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you have to give Josh Mcdonald a go. he seems keen enough and wont set off any alarms in newcastle hotels . wilko has had his day . time to bring in new blood i think .7 points
Not been on here for a while. Come back on and it’s the same old people moaning the same old things! Constantly! Over and over. If it wasn’t real it would be comedic! Keep it up sad acts!!!! X5 points
I remember a few seasons a go, Simon guested for us at Brough, fairly late on in the season. He got clobbered the night before and was very battered and bruised, but rode for us anyway, because he knew we were desperate. You can't fault the lads commitment, but Brough is not one of his favourite tracks and would be in the main body of the team and I think he is a reserve at best these days. Mason Campton has said on Facebook, we should give Josh MacDonald a go. The trouble with that is, he would have to hit the ground running. He'd be in the main body of the team and won't have seen many of the away tracks, let alone Brough. As mentioned above, Carl Wilkinson would come into the reckoning, simply by the numbers game and again would come in to the main body of the side. He'd (obviously) give 100%, but is he just a decent reserve these days? On balance I would personally go for MacDonald. I think he'd become an asset and might just be the next good thing out of Oz. There is only one way to find that out and take a 'gamble' on him. There would be little lost if it didn't work out, for either party.5 points
You are right HT things do seem to be getting better, things are improving, and people are noticing. This is a great step in the right direction for the sport and making speedway night something to be proud of. Regads your second point... I have been thinking about this long and hard and I would actually like to do it one day, if I was ever offered such a thing. To bring speedway forward, to take it to the next level, needs leadership, simplification, financial sustainability rules, but most of all positivity from every part of the sport - all of us.5 points
Regarding Lambert and looking at some of his actual scores last year at the sides left in the league this season from last; Berwick 4+1 @ 2 Glasgow 9+1 @ 6 Redcar 3++1 @ 6 Scunny 9+1 @ 6 Sheffield 2+0 @ 7 Edinburgh 4+1 @ 7 Newcastle 0+0 @ 2 So this would suggest to me that Simon would possibly be scoring more on the road than he would at Newcastle and he does have the experience to ride at Number 2 however... You cant argue with this logic and the comment Steve makes is spot on, Simon would be a good reserve , how he would fare in the main body at home is anyone's guess, possibly not very well if past history is anything to go on; however he does have the experience at this level and will hit the ground running; and should score away. (should) Again it is hard to disagree with the comments made regarding Carl Wilkinson who is in the exact same position as Simon I would suggest; in that he is a competent reserve but elevated into the main body of the team could be a risk; but again he has bags of experience and could do a job without massively improving and neither rider would let the team down effort wise. (would) This brings us on to young Josh and I stand by my first thought that it would be a "no-brainer" if we were bringing him in at reserve as this was where Workington were going to slot him in and built their team to accommodate him in that position. It could be a big gamble to put him into the number 2 slot from the off. (could) However you are correct in stating he'd become an asset and very well could be the "next good thing out of Oz." (could) It will be down to the promotion to take/make a hard decision and its a case of "you pays your money and takes your choice" and again it does need to be stated Newcastle have a good reputation for looking after young riders; supporting them in their development and bringing them on. (many a young foreign rider would attest to that) It could depend on how Josh feels at being slotted in at Number 2 because if he was to struggle it could seriously knock his confidence; and Brough is a tough spot for a novice. Even at reserve let alone slotting into the main body of the team. Not an easy call by any stretch of the imagination unless of course there is someone else out there we have not thought of and we get another big surprise and everyone says "well I didn't see that one coming" as Martin has puled a few surprises since he came onto the scene so interesting times. So Should; Would; Could; Dilemmas Dilemmas Dilemmas!!! however always options and possibilities Regards THJ4 points
Slightly off topic, but relevant to Barry, I would like to thank him for his 'attendance' at last week's Nuneaton SSC talk in. Barry was due to appear in person but had a late change of plans with a business trip to Thailand (or Phillipines?), but still took part via a video link/facetime despite the fact that it was 3:00 am in Asia. He was on-line for quite a while and gave quite detailed responses to questions and didn't seem in a hurry to get some shuteye! Thanks Barry.3 points
