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This is the sort of thing that annoys me even more than the deed. Fans treated with utter contempt and disdain.8 points
It's already been stated the reason was to cut the budget which is nothing but a sick joke as 4/5 week ago the team was given the green light . Then Buster muscles in and disrupts everything. That always going to be a problem when someone has the monopoly of 3 clubs and is also the BSPA chairman. Hardly independent is he .6 points
At the end of the day how many team have an out and out number 1? Maybe 2, Doyle and Lambert? At home we'll be hard to beat with King lawson cam, 3 who can ride foxhall well and allen who every teams fans wanted as hes a hot prospect! Harris will give 110% in every meeting. Bellego and Pieszczek are the crowd pleasers who hopefully learn foxhall pretty quickly. There's no team that's really that strong so lets stop being so negative until we've rode a couple of meetings6 points
If every fan was like me Starry Speedway would still be booming. I regularly attend meetings at Boro, Ipswich and Mildenhall, and have done for many many years...6 points
5 points
And Mrs. Scotsman has just said........... "Ippo have signed Harris? And he's at number 1? Does the season start on April 1st?"4 points
I would have rather stayed in the championship without the dictator being involved. BSPA chairman running 3 out of the 7 league teams , how can that be justified.4 points
4 points
4 points
Not for the first time Tsunami is talking out of his rear end! Decently run sports have chief executives who are independent of the clubs they represent. So when the EPL make a decision they have Richard Scudamore to implement it. He does not "go off in his own direction to run his respective club", as he doesn't have a respective club to run! Mind you the EPL will have to find someone new as he is due to retire shortly! Similarly the ECB's Chief Executive Officer is Tom Harrison, a former professional cricketer was previously a Senior Vice President for international sports agency IMG. The RFU are in the process of recruiting a new Chief Executive to replace Steve Brown, who was recruited in 2011 from Abbott Labs. One thing for sure his replacement won't be an official of a RFU Club!!!! And if you go further afield, all the Commissioners of the major sports in the USA....NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS are all held by fully independant individuals who are not connected with ay particular franchise. The list is endless. In fact speedway had the chance to have someone to run the sport, mind you that was over 30 years ago now! The problem is, that speedway is ostensibly run by little men, who run small businesses, and are frightened to allow a third party to take control. The decision not give JB the chance to run British Speedway in the way he wanted, was probably the first stab wound in the heart of the sport! Sadly the self interests of those that were supposed to protect the sport have done nothing but slowly turn the knife, and are to a large extent responsible for the hemorrhage that we now see. So yes, Moxey's analysis was spot on4 points
4 points
Id settle for Allen improving to an 8 point average and Harris at reserve with a 7 point average - would be a good season4 points
A pay as you go Play Off Harris is a worthwhile signing. A guarantee pay Rye/Glasgow one isnt Bellego as a 2nd string should be OK Overall I dont see this team being as far off the pace as many are predicting and it should be one thats entertaining at home Think we need to give it a chance and wait and see A solid start to the season is vital. Given the situation I dont see a huge level of tolerance if not4 points
At least it's now clear who runs the club..... Louis is just the front man! To say I'm disappointed is a massive understatement. At the end of last season we had the prospect of watching the best talent this country has produced in years in Drew Kemp and now we're being served this. What a missed opportunity.4 points
This from the new, official Berwick Speedway Supporters' Club, posted on their Facebook page, even picked up in Australia: When you’re the new kids on the block it’s always nice to be made welcome -- so thanks to all of who have liked, shared and sent messages of goodwill and support since we launched.In just a couple of weeks we have reached over 5,000 people via Facebook and our Instagram site Berwick Speedway Supporters Club. Perhaps the most asked question about the BSSC is how do we join?Well the good news is … YOU ALREADY HAVE!We are bringing a new approach to keeping our beloved Bandits on track in 2019 and for many years to come …... and that demands some new thinking when it comes to recruitment too. By liking and sharing this page you have automatically enrolled yourself as a member of the Berwick Speedway Supporters’ Club! Over the coming months that will be your passport to a world of offers, discounts, invitations, competitions and exclusive insights into Berwick Bandits Speedway and the men who proudly wear the Black and Gold. Think of it as our gift to you and we are determined that it will be the gift that just keeps on giving. Our stated aim is to raise funds which will be used exclusively to help in the bid to turn Berwick speedway into a financial stable organisation. Along the way we will be inviting you to help us spread the word that Summer Saturdays at Seven means Shielfield Speedway. This has been a week when Workington’s promotion admitted defeat and pulled the plug on their 2019 campaign. Despite being all-conquering on-track last season it was a financial disaster too far for the owners. Less than 24 hours later Berwick’s bosses announced that Press and Practice will be on March 29 with the season-opening Bordernapolis the following night. They have shown their determination to make a success of Season 52 and we aim to help them in the most concrete of ways – cold, hard cash. It has never been more important to get behind the Bandits – we’re behind them all the way and you’re cordially invited along for what promises to be a thrilling ride. Good luck to all, and especially Kevin Doolan, Aaron Summers and Jye Etheridge4 points
