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  1. I think all he’ll get for that load of nonsense is sympathy for his carers who have to deal with his ramblings on a daily basis. What a waste of bandwidth.
    5 points
  2. Lol it's Thursday, it's raining, so it must be speedway!!! Thank goodness it was just signing on night, all those brilliant volunteers signing up ready to get the speedway on next month!!
    4 points
  3. An early contender for the most boring post of the year from THJ. Even less interesting than "Diary of a Lift Attendant".
    4 points
  4. Utter pish from THJ as per usual.
    4 points
  5. Embarrassing makes the club look Micky Mouse.
    3 points
  6. Hard to argue with that, i just hope the change of race might makes it financially viable.
    3 points
  7. Honestly The truth always comes out in the end and how embarrassing or at least it would be embarrassing for normal folk, but just reading the Speedway Star this week and the comments from "Cami (knickers) Brown" of the "Glasgow Grave Robbers" made interesting reading to say the least where it stated "Luke Chessell and Joe Lawlor have got bags of potential and we will all have to support them and I'm confident we can all do that" he went on to say "the boot camp was a huge success a year ago, it really inspires togetherness and strikes up some good banter" Honestly PMSL In the Vatican (Captain Nelson) Maryport Friday night I got the truth off "In the Know" Tony over a pint of Cumberland Classic. The credentials of Tony are impeccable as he is from a long line of sheep and cattle rustlers in the best "border reivers" tradition and Tony is currently the the West Cumberland Ferret Wrangling Champion after winning his third title in 2018. I first met Tony in a competition that is held every November at the Bridge Inn, Santon Bridge, in memory of Will Ritson (1808–1890), a pub landlord from Wasdale, Tony has all the inside gossip on everything and holds court in the Vatican most nights and he reckons "Vape Gate" was just a smoke screen for the sacking of young Joe Lawlor. Tony is that man down the pub everyone quotes, that friend of a friend who is in the know, the answer to that question who told you that, well I have outed him as it's Tony The truth was stranger than fiction as Tony explained: Part of the team building exercise was to break wind in "top note" which is a C-sharp which all of the riders easily achieved, in fact some without even lifting a leg, with the exception of two; those two were Craig Cook and Joe Lawlor. Apparently no matter how hard Joe pushed and shoved and manipulated his posterior he could only reach a B-flat; it was at this point Cami (knickers) Brown stated that this was very disappointing and a game changer as the required note was a C-sharp with no exceptions. Joe pleaded his case and pointed out that a B-flat is also an A-sharp which was only two semi tones lower than the required level and with a bit of time, patience and coaching he was sure he could squeak out the required C-sharp note. However Cami (knickers) Brown was having none of it and said he would have to let Joe go. He pointed out that he wasn't sacked and would receive a good reference if he was to find other employment. As a last throw of the dice and trying to defend his position Joe pointed out that Craig had not made a singe squeak right through the whole exercise at which Cami (knickers) Brown advised as Craig had been elevated to sainthood now being "St Craig of Glasgow" all external befouling orifices had sealed over as was the case in all Angels and as he did not now have a sphincter he was exempt from the musical note exercise. On leaving a despondent and disappointed Joe asked all the other guys especially the ex Workington ones how they managed to meet such a high note as a C-sharp they pointed out as soon as they found out what they were being paid off Glasgow it was quite easy. Joe didn't really understand this but just left a lonely and dejected figure. With this new team position open Glasgow approached Kyle Bickley and told him there was a vacancy however he had to attain the impressive C-sharp note delivering said note by natural means only; using muscle control, bodily dexterity, beans and peas as a medium as a family club like Glasgow do not condone drugs to induce a production of wind. Kyle said it was a big ask but he would try, however Cami (knickers) Brown played his ace card and said to Kyle before you start let me tell you what you will get in remuneration, three new frames and two new engines; £20,000 signing on fee with £20,000 additional sign on from a sponsor, £150 a point and another £150 a point off a sponsor and if he got a 15 point maximum he would get an additional £500 as a bonus so £5 grand for a 15 point maximum and he would be paid in full as he exited the shower after the meeting in cash. Well at this news Kyle's sphincter naturally tightened and Cami (knickers) Brown thought it was with the thought and excitement of such a fantastic deal on offer that Kyle let loose with the most perfect C-sharp note from his posterior allowing him instant access to the Glasgow inner sanctum. However the real reason that Kyle hit this note wasn't for the fact of the fantastic deal on offer as every parent will attest to; as a teenager Kyle doesn't get washed and it was his fear of not getting paid that produced the posterior gripping note not the deal. So there you have it folks the facts as explained by "In the Know" Tony and remember if your pumps have lumps invariably your cami knickers will turn brown and as ever its all done in the "Best Possible Taste" Apologies for the long winded (Giggidy) response and hopefully it doesn't go over the heads of the blind followers of Glasgow and they can smell the same wafts of bull everyone else is getting. One final prediction "The Glasgow Grave Robbers turn into the Glasgow Gloaters by the end of the season" Regards THJ
