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The loss of Jonathon Chapman to Kings Lynn Speedway and British Speedway in general was and is massive- he could have given the chance brought speedway into the modern era unlike what we have now - but there you go .9 points
That's the biggest problem with how this sport is run. Instead of listening to the moaning and negativity from once die-hard fans, it is constantly swept under the carpet allowing the sport to descend into the mess we now have. I'm not a doubter, nor a happy clapper, more of a realist who can see the obvious decline that continues with this sport. Probably if more people were to open their eyes and voice their concern, perhaps more actions could have been taken to retain the status our sport once enjoyed...3 points
I think Newcastle Diamonds have come out of this situation quite well. I know many people had doubts of certain team members, whilst others reassured us that our riders would be OK once given the chance to get used to our technical track. What's happened has happened, but bringing in Stevie again has pleased everyone, and whilst I would have gone for MacDonald, Simon should be a useful addition especially away on the bigger tracks. Remember the chance that was given to Matty W last year, and how he overcome his lack of racing and in many meetings proved to be as good as a heatleader. If he can continue in the same vein next year, Simon adds a few points, Max produces some winning rides and Danny beats his opposite numbers, I honestly think the team can go places injuries permitting. As others have said, heat 13 and 15 could be tied up in our favour in both home and away meetings so as long as the rest chip in, we will do OK. Also Gems to win the NJL this year.3 points
Very strong top 3 now at the expense of a more balanced team but I think Diamonds will do pretty well given that Brough gives them a decent home advantage. Like Redcar a lot will depend how the second strings back up the top end riders.3 points
Speedway has been predominantly gate and go but only for the winner of the race, no question. But most of the entertainment in races happens at the back. Especially SGP's, Polish and Swedish leagues. Also a good number of British Speedway meetings are the same. I just can't get my head around how it's just become acceptable at King's Lynn to be happy with 1 or 2 good races a meeting?? Over the last 3 seasons, King's Lynn imo has been No3 for THE worst meetings in terms of entertainment, only just better than Leicester and Swindon. It's one of the only UK tracks that after the first lap rider's are spread out with 2 or 3 bike lengths between them consistently. It's one of the reasons I watch Stars meetings mainly away from home and will continue to do so, but because of the new owner I shall not be at Ipswich or Peterborough either. So I'm only down to probably 4-5 Stars meetings in 2019. The lowest ever in 30yrs following this club. King's Lynn for à huge part of that 30yrs was my No1. Dumped partner's, relationship and wedding anniversaries dropped, family and friends birthdays skipped all for King's Lynn Speedway. 1 man is responsible for killing my passion and I can never forgive him for that. King's Lynn Speedway is still my No1 club but now only from afar, I could never allow myself to give another penny to that man.3 points
Stop it - it's bringing tears to my eyes! I saw my first speedway meeting at New Cross on 11 May 1960. Ove Fundin scored an 18 point maximum and Aub Lawson 16 paid 17 for Norwich but New Cross won and Jimmy Gooch was our hero as he managed to beat Lawson in one race. After that first meeting I was a regular there till it finally closed in 1963. The days of Split Waterman, Barry Briggs, Eric Williams, Jimmy Gooch, Leo McAuliffe, Reg Luckhurst, Doug Davies, Tommy Sweetman, Jimmy Squibb, Reg Reeves, Bob Dugard, Stan Stevens.....oh dear, I've got myself going now... Although Briggo was, of course, top man in 1960, he didn't cope with it as well as some others, Sidney, and I think, from memory, it was his worst year for many years averagewise. The real master of New Cross was Ove Fundin, who was almost unbeatable at the Frying Pan except for the memorable night when Split Waterman beat him three times. Another rider who was a real master of the track was Jack Young. And, iris, I think the name the Frying Pan was coined for the track rather than any pre-existing feature.3 points
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Surely its time to stop all the moaning and negativity . Let's all look forward to the new season , and get behind the Stars team . Hopefully prove the doubters wrong and make the play offs again.2 points
2 points
I know you only said rumours Trees, but he found the funding/money when he bought Ippo and Peterborough to the detriment of his beloved Lynn this season imho. I have nothing against the Lynn 1-7 as individual riders, but as a team they look very weak. Buster must know this. He ain't no mug. I think the Stars scored around 16 away points last season, the best in the league.. They will be lucky to notch up any with that team. Add that to I can't see many / any teams not coming away from the AFA without at least 1 point in 2019. I hope Lynn's crowd don't drop this season. Although Buster will probably benefit overall with all the head to heads of the 3 clubs, for me it's Lynn that will suffer. I hope it's in the short term2 points
Diamonds now have 2 home based riders as opposed to the guys who would have incurred higher costs for accommodation and travel.2 points
Or was Jonathan seen as a threat and was never aloud to implement his own ideas.? I dont know anything at all about the bloke but i have only heard good things about him .We have a guy at Swindon Lee Kilby who is of the same ilk as Jonathan a modern time guy who has time to listen to people and Swindon are lucky to have him on board.2 points
I think he's made it worse in some ways. He doesn't seem to have grasped the mindset of speedway fans. His way may be fine for other businesses but speedway is a different world.2 points
if it is via social media and not in person.. follow them all i.e be a speedway fan in general2 points
