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Newcastle are not known for this kind of action and you know it. You just seem to take great pleasure in having a go for the sake of it. Like someone posted earlier if anything they have been too loyal. I remember Casper Wortmann struggling badly and they gave him time. Danny Phillips was awful last time at Newcastle yet he rode the full season. There are many other examples.7 points
I'd stop feeding the Troll. Most people know how well the Diamonds treat their riders. That's why a lot of them come back to ride for us.5 points
3 points
I would have to agree Dave, really sorry that we have had to change the team too, and all the criticism of the promotion is unfair, had Nike not made the decision we would be kick starting our season with the original 1-7. looking around Stevie is a no brainer, out and out number 1, and makes our top 3 the envy of most in the league. We just simply need to make the right call with the last man, and if we do, we will be very hard to stop. My personal view is let’s try someone young/new who has potential and invest in them. Not seen anything about josh McDonald, but if comparisons are true, he is the obvious candidate. Mikel B also one to look at. After a year in the league you would have to expect him to put points on his average next year, and Newcastle could be a springboard for a rider who went to Redcar with real pedigree and is still young in comparison to other options. need to get the last one right however, as a weak number 2 leaves us really exposed and will undoubtably be the difference between a good year and a poor one. Here is hoping Nike returns to the league in future, too much potential and excitement and a big miss to the sport in this country if he doesn’t, shame however he wasn’t more open with the promoters before signing. Similarly, here is hoping Victor gets fixed up, was looking forward to seeing him this year, and he deserves a chance after committing the time and money to the season. Chuffed to see stevie back with us again, he was the first name on every team sheet I pulled together at the start of the year, and one of my favourite all time riders, great to have him back where he belongs!3 points
I'd opt for Simon Lambert - he's had some good meetings at BP in past seasons and always seems to give 100%. Unless MacDonald is Pickering Mk 2.3 points
What I meant was perhaps things would have turned out differently if there hadn't been that upset in 2011 and Sandhu had kept his interest in Speedway instead of becoming disillusioned with the sport. I think we all agree he didn't keep his promise afterwards.3 points
Like THJ has stated the wounds of no Worky speedway do indeed run deep. I don't believe that the huge majority of Comets fans bear Glasgow any malice whatsoever. Your fans are arguably the best and most welcoming in speedway and I always looked forward to seeing you all at Derwent Park and my visits to Ashfield. The fact is, last years apparent unmanageable debt coupled with the non forthcoming offers of help have resulted in the loss of Workington Speedway which for a lot of Comets fans is akin to losing someone close. The term 'speedway family' is often mooted on here but in my opinion there is no great evidence of this. Speedway is in trouble and there is no better time than now for clubs to work together in order to help each other survive. I'm not advocating repetetive assistance for clubs who have repeatedly demonstrated poor financial management but last season the Comets were very much victims of circumstance the results of which are plain to see. Laura came to the assistance of the Monarchs in their hour of need but where are the offers of help from the speedway family to help Worky to get back on their feet ?. The loss of the Comets and their travelling fans will be felt by the northern clubs especially the likes of Newcastle, Redcar and Berwick who will lose the income generated by the travelling Comets fans, which is unlikely to be replaced by the numbers travelling from the likes of Eastbourne, Somerset and Birmingham. The potential is there for clubs and riders to come together to help in whatever ways possible to ensure that clubs such as the Comets are not lost forever due being tipped over the cliff edge following a crippling season. Speedway family ? nah everyone just looks after themselves and herein lies the problem.3 points
Honestly All joking and winding up apart... the wounds are deep and still healing and this just added salt to them... However what I will say is in young Kyle Glasgow have picked up a rider with fantastic potential... personality I think he would have been Worky's secret weapon this season and as a prediction I honestly believe he will end up with an average nearer 7 than 5... despite what some have said on here... I also think that with this signing Glasgow have gone from a solid mid table side to stitched on play off candidates that's how much I rate this kid... he will be to Glasgow what Steve Worrall was to Edinburgh a few years back when Stevie joined them as a 3 point reserve.. Kyle will be the game changer Glasgow needed to push them on to success... He has fantastic support from his family... top notch equipment; is eager to learn and has a fantastic work ethic... a well rounded and pleasant kid who his family can be proud of... Glasgow will see something special this year and be able to watch him develope... I couldn't big the kid up enough... or be more happy for him and jealous of Glasgow... On a slightly different tangent here is another prediction that by 2027 his little kid sister wins The Voice or something similar cos what a great laal singer she is... if