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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2019 in all areas

  1. A brilliant service for all of us a real unsung hero, something we should never take for granted.This forum sometimes gets some stick but the guys who do the updates are proper speedway people who really care and make a difference.
    13 points
  2. If every fan was like me Starry Speedway would still be booming. I regularly attend meetings at Boro, Ipswich and Mildenhall, and have done for many many years...
    12 points
  3. You need to wake up and smell the coffee - if you believe the Fairy story we have all been fed so far! Transparency and honesty is the first things we need from a new owner especially as he is the Chairman of the BSPA but so far it appears sadly lacking.
    7 points
  4. I think you'll find that when the team was named there wasn't a negative post to be seen and that was despite the owner. You need to ask yourself what changed? Yes Panthers may have supporters who pay their money year on year and tell it as they see it but why give them ammunition in the first place if you know what sort of return you'll get. Most Panthers fans want the stability they had for decades rather than the running or not hokey cokey we seem to get every year. Is the current set up going to deliver that? Who knows. We've also experienced the negative impact of dual ownership when Horton took over Oxford (Remember the Cheetahs?) so you can appreciate (well it appears not) some concern. As I said, the 3 tracks need to be operated independently, equally and without owner interference then they all might prosper and progress beyond being the gang of 3.
    7 points
  5. I would hardly call a shrinking league which is almost on its knees Progression. It's only a matter of time before it fails completely...
    6 points
  6. No, it's good for Busters League. Ippo and Boro were doing just fine in the Championship before he got his grubby hands on both clubs. I'd rather watch Kemp at Ippo, and Bacon at Boro progress in the Championship tbh...
    5 points
  7. I would much rather they delay the fixtures to ensure for example we get Belle Vue away on Friday and the following night stoke, and say Leicester on the Sunday. Thats what the fixtures have lacked in previous seasons, a bit of sense. Club's could have Warriors on a Thursday and gladiators on a Friday. We keep hearing about costs, well northern tour type fixtures would certainly save making 3 trips up north and for me far easier to organise as a fan.
    5 points
  8. reading this thread gives off the impression that most Panthers supporters actually want their fine club to actually fail and drop out of the league Peterborough are a great club with a decent a supporter base,but sadly seems to drift from one crisis to another,main due to previous owners,now you have an owner who seems to make speedway sustainable,stick to budgets and has a history of producing competative teams without a sniff of financial troubles or threats of closing maybe you should embrace it and be greatfull that Mr Chapman stepped in,i know of alot of folk up Workington way who would be glad someone like him would take over Dont think ive ever come across of bunch of miserable,negative folk as most speedway fans,ffs,cheer up,you may just enjoy the sport again if you opened your mind [Chris Harris`s replacement might just be a great signing,you never know]
    5 points
  9. If ever the pre season shenagins have told any fan anything its that one large league is required to attempt to haul the sport out of the mire, .
    4 points
  10. The reference to "dual owned" is to Buster owning more than one club (Kings Lynn, Ipswich and Peterborough) not that he is in partnership with another person.
    4 points
  11. Just saying it as i see it matey .... Got to vent off sometimes you know
    3 points
  12. Thing is it’s never been one leagues problem. You only need to look at the ever decreasing amount of 2nd tier teams to see my point. The problem has been the self centred nature of promoters and self interest of each league always working against each other. Speedway is in a terribly unviable state for people to become involved in, and this mostly starts from the head table causing some of these issues.
    3 points
  13. Your welcome. But I am having difficulty in getting my head round you posting about anyone ruining a thread.
    3 points
  14. The only bit of your post you got right was were you said Jenga.
    3 points
  15. I know this is an old post but things got a bit eek in October/November with my dad. I started doing updates as a texter and sometime updater when it was the old site with Krissie back in 2002 ish, we moved to our current site in March 2005 and I've been at the helm ever since (albeit reluctantly at first). Re posting here, I read a lot but don't post that often as my personal opinion could have a negative impact on the site.
