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Spot on. I touched on it in my post earlier but this is something else the BSPA can't blame anyone else for : absolutely dreadful customer care. A friend of mine and his dad used to occasionally attend a certain track. One day, they complained about the racing surface and were told : 'If you don't like it, don't come'. They took the advice and never went back. That track has now closed, citing poor attendances as one reason. A good friend has attended another track every week for years. Fed up with the poor quality of the racing, he took to the internet and complained. On entry they next week, a member of the track staff sought him out, verbally abused him and said he would get my friend banned from the stadium. The promotions initial response was to agree, but fortunately wiser heads prevailed. When I was told, my reaction was disbelief then anger, because what was proposed was surely contrary to any sensible practice. Had he been banned, 4 other regulars and one occasional fan would have walked out and not come back. I'm no business man, but if it had been me I would have made the member of track staff apologise (and if he had refused I would have sacked him) apologised myself, explained why things were not as good as they should be and invited him to come direct to me in future with any issue rather than using the internet. To really put this in perspective, I went to a meeting a few years ago and it was clear the track surface was extremely poor from the outset and the meeting was eventually abandoned because it became dangerous. I took to the internet and complained. The next time I saw a co-promoter he too was verbally abusive. I haven't been back since. In early 2016, I went to the newly reopened Isle of Wight. The track was in a similar condition and again I complained. Barry Bishop contacted me and said : 'We're really sorry about the track. We are new and learning, and will try hard to make sure it doesn't happen again. We really hope you come back and see us soon, and if you do we'll give you a pits tour and a go on the centre green'. It says everything about speedway PR that I was astonished. Barry has since become a friend, I have been back numerous times and have turned into a huge advocate for Isle of Wight speedway. The incredible difference between reactions is simply down to a few words in response to criticism.10 points
Makes you wonder how speedway survived during the 70s / 80s without 'team kevlars' ? I'd much prefer it if every team went back to race jackets TBH4 points
I was brought up on race bibs I prefer them to team kevlars. I go to watch the racing not bothered about looking professional as long as I see good speedway that's what will bring the fans back4 points
Good racing, good promotion and a winning team will retain/attract more fans!! ps. PoP I hope your financial link up with NK proves a fruitful one.3 points
Just what the promoters want to hear. Updates should be used for away meetings & meetings that you can not get too. Hope Berwick do not go under after 2019 with fans like you!3 points
I think you should have another go at that post to see if you can miss the point any further3 points
Not shooting in the dark. The closure of four teams since last season, with others looking ominously precarious, shines a burning light on the sport's obvious problem: promoters are paying riders more than they can afford.3 points
While this thread maybe full of aggression, the forum as a whole is packed with ideas from long standing, thinking and committed fans about how to improve the sport. Some are ridiculous, some are unworkable and some require the injection of unfeasibly huge amounts of cash. Some, however, might just be worth a try. Problem is, with the exception of Barry Bishop, Neil Watson, Jayne Moss & Laurence Rogers not one single promoter or team manager engages with fans on this forum. Indeed, most of them treat it with utter contempt and even loathing. I should point out that Barry attracts 4 likes for every post he makes, a truly remarkable reflection of just how much his contribution is valued. Even if paying customers make constructive comment or suggestion, then, they aren't even read. Its also indicative of just how those who run the sport view the fan who pays every week. The number of accounts of the quite dreadful way paying customers are treated is damning - I know, I have had some of that. I'd say that much of the vilification is deserved. For me, the worst is the cheating, one-upmanship and culture of favours and corruption at the heart of the sport that leaves fans totally disillusioned. Its a bit of a long shot to say that without the decision to prevent Workington riding on Fridays last season the Comets might have survived - a decision motivated by the most appalling self interest - but it certainly didn't do them any favours. I could probably name half a dozen occasions when rulings have been made that were completely contrary to the rules of the sport at the behest of one promoter or another. The BSPA can legitimately blame the weather, landlords, riders, the press and heaven knows who else for the problems that the sport faces. But they can't get away from that one and I don't think the damage it has done can be overestimated.3 points
I don't know about that, there's been some pretty decent teams since. Wolves 2016 top five of Lindgren, Woffy, Peter Karlsson, Masters and Thorssell. It was only just over 2 years ago but sounds like someone's dream team now2 points
