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Any code of conduct and disciplinary procedure at any organisation should always be kept in house , the fact the Glasgow Management had to explain there decision on social media is rare but a sad reflection on the reasons they felt they had to. Inconsistent management is one that cannot be used to describe the Glasgow Promotion every single person employed at any level of the club know there duties and what is expected of them. And have no doubt it is not a case of being selective on who gets disciplined all would be treated the same , this unfortunate incident is down to Joe, it appears if he had accepted his error and apologised he would still be here. In his wisdom he decided to argue the fact with all and sundry it is down to him and him alone that he has lost his place, and have no doubt the same would apply to any of the other riders.5 points
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Poole to be the home of Weymouth Wildcats for 6 SDL meetings in 2019. The six 6-heat meetings will take place on 6 Thursdays (yet to be advised) after the respective Pirates SGBP meetings.4 points
This and other posts about the decision made by our club at the weekend hammers home why you should never let hatred get in the way of the truth as this is what happens. That right Blobby.3 points
yea ... just close the pucker down and let us all rest in peace . while we are at it, lets just close the whole of uk speedway down and cut out the middle men . extremely selfish post .the die hards of workington speedway live in hope . while people like you just live . will you make the same COMmEnT next year when another club goes to the wall ?3 points
We will fly you up first class, greet you with the massed pipes and drums. Lay on a lavish champagne reception followed by the finest Scotch pies known to man. We will provide you with a golden throne to pass aforementioned Scotch pies and after the finest Speedway in the Championship tuck you up with a beautiful single malt and a cheeky wee shortbread. Just stay away from the hotel fire alarm.3 points
I say leave it as a reminder of what a precarious position speedway finds itself in Perhaps it will help keep people thinking about what needs to be done to improve the situation3 points
All this is not the fault of Speedway, Swindon Speedway and Terry Russell in particular. They have been continuing their business of running the club according to information given them by the stadium. Terry had another meeting with the stadium 10 days ago. He ran a farewell meeting to the Abbey in accordance with the information provided by the stadium. The final meeting on the current track last season was described so in accordance with the information provided by the stadium. Swindon have a track (new or old!), they have the 2017 World Champion returning and a damn good team with young and enthusiastic input from a new co-promoter, the son of a true club legend.2 points
Glasgow have saved speedway as a whole a lot of time and money. I'd be surprised if we see Lawlor on a bike again as the dedication is massively lacking. He didn't really serve any proper apprenticeship and just lucked in at Belle Vue, he rides without a great deal of style or brains and is no particular loss. The sport is changing and the likes of Bickley will progress in a professional way and the likes of Lawlor will follow the paths of Bridger, JPB etc2 points
On a positive Cumbrian note it's good to see 3 Cumbrian marras in the recently announced team GB squad, Craig cook, Richard Lawson and Dan bewley2 points
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So I hope now that people are not so quick to jump to the wrong conclusions. I commented earlier on the BSF, and stated that the club was under no obligation to tell anybody what had happened, and praised them for not telling people what happened as in many cases it doesn't do any good to the rider concerned in getting another ride in the near future. But some riders try to use occasions to get their story over and get revenge, and in this case it is a great example why everyone should keep their thoughts to themselves and shut their mouths. Because of Joe trying to blacken the name and reputation of the club, due to his own immature action and telling lies, the promotion has correctly had to tell everyone what really happened, and everyone should come to the conclusion that that will not do the reputation of Joe any good in trying to get a ride in future, and may have stopped some from giving him any bookings. If it does happen, well we know it's not Glasgows fault, and Joe might have to learn how to behave in future. One thing is for sure, Kyle Bickley is not involved in this in any way, and I hope he wows the Glasgow crowd and makes some good progress with them. I remember seeing Joe at Northside probably about 7 years ago on his little Janshi 80cc blasting it out with bigger lads and better bikes, and thought he could go far. This instance will not help that progress.2 points
