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Geoffrey. FFS. You do come across on here as an idiot. Yet in real life ur a decent bloke. You should know all to well as a fellow aces fan that risking an opening meeting on a track that's not ready is not what Swindon or the sport needs delaying it a week is a great idea. One which belle vue management at the time should have done. It has been stated that they really wanted to get the track work done sooner but they couldn't untill they had the say so. It was out of Swindon speedways hands. So good luck to Swindon in your opening ceremony so to speak next week against your nearest rivals. And let's hope it's a success because it's not only good for Swindon but more importantly for the sport as a whole11 points
Speedway has its problems, don't really think anyone on a speedway forum needs you to spell it out 1. What do you get out of posting on here anyway ? go wield your inflammatory pen on a forum of the more professional sports you purport to watch.10 points
Weird how it seems to be mainly Belle Vue fans criticising Swindon. At least Swindon have been honest to supporters and said that the track isn't ready rather than taking the fans' money and making them stand around for hours.8 points
One thing I would like to see is the clock introduction with the 2 minute countdown.Riders over here do not obey the starting marshal a lot of times when he is trying to get them to come up to the tapes which keeps the other riders waiting.In Poland the riders watch the clock and move in the last5- 10 seconds and the start marshal really only has to nod to the Ref and walk away.Cutting out all the shuffling back and forward nonsense that we get here.6 points
Ayres is a character and the sport needs more of those , we loved him at Glasgow a couple of seasons ago . Bit harsh on the young Aussie , but the reduced points limit makes it hard to carry someone in the hope he clicks at some point .6 points
Plus he is a virtual nobody abroad, it’s about time clubs weren’t held to ransom by the demand of the greedy few.5 points
What is standard about Mr G is that he does show loyalty & has proved it many times in previous seasons. I guess you are another Mr G hater about anything he does or says.5 points
Its a week delay. Surely a bigger lie is getting everyone in on Thursday the having to cancel it after a few heats. Speedway starts too early anyway in the year and there are too many blank weeks in the summer when the weather is good. One postponed fixture in April is not the end of the world.5 points
4 points
You cant be comparing Jack Holder to Robert Lambert surely? Poole have built a 1-7 that is solid with no number one. Jack Holder scored 6 away from home which is roughly what you would expect maybe 1 or 2 points more Robert Lambert scored 4.......you would expect 13 plus from him at home. Jack Holder scored roughly what was expected and Robert Lambert didnt.......Lamberts poor form cost Lynn a chance of the meeting. We have a number one in Chris Harris who would be expecting 7-9 most away meetings , in a similar bracket to Jack Holder who also isnt an out and out number one. Were you seriously expecting a double figure score from Jack Holder?3 points
£16 in 2008 is worth just under £22 now so sitting down at the Aces is still more. However charging just under £22 at each top division track as your base price would be a disaster I would think.. I think the admission price surge of the late noughties though were a reflection of the rising costs that the 'superstars' started to incur as they started to ride around Europe virtually every night, and the fact that crowds were starting to drop significantly, so inflation busting rises were being pinged in to balance the books.. Around 2010 I think the sport reached that tipping point where promotions finally realised (at EL level) that they couldn't keep squeezing more out of an ever decreasing number of people year on year, and slowed up the increases to try and keep the fan base they still had from leaving too.. This was the start of the 'exodus' I would say of the very top riders as EL promoters couldn't justify having three top heat leaders per team as the crowds wouldn't cover the cost of doing so... The PL just seemed to jump onto the coat tails of the EL prices and kept their admission charges a pound or two below in the main, even though they had no 'superstars' to pay for which always surprised me, especially given how the 2nd tier mainly had EL level second strings at No1... Presume it was the Sky Money that heavily subsidised the EL?3 points
I'm posting for the first time in many years simply to say that you are an absolute tool. Good bye. :-)3 points
I thought this was a speedway for & not a scrabble forum. Never mind, THJ sums you up perfectly ....... a prized plum!3 points
