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  1. i dont see why the moderators should pull the plug on this workington 2019 thread . it was started with good intention for the good supporters of workington comets and gives the fans hope and something to hang onto . i could understand if it was 12 months out of date , but its not and its keeping interest in the sport for worky fans and followers . the forum will not gain anything by closing it down , but when the time comes to relight the comets fuse all that momentum will have dwindled away . after all , fans still talk about Hackney,Long Eaton and Canterbury on here as if they are still running . get a grip Weston .( super moan )
    8 points
  2. I'm pleased Lewis is returning, delighted in fact. Lets hope he has an injury free season and shows us what he is really capable of.
    3 points
  3. Cracking vid from Glasgow. Doings things right to promote the sport. Been some cheesy vids but this is a decent one.
    3 points
  4. The thing is Barry, you have time for people and you remember a face. These two things are massively important when trying to engage with your public. I remember being greeted at the turnstiles on numerous occasions by the great Johnnie Hoskins on my frequent visits to Canterbury. He was a real speedway promoter in every sense of the word.
    3 points
  5. Have to agree there mate. No doubt things have been wrong in the past but the main thing is they are working hard to get things right and must surely be applauded for that. Things are coming right now with the stadium and if the team get fired up and dish out some spankings then the crowds should start to increase and generate some much needed income for the promotion. Up the potters.
    3 points
  6. Pity it has to be Championship, because in recommending a club it would simply have to be Isle of Wight. None other even comes close.
    3 points
  7. Poole to be the home of Weymouth Wildcats for 6 SDL meetings in 2019. The six 6-heat meetings will take place on 6 Thursdays (yet to be advised) after the respective Pirates SGBP meetings.
    3 points
  8. Weymouth Wildcats to race at Wimborne Road Poole in 2019. Meetings will take place on Thursdays after the Pirates SGBP meeting on dates still to be advised. On those selected dates, the Pirates will forego any interval, so that the Wildcats can follow on immeadiately the Poole meeting ends, More details to follow......
    3 points
  9. He’s a troll. He gave himself away with his most recent posts as even the most stupid would not misunderstand the situation to the degree he displays. He can only be doing it on purpose so therefore in the ignore box he goes. Very sad.
    2 points
  10. You're opening night when we were the opposition, you had a crowd of 4400. For years after that, with Peter I and Stoney as your top riders, you used to average 2200, a lot of whom came to Brough to try and turn us over. Your away fans paid many a big bill for us, so thank you for their attendances.
    2 points
  11. Kyle signing for the Tigers is certainly going to test me! Since 1965 at Meadowbank, I have always followed the Monarchs results. As a 10 Year old, I loved it there and their supporters. Never felt the same when visiting White City or Hampden Park. Or for any of their previous homes,tbh. As I support Kyle, I will TRY and get used to watching and cheering them whenever I watch them. That said, it is a little easier, as I also get on well with the Starke family. Currently looking at the end April meetings between the 'old enemy'. Edinburgh v Glasgow FRi 26th, Berwick British U21 Final Sat 27th and Glasgow v Edinburgh Sun 28th.
    2 points
  12. Actually I clean the air fence every week :):) and you know what i am like in the build up to the meeting.... I view it from your perspective in that I want it to be just right for when our fans and visiting fans eneter the stadium - from the moment you enter until you leave you are mine... and it is my duty to entertain you
    2 points
  13. Have to agree with you, and those that are running the sport should take notice that the likes of Paulco becomes cynical. Over recent years there has been so much happened in the sport that has been unexplained or simple skulduggery, and no proper answer given as to how or why decisions have been made, that even a die in the wool fans of not just their team but speedway in general start ask questions or are sceptical.
    2 points
  14. be nice to have extra races after the pirates meeting with a weymouth side taking to the shale
    2 points
  15. All this is not the fault of Speedway, Swindon Speedway and Terry Russell in particular. They have been continuing their business of running the club according to information given them by the stadium. Terry had another meeting with the stadium 10 days ago. He ran a farewell meeting to the Abbey in accordance with the information provided by the stadium. The final meeting on the current track last season was described so in accordance with the information provided by the stadium. Swindon have a track (new or old!), they have the 2017 World Champion returning and a damn good team with young and enthusiastic input from a new co-promoter, the son of a true club legend.