Direct from Peter Facenna on Facebook, no need to apologise Midget, blobby etc. I don’t usually respond to comments on social media, however on this occasion due to some of the comments that I have read above and that are being made elsewhere, I feel I must. The reason I am choosing to comment here and not release a further statement through official club channels, is that the events that unfolded in the early hours of Friday morning are not going to help us attract new fans to our sport and are likely to be of little interest to anyone who is not already a speedway fan. I had very much hoped that I wouldn’t have had to go into detail about the events that unfolded, mainly to spare Joe the indignity and give him a chance to seek out another opportunity, however as he has chosen to not tell the full story and instead go out of his way to criticize the club, Joe is no longer my concern. Below are the facts, which are not based on hearsay and have not been embellished. The reason why we choose to base ourselves at the Village Hotel in Glasgow during our pre-season training camp, is that our health and fitness expert, Ray Watts, and his business, Pegasus Training, are based there. Ray is a volunteer at the speedway as well as a personal friend. Our camp started off well on Thursday with a tough fitness test session in the gym, followed by a chat around what it meant to ride for the Tigers, what we are all about as a club, and what we expect from the boys on and off track, based on the fact that they are not only representing Glasgow Tigers, but are also representing Allied Vehicles Group, a substantial employer and well known business in Glasgow. After going out for a meal together and having some fun ten-pin bowling, I dropped the boys off at the hotel at about 21:00. Having come home and gone to bed, I was woken at 00:37 by a call from one of our riders, who proceeded to tell me that after he had returned to his room from the Bar, Joe had set the fire alarm off, that the entire hotel had been evacuated, and that the fire brigade were on site. Furthermore, because Joe had been arguing with hotel staff, including the manager, as well as arguing with the Chief Fire Officer (all whilst wearing his Glasgow Tigers/Allied Vehicles jacket), he had been barred from returning to the hotel. Joe had told the other riders that he had no money to go anywhere else, so I contacted Paul and asked if he could make sure that Joe had somewhere to stay and that whatever it cost, I would give him it back the next morning. Unfortunately, a lot of the nearby hotels were full, so James and Paul had to walk a mile and a half with Joe until they found a hotel that had a room available. The hotel was the Radisson Blu and the room cost £131, which Paul paid and which I paid Paul back on Friday morning. On the Thursday afternoon due to Ray’s relationship with the hotel, we were afforded a great welcome and were provided with a meeting room and a function room that we were able to set up a studio in, all without charge. When I arrived at the hotel early Friday morning, I met Ray and apologised profusely for the embarrassment that Joe’s actions must have caused him. Ray and I then sought out the Manager of the hotel so that I could apologise in person. During my conversation with the Manager, who was very understanding and praised the other riders for their behaviour during the incident, he informed me that Joe had shown no remorse for his actions and had created a scene with his staff and the fire fighters. He also told me that had this not been the case, Joe would have been allowed back into the hotel. I informed Joe on Friday morning that he had caused reputational damage to me, to Glasgow Tigers and Allied Vehicles, and to Ray, who had gone out of his way to ensure that we were well looked after by the hotel. I then informed Joe that on the back of this misdemeanour, he would no longer be riding for the Tigers. I suggested to Joe that he could try to change his train ticket so that he could get home, however he informed me that his dad was coming to collect him. It’s been reported that Joe was ‘left stranded’ in Glasgow on Friday, however had Joe informed me that he wasn’t able to change his train ticket and that his dad couldn’t come and collect him until much later, I would have arranged another train ticket for him, despite the hassle that he’d given me that morning. I also offered to get the items he had left in his room dropped off at his house next week. As for the comments stating that we simply dropped Joe for Kyle and that this was always planned, I can assure you that this is not the case. Kyle did get in touch when he lost his ride at Workington but was firmly told that we already had our team and that we didn’t have a space for him. If making this team change was always planned, we would have done this weeks ago, before going to the expense of bringing Joe up to the training camp, kitting him out in all our team wear, buying a set of hiking boots for him, and ordering Kevlars for him, which thankfully haven’t been produced yet. The bottom line is that if Joe hadn’t acted the way he did on Thursday night/Friday morning, he would still be a Tiger and would be joining us at the Supporters’ Group event tonight. Joe is a character and applied himself well during our initial gym sessions, however the club and its main sponsor cannot tolerate our reputation being damaged in the way it was, especially after a conversation only a few hours earlier about how professional we wish our club to be and about how our riders are representing Allied Vehicles as well as Glasgow Tigers. It’s a shame it has not worked out for Joe with us, but I wish him well for the future. Out with this incident, our training camp has been a great success, and I look forward to the Supporters’ Group event this evening, where fans will get to meet our 2019 team. This is the last statement I or the club will be making on the matter.2 points
