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  1. I had a quick chat with Richard at the Tatum and Pearson evening and he told me his role was all about generating sponsorship for the club
    4 points
  2. I feel sorry for the Swindon fans and I have some friends who support them, but the place itself doesn't hold very good memories after being escorted out in 2008 or 9......well sort of......the steward should have stayed with us to the gate because we took a wrong turning and ended up round the back of the stadium somewhere where the riders vans were. So instead of heading home the dogs were left in the car to sleep off several hours of walking around the Uffington White Horse area and we were able to watch the match. What was annoying is we paid to come in with no problem and the 2 ladies on the gate made a fuss of the dogs so they knew we had them with us, but then at the next check point charlie we met the head jobsworth steward who refused to let us go any further. Never been back since.
    2 points
  3. Its difficult to cut the people involved with this project much slack when all we have heard from them for the last 3 years is, failed promises, unmet deadlines, deafening silence, misleading stories and downright lies.
    2 points
  4. Let`s hope Speedway GB can get another spot in the qualifiers. Come in Mr Craig Cook....Cookie, Cookie,Cookie Jeden,Jeden, Jeden!!!!! Am off to Poznan for the qualifier so any Brit to shout about would be a bonus. Also off to Chorzow so it be be nice to cheer `Ruthless` plus a second brit.
    1 point
  5. Zummerzet. ..friendly club, good facilities, great racetrack, only couple of miles from beach at Burnham-on-Sea. Pity i cant watch Swindon there this season.
    1 point
  6. You are absolutely right in what you are saying though in the Crump Nicki P PK season we did lose PK with a broken leg so who knows how that season would have ended - And I seem to remember Coventry retain I think 6 of there 7 from the previous season and going onto being champions not sure of the year . We shall all have to wait and see how our current 1-7 preforms this season would be good to have an injury free one for staters .
    1 point
  7. Have to add it’s a uninspiring team line up Lambert apart it’s a championship side certainly not one that will bring in more support in my opinion - that said they did very well last season so who knows - trouble with what you say about waiting 10-12 meetings in will that be too late in a very short season in a 7 team league ?
    1 point
  8. I’d probably suggest that we wait for ten to twelve meetings before deciding whether we have been ‘let down’ or not.
    1 point
  9. I remember that race Steve but I don't think I went to the meeting so I'm guessing it must have been on tv
    1 point
  10. These are not arguments, merely opinions.. I waited along time for us to be champions of that top league, and unfortunately last year we missed out yet again. I expected far better from the Stars management this year enabling us to be in contention from the start for that elusive crown, but again have been let down. My opinion is that standard of the league is probably the weakest we have ever seen. Our team, as it is, although a spirited bunch, is a top rider missing. If the team is retained throughout the season ahead we will struggle to make those PO's , whereas if Niels ( or similar) is co-opted in as second heatleader we immediately come comparable. For that to happen, the number game will be governed by the rider who is under performing ... Then Riss will make an excellent 3rd heatleader......
    1 point
  11. Here is a picture of a South Africa speedway team touring Poland in 1994 The rider in the middle of the front row is Attila Stefani (alias Mark Frost). Next to him (the second from the left) is his brother Laszlo Stefani.
    1 point
  12. Why are people even comparing Hans and Batchelor to any of our riders anyway,bar Lambert.Their averages are well above any of our bottom six anyway so in theory should be better than those.So you couldn't drop any of those on a like for like basis with any of those two anyway.You would have to drop 2 or more.But i bet Riss will close that gap on his average to theirs this season so that would make him the better aquisition.
    1 point
  13. For a number of clubs the profits that are produced for the catering does not go into the clubs pockets it goes into the pockets of the landlords of the stadium, and they have very little or no say in what is served up. Having viewed on FB some of the stuff that Barry Bishop eats, I would be very wary of anything that is homemade by him.
    1 point
  14. New team sponsor for the REDCAR AGILIA BEARS .
    1 point
  15. Ironically the complaints come mainly from one road, that road has a music festival taking place at a social club at the end of its road this summer, wonder how the locals will enjoy that.... Interestingly I believe the site still has permission to host Football matches upto 11.30pm wuth no restriction on days, and i think still has per.ission to hold 4 outside music events, making this decision and the objections a lot more baffling.
    1 point
  16. That is one alarming denial reason given. If noise is deemed harmful on a Saturday it asks the question why is it not deemed harmful on a Monday night. Whilst the decision taken completely contradicts the current permission given it must open the door for the local anti speedway brigade to try and get it shut down all together?
    1 point
  17. Probably the best post on the forum....this guy is a genius
    1 point
  18. Now theres an idea. Rather than relying on the input of others i can just quote myself throughout the various topics and always have myself agree with me.
    1 point
  19. A Newcastle thread is never slumming it Depends on how much higher the higher scores are and how much lower the lower scores are
    1 point
  20. Don't buy the Star but just read online that he says there are no hard feelings and if he's needed just call him and he will see what he can do Thanks Niels
    1 point
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