo fan but think it will be a high class field with some of our favourite riders returning for a one off spin,eg love to see magic again,even nikki p would be agreat draw! (hope they dont go silly and charge 20 quid or more,perhaps under 16s free!!)1 point
Well if the winter series track is anything to go by SLICK is an understatement,, it's a wonder the tyres never rip open after 1 ride as the blue/ grey / tarmac groove soon appears,, but at least it's track time for up & coming riders I suppose1 point
Why is it a shame that we dont allow foreign riders in the British National Development League?1 point
Marksman, not everyone is on twitter. Personally I think Sunday would have been a better day.1 point
Speedway had it's boom times before the advent of race suits tbh. Race jackets are fine imo and certainly don't stop you winning the title1 point