At the end of the day, both Glasgow and Newcastle have taken advantage of new riders becoming available to strengthen their sides. Nothing wrong with that.3 points
Quite a few have told Buster and other promoters what they want. Did they listen, did they do anything? The answer is a big fat NO. So it gets to the point when folk say, why bother.3 points
Good to see Staggs Bar back as team sponsor again. Nigel a very positive guy and enthusiastic about his speedway. Pleasure to have him back.3 points
2 points
Also I forgot to add (as I totally forgot about it) Simon got 5 + 1 riding at No 3 for us against Berwick in the TTT match May 19th 2018 which I know was only a challenge match but it possibly gives an indication of what he can do. Furthermore here is a name not mentioned how about Jacob Bukhave who I watched I think last season (or maybe the season before at Redcar) after returning from a bad injury, looked quick and is as keen as mustard to ride over here and another Dane to keep up the tradition So with 4.45 for a Brit and 4.34 for an overseas rider I would be more than happy with one of the following Simon Lambert 4.29 or Jacob Bukhave 4.00 or Josh McDonald 4.00 or Mikkel B Andersen 4.29 Although it is starting to look like Josh McDonald is fast becoming the fans choice and as stated I am not that bothered and would be happy to see what he can do/achieve at Newcastle: however if it does end up as Josh please remember that currently he is carrying the popular vote on here as the majorities choice but if he was to land and struggled I hope he still gets the support and doesn't get cast aside like an old steel shoe or slaughtered for poor performance, he needs continued support... as in a similar level of support that Kyle Bickley got/received from Workington last year I am enjoying this any other suggestions out there? (Derek Sneddon 4.72 in 2014 and would get a reduction on that after all we did salvage Matty Wethers career) Remembering also that the rider will be going into the main body of the team possibly/probably in the No 2 slot Regards THJ2 points
It's just a pity ludde never had many a good night board scraping last season !! & It will be good to see a Pickering type rider to excite the fans & hopefully get a few more fans back to brough,, also another plus side to Steve returning is that he was a big help to Danny the last time they were together at brough until Danny's unfortunate crash as he was getting the hang at brough. So let's hope the same happens this term but with a much happier result2 points
Yes I agree. Last year we took big time to the riding of Edinburgh's Josh Pickering, and he was on everyone's wanted list for this year. He was a free riding rider flying around the boards at Brough, of all places, similar to Ludde on a good night. Here we have a situation of a similar rider, praised by those who have actually seen him last year, and he is over here with a patriality visa, with bikes, and ready to ride, and we gain an asset. What's there not to like.2 points
I live with an ex fan who still keeps tabs on the sport but who is over it from a live point of view, he doesn't say that Buster or the riders aren't doing the biz anymore, it's the case that speedway just doesn't float his boat enough to go anymore, he aches if he stands for long periods, he doesn't want to burn the candle at both ends, he certainly doesn't blame his non attendance on modern day speedway though, more that he'd stood on the terraces since he was 12, had his idols, supported his team, driven all over the country for speedway with friends and with me but that need to do it has now gone .....2 points
To me it's a No brainer to go for Madonald. With all due respect to them Lambert and Wilkinson are yesterday's men. Both solid and highly unlikely to improve. Whereas MacDonald has youth on his side and seems to be well thought of as a good prospect by his fellow Australians.2 points
As I cannot see Buster ever providing the entertainment factor that would equal the price. Nor riders providing the racing I like (mainly the fault of modern engines & tuners). You are probably right but if I didn't care I wouldn't bother trying to put forward an alternative view to the one you and others hold. I'd venture to suggest there are far more dissatisfied ex fans than there are happy clappers on the terraces and that ought to tell promoters something, if only they would open their ears.2 points
2 points
Pretty sure josh would have mason in his pit if he comes over with him to help him with setups etc and seeing his rides at shieffield he just got better every race yes looked a bit loose on the bike but always looked in control and think max Clegg will not be at reserve for long good asset to have these days2 points
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2 points
