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They are preseason challenge matches to blow away the cobwebs, just organised warm ups. No big drama is it ...7 points
So you have a reserve that's flying on the night,,, don't put him up for a pick,, it's then chosen the under performing rider goes in 14,,,goes though tapes,, replaced by flying reserve. Can flying reserve also do heat 15 as wasn't original pick for 143 points
3 points
But what's wrong with fans voting when it's not their team? Attendance 890 Votes 20353 points
The BSPA Keith Chapman Everyone's opinion of British Speedway right now (apart from the blinkered)3 points
Wouldn’t say that’s strictly true. Made many gaffes while Rye promotor, but, give him his due he kept the club running. £15 is too much for speedway at any level in this country nowadays. Sport’s on the slide massively.3 points
It's not just Somerset, the "we must reach the play-off" mentality of all promoters is killing Speedway........... but promoters cannot see it.3 points
I can't believe any adult would think this cup gimmick is a good idea. Its meant to be a serious sport.3 points
Why is it that a sport which has quite a few young riders cannot attract the younger fan base. Clearly this young rider base cannot connect with these fans and it is simply a sport that from a participation aspect is beyond the reach of the average youngster unlike it use to be when grass trackers progressed into speedway. It is costly to get into, not high profile enough and won’t make the newcomer a fortune or famous overnight. Perhaps low cost standard bikes etc and not the high performance machines that are used today might make it an option for a few more but in reality people will just have to accept that it simply does not work for a younger generation and never will given the choices that are available today. It is only a matter of time before it becomes a part time amateur status option for a few in the U.K. and those who are professional will have primarily Poland to race which continues to be a hot bed for talent and supporters something the U.K. will never replicate.2 points
2 points
There is that word again! PROMOTION. Last season I went to all but what turned out to be the last meeting at Rye House. They have a large advert just by the road entrance which had the next meeting date and time. Trouble was on all but two meetings when I arrived it showed the details of a previous meeting. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, surely changing that hoarding should have been the first job on the day following a meeting.2 points
The product is constantly on the decline. Ramping prices up further is going to do nothing but drive more fans away. There are other ways to draw a crowd, namely promotion. I wish Rye were still running but towards the end I was picking and choosing my meetings because the sport simply wasn’t value for money. So no, not at ANY price. The generation of fans who are/were happy to turn up and lap up whatever tripe was being served up, up and down the country are dying out, just like British Speedway.2 points
Well least see where 2019 takes us .... certainly a more positive vibe to last year With such a points reduction difficult to really forecast how teams will do and to be fair who would have predicted Workington's success last year ! With 3 heat leaders we should be competitive. and we are always going to have a strong 1st reserve whether it be Clegg, Lambert or Wether's Also we should be in with a shout for plrc, pairs and fours ... unlike last year Lets hope the support increases (here and elsewhere) Number 1 wish for season - a good tight competitive league with little between top and bottom and a mad scramble for the playoffs (really my number wish is for us to win everything )2 points
Remember we come away from your place with the points a few times always good meetings between both teams2 points
The thing is, if you're not interested in it then you don't have to do anything. Just watch the racing. 13 heats using to old race formula and 2 nominated races at the end. That's it.2 points
2 points
It doesn't matter. Managers will chose their top four riders and the fans will choose which pair ride in heat 14 with the other pair riding in heat 15 by default. Just because some people don't have smartphones isn't a reason to try something new.2 points
Exactly. I don't understand why some people are struggling with this concept. I actually think it is a good idea, just with slightly uninspiring implementation.2 points
Lens only doing the sums for the 65-25 mashings each week, even the home fans will get brassed off with that eventually2 points
What a complete dogs dinner, which numpty thought this would be a good idea. Its clearly open to abuse and i'm seriously beginning to think my time as a fan is coming to an end ...2 points
Yep, not good. I wonder what/who was behind it. It was - and still is - an avoidable clash. But I guess Buster & co don't give a flying one as a good few K/Lynn fans will be there to compensate for some Panthers fans opting for the Posh game. Another one to file away under "Speedway shoots itself in the foot".2 points