    3 points
  16. Look up Mike Parker then I think at one time he was involved with 13 clubs and without him there would probably be no speedway in this country today
    3 points
  17. I've got a reply..................fk off lol mmmm nice
    3 points
  18. Northside has planning permission to run 364 days a year, it has to be one of the preferred sites for developing a track. The current training track could be kept as it is, there is more than enough land over there that seems to be used for not much else. For me the main issue over there is the possibility of a gypsy park being located there as well, Northside have enough problems with vandalsim and theft as things stand without adding to it
    3 points
  19. TJ ia a good call Jason,, liked by the promotion and is okay at Foxhall
    2 points
  20. This from the new, official Berwick Speedway Supporters' Club, posted on their Facebook page, even picked up in Australia: When you’re the new kids on the block it’s always nice to be made welcome -- so thanks to all of who have liked, shared and sent messages of goodwill and support since we launched.In just a couple of weeks we have reached over 5,000 people via Facebook and our Instagram site Berwick Speedway Supporters Club. Perhaps the most asked question about the BSSC is how do we join?Well the good news is … YOU ALREADY HAVE!We are bringing a new approach to keeping our beloved Bandits on track in 2019 and for many years to come …... and that demands some new thinking when it comes to recruitment too. By liking and sharing this page you have automatically enrolled yourself as a member of the Berwick Speedway Supporters’ Club! Over the coming months that will be your passport to a world of offers, discounts, invitations, competitions and exclusive insights into Berwick Bandits Speedway and the men who proudly wear the Black and Gold. Think of it as our gift to you and we are determined that it will be the gift that just keeps on giving. Our stated aim is to raise funds which will be used exclusively to help in the bid to turn Berwick speedway into a financial stable organisation. Along the way we will be inviting you to help us spread the word that Summer Saturdays at Seven means Shielfield Speedway. This has been a week when Workington’s promotion admitted defeat and pulled the plug on their 2019 campaign. Despite being all-conquering on-track last season it was a financial disaster too far for the owners. Less than 24 hours later Berwick’s bosses announced that Press and Practice will be on March 29 with the season-opening Bordernapolis the following night. They have shown their determination to make a success of Season 52 and we aim to help them in the most concrete of ways – cold, hard cash. It has never been more important to get behind the Bandits – we’re behind them all the way and you’re cordially invited along for what promises to be a thrilling ride. Good luck to all, and especially Kevin Doolan, Aaron Summers and Jye Etheridge
    2 points
  21. Anyone got some dye that will turn red and black kevlars into blue and white if so please contact Mr Chapman as hes desperate to save a few quid on not having to buy another set.
    2 points
  22. If Tungate showed his Aussie Championships or National Speedway Stadium form at most other tracks in England he would be a steal on his average but unfortunately he doesn’t show that.
    2 points
  23. It won't be long before it is and we get one league.
    2 points
  24. Given up hoping and dreaming of such things in UK speedway - honesty and transparency. Long ago vanished ( if it ever existed ). IF Buster really wants that - which he hammered on about before becoming Chairman and with his disastrous foray into a LIVE online "performance" it has been downhill all the way since he took over. Now he wants "the Jewson lot" it seems.
    2 points
  25. Bjerre said in the Speedway Star w/e 12 Jan that he was prepared to take a small pay cut but that there was no chance of him accepting what Chapman was offering. Belle Vue announced the signing of Bjerre on the 10th December so it would seem that Chapman was involved in the Peterborough signings before then.
    2 points
  26. Why mess with the winning formula of nothing all summer then double headers all throughout late September and October. ...
