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7 points
I was impressed with Max Clegg yesterday, looked good and riding a number of different lines and looking fast. Jorgensen also looked good and seemed to be really attacking the track as was Bjerre. Phillips still has me concerned, still doesn't look comfortable around Brough but time will tell. Love the kevlars, especially the big white Diamond, just missing the word 'LADA' underneath in my opinion.6 points
How was that cheating? No rules were broken? It was sour grapes from the promoter who got out-Forded!6 points
With many fixture clashes, and guests needed, due to riders riding for several teams around Europe and domestically.. An amazing plan... Signing employees who dictate to you, the business owner, when you can and can't open your doors to your customers..? It will never work as a successful business operating model, because quite simply it cannot.. Yet, year in, year out, this is the model they use... No surprise really then that the sport in the UK is where it currently is... As everyone knows... Keep doing the same thing and you will keep delivering the same results...5 points
It will be another delay in proceedings while he votes are sorted. There's enough pissing about now at meetings without adding to it.4 points
I can't believe any adult would think this cup gimmick is a good idea. Its meant to be a serious sport.3 points
I have been a supporter for nearly 60 years, in Edinburgh and now where I live in Somerset. BUT I will not be attending many meetings this year. WHY? Because of the ridiculous clearing out of riders at the end of the season. We were in the Premier league with the world champ riding for us. Now he's not and we are down a league, with only one rider from last year. Sorry guys but that is not the way to engender loyalty. No concession entrances so I will be voting with my feet. I like Bill and Debbie and what they have done but they have to work with a broken system. Accuse me of being a dinasaur if you like but it cannot be viable to keep managing the decline like this.3 points
From a neutral (Redcar) supporter, Lewis Kerr looked very good at Ben Barker's testimonial meeting yesterday. Hope he has an injury free season. Certainly deserves one.3 points
You are right, there isn’t a great deal wrong with the action but unfortunately lots of other stuff around it is poor, some out of the sports control but many things completely within. I’m thinking poor stadia and facilities, poor customer service when the weather is bad, poor promotional communication, expensive admission, failure to appeal to a younger audience, bad presentation, poor track prep and meetings dragging on. Obviously not every track or every week but these things occur far too often and people unfortunately vote with their feet.3 points
The same two riders can't be used in both heats. To me it sounds like your best 4 riders on the night will be in hts 14 and 15 the fans are just deciding the heats they would like to see them in.I think team managers would be foolish not to name their top 4 for ht14.2 points
Precisely, we need to see it in action to decide whether it’s a good idea or not. Don’t see how it can be slagged off until then.2 points
Could understand with KP missing Leicester as Saturdays are not a Premiership race night, but Thursdays are so why is he missing this meeting. It shouldn't clash with Poland.2 points
Im not so sure. I think any of them barring Paco could hit 6.5 this season if they have a run in the right position and i reckon that will be enough to take the jacket. Didn't ash Morris almost end up at number 1 for Newcastle last year?2 points
2 points
An excellent article which critically analyses the state of speedway today. 1) Speedway is stuck in the 1920/50's the engines are unique, expensive and have no longevity. 2) The promoters and riders are overpaid and aloof of the supporters. Who solely pays the wages, bills and running costs? 3) Looking for a Barry Hearns or any other benefactor while the tracks close and attendances dwindle, is definitely not going to happen. Unfortunately it's a slow but predictable decline.2 points
As per usual, the website will catch up at some point. Given that football and speedway clash in that case you'd have thought that the priority would have been to get the message out to the majority. An add on to today's P&P new item would have been easy enough.2 points
Odds on Wally being the first no show of the season? First to fence an opponent? and First to have an own team scrap with Danny Ayres?2 points
I have to say i have nothing against Drew or where he chooses to get his kevlars made its just a really poor example from Len of how costs are rising as in examples like this they are not rising he is just choosing a more expensive brand. All other clubs blame stadium rent or medical cover increases to duck out of it so nothing new but he would have been better of saying we have signed an expensive team that i expect to get a lot of points so need to up the gate money.2 points
Just to say good luck to all Pooles opponents this year and hope the cheats finish bottom.2 points
How - and why - is it worrying? There is nothing written there that we didn't already know. It's been covered to death on the BSF. I don't think the head-in-the-sand attitude comes from the supporters; we all know British speedway is in trouble. The apathy from supporters stems from the fact that realistically, there is bugger all that we supporters can do to stop the rot... Steve2 points