No disrespect to the Staggs Bar and I am sure their Sponsership is very Welcome,but it does show how much the sport has declined when that is the level of Sponsership nowadays.Not many big Companies investing in the sport,showing the decline in the sport IMO.Again no disrespect just an opinion.t2 points
Slightly off topic, but relevant to Barry, I would like to thank him for his 'attendance' at last week's Nuneaton SSC talk in. Barry was due to appear in person but had a late change of plans with a business trip to Thailand (or Phillipines?), but still took part via a video link/facetime despite the fact that it was 3:00 am in Asia. He was on-line for quite a while and gave quite detailed responses to questions and didn't seem in a hurry to get some shuteye! Thanks Barry.2 points
1 point
See your point and also agree about teams on the manipulation side of things.. but riders must think phew if I keep scoring big points like this & up my average by a point or 2 it could cost me a place next season which has happened to mason campton for example,,, he scores well all season probably his best for a while & the success of the team has left him on the sidelines which is very unfortunate for the rider and Workington speedway on shutting down,,1 point
I think instead they tinkered with rolling averages, which evened out the scores and limited the extent and affect of average fiddling. Still happens of course.1 point
Honestly Grading with a blend of rolling averages was mooted the same time the 6 man team proposal was put forward a few year back and was reasonably well received by the management committee however when it was put to the promotions they didn't want the 6 man team proposal so the new rider assessment process was set aside and I think the whole thing has just been shelved after a great deal of interest... Heads in he sand as usual it was nearly as bad as Brexit Regards THJ1 point
The last time i saw Ronnie ride, was in a series of match races against Briggo at Wimbledon in 1974.1 point
Nothing has happened to the stand, and meetings can continue, be it on the old track or new one if it is built, with the pits used last year. The houses have not been built on the pits area.1 point
Was tried in the Elite league back in the early 2000's and dropped after a season being universally disliked as what Tsunami suggested did happen. No system is fair, unfortunately what we have is about as fair as it's going to be, it's the club/promotion manipulation of it that causes the most grief.1 point
It’s the manipulation that goes on after the season start that bugs me,then from 3/4 way through the seaso riders are starting to prepare for the next season with their average. Richie Worrell being an example,after what I read a few weeks ago.1 point
Generally though it is thought that grading systems create more difficulties and unfairness. Say a grade 6 to 7.5 was one being used, and you can have two riders within that band, one richer team is going to have 2 X 7.50 =15 and a poorer team is going to end up with 2 x 6 = 12. Someone already has a 3 points average on the lower team, and that could happen in each band. At least with averages they are definate and exact, and every team has the same opportunity to build to a common points level, and the opportunity to build top end strength or all over strength which would be your choice. In grading, any team changes, presumably the current riders would be in the grade they have ridden into that year, and you could see situations when you have lost points in each grade, and still be locked in to the riders you signed in that grade.1 point
Technically, he was the best rider I ever saw. He could do anything on a bike! I think the only thing he lacked that prevented him from winning more World titles was that ruthless killer instinct as typified by riders like Fundin, Briggs, Mauger and Rickardsson. He was too much of a gentleman! And he always put his team first before his own individual ambitions. Although, as I said, he was the "enemy", being the star of our closest rivals, I really came to admire him over the years.1 point
Hope not, as it gives teams who reach revised GSA's first a distinct advantage of strengthening up before the others can. it should remain unchanged so that teams can only replace like for like as I can't see how any team is going to below the points limit by the first change, unless they have a totally desperate start with at least three or more riders failing to reach there starting average.1 point
so assuming Press day is week before first match on 11th April. The season is just 1month away... the olde toilets remain with all its inhabitants. . The back strand stand remains for the remaining few supporters . No sign of the super duper new stadium. The track remains the same with a few pegs too mark the new track. So with a month to go ronnie and his staff will sure too be battling against time to get the track ship shape. I has been intending too return too the revamped stadium with the reshaped Blunsdon circuit which I hoped was going to produce some far more exciting racing .. who was going to be paying for the track changes. The Stadium or Swindon speedway . . If as I suspect is the stadium.it shows how much commitment the have too the new stadium. Never have believed all the talk of a new stadium. I for one doubt I'll be popping down .instead I'll be nipping too Somerset too see some proper racing rather than gate and go racing1 point
Its found its natural place. Over the last decade, other sports have enhanced their professionalism whereas speedway has done the opposite. The days of businesses handing out cheques are long gone. At its most basic level reviewing the uplift in sales or increase in exposure for their investment would likely be nil.1 point
Briggo was a big guy and had quite a awkward riding style not the best technical rider not by a long chalk.As Norbold said he was well beatable there but i often think that one year riding there taught him one hell of alot and helped him prolong his career and stay world class until 1972.When i think of small track riders i always think of Gordon Kennett he left a small track and conquered White City.Then i feel he should of moved to Swindon rather than go back to Eastbourne riding a technical track then going to a racey track is very difficult.1 point
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Brazil Antonio Lindbäck Would this count even though he rides for Sweden, he was born in Brazil?1 point