    2 points
  27. Of course he will be fixed up already and chances are it will be at one of Busters other clubs,and who cares really as long as it fits in with their budget and Harris is happy then all is good when you look at it on paper one has to say that The witches look a slighly cheaper team on paper than the Panthers do,so maybe room to pay a little more for Harris [If say Buster has build all 3 of his teams to the same Budget per meeting and at a level that makes it vaiable to all 3 clubs then possibly that is a good thing for the league]
    2 points
  28. I'd be quite happy if they charged a small subscription fee tbh
    2 points
  29. i cant see anywhere mentioned [but i havnt read it all] that the Panthers are ``Dual owned``,is that the truth? as i read it Buster had bought the club himself outright from the outside looking in,seems the take over has only just gone through and that team was over budget and Chapman has reacted to this my letting the unlucky Harris go If this is the case then respect to the new owner/owners for making difficult decisions promptly to enusre the Panthers run to a budget and remain in business,thats basic ecconomics which sadly is missing from many promotions brains,both past and present and you mention that the current set up won`t deliver what you wish for,may i ask why? as when it comes to viable speedway tracks then i cant see anyone better that Chapam,like him or not,it matters not,he does things his way and that seems to keep things on the right track,after all its his money invested and he has right to act or react when situations need changeing Harris will get fixed up elsewhere,Boro will make a more cost effective signing and all will come to the tapes in March for what im sure is a competative season
    2 points
  30. At last a comment that tells the facts All teams must at least pay their way other wise you will finish with no Speedway at all. as for finding someone alse with the record of recent years of mismanagement he is going to find it hard.
    2 points
  31. Really think there should be 2 this season, to make up for last year. They provide such a valuable service to those easily forgotten.
    2 points
  32. The idea hopefully is that somebody else takes Peterborough and Ipswich on. This thing with buster can only work as a stop gap else it all loses all credibility.. It’s a very depressing time to be a speedway fan in this country. Something that was great and is now barely a shadow of itself.. reminds me of the Micky rauke character in the wrestler. there is no finger pointing. You either fancy speedway or you don’t. That’s the long and short of it. No matter how much star dust you throw at it all. I don’t like rugby. No matter how well you look at changing it that will never change. As a lover of speedway. It’s like the family dig that’s Ill and there is a choice to make this sport as it is still appeals to me. I’m glad buster saved the top league but somebody else needs to run these teams
    2 points
  33. True but sadly Buster Chapman is no 21st Century Mike Parker! It will all end in tears on both sides of the speedway fence.
    2 points
  34. Soon, very soon supporters everywhere will feel the same and turn on the other promoters who have allowed the rise of the dictator. He will stand on the burning pyre of "top-level" UK speedway within a year. And common sense will then begin the slow rebuild of semi-pro UK speedway. Riders need to make hay while the sun shines. The times they are a changing - as someone once sang.
    2 points
  35. That they are all still there at the start of the season and don't get suddenly removed from their positions?
    2 points
  36. But I’m not a member of the BSPA, I’m a fan that enjoys watching Speedway racing. Am I happy with a lot of what’s going on? No. But it’s out of my control I can’t influence any of it. As I say, all I can do is try and put all the politics to the back of my mind and turn up on a Thursday evening to hopefully still enjoy the racing.
    2 points
  37. According to the Peterborough Evening Telegraph Chris Harris is gutted to be left out of Panthers team and could anyone blame him, Ged Rathbone has said he cannot comment on this and Carl Johnson said he been instructed not to comment about it . Did Ged go over the allowed budget or is this Chapman flexing his muscles to get equality amongst his 3. clubs. Supporters club committee have held a behind closed doors meeting with representatives of Chapman at the weekend to let them know what is expected from them for 2019. So Chapman being club owner has silenced those promoting the team which effect means they have been gagged. All this just to keep the premier league functioning. I am beginning to wish we had stayed in the championship and not sold out to the dictator.