Regarding Lambert,,, just been looking at his 2018 ave. it was about 5 at home, (P'boro) and 3 away, that would suggest to me that he wouldn't make a real difference on the road.2 points
Wilko has been a great servant at many tracks. No one could fault his effort last year but he isn’t the Wilko of old.2 points
Like THJ has stated the wounds of no Worky speedway do indeed run deep. I don't believe that the huge majority of Comets fans bear Glasgow any malice whatsoever. Your fans are arguably the best and most welcoming in speedway and I always looked forward to seeing you all at Derwent Park and my visits to Ashfield. The fact is, last years apparent unmanageable debt coupled with the non forthcoming offers of help have resulted in the loss of Workington Speedway which for a lot of Comets fans is akin to losing someone close. The term 'speedway family' is often mooted on here but in my opinion there is no great evidence of this. Speedway is in trouble and there is no better time than now for clubs to work together in order to help each other survive. I'm not advocating repetetive assistance for clubs who have repeatedly demonstrated poor financial management but last season the Comets were very much victims of circumstance the results of which are plain to see. Laura came to the assistance of the Monarchs in their hour of need but where are the offers of help from the speedway family to help Worky to get back on their feet ?. The loss of the Comets and their travelling fans will be felt by the northern clubs especially the likes of Newcastle, Redcar and Berwick who will lose the income generated by the travelling Comets fans, which is unlikely to be replaced by the numbers travelling from the likes of Eastbourne, Somerset and Birmingham. The potential is there for clubs and riders to come together to help in whatever ways possible to ensure that clubs such as the Comets are not lost forever due being tipped over the cliff edge following a crippling season. Speedway family ? nah everyone just looks after themselves and herein lies the problem.2 points
Well, fortnight today we’ll hear the roar of the bikes around the Heath again as it’s press and practice day. The season is nearly upon us and I’m really looking forward to it.2 points
Stop it - it's bringing tears to my eyes! I saw my first speedway meeting at New Cross on 11 May 1960. Ove Fundin scored an 18 point maximum and Aub Lawson 16 paid 17 for Norwich but New Cross won and Jimmy Gooch was our hero as he managed to beat Lawson in one race. After that first meeting I was a regular there till it finally closed in 1963. The days of Split Waterman, Barry Briggs, Eric Williams, Jimmy Gooch, Leo McAuliffe, Reg Luckhurst, Doug Davies, Tommy Sweetman, Jimmy Squibb, Reg Reeves, Bob Dugard, Stan Stevens.....oh dear, I've got myself going now... Although Briggo was, of course, top man in 1960, he didn't cope with it as well as some others, Sidney, and I think, from memory, it was his worst year for many years averagewise. The real master of New Cross was Ove Fundin, who was almost unbeatable at the Frying Pan except for the memorable night when Split Waterman beat him three times. Another rider who was a real master of the track was Jack Young. And, iris, I think the name the Frying Pan was coined for the track rather than any pre-existing feature.1 point
1 point
I had a look at New Cross with a couple of my mates in 1975. The stadium was in a pretty poor state at that stage, but very easy to gain access and have a look around. I've always regretted not having a camera with me that day, because i believe most of it was demolished soon after. I did something very similar with Manchester White City in the 1980's, but again no photographic evidence!1 point
Not at all, I’ve never made excuses and have often said that the action at Lynn is poor, and even offered reasons as to why I think that. It’s one of the reasons I don’t go very often any more. But speedway has predominantly been gate and go for many, many years and a successful team will nearly always attract healthy crowds whether the racing is good or not. I would argue that a team winning every week with no passing would get bigger crowds than a team who loses every week with brilliant racing. Shouldn’t really be that way but it is.1 point
1 point
And these same old people will only be happy when there's no more team to support. Final rider to be announced Friday. Club about to purchase a rider from another club as a full asset. Buster getting new shale delivered and a blade on the track ahead of the new season. Robert Lambert is back, one of the most exciting young talents in the world. More work with youngsters particularly during school holidays. Keep smiling....1 point
Wrong, actual GSA's are used therefore Cook will start as no 1. As previously stated the 2.5% reduction is for team building purposes only, not to decide rider positions Craig Cook = 7.73 Rohan Tungate = 7.611 point
1 point
