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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2019 in all areas

  1. Didn't please Ged & Neil though did it?
    4 points
  2. Basically...... Louis needed a number 1 on a specific average, Tungate has had issues with Ippo in the past, so wasn't an option but Harris was. Louis speaks to Chapman and puts the case to them saying Harris fits and could Panthers go with Rohan Chapman thinks this pleases both parties and agrees. Anyone else see this?
    4 points
  3. Think you need to read the posts above. Seems like Ipswich had no desire for tungate due to some issues.
    3 points
  4. So hopefully this will put to bed how people think Chapman is running the show. He has purely bought the two clubs to keep the league running. He doesn't say who is riding for who or he would have made Tungate available for Ipswich surely.
    3 points
  5. Seen this a few times and it’s starting to grate to be honest. The fact is, it’s Ipswich that won’t have Tungate back, NOT that Tungate won’t ride for Ipswich. The rider himself has publicly said he’s asked Chris Louis and Ritchie Hawkins about a team place, and received no reply. He’s simply not welcome back at Ipswich. Good luck to him at Peterborough though. As I said earlier, makes Peterborough stronger. Tungate will be in the 7-8 average range, Harris will drop to 6-7. IMO.
    3 points
  6. Beginning to think that its possible Harris was asked to go to Ipswich on the same terms and maybe even with a bonus, so that Tungate could join the only club he would ride for of Chapmans teams, it solved Ipswich's problem and the fact he had an asset that he could now use. What role Ged and Neil played in this no one will ever know, does perhaps make Peterborough a bit stronger looking but doesn't stand well in PR terms. If Cooks actual average before the reduction is higher than Tungate's which average will they use for riding position within the team the one used for team building purposes.
    3 points
  7. Tungate is "owned" by Ipswich and as Ipswich is now "owned " by Buster it saves money for Buster to use one if his riders. Unlike a lot of "no 1s" Tungate was willing to ride in the PL but was never ever going to ride for Ipswich or possibly Kings Lynn. Personally I think it makes Peterborough stronger but it was the way it was done that was the issue treating the fans with contempt and disregard.
    3 points
  8. Never worried about the event, just the way it was done
    3 points
  9. Do not think it would have happened under Horton unliked as he is. Buster it would appear has undermined the authority of those in charge
    3 points
  10. Yes......... ..... in departures
    2 points
  11. 1968/83 loved Swindon on a Saturday night when every visiting side had a true in/out no 1.
    2 points
  12. The main one being that he's a miserable little git.
    2 points
  13. I think you're forgetting that Bjerre said that it was Chapman who he was negotiating with about signing for Peterborough. You might think that on that basis he was doing or controlling all of the negotiations. Like others, I think Tungate makes a good Peterborough side even stronger. It's a shame we had to lose both him and Cook to get under the points limit. I hope both have good seasons, I think they will.
    2 points
  14. Tungate won't create the unity in the pits that Harris would have, Poole discovered that Harris is worth far more than just the points he scores, so those who think this makes the team stronger, I wouldn't be too sure.
    2 points
  15. It’s £12 for adults & £10 concessions
    2 points
  16. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is not the right way to do things !!! If that's true, I think Buster should release a book called: 'How to Pi55 everybody off, with fingers in too many pies'
    2 points
  17. Great Panthers team. But as said, handled dreadfully.
    2 points
  18. Totally agree, handled dreadfully. Do they honestly think the supporters are that stupid? They should have just told the truth, I think most would have accepted that or at least appreciated the honesty. It's been a very damaging episode - a PR disaster at the time when they should have been pushing season tickets & attracting sponsors, all the positivity has been undone & it looks very much like we have lost Ged.
    2 points
  19. Fridays on the M5 are horrendous I travel up from Exeter and that's really bad, coming the other way is even worse.
    2 points
  20. Not sure why this is being done to be honest... There must be (at least) around a 50% drop in attendances over the past 10 years, and much more than that in the last twenty.. Therefore, talking to people who still go (the huge minority in the country) won't for me give any solutions to any issues.. I personally don't attend (British domestic Speedway) anymore due to the constant Mickey Mouse contrived nonsense put out in front of me, however those who still go obviously are happy to collude with Promoters that it's a bona fide professional sporting competition, and fair play to them for their stance.. Therefore, by their very attendance, they must be reasonably content with what is being offered. And by their very belonging to a Supporters Club in the first place, it also suggests this.. What the BSPA need to do is their spend time engaging with the 99.95%of the population who don't attend a Speedway meeting each week rather than the 0.05% who do... A failing business would be far better off speaking with those who used to use you, or have never heard of you, rather than those who have remained loyal, even more so when that business has haemorrhaged so many customers in the past couple of decades in particular.. Several other Sports run similar meetings to see if it can any add value to, and enhance, an already strong operating and business model... Speedway sadly doesn't possess such a thing, so not sure that even the best ideas will do much more than cover the gaping wounds with a sticking plaster in all honesty..
