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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2019 in all areas

  1. I totally agree with Craig Cook, being told where to put the clubs sponsors on his racesuit, bikes and even his cap takes the pi$$. And to be told his sponsors have to be in black and white !! Craig was well within his rights to ask Peterborough to make up the shortfall he'd be losing. A Mickey Mouse attitude by what's become a Mickey Mouse sport with one of the smallest followings in the UK.
    13 points
  2. I think Peterborough are in the right on this one. Absolutely 1 million percent club sponsors should take priority over individual riders. Club sponsors and the revenue it creates is what is helping keep clubs afloat at the moment so more and more of that is required. If a rider, in this case Cook, isn't happy about that then go and sign for someone else. The irony is that he has absolutely no sponsors on display now.
    10 points
  3. I have to agree with Cook's stance. If the club want to take over prime sponsorship space then they should expect to pay for it or at least compensate the rider.
    9 points
  4. The club must always come first No rider is bigger than the club As far as "image rights" is concerned - good grief, this is British Speedway we're talking about, not some multi-billion pound/dollar concern like Premier League, F1 or all those US "sports" Get real, Craig Cook and any other rider who believes our sport and the promoters of the club's owe them a superstar living on a par with Lewis Hamilton, etc All this whilst fans on here bemoan the levels of admission prices! Does my head in sometimes!
    8 points
  5. In no other team sport do the competitors determine what a team kit/uniform looks like, so why should Peterborough speedway be any different? If a company is pumping money into the club, they want to be the focal point of the team kit. You always get the hysterical masses that side with the rider in speedway, but the club can't afford to lose a major sponsor by having a rider dictate the design of a team suit. Looking at the press and practice pics, it's hard to see what his issue was. The fact that he was willing to sell his principles out for points money also cheapens his argument massively.
    7 points
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't all GP riders had the same fork covers for yonks, advertising the company that sponsors the GP not the individual rider. Craig Cook seemed to accept that. I'm not too sure quite how this fundamentally differs
    7 points
  7. All the sponsors are in white including team sponsors. The only team sponsors are on the torso which is usual place.Looking at the riders they have all their usual sponsors in the usual prominent places like arms and legs etc. They are also wearing their own caps so what Craig is saying is incorrect.
    5 points
  8. I think the point was, he now has no team spot in the only televised league in which he was planning to ride, so he won't be giving his sponsors any major exposure.
    5 points
  9. The issue for me is that this should have been sorted out before now. Its an absolutely ridiculous situation and neither party come out of this well...
    5 points
  10. Fail to see why any of this is Craig Cooks fault ?, without individual sponsorship, riders like Cook wouldn’t be able to make a living in the sport , ..... The priority over sponsor name placement was never an issue at Belle Vue and I’m sure it isn’t at most other teams ? ...
    5 points
  11. Whilst I feel sorry for you guys didn’t I say this two months ago that ged broke the wage ceiling on two of his heat leaders and they were going to have to ride for busters rate or find somewhere else to ride. I got loads of stick and told I was making it up. I accept your apologies
    5 points
  12. https://www.cc111.co.uk/blog/in-response-peterborough Cook's response
    5 points
  13. Does it really matter if it's sponsors colours? You bet it does 100%. Think of an airlines that's orange - EasyJet Think of a chocolate that's purple - Cadburys Why do you think companies copyright? Of course it matters.
    4 points
  14. Maybe Cook was trying it on.His sponsors would have been happy with what would have been on his race suit looking at those above.But he told the management they wouldn't be happy so needs more points money.He wanted the best of both worlds by the looks of it but has backfired on him.He will now have to wait for a team position to come up and settle for whatever points money he is offered.
    4 points
  15. I cannot believe the postings of those who back the club's stance on this matter. Totally naive, small minded and frankly come across as money grabbers! However, that's your choice and it's a free world. But let me explain, using finance as a basis (no point in wasting my time talking about principles), as to why I disagree with you 100% that club sponsors are more important than individual rider ones. Why finance? Because that is all you seem to think is important - hence "money grabbers". ALL sponsors are important. Every single one. Whether it's a fan or a large company. A donation is a donation. People give what they can. Collectively, rider sponsorship will undoubtedly come to a higher total of money than that of total club sponsors in the UK. Do the maths! So, you p... off rider sponsors and guess what happens next year? Riders have less financial support and they go to clubs for higher wages. Clubs then either meet those demands - and the admission price increases. We all know what the result of that is on BSF - moan, moan, moan - "15 minutes of riding for £X, not worth it, I'm not going back, burning my season ticket". Or if they don't meet those demands, riders have poorer equipment and guess what happens on BSF - moan, moan, moan - "the racing is cr4p - 15 minutes of follow the leader, I'm not going back, etc"! Yes, it then comes down to YOUR MONEY and you're getting value for it. Ah! But it's different when it comes down to your money. Sponsors money doesn't matter, we take that for granted. And guess what sponsors want? No different from you. Waken up, take your blinkers off, join the real world outside of your club and get real!
