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Total rubbish this. The team manager alone should decide. Imagine this in any other sport, supporters voting for player's substitutions in Football. Come on, man!!! This is another unneeded gimmick. The BSPA is making a mockery of this once great sport of speedway racing. Just as bad as the Golden Joker for double points. I for one can't take this Supporters Cup serious. Too bad the traditional Knock-Out Cup has been sacrificed for that.8 points
Thing is, North Norfolk's a real hotbed of top sports and so it's a very tough task to get the timing of any announcement right, such is the competition for media attention. We have much the same problem in the Outer Hebrides. Try finding the right time for announcing the new line up for the Stornaway over 65's Curling team, it's a nightmare.7 points
Maybe people should refrain from positive posts about the team, at least give the lads a chance to prove how poor they are Seriously though, nothing worse than people telling others what they should be doing.6 points
Yet another reason why team speedway isn't taken seriously by anyone outside of speedway,, actually its not taken seriously by many of us within either. What a totally useless idea5 points
Did you know we have the World snail racing championship here in Norfolk. With over 200 snails slugging it out.4 points
4 points
There was a big launch for the Titanic and look what a disaster that was.3 points
when speedway was flourishing .although it was only 15 minutes of racing , it was 2 or more hours of an event , the anticiptaion of your top rider taking on theirs , the atmosphere from the minute you arrived at the stadium , banter on the terraces , local rivalry , and of course characters , go back to the days of Sean Wilsion Roman Matousek , anything could happen before during or after a race . speedway now is a clincal expeerience . get them in ,dole out the minimum in the shortest time to take their money , and hope they may come back next week , provided of course theres enough roders in the country to provide some speedway or they find out about it through connections , because they sure wont be seeing any fixtures in the local paper , my guess is 90% of people on the terraces go out of habit , a habit that is broken with a disjointed fixture list , and as In my own experience an easy one to break ,it only took 1 week and I wouldn't have bothered if I never went again ,thats after being a regular for 55 years3 points
3 points
Being a Ipswich fan myself I would ask aII of the people that it would be a good idea to stop all these negative posts regarding the team etc and save any negative posts until the season has started then we will all be in a better position to judge based on the teams performance.3 points
Three Comps all ending within a fortnight of each other is crackers.... Spread them out over the season... Workington should have had several weeks of locally building up the hype of their potential double then subsequent treble.. Not to mention time to celebrate (and make the most publicity wise) of their first trophy won.. Expecting fans to attend every few days, like they had to, will inevitably also effect attendances negatively due to the cost... Spreading out the trophies will also potentially help teams that might start the season well and then get injuries.. Speedway should do as much as it can to keep itself in the public eye so spread out the Finals...3 points
Usually gets ours from the transport desk in the airport before catching the train into the city2 points
I noticed the other day that following Sky dropping our sport they are now showing that high action, gripping, dangerous and exciting game of Netball !!!!! No wonder they stopped showing Speedway. Nice to see our uber dictator moving riders around the premiership, how kind of him to share his riders with other teams in the league - Oh! hang on ! He owns them doesn't he. One thing that doesn't change is the thought provoking contributions of some on this forum - particularly in the Poole threads. Surprisingly, I am finding it a little difficult to grow any enthusiasm for the forthcoming season2 points
They are available at any ticket machine, also they allow you to choose English as the language. The more modern ticket machines also allow you to pay with your credit card, contactless if your credit card has this.2 points
I think Speedway at the moment is in survival mode, and better to have Speedway than none at all. Its a vicious circle, riders want more fixtures and more money, so promoters need more fans to come through the gate, to pay riders more money, but the fans are not there anymore. It's too late for an overhaul should have been done years ago. Supporters have moved on, kids spend all their spare time on their phones or Xboxes and such like, even when you do see kids at Speedway invariably most of them are running around playing not watching the Speedway, you do not see kids out on bikes pretending to be Woofy, or Magic anymore, there are so many more things for them and adults to do today, not like it was in Speedways glory years. Promoters to don't help either by raising the entrance fee, that seem to be their only answer to dwindling crowds, with the latest being the avid fan who is probably now the wrong side of 60, is having to pay the same as adults at some tracks, which will probably make crowds dwindle even more. Time will tell.2 points