    2 points
  21. I've seen quite a few riders riding like an old woman... Steve
    2 points
  22. Shouldn't be more than £10 for NL racing, but will probably be £13.
    2 points
  23. For goodness sake - you tried to disrupt the lakeside thread on a similar subject, why don't you just leave the things you mention to the folks who put their hard earned time and money on the line for this cause. It's actually an insult imo for you to post something like this. So pompous. Best wishes to everyone connected with the Coventry cause - don't let such negativity from pillocks like this disrupt the passion you all have.
    2 points
  24. Sticking to 10...West Ham, Hackney, Wimbledon, Wembley, White City, New Cross, Harringay, Romford, Rayleigh and Coventry. As I holiday every year in Norfolk and have done for 30 years, I wish Norwich were still in action.
    1 point
  25. Arguably not. He didn't ride so well last season although still recovering from his injury maybe not helped and with a hectic schedule. They guy has qualified now for a full 2019 Speedway GP and has commited to DK (has to anyway to allow him to continue to qualify for DK Champs which he needs to get into the SGP qulaifiers etc) also commited to SWE and POL. Yes he lives in UK mainly I assume due to family here i.e partner/child ??. However look at things from his perspective. If you are riding 3 Leagues plus a full GP season is there really the need at his age to be tearing around Europe/UK for an additional min 24 meeting plus poss play offs and any Ind meetings in UK. Geograpically it works well with Pol Sun - Swe Tue - DK Wed (Think most riders probably drive/ferry POL to Swe and then use the bridges to now drive Swe to DK. He can then recoup for a couple of days at home in UK before taking on the SGP meetings on Sat - No doubt will ride in DK Individ Champs as well to get to SGP Qualifiers where he will also ride them as backup if not making top 8 in SGP. Don't think he was so happy with tracks at KL or places like Poole in 2018, so does he need the risk of possible injury which could prejudice his Continental and SGP commitments. I would say NKI doesn't need that pressure any more and if you factor out costs for Bikes/Engines/Mechanics and all associated costs (even if Sponsors part involved) with the much lower money now available in UK does he need it ?? If it was say Hans Anderson he loves i,t but then he doesnt ride SGP for a long time plus is the twilight of his career so wants to max earnings around Europe.
    1 point
  26. That's you and me out of it then.
    1 point
  27. Anyone spotted Iversen at Stansted yet?
    1 point
  28. The 70's started going in 1972 it just seemed that the sport was buzzing had a lot of media attention then as well loads of articles in the Press each day and Ivan had won 4 W/Champs three of those on the "spin" !!!!!!
    1 point
  29. Very competitive, hard to compare with my Team (Brummies) as we have Tickets for 15 meetings. Guess at Perry Barr I'm expected to decide to pay for Challenge Fixtures or hope we progress in Cup / Shield / Play Off. Free Programme at Arlington a very nice touch also for ST Holders. £16 Adult and £14 concession at Arlington is lowest I can see in CL (few others at £16 - Brummies £16.50). My wife will want to come to Arlington (doh) women 60-65 OAP Concession (massive BRAVO to whoever decided that!).
    1 point
  30. Have the Pairs the night before and a League match on the Sunday. I'd imagine there would be a big crowd especially if the right opponnent was picked. I only travel from Bridgwater and even that was a nightmare on a Friday even when going the back lanes. It must be x10 worse if you are coming from even further away.
    1 point
  31. Not altogether uncommon amongst speedway riders
    1 point
  32. A really good post and that side really has loads of positives and will be exciting to watch.I would say Vue's top two are powerful but for me Swindon's are better well i hope so anyway.!!!! Batchelor is on the level of Bjerre and Doyle will score double figure plus every meeting so i am expecting 20 plus from those two everyweek.
