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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2019 in all areas

  1. The cars Hans Kirimar designed are called "Rebels" and they race on both shale and tarmac tracks around the country. Their 2019 fixture list has 23 dates including dates at Stoke and Mildenhall. The Rebels would never have been run on a track bigger than a quarter of a mile as with 750cc Reliant engines they would run out of revs long before the end of the straights. They are a contact class which are probably more fun to drive than watch although I have seen some very good races from them.
    2 points
  2. There was an allocated space for the Bulls/juniors - however it was FAR from ideal - hence why it is being addressed.
    2 points
  3. I hope no one is" taken in" by this rubbish.
    2 points
  4. What is there to be offended about? If you want to help your club, you can. If you don't want to help, you don't have to. If you've got some time to spare, you might be able to help. If you haven't got spare time, no one is forcing you, or penalising you for not helping. Lots of clubs, societies, sports teams, theatres, churches, schools, scouts etc etc rely on volunteer help. Whether its helping paint the changing rooms of your local football team or speedway team, helping out at the kids' school sports day, donating costumes to the local theatre amateur dramatic society, making chutney for the church jamboree, or organising the Rotary Club annual dance, the world might be a better place if more people gave up a few hours of their time to get out and help an organisation close to their heart rather than sitting at home behind a keyboard moaning and being unnecessarily offended by everything.
    2 points
  5. There is an interesting thread on the Brummies fans forum in relation to the club asking for volunteers to join working parties to help spruce up the track/stadium/riders changing rooms & coming up with initiatives to raise funds to build a proper pits area for the Development League riders. The thread was started by a "fan" who is offended by the begging nature of the requests for help, so I thought I'd put it out there to see what the general consensus is - would you be offended if your club asked for this kind of help or would you be happy to roll your sleeves up/put your hand in your pocket? Personally I have given my time to the working parties campaign this year - when work shifts has allowed - and did many weekends pre season last year too. The club provide tea/coffee/biscuits by way of a thank you to those who turn up to help with track spruce up. Thoughts...……….
    1 point
  6. In my living memory the team of 98 for Ippo was the strongest I can remember. Only other team I can remember close to that would be one of the Cradley teams of the 80’s.
    1 point
  7. Good luck to her! We need female riders (both on Ice & Shale)!
    1 point
  8. if they leave before the closure that could affect their redundancy payment, hopefully Honda will do the decent thing and honour any redundancy payments for any worker who successfully finds alternative employment. Either way I wish all involved the very best of luck in finding a new job.
    1 point
  9. Back on topic and I think it is crystal clear from the article and other comments over the years that what Godfrey really doesn't ever want is one big League, I have always thought he sees the Championship as a Northern League and the Premier as a Midland ( south of Belle Vue) /Southern League and probably wants an 8/8 9/9 type split and 2 home and 2 away. I'm not sure how close he and Buster are, but it looks a bit of a dictatorship at the moment The fact that it took so long apparently for Birmingham and Eastbourne to be ratified to the CL in the winter and in that 5 page article he could not mention Somerset; Birmingham or Eastbourne once again proves the point. It will be interesting to see what happens in 2019 and what the reaction to either One Big league or a North/South split is in 2020 as it seems a few Clubs already "hanging on" like Redcar / Newcastle (Nissan) and Swindon (Honda) plus others in Midlands (Wolves / Birmingham / Leicester) could be hit by sudden collapse in Car Industry and associated supply chains; and any even small loss of core support could impact on pretty much every Team, with very few exceptions.
    1 point
  10. That "Indy loop" at Rockingham as you describe it is almost 1.5 miles round, to fit that outside the Brandon track would have required the land from half the village. I can't imagine how you expected that might happen. The plan to build an oval around the shortened speedway circuit at brandon was only ever intended to accommodate the quirky little mini-sprint cars that Hans Kirimar promoted for a short period . It was never going to be an alternative for the Rockingham Race Track.
    1 point
  11. It can be if prepared right. sometimes it is ultra slick and the racing suffers. It seems that Gniezno are also hosting the Nice Polska league riders championships on September 21st which is the Cardiff GP date.
    1 point
  12. And I know that there was once a plan to put a half mile banked oval round the outside of brandon , the proposal meant taking the backstraight terracing out . and the track extending out of each end of the stadium to the end of the stadium footprint , the speedway would then be on the infield and the only viewing would be from the main grandstand . there was an outline plan displayed at the time . sounds mad Don't it ? , well thats what everybody thought at the time . and the penny must have dropped with with the promotion because MR Kirimaa the investor disappeared almost as fast as he arrived , there must be plenty of folk who remember the proposal , so Ill just wait until someone else posts . at least I wont be waiting with my foot in my mouth ,like somebody else is
    1 point
  13. Pretty good line up for Ben Barker testimonial Line up for testimonial meeting is:Ben BarkerCharles WrightMichael Palm ToftJordan StewartTom BaconNathan GreavesSam MastersUlrich OstergaardBradley Wilson DeanKyle BickleyLewis KerrSteve WorrallDavid Wallinger Thomas JorgensenSimon Lambert1 to be confirmed Read more: http://bears-talk.proboards.com/thread/3419/barkers-testimonial-plans#ixzz5g51Lsw1k
    1 point
  14. SCB Regs are usually made public for the1st March each year. Promoters, riders, officials will have had advance notice of any major changes.