    2 points
  16. Really!!! Does it matter? Worky are still on ice, yes it’s all looking very challenging. The 2019 thread is very welcome and can provide any future updates, hopefully positive. Some good posters on the thread - only Jenga takes some translation
    1 point
  17. You're not stating 'true facts' though are you ? you're just giving your opinion on the people who run BV , which is fine by the way. The reason BV crowds are down and we're working on a shoestring is nothing to do with Adrian Smiths perceived shortcomings as a businessman But because the sport in general is in such a perilous position ,
    1 point
  18. Absolutely bang on . To me, that's just a matter of good business practice. It says a lot about the way speedway fans are viewed that their opinions are largely ignored by those who should be most interested in them. If I remember rightly, at my last visit you had me cleaning it I think that's the thing with Isle of Wight - the supporter actually feels valued simply because he's treated as though he is valued. There's nowhere else that hits the same standard.
    1 point
  19. Honestly Went past the place Sunday on my way shopping and there were quite a few cars in and around Derwent Park and the car park looked quite full, which although isn't an indicator of the crowd it did look busy to be fair. (as busy as a Speedway night anyway as I mentioned it in the car when passing, so it was noticeable) However the laugh is when I was on the drink in Maryport on Friday night and chatting to an Allerdale Councillor who stated the new (£25M) stadium is being built on the premise that the Rugby club will start attracting crowds of 7,500 and the football 2,500 fans when they move into the new stadium. I am not sure who came up with these figures and neither was he to be fair however I think the only way they will be attracting crowd numbers like that will be if they start mugging people outside on the street and dragging them in. Neither the Rugby or the Football want to run the new stadium so it is being mooted that an FM company will be brought in to run it as a franchise. I doubt any FM company in their right minds would take a venture on like this. It will be interesting to see what actually does happen. Regards THJ
    1 point
  20. Ian thomas said at the fans night in 1998 that 750 was needed back then so mr mole and denham had some good times wish was same for laura .
    1 point
  21. Actually the Isle of Wight Wizards will race at the Isle of Wight for their home meetings. The squad will be made up of either Islanders or regular members of My First Skid - also located on the Isle of Wight
    1 point
  22. cant see how they can delay the press conference maybe cancelled all together on those evenings . which probably is the best option
    1 point
  23. As they tapes going up gets closer for the new season it still feels wrong that Workington aren't there things should never got that bad as for what to do with our Saturday nights who knows not much else tbh as for for who I will be following I am comets all the way and will follow Dan Kyle and cookie but it doe its doesn't feel right dolling another team ie Glasgow or pboro or bvue for the local boys it should be worky I have to agree the chance of coming back next year are really slim if it did it would be any present u get heres to memories we have of the best team in the nwest of England the mighty comets 2018 triple champions
    1 point
  24. My opinion on this is, run the meeting with the clubs that have nominated people. If it works the way the idea was designed too, I imagine the other clubs would quickly bring people to the table to join it. If it falls on death ears then a few of us Hardcore fans will have had a expensive day trip to some meeting room in the Midlands, but no one will have died. And no damage done. After all the sort of person who will attend these meetings, is also the sort of person to drive up the m6 to watch a meeting at stoke with questionable forecasts. Ie wasted journeys are part and parcel of speedway anyway.
    1 point
  25. Oooh put those claws away
    1 point
  26. We will fly you up first class, greet you with the massed pipes and drums. Lay on a lavish champagne reception followed by the finest Scotch pies known to man. We will provide you with a golden throne to pass aforementioned Scotch pies and after the finest Speedway in the Championship tuck you up with a beautiful single malt and a cheeky wee shortbread. Just stay away from the hotel fire alarm.
    1 point
  27. Edinburgh. The smugness you will feel is unmatched.
    1 point
  28. Doctors specialising in pain management can sometimes achieve excellent outcomes for their patients. I endured excruciating non-stop pain from nerve damage for 4 years until I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in 2006, followed by a replacement upgrade implant in 2012, courtesy of the U.S. company St. Jude Medical/Advanced Neuromodulation Systems (ANS). Prior to receiving the implanted device I had been prescribed numerous strong painkillers, including Gabapentin and Pregabalin, none of which were of benefit. I was fortunate as the implant immediately had a positive effect, reducing the level of pain in my legs and feet by about 50% on a bad day and much more than that on good days. Following the replacement in 2012 the level of pain is hardly noticeable most of the time and when it is present it is bearable. The implant programs can be altered remotely by the patient, in order to modify the frequency, intensity and areas requiring stimulation. ANS is now part of Abbott Laboratories, with a Swiss subsidiary, ANS Suisse AG. Tomasz will be in good hands if he is to receive treatment from this company or another with similar expertise. He has significantly more severe medical issues than me and the nature of the surgery will undoubtedly be highly complex and more advanced than for a straightforward stimulator implant, but I wish him well and hope for a rapid improvement in his condition following his forthcoming treatment.