Najjer sorry you feel that way but i followed a team that folded .. Exeter and since then have followed Somerset for my speedway fix ... any speedway is better than none and you miss it when its not there. The OTA is top racing whatever league you are in and the management do a good job unlike others. hope to see you there sometime all the best to you and your family3 points
There’s no room for sentiment in sport. I do wonder, however if Scunthorpe did their due diligence on List or just signed him on the back of him being from Australia and therefore he must be better than a British rider.3 points
Im sorry but its clear List wasn't ready for racing at this level and shouldn't have travelled over. He threw his leg over a 500cc bike at the beginning of the year/late last year i believe. He and his family have thrown a lot of money away on this venture because he has been lured across the world with questionable promises and dreams (lets face it there is plenty of criminal activity that takes place in similar circumstances). But the ultimate blame has to lay with Scunthorpe & the promotion, they have a responsibility to ensure riders are up to the required standard to be out on track rather than take a gamble on someone who may be a superstar or not (lets face it British riders are not often afforded that level of faith). Jedd List could quite possibly find his Speedway career finished before its even begun.3 points
Damned if they do and damned if they don't.. I remember being in a crowd once, a crowd full of anticipation to see a new track, (maybe you were there too?), and coming away thinking "Speedway! No matter how many times you give it another go, it will always be a Mickey Mouse amateur shambles"... At least this time a couple of thousand fans (including Aces supporters again no doubt), won't have yet another reason to feel so peed off with the way the Sport is ran once more... And no need for humble pie either, as with any Speedway meeting, the track may have been absolutely perfect on the day but the heavens might have opened so no meeting would have taken place anyway... The season finishes many months from now, so better to wait and do something properly, than rush things through half arsed and spectacularly fail... Especially when you are in Swindons unique position where they will want to be seen as ultra professional in the eyes of the public and local officials, given the challenges they are facing with their new home.. A brand damaging opening night farce could have been a disaster that they just may have struggled to recover from..3 points
As a scunthorpe fan, I am glad by this, he is a bit out of his depth and will get some time over this season to get some track time, yes Godfrey made a gamble and it didnt work. To be fair to Godfrey he is not known as a chop/change promoter and this has been to our detriment over many seasons, seems other promoters can do this when they like and virtually no comment ... go figure.3 points
BT and BSI have announced a new 3 year contract covering 2019,20 and 2021 for BT Sport to show the GP`s and the SON2 points
Jack had bike issues in his first 2 rides - nothing to do with a foot injury. In normal circumstances i would expect him to get double figures. All the negativity about the Stars after just one home meeting I find a little surprising?! But I bet they looked nice and professional in their team kevlars...........!!2 points
2 points
Believe it not they were skint and desperately needed that meeting on at all costs !!!!!2 points
Jedd has a Scottish grandmother and has a 5 year partiality visa . he is living 10miles from Scunthorpe and he and his dad are paying there own way. no money is coming from the supporters to cover his cost except those who chipped in to cover methanol for home meetings2 points
Yes they would. Holder did about as expected score wise.. 7.39 rider, now riding at No 1.. against a Kings Lynn team pretty solid in the middle order. There is none of them you can 100% say he should be beating pretty much every time. Lambert is a different kettle of fish. An out and out No 1 whose job role is to score big. Any time a side built in that fashion has their top dog under perform so much they are in trouble.2 points
which is the same with any family whos kids start out in motorsport,with a 10year old who loves Motorcross i have first had experience of this££££££££££££££ and more££££££££££2 points
yet reading the press release it was done after discusions with his father,hes still staying around Scunthorpe,will travel with the team to gain experience etc seems to me to be a amicable situation that all are happy with,and thats how it should be2 points
