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  1. you will have to change your name to crescent girl then
    3 points
  2. An app could well be funded by advertisers/sponsors in a similar way to the matchday programme. Apart from fans through the turnstyles, some clubs only get additional income from sponsorship and advertising. But I don't believe that a speedway app (or apps) is too far away. Watch this space.
    3 points
  3. This drip feeding nonsense does nothing as proven here. Riss is confirmed and the team is now complete and the topic of conversation is magazine and newspaper sales
    3 points
  4. If they really wanted to do something different where programs are concerned is create Kings Lynn speedway app charge say £25 for 12 months subscription in the app have match day race card home and possibly away meetings and be able to fill the race card in and this is possible as there used to be a SGP race card app , also sections on supporters club latetest news and interviews even maybe press conference live section so fans who can’t stay after meetings can see the press conference, to be honest this sort of app would appeal younger fans more than the older ones so still print a programme as well .
    3 points
  5. Probably the best post on the forum....this guy is a genius
    3 points
  6. We should be looking forward to new season. Unfortunately with the secrecy and subterfuge that has been the norm during close season as I have said before I am left with a feeling of foreboding . I just think there is lot more going on than we know and am suspicious of Busters motives. I can't lose sight of how eager he was to accept the 30 pieces of silver
    3 points
  7. Welcome back Eric. Now it's time for people to be positive and get behind the Stars .
    3 points
  8. Surprising that no club in the UK has developed an app yet, as has been said it would be far more appealing to the younger audience and engage them. There is still a market for programmes but an app alongside is long overdue.
    2 points
  9. You are right - but _ I have yet to master the smartphone I bought at Christmas 2017. Way to smart for me! You are definitely right though for the new young fans ( when UK speedway finds them ). New technology does not seem to have much appeal for today's promoters - except for faster and faster machines that can not be safely used on UK tracks. Back to the drawing board in that respect.
    2 points
  10. The contents of my mind....
    2 points
  11. Probably because the entertainment value of speedway is so bad, it's more exciting to talk about fast food outlets.
    2 points
  12. I always find the SS an excellent and enjoyable read, even though you can find a lot of details on the internet before it's published. Same can be said for Newspapers, Ladies magazines such as Hello, almost any type of magazine in fact. Someone said in an earlier posting that they thought it was overpriced (I think that is what was said, but apologise if it wasn't) at £3, but in comparison with anything you purchase off the book/paper shelf in your newsagent or supermarket, it's par for the course. If we want to talk about things being overpriced, then that has to be speedway programmes surely. Speedway Star at £3 has got to be far greater value for money than a Speedway Programme at £3. Most clubs programmes have a page written or ghost written by more than one of its management team, all saying the same thing about that you've already read on the internet, to quote other posters on here. You have a Supporters Club Page that is the same every meeting, with the exception of a few lines. You have Rider Profiles that are generally lifted from the British Speedway Website. You have Guest writers who contribute their thoughts on various matters, some current, some talking about things that happened 30+ years ago, and so it goes on. They do provide excellent photos from people like Phil Hilton, Steve Hone, Derek Leader and many others, but so does the Speedway Star. So the 2019 line-up has finally been confirmed, which I can see some people are happy with, whilst others are not, but that's human nature, and I'd be surprised if any club in the country could say that every last one of its supporters is happy with their named line-up, although Berwick seem to be an exception to that rule usually. Am I happy with our line-up for this season....yes. I would like to have seen a new face to support Robert, but it obviously wasn't meant to be, so the curent side will get my 100% support.
    2 points
  13. I admire your optimism Spidy Personally if we manage 4th I would be surprised and delighted Just hoping we are solid at home and get some great racing. For me that will be success this year
    2 points
  14. Oh dear - somebody has failed - lack of attention to detail
    1 point
  15. Perhaps the moment of maximum exposure isnt right just yet for it to be on the website
    1 point
  16. Lots of houses means lots of potential fans... Potential customers literally being brought to your door step.. (Or Swindon being brought to their doorstep as the case maybe?) What an opportunity to grow your business.... There will be no issues with these locals not knowing what Speedway is...
    1 point
  17. Ironically the complaints come mainly from one road, that road has a music festival taking place at a social club at the end of its road this summer, wonder how the locals will enjoy that.... Interestingly I believe the site still has permission to host Football matches upto 11.30pm wuth no restriction on days, and i think still has per.ission to hold 4 outside music events, making this decision and the objections a lot more baffling.
    1 point
  18. For those who missed it, here`s an interview with George English from last nights Total Sports Extra on Radio Newcastle. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p072s8mj
    1 point
  19. The position was open for applications a few weeks back. Included negotiating all the deals with tracks and promoters and so on. I didn't apply.
    1 point
  20. Wish I knew how to post my photo, ‘cos it’s even worse now! See that triangular field just above the stadium? All new houses. And the brownish area just below the warehouse behind the main stand? Those houses are now finished. Woo Hoo! managed it!! This was the stadium on 12 Feb 2019......
    1 point
  21. I very much doubt that this is the case. With the comparatively small official fixture list, I do not see that Kent would want to race more than once a week. Just does not make any sense. BUT this is probably the misunderstanding which caused the current refusal. Be interesting to see what the official reason was.
    1 point
  22. That’s a fair point but I was more thinking of a club specific one which can be used to be alerted to news etc and to use instead of a programme on race nights.