Nice post Steve ..feel bad as I had forgotten about him ..The story makes you feel very humble and understand how lucky we are just to be able to do the normal things in life2 points
Whilst i agree with the racing side of it,i also think as it's a team sport you should all look the same like in every other team sport.People moan and groan about speedway being stuck in the 70's and 80's well having no team kevlars is one that is still from that era.2 points
Well done Ricky. For courage and determination you are the TOPS!!! Very best and sincere wishes for your future. I loved your riding and I hope your dream of a solo ride is fulfilled.2 points
A lot of really good experienced promoters have gone out of speedway which is not good for the sport...they must have seen this dreadful situation was going to happen. Godfrey maybe be passionate about his club but I can assure He is certainly not an intelligent man. He is clueless. Along with his mate Chapman, another back woodsman, he has overseen the worst and most disastrous period in recent history of the sport. These two will go down as the fools that finished off speedway. IMO I think it’s too late but for the good of sport both he and Chapman should go.2 points
We now have been told that we have seven super fit riders, following their training camp and that they will be having on track opportunities before the April 8th opener. But we do not know who they are. A terrific publicity machine in action. Our enthusiasm will know no bounds when finally they are all revealed!2 points
Another problem of how the BSPA has evolved is that the better quality Promoters became disillusioned and walked away. Only the stodgy - "it's alright as it is " & " I agree with you, you are right" promoters stayed on and this is one factor in the strangulation of the sport in the UK. The Emperor's New Blazer syndrome.2 points
So no team suits for 2019 again! Bibs it is, poor if you ask me. Professional look out the widow, with new sponsors coming on board I would have thought the club wanted to be uniformed.2 points
But at that time the witches had the world's number 1 3 and 5 in the team1 point
All times Polish time Round 1 Saturday March 30th Lodz v Ostrow Eleven sport 20.15 Sunday March 31st Gniezno v Gdansk Polsat Sport 14.30pm Round 2 Saturday April 6th Rybnik v Lodz Eleven sport 20.15pm Sunday April 7th Gdansk v Tarnow Polsat sport 14.30pm Round 3 Saturday April 13th Tarnow v Ostrow Eleven sport 20.15pm Sunday April 14th Gniezno v Rybnik Polsat Sport 14.30pm Round 4 Monday April 22nd(Easter Monday) Lodz v Gniezno Eleven sport start time TBA Sunday April 28th Rybnik v Tarnow Polsat Sport 14.30pm1 point
I remember him losing his rag after being excluded from a race at West Ham, and leaving his bike across the track.1 point
Steve at Belle Vue helped sort it along with David and Chris who have a good relationship with the the nearby velodrome.1 point
I wouldnt have cared if Bomber rode round in a wet suit. He put bums on seats and did what he was brought in to do .1 point
Not necessarily true though is it. We can't compare last to this season due to different rider's. Even with all the pre-season training in 2018 we were a dire team until Riss, Palm-Toft and S.Lambert came in and only then did thing's change. These 3 didn't have access to pre-season yet improved on those that did. Not a good advert. Yet again, the predicted line-up looks awful compared to other sides. If this team stays together and finishes top 4 they've had a great season. If we have to go down the route of 2+ changes again in 2019, what exactly is the point of this training programme?? It's money wasted imo as it's not benefiting the club at all when half the pre-season trained rider's don't complete the year.1 point
Yes crowds were good,but wasn't much else to do back then in reality.Are crowds smaller now because they haven't moved on?Racing to me seems pretty much the same.I still watch some matches from the 70's and 80's and there were plenty of dull races then.People just thought it was better because of the bigger crowds and better atmosphere.1 point
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Funny, isn't it? There are probably posters on the BSF who didn't even know he rode in the BL! Seriously, while he wasn't "great", he wasnt anywhere near as dire as most of the names mentioned on here... Steve1 point
I suspect Steve Purchase wishes he'd never heard of speedway given the subsequent developments...1 point
Barry Bishop and his partner Martin Widman do this (Barry usually, Martin is doing everything else ). Thing is its not difficult to appreciate your customers and the worst of it is I could probably cite about another half dozen examples similar to the above. I actually think things are getting better. Belle Vue's Adrian Smith, certainly, is both approachable and personable1 point
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Did it stop us from winning the league, no but that isn’t the point!! Most clubs did actually have them! Easily get 7 fans who could pay say £500 to sponsor the team suit for the year, at the end of the season you get to keep them. Backward step in my eyes, not that hard to look uniformed and professional! There is options if money is the issue, which I now find hard to believe with a few new sponsors on board for 2019. Maybe I’m just a far too passionate supporter & sponsor who wants the team sport look more professional.1 point
