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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2019 in all areas

  1. Top-flight titles for Pirates: 1969, 1994, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2018. Starman, would like you to borrow that abacus, so that you can count up to 10?
    7 points
  2. And what do you want me to talk about the company I was employed by is no more 2018 cost over 30k I have invested 10k for 2019 already and you want me to talk about fans
    6 points
  3. Yes , I am for real. The Stars management will never please you. You moan when there isn't any announcments , if they named the full team you would moan about the riders they have named.
    5 points
  4. Hard as it is for the fans, for some of them it must feel like the end of the word. I know it did for me when Wimbledon closed. Riders will never have the same attachment to clubs like the supporters do, they just move on to the next job. The days of one club men like Ronnie Moore are well an truly over. How would you feel if Sheffield shut?.
    5 points
  5. Up to a point, I agree. In 1978 (when British speedway had a remarkable 38 teams) Tony Davey took to the press to state that to buy a new engine he had to sell his car. At the time, Davey was a 9.5 heat leader in the British League and an England international, so its fair to say he was a top rider if not in the world class category. To my knowledge, at the time he and his brother ran a garage.Tom Owen, the unquestioned NL star during the late 1970's, ran a plant hire business during his racing days. I could name 4 or 5 other similar examples here. How many current riders(NL excepted) have other employment during the season ? Truth is speedway has never been a full time occupation for the overwhelming majority of riders, with only the really top boys managing that. These days, however, it seems to me that that is precisely their expectation and it is why we have the blight on British Speedway called uncontrolled doubling up. It also seems to me that the only thing that is off the table when considering the future of the sport is riders wages. Given the proportion of overall expenses that that accounts for, it must surely be considered although it can reasonably be argued that that is as much the fault of promotions who pay far more than they can afford. Make no mistake, I have every sympathy for Kyle Bickley and make no criticism of his view. He stayed loyal to Workington, only to lose his team place with no hope in the short term of getting another. That, however, shouldn't be allowed to cloud an issue - ie riders making a living from speedway - that is, as you have said, right at the heart of the sport's problems.
    5 points
  6. What a piss take for all parties! 1. The rider - Chris was signed and probably had offers elsewhere but chose Ged and the Panthers. 2. The Club - what a shambles, a winter of positives for the first time in years now ruined. Why sign the rider? 3. The replacement - will know he’s the cheap option 4: The replacement 2 - will know panthers are desperate and could hold the club to ransom Wonder how many fans who have brought season tickets will be questioning that now!
    4 points
  7. Back then there were characters in the sport and they were allowed to show it. I remember Simmo having a right go at someone (forget who) by the pit gate after a race because he took the mick . We all loved to hate Olle Nygren (until he became one of ours of course). The banter when Tipswich turned up and the riders played up to the crowd (Shane Parker was a master at it). Sadly the powers that be have stifled all of that. I'm not advocating full blown fights between riders but spats that get the crowd going and involved all added to the atmosphere. If a rider tried anything like it nowadays they would be landed with a fine of a few hundred quid.
    4 points
  8. With respect, this has got diddly to do with Wimbledon, and i see nothing in this recent update where anyone is getting ahead of themselves saying Coventry has been "saved". Without this sounding offensive, i doubt a committed, organised, sensible bunch of ladies and gents behind this campaign would need any advice from you regarding modern discussions with councils and landowners etc. As someone who isn't local to Coventry, like me also, i think perhaps we should just get behind their efforts, and in your case, stop wittering on about Wimbledon.
    4 points
  9. Thanks, appreciate that. I would readily admit that I do have a generally dim view of the modern speedway rider and have a strong belief that their selfishness and expectation that they can be professional at a relatively low level, have gone a long way to help create the mess the sport is in the UK right now. To be fair that probably means I read most rider comments through those eyes, and did so here. I guess I thought Kyle, if anyone, would have expressed more of a concern on the loss of his local club and the impact that would have on the local community. Riders need to start looking at the bigger picture, and can't expect to make a living from speedway alone whilst clubs stretch themselves to breaking point.