    3 points
  8. Glasgow still over hyped
    2 points
  9. I thought the release of names was Robin Brundle’s idea, could be wrong.
    2 points
  10. I do hope they come up with some sponsorship deals as its looking pretty thin on the ground in that department having already lost T.Balfe who had already agreed to 2019 sponsorship Stephen Lambert transport who also brought in a lot of money to the club via his hospitality guests and they have also lost Motive owned by Ged Rathbone which did not come as a surprise. As yet no official announcement has been made with reference to Ged Rathbone or Neil Watson leaving there positions as promoters , I do think Panthers fans are entitled some explanation as to what is happening but won't hold my breath.
    2 points
  11. Chris taken from witches website https://ipswichwitches.co/louis-a-lot-to-look-forward-to/
    2 points
  12. As a seventy year old, I am so disillusioned by the delaying antics portrayed by the Kings Lynn promotions. These sort of games use to be used in the playground at school, not by professional people trying to improvise added advertising. This warp idea does nothing to generate ADDED interest, and of the people I have spoken with they all say they are totally fed up being treated like kids. The only people who can remember the names announced so far are die hard fans who could have guessed them from the start. So you ask the question 'What's the point of it all ?? '.
    2 points
  13. Yes, but only one has his face.
    2 points
  14. Its a total mystery - the suspense is palpable
    2 points
  15. i suppose im more interested in poole speedway than weymouth speedway but after the main meeting i will be more interested in watching the weymouth development team than listening to the poole press conference
    2 points
  16. Did Buster Chapman mention to you about the no holds barred interview with the Peterborough Evening Telegraph he would be doing after his return from New Zealand or has he conveniently put it to the back of his mind and hopes all fans will forget about it just like he has done
    1 point
  17. Checked gsoh for you , gobbledigook Sh*te on here.
    1 point
  18. Check out the saying gsoh
    1 point
  19. That sarcastic comment was neither necessary or funny. Sidney is a regular poster on the Stars thread and voices many honest opinions. Pity there weren't more like him....
    1 point
  20. Riders were open to bribery, someone would approach a riders and say 'so and so' wants to win the meeting and there's (whatever the inducement was) for you if you let him win the next race and maybe get under everyone else's feet as well. Some were openly bragging about it, some made it obvious when they suddenly slowed to let someone through and this was happening at all levels. It was eventually highlighted in a Sunday newspaper, complete with famous riders openly admitting it and seemingly seeing nothing wrong with it. I can't give figures but it seemed that a significant number of people stopped supporting and It never recovered, I knew a fair number who never went back and now consider the sport a joke. These days I'm sure there's much less of it but riders are still leading the sport's eventual demise by taking more out of it than is going in.
    1 point
  21. Good to see the new PR department doing some work.
    1 point
  22. Honestly There is no such thing as the "Diary of a Lift Attendant" as my Google has shown otherwise we could have compared the relevance however if you Google and research "Will Ritson (1808–1890), a pub landlord from Wasdale" you will see the truism in the post. Jesus you talk about hard work FFS Regards THJ
    1 point
  23. The ignore function should preserve your sanity from the all too predictable ramblings of utter nonsense from the usual suspects.