much ado about nothing geez ..... starting marshall gets riders to tapes , green light on and tapes go ... race on don't think its anything to do with starting process .... riders last few years have been getting worse each year and are constantly moving at gate this year has started even worse .... and we have been the biggest offenders !!!! - its at least 3 times per meeting our riders have had to stop themselves touching tapes and the ref has started the race leaving them floundering (quite rightly) ..... I wouldn't care but for all the movement we have done at the tapes we have woeful at gating - especially the 1st 4 races where in the 2 away meetings the match was over by heat 4 But the biggest issue will be the crowds and the quality of racing thus far. Brough is a technical track and as such you do see a lot of passing and close racing. Whilst no one likes getting beaten, getting beaten whilst watching boring racing is another matter. The 1st 2 home meetings have been amongst some of the dullest meetings Ive ever seen (redcar had the odd moment) Apart from Jorgensen's superb pass on Wright, we haven't looked likely passing anyone and apart from Jorgensen and Worrall Im not sure the others can pass at Brough. Sunday night I was freezing, bored, deflated at seeing us getting a good whipping off our friendly neighbours and frankly heat 15 couldn't arrive quick enough. Well that's 2 trophies we have failed to win so far. Still the league starts on Sunday where we are currently unbeaten......................2 points
BT TV MATCHES Just found these on the BT SPORT page. Monday 6th May Swindon v Peterborough BT SPORT 2 20th Ipswich v Wolverhampton ,, 1 None advertised for June yet.........................2 points
Finally something sensible. I don't grasp all those naysayers claiming this meeting proved them right about Kings Lynn. Most of the side scored well. You cannot legislate for your No 1, an out and out No 1 at that, only scoring 4pts. He should be scoring 13-14 at home. Had he done so, Kings Lynn have a fairly comfortable win.2 points
The only Stars rider that done his job was Riss. The rest of the team were very ordinary, with Kasper being worse than that.2 points
2 points
2 points
It was the Belle Vue meeting this week that was cancelled so I would expect their fans to have more interest than others in what has happened. In truth I don't see many fans from anywhere expressing a view about this and I don't really see any of the comments saying anything that many Swindon fans haven't already said about the construction of the new stadium and track. However, there is no criticism from me. I am just pleased that that the track work is being done and that Swindon will be running for at least one more season and hopefully, for much longer.2 points
Hopefully Senór Flint keeps up the good work of swapping Kev and Jye for away meetings so that Jye and Dany are not paired together away from home so expecting the team to be Aaron, Jye, Dany, Kev, NBJ, Coty, Leon. Glasgow fans what is your 1-7 looking like? Think I’ll make the trip, depending on the weather.2 points
Common sense to not to run the meeting but questions have no be asked why it took so long to start the work in the first place leaving such a tight deadline .2 points
It’s pretty pathetic the the people in charge don’t seem to know the new rule.2 points
I have used my re-admission ticket in the past and never been charged any extra.2 points
To be fair if he is spending the right amount to keep his head above water I don’t think anyone can knock him, I read the Chris Morton article in the star the other week and it’s clear Belle Vue are losing a lot of money each year, how long that continues is anyone’s guess but a halt will be called at some point. Riders need to understand that the money just isn’t there anymore (Cooks a classic example) just how many clubs have to go bust before it dawns on them.2 points
I note you are a Belle Vue fan....surely after your clubs opening debacle you would see the sense behind the postponement. I would rather they allowed the extra week to get it right then turn up Thursday & the track isn't ready. I think the club has taken the correct decision.2 points
2 points
If we somehow keep the standard of gating up that we displayed last night at Newcastle then we will stand ourselves in good stead. We ran Glasgow close last year... crossed fingers for the same again2 points
I thought we might have given him a few more meetings, although options might be limited when new averages come out.2 points
Fantastic speedway rider but an utterly dreadful human being. Way too much ego and opinion without even an average intellect with which to deliver it Traits which are sadly common in many modern day riders and promoters alike.2 points
2 points