The average age of most Speedway crowds is probably 65-70, most of whom are busy adjusting their blankets & pouring the next drink from their flasks between races. How many people of the age group that follow Speedway have accounts on facebook or Twitter or could be bothered messing about downloading apps from smartphones between races, I know even if I had a smartphone, which I don't , the meeting would be over by the time I had worked out what I had to do ( technology as passed me by). All people want to see is 4 evenly matched riders, giving it their all, not some fabricated mis-match determined by who has the most supporters.2 points
The whole idea is yet another example of how those in charge fail to understand that any professional sport has to be credible to be taken seriously. However it works out will be farcical. If only those at the meeting have the password then, with 95%+ of them being home supporters, they will vote overwhelmingly for the away teams two poorest riders to be nominated. If it's more widely available the least popular team will suffer. In any event, good luck with keeping the password secret. My guess is it will be on social media before the meeting starts.2 points
You certainly shouldn't be to far adrift of King's Lynn anyway. Will be a top quality wooden spoon battle.2 points
I understand Susans sentiment. I agree that we need to give the team the chance - I dont think it is as adrift of the others as many are predicting and cant understand the level of negativity I do however think Blu is right in that you shouldnt expect people to not post their genuine thoughts. I dont think those posting negatively are doing so just for the sake of it (even Baldy ) - they are honest opinions which should always be welcome2 points
I’m afraid the ticking time bomb went off long ago. So many clubs have gone by the wayside...and sadly more will follow. My club can not be anywhere close to breaking even , crowds down no new sponsors...it can not go on with the way things are. My second club Belle Vue with a new £8m stadium which I go over as often as my finances allow I’m told are loosing a small fortune and according to mates I sit with say are only going because they are propped up by the council. That can not go on for long. My mates at other clubs say it’s a only a hardcore of older fans that go. The sport has been mismanaged and tampered with for years and it’s been run into the ground by the idiots at the BSPA who are clueless. Speedway is bust and promoters only have themselves to blame. Who in their right mind would want to buy, invest or sponsor a speedway club?2 points
2 points
Ghosty will max respect i think you are totally missing the point here. demise of Workington and Lakeside is I think related to cash-flow, look too Mildenhall who we nearly lost too. Too many CL / NL matches end of last season crammed in October to cover wet start, mis-management of Fixtures by BSPA in hot soccer obsessed summer then some weird wonderful decisions especially affecting Lakeside and Workington (like the decision to make Lakeside re run Peterborough at Rye House). FANS talk with their pocket, structure of 2 max 3 home meetings a month affordable to far more than 6 or 7 meetings in month like some CL/NL Clubs had last October, more matches means more fixed costs like stadium rent / paramedic cover / programmes etc. All adds up. think days of Speedway every Wednesday (in our teams cases) for 26-28 weeks mid March to mid October gone, if not forever for immediate future. If way to go is home and away alternates like soccer 15 matches in 24 - 30 weeks to save speedway has to be better than more Clubs going to the wall. At moment almost all seem to be in "survival mode" only a few emitting any kind of positivity, like Poole (as ever) Eastbourne (new Management) IOW (excellent innovators) ; Kent (bankrolled by Len but for how long); Sheffield (seem to have got their act together again). Good Luck in 2019 to all2 points
1 point
Great news! the BSPA have started the ball rolling how to get G.B. speedway back on it's feet: Replace the easily recognised Yellow & Black helmet colour with the less obvious solid Yellow.1 point
A tier 5 Visa is valid for 3 years, and may be extended for a further 3 (as long as it continues without a break) which is where Mason is at the moment. Not sure the 7 point rule applies anymore unless it's at the end of year six. There are quite a few on visa's which didn't make a GSA of 7.00 last year.1 point
1 point
When the football pitch was widened all of the speedway track had to be moved out. The only things not to be moved were the Floodlights. When Poole Town FC were booted out then the speedway track was brought back to a similar size which you see now with the Greyhound track being reinstated.1 point
I don't think I'm missing the point, with the current scenario with fixtures (Prem & Champ) you get 2 things: 1. Riders not having enough meetings with ONE TEAM & therefore having to double up or down. 2. Supporters without their regular weekly speedway fix - loose interest, find other things to do or simply get out of the habit! What I think we can all agree on is Speedway in the U.K. needs a major overhaul...........1 point
This is laughable if true,Bspa to Jacko,any trophy shops in worky?couldn't pick us a shield up of some description, it's only been going since March and we haven't had time to sort one out,while you're at it sort out some winners/losers medals,don't go overboard incase the kitty doesn't cover it,oh and by the way you've been fined 3 grand for not completing the outstanding fixture take it out of that and send us the balance,it would be comedy gold if it wasn't serious1 point