    1 point
  24. Pretty sure the weather was unkind last March! http://www.scunthorpe-speedway.com/?p=8235 http://www.scunthorpe-speedway.com/?p=8247
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Hopefully they’ve finally got the banking perfect for the coming season, the weathers been far more favourable this off season for track works! Hopefully we get a bit of rain between now and the practise day to help it settle! i personally am looking forward to the season and optimistic we will be entertained with the team that’s been put together, and like Danny said in his piece on eadt today - teams on paper written off at the start of the season often then surprise on track! There’s some gritty characters in there not afraid to get stuck in as well experience from top to bottom! I thought Workington looked a poor side before a wheel was turned last season and they won everything!
    1 point
  27. Ged wanted to sell. Buster was the only person interested and did the deal. Took them into the top league, Colin Pratt (one of the finest administrators the sport has even at his age) there to ensure everything goes smoothly and local man Carl Johnson stepping up his involvement with passion and commitment. Buster about to take a blade to the Showground to ensure the track is the best it can be for the likes of Andersen, Tungate and Cook to fly around there. Contract signed with the Showground last week. Rather be a Panthers fan than Hammers, Rockets or Comets.
    1 point
  28. Report post Posted Friday at 05:35 PM (edited) Who are the *alleged* backers. Can you tell who they are. Not who you got it from Waytogo posted, and I asked who he was talking about. Whats wrong with that ?
    1 point
  29. Don't you just love citing rumours but then not saying what they are.
    1 point
  30. Our even Norwich fans about Todd Cantwell
    1 point
  31. I ve not seen it personally so can only judge by what I read and see on TV. But the condition of the track has not been great in recent times, so surely they'd move heaven and earth to at least crack on with that bit. Get the track right and no matter how run down the stadia the die hards at least will turn up. I think what frustrates many people is the announcements of dates when certain things will start by, and then that date comes and goes and no new announcement explaining the delay comes. Then a few months later we get another announcement saying something will happen and the cycle starts again. It's very much a speedway thing to keep the customers in the dark. I cant believe the club doesn't care enough to keep its fans fully upto date, so it makes me wonder if there is some legal matter happening which restricts their ability to comment too much until the matter is settled?
    1 point
  32. Yes both figures were true enough, I was at both.....Speedway boasted bigger crowds than the Rugby League and soccer teams in their early/best years of each Ian Thomas inspired regime...... Crowded, well maybe ? tho DP can still host 10,000 speccies. By the way the attendances (for most of Comets meetings) were not all that bad given that Workington, and nearby Whitehaven, each have a population less than 30,000...pro rata the crowds were better than big town outfits.....although you could say the 'counter-attractions' were inferior
    1 point
  33. As a neutral i will miss my occasional sunday trips to the showground. I might do a couple of meetings there next season. A weekday race night presents a logistical nightmare for me.
    1 point
  34. Not strictly true, both Brandon & Blackbird Rd were owned by Midland Sports Stadiums. The Ochiltree family were the " front guys" but not the sole decision makers.
    1 point
  35. I'm sure our new IT-friendly co-promoters will have this in hand. Stream it straight to the website and social media platforms - its not rocket science.. There will always be some fans who are more interested in Poole rather than Weymouth (and vice-versa) as much as there will be some fans who can't/won't stay for either the press conference or the 6 SDL heats. I'm sure its similar at most tracks.
    1 point
  36. We havent been asked to nominate anyone at CH thats my whole point, even though we are sponsoring the Team in a small way this season, its not even been mentioned to us by the promotion, surely its not up to the supporters to find out the details about this ?, this is a BSPA initiative .
    1 point
  37. A really good gater and particularly good at home away in the top 5 will be difficult for him be interesting to see how he copes.But you really have to admire Lewis what character and dedication he must have to comeback from those horrendous crashes good luck to him.
    1 point
  38. Great to see Lewis back this season. If we as supporters can’t be happy that a local lad is in the team then god help us. We should be singing what Spurs fans sing about Harry Kane He’s one of our own He’s one of our own Lewis kerr He’s one of our own
    1 point
  39. Really!!! Does it matter? Worky are still on ice, yes it’s all looking very challenging. The 2019 thread is very welcome and can provide any future updates, hopefully positive. Some good posters on the thread - only Jenga takes some translation
    1 point
  40. 100%..... Lewi so deserves a good season!
    1 point
  41. I'm pleased Lewis is returning, delighted in fact. Lets hope he has an injury free season and shows us what he is really capable of.