1 point
And wasn't it JBA who trashed Stevie Worrall last season? Probably ruling out MBA who was clearly the best option. Anyway let's hope Simon Lambert goes even half as good as the last Diamond Lambert and remember with a lower points limit some of the opposition Lambert will face are far less experienced. Even starting in the top five he should be looking to increase his average. Also is it clear what happens to the points limit once the new set of averages are in force? Does it increase to 42.50?1 point
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1 point
Yes I agree. Last year we took big time to the riding of Edinburgh's Josh Pickering, and he was on everyone's wanted list for this year. He was a free riding rider flying around the boards at Brough, of all places, similar to Ludde on a good night. Here we have a situation of a similar rider, praised by those who have actually seen him last year, and he is over here with a patriality visa, with bikes, and ready to ride, and we gain an asset. What's there not to like.1 point
As I cannot see Buster ever providing the entertainment factor that would equal the price. Nor riders providing the racing I like (mainly the fault of modern engines & tuners). You are probably right but if I didn't care I wouldn't bother trying to put forward an alternative view to the one you and others hold. I'd venture to suggest there are far more dissatisfied ex fans than there are happy clappers on the terraces and that ought to tell promoters something, if only they would open their ears.1 point
1 point
And these same old people will only be happy when there's no more team to support. Final rider to be announced Friday. Club about to purchase a rider from another club as a full asset. Buster getting new shale delivered and a blade on the track ahead of the new season. Robert Lambert is back, one of the most exciting young talents in the world. More work with youngsters particularly during school holidays. Keep smiling....1 point
Not been on here for a while. Come back on and it’s the same old people moaning the same old things! Constantly! Over and over. If it wasn’t real it would be comedic! Keep it up sad acts!!!! X1 point
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At the end of the day, both Glasgow and Newcastle have taken advantage of new riders becoming available to strengthen their sides. Nothing wrong with that.1 point
Quite a few have told Buster and other promoters what they want. Did they listen, did they do anything? The answer is a big fat NO. So it gets to the point when folk say, why bother.1 point
Like THJ has stated the wounds of no Worky speedway do indeed run deep. I don't believe that the huge majority of Comets fans bear Glasgow any malice whatsoever. Your fans are arguably the best and most welcoming in speedway and I always looked forward to seeing you all at Derwent Park and my visits to Ashfield. The fact is, last years apparent unmanageable debt coupled with the non forthcoming offers of help have resulted in the loss of Workington Speedway which for a lot of Comets fans is akin to losing someone close. The term 'speedway family' is often mooted on here but in my opinion there is no great evidence of this. Speedway is in trouble and there is no better time than now for clubs to work together in order to help each other survive. I'm not advocating repetetive assistance for clubs who have repeatedly demonstrated poor financial management but last season the Comets were very much victims of circumstance the results of which are plain to see. Laura came to the assistance of the Monarchs in their hour of need but where are the offers of help from the speedway family to help Worky to get back on their feet ?. The loss of the Comets and their travelling fans will be felt by the northern clubs especially the likes of Newcastle, Redcar and Berwick who will lose the income generated by the travelling Comets fans, which is unlikely to be replaced by the numbers travelling from the likes of Eastbourne, Somerset and Birmingham. The potential is there for clubs and riders to come together to help in whatever ways possible to ensure that clubs such as the Comets are not lost forever due being tipped over the cliff edge following a crippling season. Speedway family ? nah everyone just looks after themselves and herein lies the problem.1 point
Personally I've never bought speedway clothing. Attending the sport is something I'd rather not advertise!1 point
I don't feel it's a case of not caring about their fans, I think the point has been answered by the earlier part of your post. As a Club they have been given information by the owners/developers and have passed that information on. When that information proves to be incorrect then it has reflected on the Club. They find themselves in a position where any information put out is either disbelieved off the bat, or criticised further down the line for proving false. In turn, they have not given any recent updates other than they intend for the track work to be done ready for 2019. Assuming this is still needs to be agreed within the development, we'll see if that happens or not. Having seen a little movement on site (by little I do mean little) and heard a couple of whispers I am hopeful that at least the track work will commence and be ready for the opening of this season. There isn't much breathing space left for further delay and worst case, we'll turn up in April ready to watch on the existing track. I'm betting there are some Rockets, Hammers & Comets fans (along with others) who would like to be in a similar position1 point
I say leave it as a reminder of what a precarious position speedway finds itself in Perhaps it will help keep people thinking about what needs to be done to improve the situation1 point
Time to forget about Berge, I have, never turned a wheel for us , good riddance, his loss. It’s gonna be tough for us now as the whole balence of the team has gone out the window, bet Gary is privately fuming. It’s funny clubs often take a lot of stick when they jettison riders for poor form and such like, I suppose the Berge thing is like the boot being on the other foot. Hasn’t Bomber been similarly stitched up by Peterborough. Aaah Speedway we love shooting ourselves in the foot.1 point