you have an end of season function get her up to sing a song you will be amazed... Good luck to Kyle and Glasgow for the coming season let's hope it's a sucessfull one... Oh and that the Glasgow Grave Robbers can finally turn into the Glasgow Gloaters and out smug their Saltire waving brethren along the road... Well I couldn't end without a pop could I... let's face it people might think I was going soft in my dotage and MANCE GazC and the other TOGS would not have the opportunity to put a sad face response on would they.. got to play to the masses... Finally just to confirm Kyles Dad is definitely fatter tham me... definitelty... ain't that right fatty (private joke) Honestly looking forward to seeing how Kyle gets on and where Glasgow end up (or should I say pseudo Workington) as it will be a very interesting season I believe for many and varied reasons... Good luck Glasgow and keep the satire burning... thats satire not saltire as to say the least there are some with poor reading skills on here thats for sure... Regards THJ3 points
2 points
Fair comment. I'm probably being a bit unfair as i just remember him being so akward around Newcastle but as you say he could be useful away from home and he's got plenty of experience. Josh McDonald is an unknown over here but apparently comes highly recommended. Regardless of our last rider I'm delighted Stevie Worrall is back. Someone you can rely on to pick big points up home and away. I think with the side we have we are well capable of challenging around the top four.2 points
Is this the Aussie who doesn't need a visa. ? Anybody like Pickering and I would grab him.2 points
Eveybody is entitled to an opinion, positive or negative. At the end of the day what any of us say on here is pretty irrelevant, results on track are all that matter in terms of where we end up in the table.2 points
I'm sure a quick e-mail to club@berwickbandits.co will sort you out, let you know where to collect. A sign of the season fast approaching is that this SUNDAY (10th) there will be the Staff Meeting, open to any potential new crew members who fancy joining the stalwart volunteers who help put on the Saturday show. As well as current staffers, of course. At the Black & Gold, 5pm.2 points
In all likelihood Edinburgh and the majority of other clubs ran at a loss last season and have nothing to give. The gifting of 30k or whatever it was, to Edinburgh was entremely generous but naive. Believing that it would generate goodwill that would be returned in future or a time of need, even moreso. The money has gone, it didnt buy anything that benefitted Workington speedway.2 points
2 points
Actually both Poole and kings Lynn broke the rules in the final using illegal guests but they changed the rule the previous day so that’s ok2 points
Agreed that the rider should not have vaped in his room ( I think this happend sooner than expected as even tho the rider has done wrong the change may have came about when the 1st chance would arise & I don't think it would have been lawlor ( but his stupid mistake has cost him ) a team place it's going to be interesting to see who ends up there & I reckon he's an asset of there's with blond curly hair2 points
And people are ignoring the fact that the teams fortunes in 2018 only turned around when Kerr and Andersen were replaced. They're back in the team, with no Iversen as heatleader backup. This team is seriously lacking in all departments.2 points
I agree with you regarding the text if true but if another rider has quit and it gives Newcastle a chance to get a rider like Steve Worrall in I personally would do it and I think a lot of other teams would in the same position simple as it makes Newcastle a lot stronger!2 points
2 points
Pretty sure when you set a smoke alarm off in a state of the art hotel it can be pin pointed to the excact room where it happens and when the other rider in the room doesn't smoke pretty sure they can work it out without Sherlock Holmes2 points
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Like everyone I was sorry to see us changing the 1 - 7 at this late stage of the season. Given Luna's withdrawal, and no natural replacement that I can see, it was unfortunate we had to drop another rider to improve the chance of still getting decent a team for the fans. The obvious one was Tero but he had and has reaffirmed his decision to go for it in Poland this year, so that ruled him out of the original team as well as this reshuffle. Fortunately Stevie was still available and looking for a ride in the championship, so he really is the best we could do for many reasons. Imagine, we now a have a top three of Stevie, Jorgensen and Lasse. Unbelievable. Leading riders to add to the current 6 would appear to be between Simon Lambert, Carl Wilkinson (if not retired) or even better, Josh Macdonald. He is apparently available, free to sign especially if he is in the country already, or has plans to still come over, and we would be training up our asset. Can see another signing pretty soon.1 point
1 point
Yes. His grandmother is british so he has a paternity visa as opposed to needing a work sponsored visa, which is why he can still come over and 'work' despite Workington closing (unlike the unfortunate Mason Campton).1 point
You collect your Season Pass on Opening night at the new box office which will be situated at the main entrance gate next to the turnstiles is what I read, I think on the website1 point
With Nike Lunna declaring himself unfit for this season Victor Palovaara has now unfortunately lost his team place at Newcastle through the numbers game, this after Dimitri Berge quit Somerset meaning Glasgow lose three loan fees in the space of a month.1 point
