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I am gutted with the situation at Workington.. I love my team very much. BUT I actually find myself not gutted for me as a fan but for the 7 lads who would have worn the big C with pride. It is a shame it ended this way for all concerned especially Laura & Jacko who bleed Workington speedway. As a loyal fan I will however endeavour in anyway I can along with my fellow die hards to keep the Comets memory alive in 2019 and we will do our best to help the Comets rise again however we can. #keepthefaith #Cometswillriseagain7 points
Got to feel for them all but Mason in particular has been hit really hard by the what has happened at Worky. Hopefully we can return to racing in 2020 on a stronger financial footing. I would like to think that there is a strategy being compiled that can help us achieve this, one that all us fans can contribute to in whatever way and to whatever level we can. Gonna miss my speedway fix at Derwent Park of that there is no doubt.6 points
Very sad indeed !! If there is any chance that Comets can come to the tapes in 2020 we need to do everything we can to help Laura bring it back....3 points
August is traditionally the Showgrounds busiest period and has been for years. I am afraid it is what it is, I doubt it will change for the foreseeable future.3 points
It's a shame, the Good Friday clashes between the Witches and the Stars were always very special back in the day, and always in front of big crowds...2 points
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Can’t believe there is no Witches v Stars and Stars v Witches fixtures on Good Friday that for me was the one thing I thought for certain would happen- missed opportunity I think2 points
quite an impresssive list there , makes it all the more dissapointing seeing it , that this particular production line was largely disregarded by the BSPA except for the revenue it collected by way of licenses and registrations . I very much doubt that in another 8 years you will be able to compile such an impressive list2 points
Five home fixtures in 19 days in May, yet none between July 16th and Sept 4th, the seven weeks kids are off school can stay up later. Is the Showground shut for the school holidays. Very bizarre fixture planning ....2 points
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Anyone who believes ( including Rossiter ) that the new track can be completed in a week, never mind the stadium is beyond crazy. Clearing the existing site will take longer than that. Never mind the winter weather.2 points
Kelvin it is very interesting to read your summary of that year . Heady days indeed. Thank you for everything you did in running and promoting it.2 points
I think he feels his promoter does not listen and he will do exactly what he wants to.do.Yes he has every right to do that at Lynn and i respect that he puts his money in and that is his right.But overall unless there is an improvement in gates ( etc) and thing's look brighter he has to go as the front of British speedway.2 points
You try reading Mason Campton article and tell me again that it's harder on the fans than the riders. I have full sympathy for the workington loyals. But I'm sorry, nothing compares to losing a job or in Campton case, a career.2 points
I think Buster is trying to save the Prem. I don't think that can be questioned.. Why i'm not so sure. I think it is delaying the inevitable of 1 league for 2020 .1 point
It seems a bit odd there are only 2 home fixtures in May which are 4 weeks apart. At least we have Speedway to watch I guess considering Workingtons plight.1 point
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sorry yes of course Iv'e seen you on various Oxford related threads , dont know why i always associaite you with scunthorpe ..lol If only I could say I'll buy you a drink whenthe bees are at Sandy Lane , those were the days1 point
I was there. It very nearly kicked off the time Kevin Jolly 'fell' and failed to clear the track in a last heat decider with Lynn on a 5-1. Of course the Tiger went on to win the re-run and secure a Witches victory .... Happy days1 point
Rye house averages from 2018 have been wiped out ,so his last average from 2018 is the Redcar championship one which is 7.08 divided by1.5 =4.721 point
The meeting on 16 Oct was the 'Transatlantic Challenge'. (originally planned for Buxton I seem to recall) featuring the American Dream team and local riders Scratch Main: Michael Raines (US), Josh Bates, Rocco Scopellite (US), Richard Andrews Handicap Main: Raines (30m), Chris Widman (20m), Eddie Castro (US) (30m), Mikey Buman (US) (30m) Other participants included: Dean Felton, Lee Geary1 point
CL gets preference i assume,and as much as 9 riders would be missing from the Ipswich/Kings Lynn teams on the Friday,so good call.1 point
There are 8 teams in action though in the Championship and as it isn't one of the PL's chosen race nights i assume the CL gets preference.I don't know.With what looks like 5 of our riders will be riding in the CL that day and 4 for Ipswich it seems like a good call to me.1 point
We do have a May bank holiday afternoon fixture though against Lynn so looking forward to that one.1 point
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He - Buster Chapman, has done nothing but compound the problems of UK speedway. With Godfrey alongside him, they back up each others poorly thought out plans and bulldoze on in a downward spiral for the sport. No-one else in the BSPA wants to take on the poisoned chalice of "leadership" because they know the end of the sport here, as we know it, is fast approaching.1 point
Ipswich were quoted to be looking at bringing in a European rider, and it was hinted that there were deals to be done. Maybe Peterborough make pursue one of those options and bag a new 'asset' into the bargain?1 point