    4 points
  16. Christ almighty... riders need individual sponsorship to earn a living in the sport ! this “ f*** you get a another part time job” attitude is exactly why British Speedway is on its knees , Belle Vue ‘ RENTRUCK ‘ Aces have never had this problem telling their riders what they can or can’t have on their Kevlars , so why are Peterborough? .....
    4 points
  17. Get another part time job then? Speedway doesn't owe them a living. Craig Cook also rides in the 2nd division at the highest payers in the League so won't be doing too badly! Your sentence should read something more like.... without team sponsorship, teams like Peterborough wouldn’t be able to make the sport pay
    4 points
  18. I don't think both Cook or Buster come out looking good in this, but for me, Cook more so in the wrong. As Craig was willing to sacrifice his sponsors being black & white for more points money, he just counteracts his argument. Questions have to be asked to Chapman, and probably were, why's things different for Hans? Craig does seem to have this mentality that he's some kind of Speedway Superstar. With Buster, he understands how bang average Cook is so would never pay stupid money for him. I don't think Gomolski will be a bad replacement, he's a different beast to that in 2011.
    4 points
  19. Totally fed up with all the Chapman deceit and the way he thinks he can get away with it , what a shocking embarrassment on press and practice day you have to announce that your top rider will not be riding for the club , how much more of this rubbishe are Panthers fans supposed to put up with, I also have noticed they have secured Europress on to the sponsorship advertising board again , with all the damage that has done for the sport especially at Peterborough Chapman couldn't have insulted supporters by getting this excuse on board . I have recently renewed my supporters club membership , what a waste of time as I am now withdrawing my support totally from the club and want no involvement with this shambles. Mildenhall could well be my next venture as I wont be supporting anything that has connections with Chapman.
    4 points
  20. Hope he has more luck than Berge then
    4 points
  21. Promoters need to stick to a budget. Can’t afford to lose any more clubs. Cookie is obviously expensive to employ but no rider is bigger than the club.
    4 points
    4 points
  23. Looks like somebody is colour blind or has turned up at completely the wrong p&p day!
    3 points
  24. Agree. He needs the Prem imho. The other riders race suits look good. I can't see why that's not good enough for Cookie. He seems like he is sticking up/backing his sponsors in his statement, but then says he will ride if they put his money up. If they had agreed, is it not sod the sponsors then ?
    3 points
  25. Don't agree,personally i think for instance with Peterborough being predominantly red if i was to sponsor them i would want my name in white.Easily seen on a red background.You only have to look at the sponsorships on football shirts and many of the writing on the shirts aren't actually the colour of the sponsors writing.Again for instance Etihad airways sponsor Man City writing on the shirt is black,Etihad airways is gold,Standard chartered(Liverpool)on shirts white but they are actually blue and green,Fly emirates are on Arsenal shirts in white but they are actually red.So you can see many big companies are happy to get there names out there in which ever way it can be seen the best.So many use white writing because this can be seen best on many backgrounds.
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Having read Craig Cook's twitter response, As I see it, the reason he didnt sign a contract(with the previous promotion) was because of the issue with sponsorship logo's...But he seems to contradict himself saying that he had not originally signed a contract because of this, and then saying that he had discussions with the previous promotion and understood that he would be exempt from this....But the "contract" wasn't changed to reflect this......What contract?........He said he never signed one!.....So am I right in thinking that the sponsorship logo issue was implemented BEFORE Buster Chapman took over the club? If so, I think he has tried it on and Buster was having none of it? If the logo rule was put in place by the previous promotion, Surely he can't have a case to argue? Or have I read it wrong??
    3 points
  28. I didn't think team suits were even compulsory anymore? I'd be pretty peed off if I'd bought a season ticket expecting to see Harris & Cook and got fobbed off with Tungate and whoever...