It's not as easy as you think Naj, I know, as I try every year and getting small businesses to sponsor/advertise with the club is getting harder by the year. Whilst getting supporters to fund the suits sounds great, and might work in Glasgow or Leicester where you have a much larger conurbations to gather support from, it's a lot more difficult in somewhere like Somerset, you only have to look at the kind of support you get when asking supporters to support events at the arena, away from normal race night, even when the cost is negligible, it's the same old small hard core of people who attend & spend the money. As to your point about it not being appealing to sponsors, the club attracted several new sponsors last season and that was without race suits, as they were more interested in the hospitality side to entertain their clients and staff. One of those sponsors have increased there spend on sponsoring with us this season and the lack of race suits never entered the equation with them, they just wanted more visibility at trackside and around the arena, in addition to the hospitality side of things. If you speak to new sponsors coming into the sport, in my experience, it's more to do with networking & hospitality, somewhere to bring clients or potential clients as a way to tie up their business. If you and others want to come forwards and offer to buy the race suits for the team, and to keep for yourself at the end of the season, then I'm sure the promotion would be very happy to talk it through with you and anyone wishing to do that. If you look at the reasons the promotion took the decision to take the club back into the Championship, you'll realise that it was done to safeguard the long term future of the club, and not to take a huge financial hit that would see us in the top league, only to have a limited life span. It was also a decision that was taken at the actual AGM, and not beforehand, as the intention was to run in the Premiership again, but decisions made at that AGM made it financially impossible for that to happen and for the club to continue into the foreseeable future. The promotion's ethos is to ensure they don't do anything that puts the club in danger of big financial losses, so if that means that we run in the Championship for now, and no race suits, that fine by me, as I would rather the club survive, than join the likes of Rye House, Workington & Lakeside on the proverbial speedway scrapheap. Next year is another year, and if the terms are right, I'm sure that the promotion would look at moving back to the Premiership (If there is one to move back to that is), and if they can be funded, I'm sure race suits would be on the agenda, but until that happens, we are where we are. I know for a fact, because I've talked to him at length about it, that Garry sorted out a really good deal for Wrighty, and I know how it was going to be funded. Wrighty stated at events he attended at the Oaktree, before the season, that he wanted to come back, he virtually told the fans he was coming back and had accepted the deal Garry put together. He agreed to rejoin the team, and it was the best deal he could have got from us. However, a team that came to the AGM, and pleaded abject poverty, saying that they couldn't run if they didn't get a 36pt team building average agreed by the rest of the promoters, then went and offered him far more than we had offered or could afford. So despite the fact that you feel he will be a top rider in the league this season, which I don't disagree with, he is not at Somerset, and that isn't the clubs fault. I'm not saying it's Wrighty's fault either, as riders will go where the money is, but when a team tells you it can't run unless you dumb down the product to something that is totally unrecognisable, and then acts like that, something's very wrong with this game.2 points
Shame you didn't attend in 2018 then when Workington Comets scooped the board and won the treble and everything on offer in Speedway , huge crowds to see them do so So forgive me for not getting over enthusiastic about a FC playing a Sunday League division let alone in a Stadium that holds 8000, laughable !!! Compare that to a winning Speedway Team racing on bikes with no brakes ......I know whats much more exciting As for the "little" interest its more the financial side that is stacking against Workington , so stick to what you know...in Cumbria we call that 'Nowt' !!2 points
Pedersen will be remembered as Top 10 best ever... Ward will be remembered as an obnoxious twit... i know who id rather be2 points
I haven't assessed anything. He's been signed as an out and out No 1, a 9.82 average including bonus. He is the 2nd highest averaging rider in the league and well above the rider in 3rd. You can't really get a more 'out and out No 1', bar Jason Doyle.1 point
The safe fact is that with Batch, Doyle, Holder and the remainder of the Aussie crew making up a third of the riders due to compete on the 18th if the track is even slightly iffy there will be a lot of fuss being made.1 point
Buster don’t have to worry about spending his hard earned on a competitive team. He can still turn a decent profit on all the local Derby’s that will attract plenty of visitors to cover the poor crowds for the other fixtures. No mug is he ? As he once said ... you know where the door is. Wise man that Buster, wish I’d taken notice of him years back. Still better late than neve.1 point