A friend of mine started talking to him at mallory park ,he had no idea about his music career and couldn't understand why people were paying him so much attention , then he asked him why are these people staring and Keith said it will be because I'm a twisted firestarter , mate says he was a nice bloke , R.I.P Keith Flint .1 point
It was long after 2011 that Sandhu promised to find somewhere else , only a fool or group of fools would believe anything he said1 point
1 point
I think it's on par with Lynn. The Stars have Lambo, but Ippo's reserves look better. I'm hoping Danny and Lewis are ready in body and mind. Important for both teams. Looking forward to the battles and will be happy if the Stars get a home win, and not thrashed at Foxhall1 point
Workington signed him on 6.83 http://www.workingtoncomets.co/news/article.asp?id=1010501 point
1 point
Well, fortnight today we’ll hear the roar of the bikes around the Heath again as it’s press and practice day. The season is nearly upon us and I’m really looking forward to it.1 point
1 point
in the Glasgow case, in every version the key culprit is a rider vaping in a non smoking hotel friendly with the speedway promotion, and due to the fire alarms going off the hotel it had to be evacuated and the Fire Service had to attend just in case. All the 3 version don't dispute that fact, so the fringe points and the timings are not really that relevant and could be wrong for deliberate or best endeavours reasons. I think the outcome is quite satisfactory to everyone, except one person.1 point
A suppose at the end of the day, it's down to opinion what is right or wrong,,, and todays society may not be as it was in the past.1 point
NEW DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Friday March 22: PRESS & PRACTICE at 5pm Followed by: MEET THE RIDERS at 7pm in the clubhouse.1 point
Depends how it was done if it is done via a text message yes it is wrong, if you have promised or given a contract to ride for a team, or if you have signed a contract to ride for a team, then plans are changed you should afford better communications between both parties. And doing via a text message is not the right way of going about it, whether it is a rider breaking a promise/contract or club. And for the record I did add and highlighted the word If as the only version thing I have read is the riders version.1 point
A terminal state. I'd be suprised if all of the tracks that come to tapes survive the season.1 point
1 point
Is there just a little bit of jealousy in there ? I wonder how many people would sooner have Barry Bishop and Martin Widman in charge of British Speedway than Buster Chapman and Rob Godfrey ? You have it the wrong way round. Cleaning the fence - after I had paid to go in - on a wet day and getting soaked and covered in mud was due to the good will already built up in previous visits (plus the fact that I was helping someone I count as a friend). Feeling valued at Isle of Wight is due to the way that the club treats its fans - or, more accurately, its paying customers. No-one else comes close, and everyone else can learn from them. I should point out that I have been to every track in the country in the last few seasons.1 point
Sadly ~ No, but perhaps it would have all been different if what happened in the Winter of 2010/11 could have been avoided.1 point
Jason Doyle has said that his season with Somerset was great but that he found his travel from Norwich to Somerset each week was somewhat long and tiring. Isn't Norwich to Swindon also a bit of a trek?1 point
All the ingredients are right to satisfy the faithful and see them continue to turn out in good numbers. Glasgow speedway on the other hand didn't close Worky and neither did their fans, so its hard to fathom the venom from the CA postcode area that has been continually directed towards us over the last 18 months and particularly the close season. You would have to go back at least 10 years to find the most bitterest 0131 for similar, but even then, most of them weren't as incessant. I did say most and not all! #workymonarchs1 point
For me the '3rd Division' should be the 'development league'... I seem to remember that this was it's initial vision... Each team seemed to have one rider with experience (a rider coach wasn't it referred to as?) and the other six were aspiring riders, keen to learn from the more experienced pros, and benchmark themselves against them when racing... Paid track time was the outlook for many... Instead it transpired into a pseudo pro league, mainly driven that way by '2nd tier' teams who couldn't make that league pay so dropped down, bringing with them several of their riders from the previous higher level who then doubled down and brought with them higher expectations of payment... Thus creating the plethora of 'professional juniors' who now exist, who invariably make almost zero improvement year on year as they have found their level, but continue riding... In effect clogging up the system of development as the places they take should be being used to bring on younger riders... I thought this year the BSPA was eager to have clear demarcation between the leagues with the averages it set, however by simply not converting Premiership averages to Championship equivalents using the x1.5 conversation it set, it has undermined it's own idea... Division One should be the 'pro league'... Division Two should be the 'semi pro league'.. Division Three should be the development league, where getting some expenses to help cover costs should be seen as an added bonus to the track time being provided.. Three clear differential standards, with three clear aspirational levels for riders to move into...1 point