    3 points
  29. Doesn’t sound like Richie’s thrilled to be doing it!
    3 points
  30. Bit of a rubbish Show so close to the season starting. However as much as I am a fan of Cook and not a fan of Chapman, you have to give credit to him sticking to a budget he can afford. As a Rye House fan and hearing what they were paying and how that worked out, I'd take Peterborough's current situation any day. And, Cookie's cause not helped by the fact he seems to have out priced himself out of 2 different teams now. Also, don't think its that bad of a 1-7. Not as good as When Cookie was #1 but still competitive in what is a pretty weak Premier league these days.
    3 points
  31. Shame as he could do with the laps,, I wasn't at p and p, so hopefully he mastered it then, he is meant to be exciting to watch. I guess I will see you.guys normal spot tomorrow night
    3 points
  32. On the picture of Hans, presumably the Meridian Lifts sponsor is his and the smaller logos are the clubs. Can't see what Cook's problem would of been with that personally.. Even more ironic, on his website homepage he actually carries a picture of him from the GP with the British GP sponsor on it *facepalm*
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. And ironically by pulling out, they now get no TV coverage at all
    3 points
  35. Whatever you think about Buster, and Im far from his biggest fan, he is not the only one in this. Craig Cook, a rider I admire, obviously wants more than Buster thinks the club can afford. Responsibility rests with both sides.
    3 points
  36. What I find interesting it’s the same promotors trying to implement this rule on sponsor logos that refused to put Sky Sports logo on team suits and bike covers unless extra money was given yet were quite happy to already take the league sponsorship money and tv rights money.
    2 points
  37. The bottom line is its press and practice day and we should be looking forward to the season with excitement but it's the Craig Cook show.
    2 points
  38. It'd be hard to find a more supportive fan at the EoES than Stilts so if that's how he feels then we really are in a mess.
    2 points
  39. If the logo rule is the same for all 7 and Craig knew that. then it's Cookies fault. If he thought he could stick it out and get his way with Buster, Not going to happen. He shouldn't of been declared he wasn't signed though. And it shouldn't of been left so late.
    2 points
  40. Looking at the team picture on webpage Charles Wright either has different kevlars or theres an issue with his as hes got green sections on upper arms and it looks like a race bib hes wearing as Panther and sponsor logo are smaller, also Lasse Bjerre has a white panel on right arm so there was room for some personal preferences. Maybe Cook just didnt want to grow a trendy beard like the other six.
    2 points
  41. I want ,I want, I want.Rather like listening to a spoilt child. It seems like another dummy as been thrown out of cot. OMG. Hey O.I for one am looking forward to a New start at P/Boro. Bring it on.
    2 points
  42. Looking at Hans bike in picture he has his main sponsors on the front, his leg and no doubt on his bike cover ,why couldnt Cook accept his in the same places, hope the new riders NKI that now would be interesting
    2 points
  43. Buster Chapman has already embarrassed this club before we have even ridden...and to use press and practice day to announce this is shocking. First Bomber now Cookie..WTF are they thinking..great promoting guys..top job so far!...Ged please come back!
    2 points
  44. Why was Cook selling advertising space he knew he couldn't deliver on? I wonder what his current sponsors think about him walking away from the top league - less exposure for them now, presume they expected to appear on BT sport?
    2 points
  45. Agree 100%. Cardiff is the most expensive speedway meeting of the year, but it's by far the best overall experience and as a result, the best value.
    2 points
  46. I don't think the main problem is the entrance fee, as football fans are a similar demographic and there are plenty that still go through the turnstiles. The main problem is value for money, the lack of team continuity season to season, teams saying they may run they may not, supporting a team which may run this year, but may not next year, supporting a sport which is clearly on it's downers rather than it's uppers (or at least flatlining). However, unless there is a solid will to change the situation by those involved in the sport and not just the promoters, nothing is going to change. I do think Grasstrack is looking more healthy these days, as there seems to be a strong youth initiative within the sport.
    2 points
  47. What a debacle. From being excited about the season, my enthusiasm has now gone. I never liked the idea of Buster taking over our club and now my fears are bearing fruit.
    2 points
  48. How much coffee needs brewing before you guys get it about Chapman?
    2 points
  49. Halting the decline is complex involving multiple issues. Fundamentally working people just don't have the finances for what is a very expensive midweek night out at the speedway. The sad situation is that there are many British Speedway/Grasstrack riders but few opportunities for the m to ride. I'm sure there is a solution to what is happening but doing nothing and carrying on regardless will just accelerate the slump.
    2 points
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