So Polish rider has a clash of challenges matches and has to be at the one in his own country ie the federation that issues him with his racing licence. Seems pretty straightforward and understandable to me. Not really getting the whinging.2 points
I was being polite. The whole thing is a load of turd. Somehow I must stop myself coming on here1 point
Really? When did it start becoming a serious sport? (In Britain)... Lets be honest, what's another bit of contrived bollox going to do adversely to the sport that all the other contrived bollox doesn't already do? Swapping guest riders in a Grand Final anyone?1 point
1 point
Geoff rules changed a while ago, if a rider has been in speedway for 10 years he can apply/be put forward to be considered for a testimonial, does not have to have at a club/with same promotion for 10 years, the powers that be decide if one is granted, imo I find this wrong as every Tom dick and Harry could be entitled to one, but lots don't apply, maybe it's just ones who like money apply, oops what have I just said !!: )1 point
I cam look at most pics from the 70s and u can tell who it is by the leathers and face mask and handlebars now they all look the same ! Unless i am getting old .1 point
1 point
Im hoping this is just down to it being a challenge slotted in as an extra after other plans were already in place If it becomes a more regular occurence it wont go down well and cant be defended in the way it can for these season opening practice matches1 point
I have nothing against Rob Godfrey at all but I am a strong advocate of team suits and clubs (any club) in our top two divisions using them as part of giving our sport a much more professional image. I’d be singing from exactly the same hymn sheet if it was my team not using them.1 point
Was a great meeting to watch ,The track was really good to race according to the 2 riders I spoke to and i was told it was stewart Dickson that did the track for this meeting1 point
Don't spoil it.. I am 51 and feel like a spring chicken when I attend a speedway meeting... Not many places in life that I attend where I am in the youngest half.. (Or maybe even quarter?)...1 point
Not keen on team suits. I think back to Oxford in the 1980s, and we had Hans in sleek black leathers, Wiggy in distinctive day-glo green, Cocker in his chequered-leathers, etc. The leathers were an extension of the personality of each rider. Team suits and that's lost. Not only that, but it's a significant cost that most clubs simply cannot afford.1 point
I believe the Witches were offered victory parade on Saturday but declined as Bomber was needed for BSPA press duties and Danny King wanted to go out for a practice so the management said No.1 point
Received my copy today and I am truly impressed by the work that's gone into this book. Even if you are not a Newcastle supporter, speedway fans generally are renowned for their love of keeping records and statistics. Therefore, this book is a must for fans everywhere.1 point
1 point
looking at the brummies team . i honestly (theres that word again ) cant see any rider that will trouble oystercard and take his number 1 spot away from him . they look less than average in 2019 .1 point
at times when I have been has been too much dirt on, and that means nearest the fence wins every race. Good to see passing inside and out and a lovely surface yesterday. Hope that will continue as when Owlerton is good, it is as good as any of the bigger tracks.1 point
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1 point
why is that facinating?,it was the same last year,SWC,has been a long term personnal sponsor of Garrity for some years hasnt he?1 point
Agreed. Worrying thing from Cam’s perspective was the quotes from Ritchie Hawkins that he took a knock to his “troublesome wrist”. Seems the lad is always going to have problems with that damn wrist! Little doubt that injury is/was a major factor in him not yet fulfilling his undoubted potential.1 point
Hope it's a good omen but First & 3rd in the meeting at Sheffield were Bellego & King !! O.K. not that strong a line-up but....1 point
I used to go to Hackney on a regular basis in the old days. Can't ever remember feeling I'd been ripped off. Racing was great and always a good fun atmosphere. I see that the kevlar issue is now becoming THE topic of conversation !!1 point
The public view it as old hat and poor value for money. Can anyone change that perception, i doubt it. When you've got an experienced promoter like Len Silver charging £15 for NL racing, must mean the lunatics have finally taken over the asylum.1 point
When Bomber can ride BP like that it makes you wonder what the hell the rest are playing at!?!1 point
1 point
1 point
TJ 2-3-3-0 Lewis 3-3-1-3-2. MPT. 1-2-1-2 TJ and Lewis both going well at Redcar, Tofty not so well I know it’s only two meetings but Lewis is starting to prove his doubters wrong.1 point
1 point
hardly living proof is it when both chaps mentioned above seem to run successfull business and are self made,kind makes your point incorrect and as regards to the EWR being a circle,may i suggest you visit google maps and look direct at the track from above,i think you will find its along way off a circle1 point