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Never fulfilled his potential?!? British Champion, GP Rider, GB International, top division rider in Poland and Sweden. Apart from being World Champion (which only 1 person can be each season) I'd say Scott has had a top class career. Way better than most other Brits in this modern era from the turn of the century. Most definitely NOT one of those Brits to not reach maximum potential. He's had a career many Brits today would wish they could replicate.10 points
Let’s be honest now and look at it properly 1- Rye House we’re closed down due to monetary problems 2- Workington could have been closed down with the same problems last year 3- if you think putting Workingtons licence on ice for 2019 and be back up and running for 2020 get real Ask Long Eaton, Hull vikings , Bradford Dukes fans if this will come true as this was the statement put out to there fans when speedway was suspended at there tracks For speedway to survive in this country at championship level costs have to be cut and riders will have to become semi-professional riders Why can’t people see what is happening All Teams in All leagues have to agree a budget and stick to that budget if I was in business and my outgoings are more than the income , then I would close down , until people stop looking through rose tinted glasses and wake up Speedway will be defunct within s decadee5 points
Scotty may be in the twilight of his career, but could still be a valuable asset to any club. He probably wont put his life on the line anymore, (who could blame him) but he's still capable of winning important races. His experience and knowledge in the pits could be massive to his fellow riders, and his interpersonal skills with the fans should not be forgotten. He may not be a No 1 anymore but make no mistake, he can still be a decent heat leader.... We seem to be desperately short in that department......4 points
Looks like the club are dammed if they don’t and dammed if they do, no surprise there either with some people.4 points
Not surprised but bothered yes. Ged has done a lot of good things for the club since Horton and would rather have him at the helm than an 80 year old promoter who is working for his mate who owns nearly half the teams in the league....3 points
We the unworthy folk who support Panthers know very little of what is going on , not got a clue of what he's doing apart from alienating fans with his total silence but still expect us to turn out for meetings . Buster not even letting fans know what the situation is regarding Rathbone and Watson. Being 12,000 miles away is a poor excuse in this day and of technology for not communicating with the very people who can keep this club alive3 points
He is certainly better than anyone yet named as a Star's team member this year - other than Robert Lambert.3 points
If anything doing it this way gives the club less exposure and it also makes the club look like a micky mouse outfit.My friend asked me last week why doesen't Chapman say more and try and sell the sport not easy i know but speedway hardly gets a mention anywhere now.All i know is if the great John Berry had been a frontman of our sport the message of how good the sport can be would of been heard and loudly.3 points
With Allerdale Council so keen to throw taxpayers money at this white elephant and screwing over the most successful team in the town for years into the bargain, would not the kindest thing for them to have done was pick up the debts (if any) owed by the speedway, and cleared them as a goodwill gesture, after all they are getting what they've always wanted....rid of the noisy/smelly speedway and no more hassle to deal with from the sport's objectors? It's a funny thing, Reds want the pitch 18' wider/longer to meet the FA criteria yet surely that means Town would have an even wider try line to defend than the one they struggle with now and further to run length wise to score, that's some trade off??3 points
3 points
Difficult to see how he could done a better job in alienating an already shrinking fan base2 points
2 points
What he said in thr Speedway Star referring to signing for Belle Vue was, "It's not a second option for me.Belle vue and Peterborough are both first options I could have picked from and I am happy to be with the Aces. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that riders say whatever is expedient at the time. I suspect that if another club had come in with a better offer he wouldn't be riding for either of our clubs. Just as most of us would work for whoever offered us the best deal.2 points
I believe my info is 100% kosher- just ask yourself why Ipswich had no interest in him riding for them again.2 points
Please don't be fooled by age,it is just a number.You are as young as you feel. Colin know's Speedway inside out plus both sides of the fence. He is respected by the rider's and I might say a great number of supporters through out the sport. He calls a spade a spade for the good of the sport. Always has time to speak to people face to face. Well I suppose if they talk sense that is. Though it is early days be patient for the good of Speedway at the Showground.Forget the Horton days and get behind Mr Chapman & Mr Pratt plus of cause Ged . Get your voice in tune for when the season starts and cheer the Panthers on. I for one can't wait for the sound of the bikes once again and off we go.........YOU HAVE 2 MINUTES.1 point
Does seem sad that I find out this news (assuming its true) via this Forum, and not on the Official Kings Lynn website. Nothing like keeping it from the fans is there, to heighten the suspense.1 point
1 point
A puzzle indeed. I put my post originally on the International section, as it is a statement, not of yesterday, but of today, . .about the current situation in SA, as of Jan. 2019 ! . http://www.speedway-sa.com/1 point
This will please a few https://ipswichwitches.co/long-returns-as-presenter/?fbclid=IwAR1JtKdKCuPAEpf3LM3v2SVv5XhKwubhgihh2uOmoPam3QMtZwJFLaikDPs1 point
Brian Clark the Peterborough Panther and Brian Clark the Scottish junior (circa 70s) Steve Baker the Halifax Duke and Steve Baker the Boston junior. Edit .... The Doctor - not forgetting Jiri (George) Stancl!1 point
Some great news in today`s " star" regarding Eleven sports Extraleague league coverage this season. Marcelina Rutkowska is their new presenter1 point