I have been a supporter for nearly 60 years, in Edinburgh and now where I live in Somerset. BUT I will not be attending many meetings this year. WHY? Because of the ridiculous clearing out of riders at the end of the season. We were in the Premier league with the world champ riding for us. Now he's not and we are down a league, with only one rider from last year. Sorry guys but that is not the way to engender loyalty. No concession entrances so I will be voting with my feet. I like Bill and Debbie and what they have done but they have to work with a broken system. Accuse me of being a dinasaur if you like but it cannot be viable to keep managing the decline like this.2 points
Are you really a Belle Vue fan, or are you another forum member posing under another name? Why are going on about the stadium like you are? Swindon fans know there are concerns, but we don't need supporters of other tracks coming here and taking the mickey about it, just because they now have their own new track. I think there's only one person who needs to grow up.2 points
1 point
Total bull. Belle vue have reached out on more than 1 occasion to him but to no avail. Its PC's choice to stay away. Sad but true I'm afraid.1 point
1 point
Honestly Totally correct Jenga is like a Ruminant without any Orbital Ocular Sockets Before you look it up Jenga it's a deer without any eyes or a no eyed deer!!!! See what a did there Biffa because it Totally sums you up "No Idea" whatsoever... Definitely a prize plum Regards THJ1 point
Clearly a race bib on various race suits. You can see the fasteners on the bibs at the sides.1 point
So how would you get their attention so they wish to attend? Fireworks, scantily clad girls starting the race and holding up a board for each lap, latest music, band playing between each race, 25 heats per meeting, £10 admission? It's no good saying the promoters need to attract the younger generation if you don't say how. I think you are being very unfair and the next time you go should have a walk round all of the stadium so you can see how many teenagers/young adults are there as there were loads near where I was on the 4th bend. Yes there are a lot of older people as well and unless someone wants to stick us all against a wall and shoot us I suppose we will be stupid enough to carry on going until we are incapable of making the effort.1 point
Think you may be confusing us buying Richard Lawson from Workington after Lakeside never paid the initial transfer fee to Workington . Glasgow then stepped in and paid the fee. Craig Cook as far as i am aware is still an Edinburgh asset1 point
1 point
I'd be hoping the promotion there will invite Josh McDonald to ride, even if only to give him a showcase to let others see him. He's over there with Tyron Proctor, he will be going to the meeting. It would be interesting to him stack up against men who have team places elsewhere.1 point
1 point
1 point
If this is the best the BSPA can come up with to improve British speedway, then God help us. It's a ridiculous idea.1 point
I was being polite. The whole thing is a load of turd. Somehow I must stop myself coming on here1 point
Most teams starting in April this year and will finish by early September The world moves on - you need to get with the modern way1 point
Your right,it just a money grab for greedy riders,Cook probably needs the money to finance his GP losses last season which we all heard about with the sob stories.1 point
Precisely, we need to see it in action to decide whether it’s a good idea or not. Don’t see how it can be slagged off until then.1 point
I cam look at most pics from the 70s and u can tell who it is by the leathers and face mask and handlebars now they all look the same ! Unless i am getting old .1 point
More chance for Tractor racing.... not that any excuse was needed at Leceister on Saturday !1 point
Might work, might not but I applaud them for trying something different and incorporating modern technology into the process.1 point
1 point
Ulrich could quite easily be out the no1 race jacket after the first set of new averages. I think morris or Newman could easily over take him in the averages then after a couple more months it would not surprise me to see shanes and Zach overtake him then ..1 point
Not keen on team suits. I think back to Oxford in the 1980s, and we had Hans in sleek black leathers, Wiggy in distinctive day-glo green, Cocker in his chequered-leathers, etc. The leathers were an extension of the personality of each rider. Team suits and that's lost. Not only that, but it's a significant cost that most clubs simply cannot afford.1 point
Great start to Promoting that Carl. Clashing with Posh and their biggest home gate of the season1 point
seen Drew at Leicester on Saturday night and Sheffield yesterday, did OK Saturday but well out of his depth at Sheffield, may be he should go back to his old gear. #kevlargate1 point
With many fixture clashes, and guests needed, due to riders riding for several teams around Europe and domestically.. An amazing plan... Signing employees who dictate to you, the business owner, when you can and can't open your doors to your customers..? It will never work as a successful business operating model, because quite simply it cannot.. Yet, year in, year out, this is the model they use... No surprise really then that the sport in the UK is where it currently is... As everyone knows... Keep doing the same thing and you will keep delivering the same results...1 point
1 point
Agree, but its not. I think its good if they honour their prior arrangements, after being shafted elsewhere.1 point