    2 points
  38. I personally would hope the new stadium could be used for other things as well as football and rugby, ideally it would be good to see a concert or 2 in the West of the county. Re: the Comets in my humble female opinion I would like to see us develop our own track no matter how basic initially so that all income comes to our club rather than us subsidising a landlord
    2 points
  39. fACEBOOK ! whats that ? is the the one where your husband or wife looks up old school friends/work colleges ? then the next thing you know , he or she is leaving you for an old school friend work mate etc . then you are saddled with a 2nd mortgage to pay them out , but still have to pay for kids and the extra money they get off you goes towards a new car for the new partner and not to the welfare of the offspring . not speaking from experience or owt like OH, that facebook .
    2 points
  40. They don't come much worse than those two for average droppers
    1 point
  41. How on earth would that work? If Peterborough can't afford Harris, how can they afford Iversen who is a GP rider?
    1 point
  42. To me, one of the main reason the sport has lost the wide appeal it once enjoyed, is the stereo type rules implemented to eliminates the unexpected from happening. Does it matter if a lesser rider anticipates the start, it makes for better racing, Years ago we had riders pushing the tapes, we had riders trying to out think the ref, we had the ref doing his best to catch the riders moving back, it all added to the occasion. All we get now is stereo type races where riders are not allowed to move or show any initiatives. Only allowing for the best riders to win..... Once, every race had an angle to it , each could offer a surprise when an unexpected rider could win... Why do we need strict rules on gate positions, why not let the team choice who rides where, Where have all the character gone??? Once upon a time every team had a showman, a rider or manager who the fans cold relate with. Now we have nothing, just robotic riders going round and round, not even bothered if they win or not... They mustn't do this , they mustn't do that, its little wonder the sport is dying...
    1 point
  43. I would be surprised if Harris was not already fixed up prior to the announcement . Even more surprised if he is not fixed up with one of Busters other teams.
    1 point
  44. Could be done easy but where does the money come from ?
    1 point
  45. On the Isle of Wight facebook page, Jason Pipe has said they will be released this week.
    1 point
  46. It is not very healthy for one man to own 3 clubs and also be Chairman of British Speedway. I hope that Peterborough continue, but I don’t think many clubs in the Premiership are making any money. Just look at Somerset, Leicester, Rye House, all promoted recently, and all dropping out. Coventry also gone, but for a different reason. The Premiere league looks very unstable and probably unsustainable.
    1 point
  47. Erm, let me get this right...you are digging out quotes from 16 years ago to revive a long-gone discussion? I've heard of quiet Sundays, but this is something else!
    1 point
  48. Let's hope the big-name attractions respect the cause, and turn out...........
    1 point
  49. I run the Newcastle Training school usually on a Sunday afternoon, and have done since I started it 10 years ago. Riders are provided with all the gear and the bikes, and they can be of any ability or sex. I have little starter bikes (80 and 90 cc's) and the 125/140cc's bikes as the limit for my type of training school is limited to 150cc by SCB regs. I charge £3, and that is for the medical cover I have to pay. Riders are supervised at first to determine their ability, and so beginners start with a trainer on the bike, who eventually hands over control of the bike. The new riders are then out on their own and given instruction what to work on and what to do. My Gems team has 5 riders to pick from who all had their first rides on a speedway bike at the training school, and they ride in the only home grown team in the country. Currently we have Archie Freeman(14 years old)l who last year was British Youth Champion at 150cc level, and NJL 125 champion, and the highest average in the NJL. He is now a member of the No Limits squad mentioned above with Rory Schlein. Josh Embleton(22) is the 2018 Champion of the NJL at the 500cc level, rode for Birmingham in the NL last year and is currently looking for a place in the NL in 2019 . There are other riders who started with us who have moved on to other NJL teams and one at Championship level. As others have hinted at, the junior scene is currently way more advanced that the sport was a few years ago, under the umbrella on Neil Vatcher and now SCB. We have probably got the best crop of young British riders for over 10 years.
    1 point
  50. My dad was a contributor to the Mail for words and pictures - Bruce Grainger (RIP). We weren't allowed to buy the Star for some time.
    1 point
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