Fingers crossed for you, you had a good team, and since the changes you still have a good team, and in Colin you have a real gent, and I look forward to seeing him at Ipswich when you come. As for the lack of any news etc., I agree it is absolutely awful, this deafening silence from our owner, it seems the same at Ipswich, who always tweeted and publicised our team1 point
It is not the present BSPA's fault & people should get real as the decline has been happening for this last 8 to 10 years. The decisions made, though, this last 2 years with the J Holder debate & the changing of Friday fixtures to teams, supposedly, main race nights which should have been the norm from decisions made at the AGM but when the fixtures came out, no-one could foresee the problems that would later arise & not just at CL level but PL as well. Even in the NL teams struggled to get 7 riders either through school, travel, work or couldn't be arsed.1 point
I think the majority of supporters can see things clearly, only too well. It is the BSPA"s members who just won't face up to the reality of where UK speedway is today. Look at the negative point of view that Rob Godfrey displays - over and over again, in today's Speedway Star. Blaming everyone else for the steady decline and "proud to be a promoter who is saving speedway" . Dragging out the last days more like it. Even he says it will have to end up as semi-pro sport where the riders will have to get a job to supplement what they can earn from the sport in the UK. Did they really think of re-branding it once again as "British Speedway"? Fantasists.1 point
1 point
The Panthers website has clearly been updated with the addition of Colin Pratt as co-promoter - alongside Rathbone and Watson!!1 point
Glorified challenge match - can’t see Leszno turning up with their full 1 to 7.1 point
There is absolutely no political reason why Grobauer should not take his place in the Rebels team this season. Maybe you should separate the facts from the hearsay and opinions, such as those of scaremongering and treasonous people like Spelmam, Dromey and others.1 point
Couldn't disagree more I'm afraid. I always read more into a rider than an average or age because there are so many factors to that. If a team wants 100% commitment and a rider who engages with the public, is visible to armchair fans and is able to properly race & pass people then Scott fits those criteria. Maybe it is financial but I struggle to see others like Harris for example riding for less money than Scott. I agree with you that I expect he'll get fixed up somewhere during the season.1 point
More controversial ? couldn’t be much worse than the mess British Speedway in at present.1 point
i think they are goint to use last seasons press and practice pics in order to cut down expenditure to the club .1 point
1 point
You clearly don't see this that situation is totally of Kings Lynn's making... We are now in the middle of February and still waiting for the team to be announced. I don't get this crap about more media exposure, are they saying the Club has to announce a rider to get any exposure? What a daft philosophy. Any PR officer worth his salt, could make a habit of producing a article every week purposely to keep the team in the news . The announcement of Ty Procter was lost in most media outlets, over shadowed by the Tatum and Pearson show, which was what most medias ran. The release of the news of Proctor signing would have had more impact had it been released months back. Now people are fed up waiting..... But as usual the real fans are of little importance.1 point
There have been plenty of rogues involved in running speedway over the years ( and there seem to be now ). One of the perennial problems in speedway is the secretive nature of any information released to supporters. It would be very easy for the current company to identify itself as previously NOT being the one under the Rogue Traders spotlight. Why leave the possibility open that they might have been?1 point
I feel for the fans of Workington losing there team ,but why in the section of Championship 2019 there is a Workington section as rpthey will not be up to tapes , We don't have a Rye House section in the elite teams 2019 so let's move on with the season 6 weeks away1 point
Lot's of mention on here of the May deals, what about the ones that failed to land the signatures of crowd favorites: Wright, B.W.D or Allen!!!!!!!!!1 point
Ah Mothers' Day. It's a good job we'll be away on a cruise - I could just imagine what response I'd get if at 5.00pm on Mothers' Day (when 'er indoors expects to be wined and dined) I announced that I'd be off out to t'speedway! Same thing on Easter Sunday (21st April) which also happens to be her ladyship's birthday, so I'll be missing Leicester. Another holiday weekend is Mayday weekend on 5th May (Birmingham on that day). I reckon t'switch to Sunday racing might see me ending up in t'divorce court.1 point
Reserve your table now by calling Owlerton Stadium on 0114 2343074. (Taken from the Sheffield Speedway Website)1 point
A stadium being pushed through by a council leader who is a share holder in reds and an ex town chairman who is the mouth piece for the plans , seems well above board puts mr perrys dodgey deals in the past to shame .1 point
My best suggestion would be to ask Sheffield speedway at office@sheffield-speedway.com I`m sure that between them and the stadium owners discussions and hopefully agreement has been put in place regarding the panorama restaurant Sunday opening.1 point
I would expect there will be at least an initial upturn Very few of those that could be tempted back will read the mixed verdicts on here - they will get the mainstream news - and I think the top flight return will be viewed positively A good start at home and some entertaining meetings will be needed to capitalise and maintain that advantage Fingers crossed1 point
He was a joy to watch around Shawfield and was a big part of our phenomenal team's of the 93 - 94 seasons.1 point
If MPT is in the side it’s looking like he will partner Andersen as Kerrs last GSA was 5.50 whilst MPT is 5.361 point
One league and start mid April or Easter. What ever comes first. All season wrapped up end August.1 point
1 point
1 point
It gives the signed Comet riders the chance to say "we are ready to race as soon as you want us".1 point
1 point
In Redcar’s case I agree.You have to agree the standards has been watered down though with the new points limit.Some teams are suffering more than others regarding points limit,Redcars poor season last year has helped them. IMO.I wish them well as it’s a great racetrack.1 point
So what would be gained by dropping the price and the debts continuing with early closure by the promotions.1 point