In the banger, stock car, and hot rod scene Buxton struggles to attract numbers both in terms of competitors (in national formulas) and crowds size compared with more accessible circuits. So actually the comparison is valid although contradictory to the point Gustix thought he was originally making. Within both sports, the location restricts both potential competitors and spectators compared to its local rival tracks at belle vue and Sheffield.1 point
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A worryingly large number of these riders rode for Sheffield!!!! As well as the ones others have already mentioned, I distinctly remember Lars Eriksson, Heinrich Sprenger, Trond Skretting and Hank Stemen having second half races at Owlerton, and also Lennart Bengtsson appearing in a 4TT at Halifax at the end of the 1978 season. Don't diss Allan Fog... he came in on a (I think) 7.00 average, then got injured and his rider replacement did us proud1 point
Not having team kevlars in 2018 didn't stop Poole becoming Champions did it?! Its not as if Poole were the only SGBP team not to have them either!1 point
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I have no problem with team changes and I certainly think there will be changes as in my opinion this team is not good enough to win the league, may get in to the play offs but can't see it beating some of the team s announced.1 point
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Anybody who thought anything that the Mafia did not like was driven out.1 point
Remember, Doug, I did mention about the AMA Hall of Fame and museum just outside Columbus, Ohio. I still haven't been there yet, but it is only a couple of hours for me. I definitely need to get there this year! They have speedway and board-racing bikes and sections, and I don't know what else. I will let you all know when I have been... Steve1 point
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Doesn't mean he's the only one though, just that others don't choose to make it public.1 point
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Chunky makes a good point. The other major aspect of a bigger league is it simply creates more 'stars'. The bigger the league, the more heat leaders there are and the less often you see the top riders in the league beaten.. which adds to their 'mystique' and makes you want to see them when they visit.1 point
It's not the racing.. it's all about perception. Formula One is awful racing.. but look at the popularity and the glamour.1 point
And as RG alluded to in the SS, 'guest riding' is a nice earner for the riders which helps fund their riding, hence they are here to stay.. Their team might only have 30 or so meetings but riders can ride many, many more times if they have the 'right average' .... (and maintain it)...1 point
Let’s be honest now and look at it properly 1- Rye House we’re closed down due to monetary problems 2- Workington could have been closed down with the same problems last year 3- if you think putting Workingtons licence on ice for 2019 and be back up and running for 2020 get real Ask Long Eaton, Hull vikings , Bradford Dukes fans if this will come true as this was the statement put out to there fans when speedway was suspended at there tracks For speedway to survive in this country at championship level costs have to be cut and riders will have to become semi-professional riders Why can’t people see what is happening All Teams in All leagues have to agree a budget and stick to that budget if I was in business and my outgoings are more than the income , then I would close down , until people stop looking through rose tinted glasses and wake up Speedway will be defunct within s decadee1 point
I run the Newcastle Training school usually on a Sunday afternoon, and have done since I started it 10 years ago. Riders are provided with all the gear and the bikes, and they can be of any ability or sex. I have little starter bikes (80 and 90 cc's) and the 125/140cc's bikes as the limit for my type of training school is limited to 150cc by SCB regs. I charge £3, and that is for the medical cover I have to pay. Riders are supervised at first to determine their ability, and so beginners start with a trainer on the bike, who eventually hands over control of the bike. The new riders are then out on their own and given instruction what to work on and what to do. My Gems team has 5 riders to pick from who all had their first rides on a speedway bike at the training school, and they ride in the only home grown team in the country. Currently we have Archie Freeman(14 years old)l who last year was British Youth Champion at 150cc level, and NJL 125 champion, and the highest average in the NJL. He is now a member of the No Limits squad mentioned above with Rory Schlein. Josh Embleton(22) is the 2018 Champion of the NJL at the 500cc level, rode for Birmingham in the NL last year and is currently looking for a place in the NL in 2019 . There are other riders who started with us who have moved on to other NJL teams and one at Championship level. As others have hinted at, the junior scene is currently way more advanced that the sport was a few years ago, under the umbrella on Neil Vatcher and now SCB. We have probably got the best crop of young British riders for over 10 years.1 point
What a joke.. .. I am neither pro or against Buxton, but if the governing body are serious about our sport then surely they should waive all the fees and do anything they can to secure the longer term future if the club. It's very easy to shut a track down, very hard to reopen one. It should not come down to the fans to fund it, the whole speedway family from the top downwards should make relatively simple obstacles disappear, rather then creating them?1 point