    1 point
  23. No. But the fixtures page has covered that just in case: "Peterborough midweek home meetings start 7.30pm - Sundays 5.00pm (unless otherwise stated)."
    1 point
  24. Oddly enough, I am currently in the process of trying to make such a thing. The hope is it’ll cover all meetings in the UK - getting the rules/regulations/subs into place etc is the tricky bit, but we’re working on it!
    1 point
  25. As a young speedway fan. The way to go is a whole speedway GB app with access to all. The internet is about providing access to anything and everything. Could have a team specific section for each team but would enable you to watch KL press conference even as a poole fan for example. Also one app which everyone pays 25 for the year would enable a better app.
    1 point
  26. Last time I went to Swindon the car park was big enough to act as a pits for 100 race cars and lorrys and spectator parking. Now it looks barely bigger then rye house's tiny car park. And the master plan appears the have a massive white elephant with literally no prevision for stadium parking at all!!
    1 point
  27. I have produced my own photocopied scoresheet for several years now ( it's even sponsored ) and even factoring in the cost of the biro ink used to write in the rider's names it costs very, very little. Vastly better and more up to date than an insert for a long-ago rained off meeting.
    1 point
  28. Some of us are a genius in our own lifetime, some a genius in their own mind.......
    1 point
  29. Not sure about legal stuff but I had heard somewhere there were announcements due re promoters
    1 point
  30. Not any more. Cant recall where but I’m sure I read/heard that there’s ongoing legal stuff with the promotional changes which is why nobody involved can say too much yet? Could be wrong.
    1 point
  31. It would be nice if those in a responsible position with the club made a statement confirming one way or another if Ged Rathbone and Neil Watson are still promoters or not , it cant be that hard , or is there a dark secret in there that at the moment is being hidden to save some kind of embarrassment being publicised. Then again perhaps it's just down to ignorance and/ or arrogance.
    1 point
  32. A Newcastle thread is never slumming it Depends on how much higher the higher scores are and how much lower the lower scores are
    1 point
  33. Yeah, they look different from 1000ft as well. It’s pretty clear from the unfinished stubs of new road that the development is intended to overrun the current stadium site plus the warehouse behind the main stand. The remaining space just does not look big enough to me for a new stadium. Hope I’m wrong.....
    1 point
  34. The points limit would be ok for changing like for like, but if any team needs to re-declare,,, it could be a bit of a pickle.
    1 point
  35. So now we have three clubs (Isle of Wight, Glasgow and Eastbourne) trying to do the right thing which is very good news but seems the BSPA still have their heads in the sand and many promotions would stab each other in the back before they joined in trying to promote the sport.
    1 point
  36. Here is an idea for marketing a seasonal business...... Whether you own an ice-cream shop on the Jersey shore, a ski shop in the mountains of Colorado, or a landscaping business in central Minnesota, you’ve experienced the challenges of the dreaded off-season. After your peak season ends, a stretch of slow business begins, and your website and store front become ghost towns. Plus, who's to say this season's customers will remember you when the next season rolls around? It's a bummer of a thought, to be sure. But don’t let the seasonal slumps get you down! Instead of sitting around and waiting for your season to start again, use this valuable time for marketing! Your customers don’t vaporize during the off-season. It’s important to stay in contact with leads and past customers throughout the entire year. Consider social media your virtual, year-round storefront -- because even if your audience isn't chillin' outside your store or visiting your website, they are certainly perusing their social media feeds! That means your business should consider leveraging Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, the whoooole shebang to stay top of mind year-round. Generate Off-Season Hype Just because people can't snowshoe in the summer, or you have a smaller audience looking to wear your trendy sun hats in the dead of winter, doesn't mean you can't get people excited about your business Tried and tested methods for various industries or ask Sid and his mate what you should do?
    1 point
  37. You honestly believe the way King's Lynn's team is being announced is one of the reasons speedway is in such a mess in this country.
    1 point
  38. Quite surprised you think the Wolves reserves are weak. Imo it's our strongest reserve pairing for a fair few years
    1 point
  39. Surely Shanes isn't going to bring that much money in.
    1 point
  40. Anyone remember the hot Roast Pork sandwiches at Cradley Heath. And you also got some fantastic speedway.
    1 point
  41. James Shanes now a Birmingham asset signed from Poole
    1 point
  42. If they wish to complain then it can be pointed out that the building of their house has been completed outside the agreed planning consent If they feel the stadium should be curtailed then perhaps they will accept their house being demolished as part of the enforcement too......
    1 point
  43. And they can breathe in the fumes if they want to they should have NO say anyway they knew what they were buying and most are commuters anyway.
    1 point
  44. Was tried in the Elite league back in the early 2000's and dropped after a season being universally disliked as what Tsunami suggested did happen. No system is fair, unfortunately what we have is about as fair as it's going to be, it's the club/promotion manipulation of it that causes the most grief.
    1 point
  45. Surely its time to stop all the moaning and negativity . Let's all look forward to the new season , and get behind the Stars team . Hopefully prove the doubters wrong and make the play offs again.
    1 point
  46. Not been on here for a while. Come back on and it’s the same old people moaning the same old things! Constantly! Over and over. If it wasn’t real it would be comedic! Keep it up sad acts!!!! X
    1 point
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