My opinion on this is, run the meeting with the clubs that have nominated people. If it works the way the idea was designed too, I imagine the other clubs would quickly bring people to the table to join it. If it falls on death ears then a few of us Hardcore fans will have had a expensive day trip to some meeting room in the Midlands, but no one will have died. And no damage done. After all the sort of person who will attend these meetings, is also the sort of person to drive up the m6 to watch a meeting at stoke with questionable forecasts. Ie wasted journeys are part and parcel of speedway anyway.1 point
TBH I don’t share your view of the BV promoters business ability, certainly not in the world of speedway. As I have stated the NSS is the best speedway track and stadium in the UK by a mile and they have done nothing profitable with it. As for keeping rider pay in check that’s nonsense, by all accounts they have lost a small fortune somewhere in the order of £250k-£500k to date and according to the council notes not yet paid the full £300k a year rent for the stadium and alarmingly they have done nothing to increase the crowd, in fact the crowd has halved since 2016 season, nor have they brought in new or significant sponsors or any new ideas. Lemon is just an ex-rider and has no business experience, whilst Smith is, apparently, a insurance salesman with no business or speedway experience. If you think that they are the right people to be in charge of BV and they are running and controlling finances as a priority, you are seriously deluded. Fact, good business people make a profit...if not they go bust. Good business people don’t lose money just for fun!1 point
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And everyone is pleased Lewis Kerr is returning? this announcement seems to have been totally lost on this thread - most seem more interested in car park charges1 point
Of course I unsure my car it would be illegal not to but I still want to find it in one piece when I return to it!1 point
Oooh new chairs......and a dreadful view out the window to really drag the corporate users in.1 point
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Glasgow , we have a fab stadium , a team that interacts with fans, a superb promotion, top social media input and Glasgow fans get on with everyone. (Well almost everyone, we do have a bit of banter with the smugs )1 point
BSPA fixture list says 19.30 but Redcar website fixture list says 15.00 Based on who is running the meeting and the ability of the BSPA to get anything right I would say 15.00 is the right time!1 point
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Just been the town match lucky if there were 500 there track looked good no markings on it , £25,000000 on a 8000 seater stadium from a council with no money for people who wont use it wish they would go look at belle vue and give us one of those stadiums .1 point
See we have a slanging match going on. our new promoters come from a substantial business background and they run the club with financial matters as their priority. A Shame thar other promotions do not follow suit.....paying riders over the odds when insufficient crowds are unable to sustain such pay packets is not in the new promoters vocabulary...unlike certain promotions i back the New promoters 100%1 point
Joe can only look at this as a opportunity missed in his speedway career, a bit silly of him IMO1 point
Unfortunately Paul it doesn't and that is why these young lads don't understand the consequences of their actions when having a laugh. The trend is to sweep it under the carpet or laugh with them. Imagine the frustration as a sponsor when your team or team members choose not to wear the corporate image or race jackets are removed before photographs are taken? I sponsored a team who won a trophy on a hot day and all but one of the riders had removed their race jacket and 2 had rolled their race suit down to their waist revealing the sleeveless under garments on a rostrum photograph that appeared in SS. My boss was was really impressed and asked me how he could put that on the boardroom wall. Glasgow are to be commended for their investment and commitment to professionalism, when the sport is full of corporate bodies we might then attract major sponsors, blue chip names and wider media coverage, until then it's the egg and spoon race run by the Village Fete Committee.1 point
The point made by Geoff is not a totally unreasonable one. I certainly think that the effect on the speedway team would be taken into account when any decision was made. To turn your position round, say you had an outstanding starlet almost guaranteed to put 3 points on his average - and league titles are won by such riders - and his replacement was a 2.00 rider who would stay as a 2.00 rider. Can you say for definite that the reaction would have been the same or that it would have been if this were Craig Cook ?1 point
Maybe along the lines of due to a breach of club discipline it is regrettable we have had to dispense with the services of Joe Lawler. The club have moved swiftly to gain the signing of Kyle Bickley as his replacement . I understand the club not wishing to air it's dirty washing in public , but likewise being vague with it's statement fuelled the ability to jump to the wrong conclusions1 point
Now that the full story has come out , i must apologize for my initial reaction which was arrived at due to my cynical attitude I have about speedway these says . The whole thing is unfortunate , Joe is a teenager and teenagers are not the most predictable of individuals and i hope he learns from this big mistake he has made . But i feel the news could have been announced better by my club . The unforseen circumstances bollocks that was trotted out only served to fuel the belief that Kyle Bickley was always going to replace one of the reserves once Workington shut . Hope this is the last unsavoury incident we have to deal with and we can now settle down to enjoy the coming season .1 point