    4 points
  10. Don't talk absolute rubbish. The lad has lost his job and as hard as it is for the fans, it's nothing compared to the riders. It's their livelihood and we're at a point now where it's getting harder and harder each year to truly make a living in speedway. And let's not pretend that Bickley hasn't been loyal to workington. It says a lot when a rider admits he was aware the situation wasn't good, more than likely had offers elsewhere and still sticks with them. That speaks great volume to a young rider like Kyle who could've easily moved on but didn't and unfortunately he's now paying the price. Out of all of the riders he's probably the most fortunate as he is more likely to pick up another team. But until he has another team, then it simply means nothing.
    4 points
  11. For somebody who use to be pit based in the late 60's ,70's & 80's I was on first name with nearly all the riders , You'll be amazed at the corners they cut to save money, many riders hosed the bikes down at the end of the meeting in readiness for the next. Back then Terry Betts use to say a new bike would last him a whole season without any major problems. Oil and adjust the chain, and on the next meeting. He used to have a new tyre and chain once a month and was always competitive. High in the rankings, he was regarded as a top rider in his time. His costs were manageable but even then he also worked in his own garage to supplement his earnings.... No, he didn't ride in other countries and there were no SGP series, but the sport was popular and well supported. There is no reason why that scenario cant be re-created . The BSPA have to forget about other countries, other leagues, and the SGP and concentrate on creating a new beginning. This has to be done on cheaper bikes, sealed against tuning, and admission priced at a cost to attract the fans back. As long as the races were competitive, it wouldn't matter if the heats were slower. Leave the tuned bikes for the SGP. if the top riders wanted to race here, then they could on our terms, on bikes similar to all the others . Plans for survival have to be implemented now making bikes ready for 2020. The clock is ticking and time is running out fast This idea offers so much potential but by doing nothing our sport is destined to die....
    4 points
  12. Either that or Diane Abbott is doing the accounts and Stanley Unwin the PR: "Now, as eve on his deep approach, his eye on the moon. Alltime sometime deept joy of a full moon scintyladen dangly in the heavenly bode. But now only half! So, gathering all behind him the hintermost, he ploddy-ploddy forward into the deep complicadent fundermold of the forry to sort this one out.”
    3 points
  13. On behalf of all the doubters Jason, we are humbled by your superior knowledge....
    3 points
  14. They don't want anything to do with him then lol.
    3 points
  15. Maybe Ged signed the riders and Buster is/was unhappy with the costs? Maybe Ged thought by announcing the riders then Buster would give in and let the Panthers have 3 riders demanding no 1 wages? Maybe Buster wants one of those 3 at one of his other teams that can afford them within the budget set, Ipswich you would think still have funds for a No 1. Maybe now "someone" has found out that the team doesnt fit as reductions to averages are not now there? Maybe this has been going on for weeks and only now come to light? Maybe we will never know ? Maybe with all this new transparency the fans will be told? Wouldnt happen in a professional sport......
    3 points
  16. Was my initial thoughts as well. Both Louis and Ged are on record as saying is was “business as usual” although obviously not as before, and they were building the team. Perhaps they were given a rough estimate of available funds and built the teams accordingly. Now that a sale has been completed, buster has decided it’s too expensive? The other possibility, is buster has a responsibility to all three clubs he’s now in charge of, and he can see that Ipswich are struggling to get in a heatleader? There is one available (Tungate), but for reasons I won’t go in to on here that is a move that won’t happen. So his plan is to move Bomber out of one of his clubs and move him to another, and then move Tungate to Peterborough where he’d be more welcome.. Only speculating of course, but I wouldn’t be surprised at either scenario.