    1 point
  33. My understanding is that the reduction is for initial team building only however the PR states Tungate will start as no 1 I agree with others this is likely to make the Panthers stronger overall as Tungate is still effectively on the way up and is in good current form finishing second to Fricke in the recent Australian Championship.
    1 point
  34. Not speedway related... Saturday morning pictures as a boy...1 1/2d. each way on bus, 6d. to get in and 3d. for a bag of chips on the way home. a great morning for 1/-.
    1 point
  35. A weird one Tungate makes them much stronger and he has the potential to improve. I imagine the change was because he is a Ipswich/ Chapman asset and it saves him Chapman money.
    1 point
  36. Can't see how Tungate saves Peterborough much money - unless Harris really was on a fantastic deal. Rohan definitely makes you stronger.
    1 point
  37. Would not be surprised if Harris is on the same deal as he had with Boro, and Tungates deal is similar. Rider control, East Anglia style! If the BSPA was properly governed with an independent Executive in control, it would impose strong limitations and conditions on all proposed team changes during the season by Chapman's three clubs where riders would be moving from one club to another. For consistency the same should apply to Leicester and Sheffield, by the way!
    1 point
  38. Here is what you wanted Kelvin. MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE RIDERS’ POINTS 2011 (Includes Guest Rides & Tactical Rides) (Unofficial) Lee Geary 83 Luke Chessell 46 Chris Widman 45 Ricky Scarboro 41 Conor Dwyer 40 Oliver Greenwood 38 Adam Kirby 36 Jordan Tyrer 31 Daniel Mitchell 29 Ben Holloway 27 Liam Rumsey 27 Steven Jones 22 Adam Kenyon 20 Michael Mitchell 20 Ben Hopwood 17 Tom Woolley 17 Rachel Hellowell 13 Andrew Blackburn 12 Connor Coles 12 Tom Hill 11 Adam Wrathall 11 Wayne Carter 9 Tamas Sike 9 Lewis Blackbird 5 Adam Briggs 5 David Holt 5 Trevor Bebbington 4 Benji Compton 4 Alex McLeod 4 Ross Walter 4 Adam Portwood 2 Paul Chester 0 Compiled by Mike Moseley MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE RIDERS' POINTS 2012-2018 David Holt 403 Lee Geary 371 Layne Cupitt 337 Alex Wilson 270 Adam Portwood 258 Conor Dwyer 251 Shaun Tedham 245 Sam Chapman 234 Tom Bacon 223 Max Clegg 219 Andy Mellish 205 Rob Watts 200 Adam Sheppard 197 Luke Whitehead 194 Stephen Whitehouse 193 Tom Woolley 191 Adam Kirby 186 Josh Bailey 171 Sam Ward 154 Connor King 153 Jeremy Pestell 146 Jack P Blackburn 144 Ryan Terry-Daley 139 Robert Parker 136 Niall Strudwick 135 Michael Neale 131 Danny Ayres 127 Sam Darroch 123 Danyon Hume 122 Sam Woolley 121 Daniel Phillips 120 Lee Springthorpe 119 Jamie Halder 114 Connor Fletcher 108 Rob Shuttleworth 106 Oliver Greenwood 103 Lee Payne 103 Kean Dicken 102 William O’Keefe 102 Kyle Roberts 101 Ben Basford 98 Sam Wright 94 Ryan Kinsley 91 Cameron Hoskins 89 Matt Williamson 84 Taylor Hampshire 83 Ben Holloway 82 George Hunter 82 Tom Spencer 82 Martin Knuckey 81 Mitchell Beckett 79 James Chattin 75 Connor Mountain 74 Sam Woods 73 Scooter Webster 72 Andrew Blackburn 70 Arran Butcher 70 Sheldon Davies 68 Danno Verge 68 Chris Bambury 63 Andy Mountain 63 Ben Hewitt 60 Dan Gilkes 56 Daniel Greenwood 52 Joe Alcock 51 Nathan Greaves 51 Chris Watts 51 Liam Rumsey 50 Bradley Andrews 47 Paul Bowen 47 Chris Hay 47 John Markham 47 Ryan MacDonald 47 Andrew Braithwaite 44 Ben Rathbone 43 Alec Wright 43 Lewis Whitmore 43 Jack Thomas 41 James Shanes 40 Reece Downes 39 Jake Isherwood 37 Connor Coles 36 Lloyd Ditchburn 36 Lewis Austen 35 Carl Basford 35 Luke Harris 34 Arron Mogridge 