    1 point
  15. Ricky to ride solo at Leicester in the Ben Fund meeting!
    1 point
  16. Any chance of getting back to Kent now plz slowly getting to tapes up. Zzzzz
    1 point
  17. What is there to be offended about? Don't do it if you don't want, do it if you do. I coached football for donkeys years and never got a penny for petrol or time - no one made me do it
    1 point
  18. It's up to the individuals. Some can or can't work, but can still assist in many ways. If someone is offended by that, perhaps Brum can do without him as he sounds like he would try and spread his obsessions. Every track needs every fan, but remember what a bad apple does to the rest eventually.
    1 point
  19. With the terrible news about the closure of Honda in Swindon, I wonder how many current fans are also employees of Honda? As said a couple of posts ago, this could have a knock on effect for the Robins although the closure is not for a couple of years. I suspect even now, belts will be tightened and unnecessary expenditure put on hold, so that may include trips to the Speedway. Having been made redundant myself (twice) in past years I really feel for those car workers, lets hope the prospects for all involved is brighter than it looks at the moment, and it doesn't affect the Robins plans for the future.
    1 point
  20. Recent extensive research of on-line international press archives by Cape-based expat David Austin has clarified and significantly extended the detail of the 1951 5-country tour of Europe by the South African speedway Test team led by Buddy Fuller. Originally posted 15 years ago on the now-frozen 'Internationalspeedway' website, the updated comprehensive data on the 21 meetings undertaken by the S.African team is now to be found on the Speedway-SA website, HERE . www.speedwaychampions.com www.speedway-sa.com
    1 point
  21. Brilliant , absolutely brilliant ! Thanks for posting SS
    1 point
  22. Kettle teapot springs to mind
    1 point
  23. Not with the 'Godfather' now in control. Remind me, how many Lynn riders has he announced for the new season
    1 point
  24. Absolutely. It goes back to what we were saying earlier about the nights when Mauger, Olsen, or Penhall came to town; we had been looking forward to those for weeks! One of the other factors you mention that destroy the aura is familiarity. We would generally only see those riders once - maybe twice - a season. Smaller leagues and multiple matches against the same teams means they become a "part of the furniture" so to speak, and they lose that aura. Steve
    1 point
  25. All I ask is, before any Play Offs take place, all teams complete their fixture list.
    1 point
  26. Mike Bushell can claim something that probably 80 percent of us forum users cant, he has fallen off a speedway bike. He has done pieces with Tai and Ruthless in the build up to British GPs.Dont know if he actually has any interest in the sport outside of his work life but unlike many Sports Presenters he treats every sport he covers with 100 percent respect. Be it Olympic sports right the way through to the highland games and everything in between.
    1 point
  27. I think the racesuit has been a bit of a flop for the sport personally. It's embarrassing seeing clubs showing their team off and all the rider's look different anyway. Each rider gets theirs made by their preferred manufacturer so they never match up. Might aswell just use race bibs.
    1 point
  28. Magic holder ward, probably the closest trip in recent memory! will never forget the season of 98, not only were Ricksrdssson gollob and Louis an imperious top 3 Scotty emerged that season and as a young lad Toni svab was my favourite rider! The only real disappointment was savalas clouting not being able to fulfil his undoubted natural talent - never got his confidence back after a couple of hefty crashes sadly
    1 point
  29. Ben Fund organisers are you reading - people like Ricky is what this fund is about I'm sure the fans would love to see him do a lap at Leicester, on a tandem or on the tractor, as much as us fans would love to see him.
    1 point
  30. Most unfortunate team Wolves in 2017 Grand Final, Lindgren and Thorsell out injured but Swindon cocked up the first leg, but won final by one point at Monmore..Harris poor guest, same as 2012 when Poole lost out, with Ward out., the title going to the rip roaring Rockin Robins from Wiltshire.
    1 point
  31. According to this week's Star (07 feb) josh has a british grandmother. Therefore he is entitled to an Ancestory Visa which is valid for five years. All he has to do is come over and collect it. Presumably it enables him to do just about any job he wants (?) and as such he doesn't need a work sponsor.
    1 point
  32. Exactly, Belle Vue won, you don't feel anything less about the victory because the other side had injuries/bad luck or whatever it might be and rightfully so. That's sport.. the ecstasy of victory, the agony of defeat. Wolves lost that night, but I'm so glad I was there to experience it. This is why I enjoy the play-offs so much, it's the closest thing to replicating it.
    1 point
  33. Not speedway related... Saturday morning pictures as a boy...1 1/2d. each way on bus, 6d. to get in and 3d. for a bag of chips on the way home. a great morning for 1/-.
    1 point
  34. As you quoted me, please show where in my quote I said that the faith school "should not be allowed"? Then please explain why a matter of fact report on what's going on is "very racist"? As for the rest of the trip you wrote, well that's not worth repeating.
    1 point
  35. The speedway at Perry Barr rigidly finishes at 10pm. No other form of motor sport takes place at the stadium: it's in the Planning Permission.
    1 point
  36. People who don't go to the Brummies keep repeating this mantra, but it's not actually true. Have you been there this year? The promotion made a great effort to attract new and young fans, generally successfully.
    1 point
  37. That Indy loop was once destined to be built round the outside of Brandon . mr kirimaa a german businessman bought into Coventry with that as the plan , sadly that was the beginning of the end ,because when he moved on he sold his share to Sandhu , the rest is history
    0 points
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