This may be correct but the facts are that Tungate will start the season at number 1 so in the table produced he should be judged along with the other starting number ones1 point
Also had to lock out the fans at least once during 1946. They had tannoy announcements of the results in the car park.1 point
1 point
My way or no way from Tai a lot of the time.IMO.He is trying to improve things though.#arting against Thunder IMO.1 point
It's hard to be positive Barry when your local tracks fold. Lakeside, Rye House, Workington & Buxton are the latest casualties, with probably more to follow. I genuinely hope speedway survives these uncertain times. I've been a fan for 51 years, from boy to man, yet every year it gets harder to go. The venues get less and the options are harder. Fingers crossed for a successful season for all tracks, but it could be a bumpy ride.1 point
It’s raining outside, the wife gone shopping, with an hour or so to kill, my thought turned to speedway and the coming year in the Premiership. I have always tried to be realistic and show an illustration of my thoughts on how the team compare. In the table above I have placed all the riders in the starting position of their respective teams and made comparisons with each of the opposite numbers. I have given the best rider 1 and placed them in order, the worse getting 7. At the end of the placements, I have then totalled all teams to get their final score, the lowest being the best and again the highest being the worse.. Results show, the Panthers are top, followed closely by Swindon and Poole with Wolves and Belle Vue contesting that last play-off place. Both Ipswich and Stars are well adrift. Studying the table illustrate the different ways the teams have been made up. Some prefer to go with being top heavy, others, like Poole, have gone for strong reserves. Belle Vue have gone for a solid 1 to 6, all they need is for Lidsey to come on good and they will be in prime position. Although both Ipswich and the Stars are some way short of the rest, all they need is another TOP rider to bring them into the frame. For example bring in Niels at 2, would in affect push everyone down a place, when the comparisons would fair better... Hope you enjoyed the illustration.......1 point
That's the principal reason why they wouldn't take it on. Jonathan Chapman isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I thought he did an excellent job when he took over the Super 7 series. Word is he got booted out partly because of the jealousy his success in organising the sport's top domestic events created.1 point
A very good example of how Isle of Wight work and just how good their customer service is. Its anything but the first time I have heard something of this nature. 'Absolutely flabberghasted' is just about how every speedway fan would feel, but that's a massive indictment of the way the sport is run and its attitude towards those who pay at the turnstiles every week. Simple truth is there is absolutely no reason why that standard of care could not be replicated across the sport. The only thing I would say is that from experience things are getting better. Knowing Barry a bit, I think he could do it. I also think he'd sooner put his head in a pan of boiling chip fat. That's not because of the scale of the problem but because, sooner or later, of the utter lack of support he would get.1 point
1 point
Exactly. Lambert can't get around Brough Park. Not bad on bigger tracks but struggles on the tighter tracks as i don't think his height helps.1 point
In all likelihood Edinburgh and the majority of other clubs ran at a loss last season and have nothing to give. The gifting of 30k or whatever it was, to Edinburgh was entremely generous but naive. Believing that it would generate goodwill that would be returned in future or a time of need, even moreso. The money has gone, it didnt buy anything that benefitted Workington speedway.1 point
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1 point
Perhaps a deluded Workington fan heartbroken that they wouldn't be able to see Kyle riding this year conned Joe into vaping knowing that the repercussions - breaking team code of conduct, apparently abusing hotel manager and fire crew, causing hassle for those staying at the hotel, embarrassing Tigers management in front of sponsors/potential sponsors - would result in his dismissal.1 point
I would imagine anybody with an interest in keeping the sport alive.1 point
Perhaps it was the same person but using different names - Im sure you would understand that situation1 point
Then why not? Im sure you'll find that if you speak to him, you'll have a changed opinion of the man. He actually wants speedway to have a future (hence all the practice sessions and amateur meetings).. He'll give you an honest answer, hence why imho, is the best promoter in British Speedway1 point
our teams on ice ,ice baby . so who is the 3 .00 pointer. ? but hey , if we want to see our team in action we will just go to away meeting when Glasgow are there !1 point