well done Peter Facenna . i have to say that is a sensible post from him and squashes all the rumours .1 point
Sad that a club director has to go to this length to dispel all the crap posted about Glashow Tigers. Time to move on nothing more to be seen here1 point
Cookie would not have be that stupid and bet the 400 customers that were evacuated at 2 in the morning and had to wait for 2 hours outside we’re not happy about it either more to it than meets the eye1 point
Doctors specialising in pain management can sometimes achieve excellent outcomes for their patients. I endured excruciating non-stop pain from nerve damage for 4 years until I had a spinal cord stimulator implant in 2006, followed by a replacement upgrade implant in 2012, courtesy of the U.S. company St. Jude Medical/Advanced Neuromodulation Systems (ANS). Prior to receiving the implanted device I had been prescribed numerous strong painkillers, including Gabapentin and Pregabalin, none of which were of benefit. I was fortunate as the implant immediately had a positive effect, reducing the level of pain in my legs and feet by about 50% on a bad day and much more than that on good days. Following the replacement in 2012 the level of pain is hardly noticeable most of the time and when it is present it is bearable. The implant programs can be altered remotely by the patient, in order to modify the frequency, intensity and areas requiring stimulation. ANS is now part of Abbott Laboratories, with a Swiss subsidiary, ANS Suisse AG. Tomasz will be in good hands if he is to receive treatment from this company or another with similar expertise. He has significantly more severe medical issues than me and the nature of the surgery will undoubtedly be highly complex and more advanced than for a straightforward stimulator implant, but I wish him well and hope for a rapid improvement in his condition following his forthcoming treatment.1 point
Joe was caught vaping in his hotel room whilst at the boot camp. How was he caught? Perhaps a smoke alarm that caused the full hotel to be evacuated and it then being identified that one of the Glasgow riders was the cause. Perhaps the incident didn’t stop there either...1 point
What a load of rubbish. We all know money is no object, so 600 quid on a race suit is peanuts. The club is that desperate for success it has no morals an no loyalty.1 point
As someone else mentioned, why Lawlor and not Chessell? And why the change after the team had a team building session in Glasgow? If Glasgow wanted Bickley in from the moment Workington withdrew, why wait until now and risk him signing for someone else? There’s more to this story that is being kept under wraps for someone’s benefit and i don’t think it’s Glasgow’s!1 point
I'm disappointed and dismayed that my club would do this to young Joe . I don't blame Kyle Bickley , he has to look out for his own interests , but to treat a young rider trying to make his way in the sport , the way it's been done to Joe Lawler , like that is disgusting . At least give the reserves at least a month to prove that they are worth perservering with , then if a change needs to be made then fine, but to take away Joe's team place before a wheel has been turned in anger is just wrong .1 point
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It was auntie Doris who suggested Wolves 2017, so best try not fabricating things either. i know you have dismissed my pick (you know the one that aunt doris made, strangely not quoting that one tho) likewise I have dismissed your authority on who deserves MOST unfortunate. Any team being discussed in this thread belongs there. Just because you decide they don’t is of no importance.1 point
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Looking at social media and reading the comments (and there isn’t many ) this drip feeding of announcements on the team to maximise interest in the media is having a near 100% negative affect . If social media is anything to go by fans are definitely losing interest1 point
He's got to get his money back feom Peterborough and Ipswich somewhere. May as well dump it on his long serving loyal supporters. Things are really done in an abysmal manor when it comes to Keith Chapman. He's determined to drive people away from the sport1 point
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John has given Sterling service to Ipswich speedway as a rider and as a promoter. Genuinely humble and a top guy. I think he should be nominated for a MBE or OBE. Not sure how you go about that but perhaps someone out there can advise as John really does deserve to be recognised. A genuine legend.1 point
I’m all for a range of opinions as I think it’s the only way you can get a true picture of what’s going on, but unfortunately we seem to have a core of people on Lynn threads who moan about the same things day in, day out and don’t seem to recognise the good things when they happen. I’m not for a moment saying that some of the criticism isn’t justified because it absolutely is as Buster has alienated people and the promotion are far from perfect but I think the best opinions are the balanced ones rather than constantly moaning about the same stuff or as you say ‘happy clapping’. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.1 point
He has history when we first brought him over he was like a spoilt brat , we were slated by some on here for showing him the door , but wouldn't touch him with a berge pole.1 point