    1 point
  29. so,build his private business from scratch to be a successful local based business,takes a unused grass field in a run down area and turns it into a profitable business and a track that is upthere with the best in the country,and has won silver wear at various levels and you call him not intelligent a clueless? now it matters not if you like him or not or if you agree with him or not,but to dish out personnal insults is below the belt,especially when the hard facts prove other wise and id go as far as saying that it isnt the BSPA,the MC,the riders,the tracks thats wrong with British speedway,its clowns like you that continually pull the sport down ,,,,,thats wrong wiith speedway and btw,have you looked on google maps yet to see if your statement that the EWR is a circle is correct?
    1 point
  30. Barry Bishop and his partner Martin Widman do this (Barry usually, Martin is doing everything else ). Thing is its not difficult to appreciate your customers and the worst of it is I could probably cite about another half dozen examples similar to the above. I actually think things are getting better. Belle Vue's Adrian Smith, certainly, is both approachable and personable
    1 point
  31. It's not the racing.. it's all about perception. Formula One is awful racing.. but look at the popularity and the glamour.
    1 point
  32. While this thread maybe full of aggression, the forum as a whole is packed with ideas from long standing, thinking and committed fans about how to improve the sport. Some are ridiculous, some are unworkable and some require the injection of unfeasibly huge amounts of cash. Some, however, might just be worth a try. Problem is, with the exception of Barry Bishop, Neil Watson, Jayne Moss & Laurence Rogers not one single promoter or team manager engages with fans on this forum. Indeed, most of them treat it with utter contempt and even loathing. I should point out that Barry attracts 4 likes for every post he makes, a truly remarkable reflection of just how much his contribution is valued. Even if paying customers make constructive comment or suggestion, then, they aren't even read. Its also indicative of just how those who run the sport view the fan who pays every week. The number of accounts of the quite dreadful way paying customers are treated is damning - I know, I have had some of that. I'd say that much of the vilification is deserved. For me, the worst is the cheating, one-upmanship and culture of favours and corruption at the heart of the sport that leaves fans totally disillusioned. Its a bit of a long shot to say that without the decision to prevent Workington riding on Fridays last season the Comets might have survived - a decision motivated by the most appalling self interest - but it certainly didn't do them any favours. I could probably name half a dozen occasions when rulings have been made that were completely contrary to the rules of the sport at the behest of one promoter or another. The BSPA can legitimately blame the weather, landlords, riders, the press and heaven knows who else for the problems that the sport faces. But they can't get away from that one and I don't think the damage it has done can be overestimated.
    1 point
  33. Hope they remember to place the ponder in the same place in every bike.
    1 point
  34. I think it’s a great idea but surely the track will have to be graded after every run as the riders who have their qualifying run later will have an advantage
    1 point
  35. If i were a rider, I think I'd be going slower in qualifying. I believe this will give a much bigger advantage. Let's assume it's September. We're getting to the latter stages of the GP series. Tai Woffinden leads the standings....a couple of points clear of Bartosz Zmarzlik. If I were Zmarzlik I'd definitely want to be going slower than Woffy in qualifying. Why? Well, Woffy blasts round. He's the fastest qualifier. He has the "advantage" of first pick. He's going to pick one of the starting numbers that gives him 2 inside gates. He's happy. But as Zmarzlik, I wanted him to pick first. Because what I'm I going to do now? I'm going to look which race Woffy has the worst gate in...maybe that's gate 3 or gate 4. And I'm going to pick the draw number that puts me in that same race, off gate 1. Being further down the pecking order could be the biggest advantage. You can see where your closest rivals are positioned, and make sure that you have the favourable gate when you meet them.
    1 point
  36. PERSONALLY think this is something that will appeal to the riders more than the general public, most of whom won't see the time trials anyway.
    1 point
  37. Just read the article myself and I think it’s a load of crap... Being going to speedway 40 years and I think it should be all about skill not who is the fastest... I think Formula 1 Grand Prix is like watching paint dry.. Hopefully speedway Grand Prix wont be going the same way
    1 point
  38. I wenty to Oxfford loads of times . dont rememebr ever going in the "Complex " so it's definitlely not essential as long as theres access to the toilets
    1 point
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