The youngsters who go are bored by what their watching, the 50's-60's go because they always have and its more a social than anything else.1 point
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Not sure I quite follow the logic here, presumably Harris would negotiate his own contract with the Rye House promotion so well done to him for getting a good contract. You might want to ask why the Rye house promotion were so daft to agree to a contract they weren't able to afford, presumably Nicholls, Kasprazak and co had equally lucrative contract, little wonder then that Rye House found themselves in the mess they did.1 point
I plan to listen to views and suggestions at Kent's sponsor and meet the rider evening Sunday. Not sure the format Of the meeting butcivam preparing an introduction to myself and history in the sport. I then plan to table my own suggestions briefly. Mainly being around transparency and openness. And the need for a supremo independent of any club to take overall control of decision making. Then onto and in far more detail the main 3 or 4 issues the Kent fans bring to me. For example, my personal opinion is the play offs are a necessary evil that makes clubs decent gates, and gives the fans the sense of occasion. But the feedback I am getting is that Kent fans would like them scrapped, so that is the stance I will take in the meeting. I believe the expenses not being covered is probably less about saving money, but more so to weed out the potential trouble makers. I earn little over Nat Min Wage, and assuming they put the meeting somewhere central like Brum that's gonna cost me a hundred quid plus in train fares. That's probably half my monthly desposible income so Kent fans can rest assured I am taking the whole thing very seriously. Sure it may well fall on death ears, or get ruined by gob rubbishes, BUT also it may just work and our voices do get heard. Whilst I am representing my fellow fans at kent, I fully welcome views from supporters of any club current or former.1 point
Yes, I understand that and the main point I make is speedway has many problems, the idea of one fix will do the trick is NOT the case or what I'm saying. Specifically the fact is over the past 10-12 years or so the quality of the core product has been seriously dumbed down, whilst the entrance charges have gone up. You can not stand still as you go backwards, people have lots of other opportunities to attract them and obtaining leisure money is very competitive market...the speedway experience needs to be 'reinvented' and 'rejuvenated'. Before you can solve a problem you have to admit and understand the problem exist and that is clearly beyond the ability of the BSPA. Its not rocket science...high Rider costs together with depleted attendances and the loss of TV income equals a major issue, clubs are paying far more out than they bring in...which is madness and a disaster. The BSPA and clubs do little to enhance and promote the sport as a modern vibrant sport that it can be. Times have moved on...just look at the terraces, the average age group are in the 50's-60's...where are the young fans, they wont put up with 15 minutes of action, they want to be involved and interact with the what's going on, before during and after the meeting.1 point
Certainly a better looking Bulls outfit this year which should help rectify the poor impression the development leagues can give (the standard gulf within riders last year was far too wide). Does make me chuckle slightly that several development squads have already been named despite AGM not taking place until Feb.1 point
Now you really will have to explain how it and the non announcement of the team maximises media exposure.1 point
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Spot on post. Unfortunately this is the elephant in the room with speedway that nobody must talk about.. Most speedway matches you watch these days are not great. Take the matches on TV this year, how many classics have you seen from Leicester , Swindon , Kings Lynn, Wolverhampton or Poole last year ? This is the reason the fans are not turning up anymore1 point
I agree this team is not as bad as some seem to think and will most of their home meetings.1 point
I read an article on the local newspaper site a few weeks ago about the council getting into hot water for not providing such a park for the travelling community, they are over there anyhow on a regular basis leaving a LOT of mess which has then to be cleared up by the council. I believe the provision of such park gives the council more clout when it comes to moving travellers on from laybyes and other land they choose to park on.1 point
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It's called the digital age. Most outdoor sports have suffered from the 'sit on your backside' multi billion dollar technology and gaming industry...1 point
All the team are still owed for 9 meetings and hearing from someone who knows it doesn’t sound like they will be paid anything.the bspa won’t pay them anything and said if they want paying they have to take BMR to court for it. My opinion Rye house should not be allowed to run speedway at any level(even practise days and make money ) until there debts have been settled.It is a complete joke. good look to all the owed riders for 2019.1 point
Traffic is much heavier now, and we never had an hour of tractor racing at Saddlebow...1 point
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Not just the promoters - some of the fans who post on here should be avoided at all costs too1 point
Depends who is put forward how free thinking they are whether ideas 'from the floor' actually get presented No good if its just a puppet of the promotion1 point