34 Sean Phillips 34 Henry Atkins 33 Ryan Burton 31 Craig Osborne 31 Jason Garrad 29 Sam Bebee 28 Martin Wrathall 28 Ben Woodhull 26 Josh Embleton 25 Luke Crang 25 David Morgan 25 George Rothery 25 Alex Spooner 25 Alfie Bowtell 23 Adam Extance 23 Mark Baldock 22 Ross Walter 22 Dan Miles 21 Liam Sanderson 21 Chris Widman 21 Adam Barber 20 John Gaskell 20 Ellis Perks 20 Gavin Parr 20 Bradley Seal 20 Charles Wallace 20 Lawrence Fielding 19 Josh Bates 18 Tommy Fenwick 18 Bailey Fellows 18 Nick Laurence 18 Rachel Hellowell 17 Jordan Jenkins 17 Joe Lawlor 17 Jack Kingston 16 Luke McKenna 15 Lewis Rose 15 Paul Quarterman 13 Lewis Millar 12 Martin Pearce 12 Tom Stokes 12 David Wallinger 12 Michael Faulkner 11 Tom Sipos 11 Callum Walker 11 Danny Wright 11 Tim Colley 10 Kevin Whelan 10 Saul Bulley 9 Luke Chessell 9 Corban Pavitt 9 Luke Ruddick 9 Jamie Bursill 8 Joe Exley 8 Lewis Griggs 8 Dale Lamb 8 Jake Williams 8 Trevor Bebbington 7 James Hitchen 7 Alex McLeod 7 Harvie Banks 6 Simon Allan 6 Tom Braddock 6 Jack Hall 6 James Jessop 6 Rikki Mullins 6 Jamie Sealey 6 James Spencer 6 Kurtis Scarboro 6 Stefan Farnaby 5 Damon Hall 5 Stuart Freeman 5 Tyler Govier 5 Dan Mitchell 5 Brad Tokley 5 Stevie Anderson 4 Jamie Couzins 4 Emerson Jones 4 Harry Jones 4 Freddie Owen 4 Russell Barnett 3 Jamie Collins 3 Daniel Hunt 3 Simon Pearce 3 Ollie Rutter 3 David Speight 3 Luke Woodhull 3 Ronan Atkinson 2 Jacob Clouting 2 Connor Dugard 2 Callum Harris 2 Craig Hancock 2 Kevin Keay 2 Chris Neame 2 Blair Smith 2 Jack Smith 2 Daniel Woodward 2 Haydon Ball 1 Lloyd Barrett 1 Adam Briggs 1 David Lidgett 1 Steve Cook 0 Liam Carr 0 Compiled by Mike Moseley.
    1 point
  39. And Wright & Wilson Dean second strings, let’s be fair folks it’s a tidy looking side.
    1 point
  40. ashtechs video with a few tip how to look after your engine including his say on the rev limiter
    1 point
  41. In this day and age of modern technology there is absolutely no excuse for not communicating , even if you are 12,000 miles away.
    1 point
  42. How about Chapman addressing Panthers fans , the very people he will be relying on for support , rather than just a staged managed press conference. I won't hold my breath though .
    1 point
  43. Yes today's racing at various tracks do produce as good and sometimes better racing than the era the clip is from, however back then there was more and I'm pleased that I had the pleasure to live through it.
    1 point
  44. Anyone who believes ( including Rossiter ) that the new track can be completed in a week, never mind the stadium is beyond crazy. Clearing the existing site will take longer than that. Never mind the winter weather.
    1 point
  45. Your beef is with Buster why do you want the clubs to fail?Whether you like the man in charge or not surely you don't want to see your club fail. When the Glaziers took over Man Utd i didn't want to see them in charge and didn't agree with the direction they were going,but not once did i want to see Man Utd fail.
    1 point
  46. With respect, this has got diddly to do with Wimbledon, and i see nothing in this recent update where anyone is getting ahead of themselves saying Coventry has been "saved". Without this sounding offensive, i doubt a committed, organised, sensible bunch of ladies and gents behind this campaign would need any advice from you regarding modern discussions with councils and landowners etc. As someone who isn't local to Coventry, like me also, i think perhaps we should just get behind their efforts, and in your case, stop wittering on about Wimbledon.
    1 point
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