I have always thought it's all about the money , golf Boring , darts boring , snooker boring . all attract large interest , now its not because these things are exciting is it , it's because of the prize money .3 points
It was a nice send off for a good bloke. George certainly wasnt perfect and at times could be a bit of a pain, however he was genuine and told you his thoughts. He was a one off and someone I certainly enjoyed having in my life from the start. He will be a huge miss to many people at Brough and it was great to see so many give him a decent send off. RIP George Regards Gavin3 points
3 points
If you read the statement by Louis he said they were "talking to lots of european based riders then when Bomber became available they snapped him up" how stupid does this club think their fans are? No european rider wanted it, lets not dress this up to anything more than what it is, I would like Louis to name these European riders and then the fans can decided if he's taken Bomber over Pedersen, Kildemand, etc.3 points
I love watching Bomber, and I think we all know what we will get from Danny and Rich so that's a steady three, if Cam and Jake can do well then who knows, don't know much about the Polish lad and David but I think there is plenty of entertainment there and once they get dialled in I think there is plenty of experience away from home. Don't think its as bad as people are making out...come on guys lets get behind the Team for a change3 points
3 points
You should say it's British speedway. Serious leagues announced full fixtures long ago...3 points
3 points
I think the way most of the tracks have to be prepared to suit today’s machinery is the biggest problem regarding lack of entertainment these days .3 points
I don't think this side is that bad, for me much depends on King (back from injury) and Pieszczek. If they go well then Ipswich will be fine.3 points
I agree this team is not as bad as some seem to think and will most of their home meetings.3 points
It could have been a financial decision. It might have been the cost of employing the whole team that was the issue and someone had to go.3 points
Changing Bomber average because of Rye House closure , merely illustrates the short sightedness of the BSPA. If the powers are saying his average was wrong, than how was it correct that Poole were able to sign him on that same average. Are they now saying that Poole were wrong to sign him on a average that was false?. Was he an illegal rider last year when he beat Doyle in that semi final? NO, of course he wasn't, and his averages should reflect that. Seems to me the BSPA have wasted valuable time creating a situation that was not important, when that time could have been spent on something far more valuable, especially when there is so much wrong with this sport... Why should the riders have their CMA adjusted just because the club folded. They rode the races, they got paid for their efforts, and their results should be noted...….3 points
Shock horror Harris signs for Ipswich. So it wasn't financial at all then....... Tungate or NKI to Panthers then3 points
3 points
THERE has been a huge uplift in the use of social media by many of the tracks (especially Twitter) in the UK and to a lesser extent even the BSPA. But, as we at SS have discovered, it is probable that the vast majority of fans do not which suggest that it might not be quite so effective as one might hope.2 points
The Triumvirate could not have done a better job if they had deliberately set out to drive people away. Louis falling out of his pram re number 1 seems to have been the catalyst2 points
That is what they expect , it's not the lies behind it, it's the truth what is not being told and they expect fans to suck up and believe this.2 points
We now know why Harris keeped quiet when sacked by panthers, keep it zipped & you can go to Foxhall OR NO premier slot for 2019! Looks like Tungate flatly refused to return to Ippo, rider control 1960s style has returned to Speedway GB via Buster "C". That's "C" for control?2 points
Wash your mouth out with soapy water, how dare you even think such a thing2 points
Bets being taken upon when Jake Allen ends up at number 1? Or what stage of the season Harris ends up at reserve?2 points
Think at least 1 if not both reserves will be in the 1 to 5 soon ish, with the French dude defo dropping into reserve2 points