Great night at the BBSC Hall of Fame last night, shame that not all of the inductees could make it but I’m sure they tried to. They missed a good one.1 point
Update on this year’s Romford Speedway Reunion. Tickets will go on sale at the Celebration of Speedway held at Paradise Wildlife Park on the 17th February. Tickets are £9 in advance and £10 on the night, but there will be limited availability on the night so best to get your ticket in advance to guarantee admission. Tickets can be bought directly from me by contacting me by either email:romfordspeedway@outlook.com Or Telephone: 07831 333904 There’s a car park at the rear of the RUSSC venue with its entrance via Linden Street, parking is available in local streets nearby. The pedstrian entrance to the club is in Mawney Road at the junction with the ring road. It's about a 10 minute walk from Romford station. There is a licenced bar and for those wishing to eat their will be food available behind the bar at very reasonable prices. Hoping to be able to start naming some Bombers who have said they’ll be in attendance soon. It really will be a great night of pure Romford Speedway nostalgia, it’s coming home, Romford Speedway’s coming home……..1 point
For the none believers a track can be laid and raced on the next week. It happened at Poole when they enlarged the football pitch in the late 80's Ok we already had the dog track In place so it can be done.1 point
As i am aware Steve, Kenny got on very well with the Moran's named his daughter after Kelly.Even though you cannot forget the wicked thing Kenny did you cannot take away that he was a great rider.1 point
A fair question. As the EU is supposed to be a free market for labour, the UK restrictions brought in six or seven years back by a new-broom Home Secretary (a certain Mrs T May) are clearly different to those for the rest of the EU, and probably illegal in EU law. As for other sports, I question how it is that British ice hockey teams are almost entirely staffed by Canadian players, without any apparent problems.1 point
1 point
It's definitely a cunning stunt designed so that by the time all the riders have been announced - no-one will give a monkeys. After all the fixtures have now been released and we know the team has been involved in intensive training, so it follows that it doesn't matter which riders we have. Just let them be clones of Robert Lambert. This media technique will stand alongside the Stars Anthem as a testament to How Not To Do Things if you intend to win the hearts of your supporters.1 point
Was in not the case that Jacko forked out for the medals for the riders and management for both teams and was reimbursed by the opposition promotion for half the cost, Im pretty sure he wont have bought the actual competition shield, if he did perhaps this coming season it should be renamed The Tony Jackson Shield !1 point
I'm sure i saw a tweet somewhere earlier in the week saying we were hosting one of the British Under 21 Semi Finals and think it might well have been on Good Friday, I'm sure the date was a Friday and it was certainly in April.1 point
Workington get a national league team together now keep speedway alive.Northern rider's ready to ride1 point
As ever the devil is in the detail - an area where speedway regulations to date have not excelled1 point
Fixtures out now and a choice has to be made come June 8! Support the Monarchs at Leicester or go to Glasgow for the GP Qualifier. Personally I'd have liked to have gone to both. Not well thought out for Scottish supporters.1 point
If that is what you think I hope truly that you are correct. God works in mysterious ways and the ways of Buster are even more mysterious1 point
what has been holding speedway back about modernising , is good old fashioned greed in the form of gospeed , set up a free app such as has been mentioned ,and it wont take 5 seconds before gospeed appear with their threats of legal action , so to try and improve the raceday experience , you have to pay off people who are greedy and antiquated in their thoughts1 point
I would have rather stayed in the championship without the dictator being involved. BSPA chairman running 3 out of the 7 league teams , how can that be justified.1 point
You wouldnt be seeing either of these riders if it had not been for Busters Grubby Hands1 point
That is what they expect , it's not the lies behind it, it's the truth what is not being told and they expect fans to suck up and believe this.1 point
We now know why Harris keeped quiet when sacked by panthers, keep it zipped & you can go to Foxhall OR NO premier slot for 2019! Looks like Tungate flatly refused to return to Ippo, rider control 1960s style has returned to Speedway GB via Buster "C". That's "C" for control?1 point
This is the sort of thing that annoys me even more than the deed. Fans treated with utter contempt and disdain.1 point
The GP series has moved on though at the expense of British speedway.!!1 point
Splash inordinate ammounts of cash on something that the Brummies would currently find unaffordable, and end up in the same place as the Workington Comets. Reality can teach some harsh lessons and fans need to be mindful of that. 2019 may not feature a team of Galacticos, but at least it's a team that should ensure some continuity of the club into 2020 and hopefully beyond.1 point