    1 point
  42. i dont see why the moderators should pull the plug on this workington 2019 thread . it was started with good intention for the good supporters of workington comets and gives the fans hope and something to hang onto . i could understand if it was 12 months out of date , but its not and its keeping interest in the sport for worky fans and followers . the forum will not gain anything by closing it down , but when the time comes to relight the comets fuse all that momentum will have dwindled away . after all , fans still talk about Hackney,Long Eaton and Canterbury on here as if they are still running . get a grip Weston .( super moan )
    1 point
  43. Lets face it, you certainly wouldn't be the only one to be cynical given the information that you had. I like to think I am fair minded, but that my first reaction was that this was an excuse to get rid of a rider and replace him with a far better one. If we are cynical, I'd say that's what actions within speedway have made us. Even now, and even taking into account the circumstances (and its difficult to suggest Glasgow's actions aren't reasonable) there's still a suspicion that had the riders been different so the reaction might have been.
    1 point
  44. Maybe along the lines of due to a breach of club discipline it is regrettable we have had to dispense with the services of Joe Lawler. The club have moved swiftly to gain the signing of Kyle Bickley as his replacement . I understand the club not wishing to air it's dirty washing in public , but likewise being vague with it's statement fuelled the ability to jump to the wrong conclusions
    1 point
  45. You may have hit the de nail on the head......
    1 point
  46. Not cheating; team-riding... Not the first time it happened, and won't be the last, but nobody complains when the Brits do it. Steve
    1 point
  47. While this thread maybe full of aggression, the forum as a whole is packed with ideas from long standing, thinking and committed fans about how to improve the sport. Some are ridiculous, some are unworkable and some require the injection of unfeasibly huge amounts of cash. Some, however, might just be worth a try. Problem is, with the exception of Barry Bishop, Neil Watson, Jayne Moss & Laurence Rogers not one single promoter or team manager engages with fans on this forum. Indeed, most of them treat it with utter contempt and even loathing. I should point out that Barry attracts 4 likes for every post he makes, a truly remarkable reflection of just how much his contribution is valued. Even if paying customers make constructive comment or suggestion, then, they aren't even read. Its also indicative of just how those who run the sport view the fan who pays every week. The number of accounts of the quite dreadful way paying customers are treated is damning - I know, I have had some of that. I'd say that much of the vilification is deserved. For me, the worst is the cheating, one-upmanship and culture of favours and corruption at the heart of the sport that leaves fans totally disillusioned. Its a bit of a long shot to say that without the decision to prevent Workington riding on Fridays last season the Comets might have survived - a decision motivated by the most appalling self interest - but it certainly didn't do them any favours. I could probably name half a dozen occasions when rulings have been made that were completely contrary to the rules of the sport at the behest of one promoter or another. The BSPA can legitimately blame the weather, landlords, riders, the press and heaven knows who else for the problems that the sport faces. But they can't get away from that one and I don't think the damage it has done can be overestimated.
    1 point
  48. Nothing at all - infact not just opposition fans. The little detail I have heard means ALL fans can vote for ANY meeting so 'neutrals' could decide the fate
    1 point
  49. I plan to listen to views and suggestions at Kent's sponsor and meet the rider evening Sunday. Not sure the format Of the meeting butcivam preparing an introduction to myself and history in the sport. I then plan to table my own suggestions briefly. Mainly being around transparency and openness. And the need for a supremo independent of any club to take overall control of decision making. Then onto and in far more detail the main 3 or 4 issues the Kent fans bring to me. For example, my personal opinion is the play offs are a necessary evil that makes clubs decent gates, and gives the fans the sense of occasion. But the feedback I am getting is that Kent fans would like them scrapped, so that is the stance I will take in the meeting. I believe the expenses not being covered is probably less about saving money, but more so to weed out the potential trouble makers. I earn little over Nat Min Wage, and assuming they put the meeting somewhere central like Brum that's gonna cost me a hundred quid plus in train fares. That's probably half my monthly desposible income so Kent fans can rest assured I am taking the whole thing very seriously. Sure it may well fall on death ears, or get ruined by gob rubbishes, BUT also it may just work and our voices do get heard. Whilst I am representing my fellow fans at kent, I fully welcome views from supporters of any club current or former.
    1 point
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