I wouldn’t read too much in to what you saw at Wolves last year. Heeps came back last year very poorly prepared and it showed in his performances. He was also damn lucky he didn’t get the chop at Ipswich as well as Wolves and if he had, he couldn’t have had any complaints. I think his close relationship with those at the club kept him in a job and he was a lucky boy. But, we know he’s far far better than that and that first half of the season was the worst we’ve seen him in the half dozen or so years he’s been over here. Slowly throughout the year he got his fitness back and got himself in racing shape. It SHOULD have happened at the very beginning and he was totally unprofessional. But he got there in the end and his scoring returned to the standards we’re used to seeing and if Wolves had hung on to him (and I don’t blame them for sacking him) then they’d have seen an improvement too. We’re hearing that he’s taken a much better approach this winter, kept himself fit and active and that’s good to hear. We’re going to need him to be a potent force at reserve alongside Allen and I think the pair of them will forge a very good partnership down at the bottom end.2 points
2 points
From the STAARS meeting; Kyle has kept fit by going on holiday with his girlfriend to Costa Rica. The referees don't report back on the quality of the track any longer. Steady thinks Somerset will be up near the top of the league. Fixtures will be out any day now. First meeting will be 90th anniversary celebration. There could be something different about the race jackets for the 90th anniversary season. No plans to run a national league team as access to stadium for race dates would be prohibitive. Ricky Ashworth has been riding a pushbike at Manchester velodrome.2 points
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2 points
Good points actually especially the last line. I don’t know much about the Pole but both Louis and Hawkins are convinced he’ll soon be a crowd favourite. We know Harris is entertaining and he WILL be at Foxhall when he’s properly dialled in, and Bellego is entertaining too. King and Heeps we also know can provide good racing around Foxhall so even if the results don’t come, the entertainment will hopefully be there. Hopefully that will be enough as at the end of the day, sport is a results business. Im not impressed with the strength of the team I have to be honest, but I’ll be there for the first meeting and I’ll see how things go.2 points
If it is to believed and the Lynn side has already been assembled not announcing it must be one of the strangest decisions i have ever known in speedway very Bizarre.2 points
I am grateful that the louis have stayed for so long and given us stability in the last 30 years. I don’t blame them for selling up as I believe Chris Is hugely frustrated with the small fixture list and short sighted attitude f other promoters. How anyone can run a business with just 14 pay days to earn enough to get a yearly wage is beyond me. Just hope we have lots of good racing if we cannot have success.2 points
Be quite sad if Scotty doesn't get a team place in the Prem after his many years of loyal service to British Speedway....2 points
Went to George's funeral today and what a fantastic turn out for a genuinely nice guy... friends from his church... the RAOB fraternity and of course his Speedway family... great to see some old friends and especially Doreen from Berwick... RIP George you will be a big miss at Brough Park Regards THJ Oh and happy birthday for this coming Friday Doreen hope to see you under better circumstances the next time x2 points
Firstly, sorry that I have only just seen your 16-year-old comment! What a lovely man your father, Bruce Grainger, was. Loved his laid-back approach, great sense of humour and his professionalism when supplying copy and pics during my time as editor of Speedway Mail. Yes, he was one of the first to write AND take his own photos to complement his words. We really looked forward to his weekly package arriving at the Mail office. No email or digital images in those days, of course, so he had to type up his copy (always nicely spaced out for the benefit of our typesetters), print up his pics and then pop them in the post to us. Bruce had a great eye for the offbeat and unusual pic too, so his contributions were always interesting. Attending his funeral was a sad occasion, because his passing came so suddenly (heart attack, if I recall?). He was a great loss to the Mail and I had to be there to pay my last respects to a very likeable, humble guy. While talking of the Mail, we have covered its rise and fall in considerable depth in past issues of Backtrack. But last summer I was delighted to catch up with and interview founding editor Ian MacDonald for our new 'The Write Stuff' column (issue 87), in which we talk to journos who have covered the sport. Ian gave a fascinating insight into the period 1973-78 (when John Hyam worked part-time shifts there) and explained all the issues raised earlier in this thread about the paper's struggles to gain readership and the obstacles it had to try and overcome. You can order this back issue here at www.retro-speedway.com2 points
No, it's good for Busters League. Ippo and Boro were doing just fine in the Championship before he got his grubby hands on both clubs. I'd rather watch Kemp at Ippo, and Bacon at Boro progress in the Championship tbh...2 points
i just posted this on the Peterborough thread ... IF, and it's a big IF, Buster is trying to bring down some pay scales across the board then surely that's a good thing for the future of the sport? it's not a good business model to be paying out more than comes in, no matter who the rider is2 points