    3 points
  17. It'll wooosh straight over his head..... a bit like the aviator and the plane.
    3 points
  18. Useless at Foxhall,,, even more useless on that average, would rather take Tungate even though I don't like him either
    3 points
  19. If it's true that the new Peterborough promoter(s) have pulled the plug on Bomber Harris' signing for financial reasons, then perhaps at least one club is coming to its senses in refusing to pay out what it cannot afford. Or is there another side to this story...?
    3 points
  20. Can anyone fly a plane?
    3 points
  21. I wish every "Promoter" out there would read this because what you say is so true! I keep saying it this but this this sport must regain it's LOYALTY & CREDIBILITY . Promoters have thrown everything @ making the play-offs & therefore taken their eye off the main event. The play-offs (play-off for what?) should be scrapped now. "GO AMATEUR" I think a lot of our promoters are doing a good job already!
    3 points
  22. one could argue if you have invested over £40k in last 13 months you are either brave or crazy [that figure is totally unsustainable at this level of speedway]
    3 points
  23. Are you for real ?? There are fans who have been waiting for 54 years for success. Let me assure you there are only two reasons why the team hasn't been announced yet, (1), They haven't or can't acquire the rider(s) they want. If they had any good signings they would be shouting it from every media possible or (2) The team is in place but they don't want it rubbished by the media as being poor. So yes, I am concerned for the lack of names, it does nothing for promoting interest in the club. and highlights how the club feel towards their fans....
    3 points
  24. For goodness sake - you tried to disrupt the lakeside thread on a similar subject, why don't you just leave the things you mention to the folks who put their hard earned time and money on the line for this cause. It's actually an insult imo for you to post something like this. So pompous. Best wishes to everyone connected with the Coventry cause - don't let such negativity from pillocks like this disrupt the passion you all have.
    3 points
  25. Fans, who pay the money that pay your wages. Ignore them at your peril. No fans, no speedway, no job.
    3 points
  26. Unless the true reason is average miscalculation.....
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Would probably have been better for him if he had
    2 points
  29. It could be a heated discussion
    2 points
  30. Who is first in line to apologise to Racin Jason??
    2 points
  31. I’m very happy to accept their apologies
    2 points
  32. I’m of the same opinion. I’m hoping within the next 12 months Chris Louis exercises his buy back option..
    2 points
  33. The truth is in there somewhere
    2 points
  34. Maybe they can let Dick win the raffle at the " Hall of fame night " ,
    2 points
  35. Well well well what a surprise.......
    2 points
  36. Thanks for saving me the bother of trying to think of something witty. Mind you Starman wouldn't get it anyway.
    2 points
  37. Does that really matter? Some people aren't particularly good at spelling but it was obvious what was meant. So to answer the question has Adam Roynon retired or not, anyone know?
    2 points
  38. In today’s Times and Star Kyle is quoted as feeling sorry for the fans and local community. As everyone knows he’s a great prospect, I think he’ll have another team before long. It’s Mason I feel most sorry for, bad news for all of them though.
    2 points
  39. I believe Robin Brundle is simply trying to maximise media exposure...
    2 points
  40. No need to - with his contacts at home and abroad, he probably has a dossier on every rider currently available to ride in the UK!!
    2 points
  41. But, although as you say the racing wasn't always tapes-to-flag in the past, it was more interesting. For starters, we are missing characters. Then we are missing the importance of supporters cheering on someone they have become accustomed to wearing their team colours. I remember in the past how my heart was in my mouth when my favourites came to the line to race for my side. I may as well have been riding the blinking bike, I was that apprehensive. You need the pull of wanting to attend matches to support riders within your team. The riders and the team become part of you. You then don't want to miss it everytime it races. The love of your team then transfers over to when members of it race in individual meetings, like the GPs for example. But when you lose the love of your team, you also lose interest in what are merely then only individuals racing for themselves in the likes of GPs. The racing is probably better now than in the past. But if you, as a fan, haven't got anybody you can associate with through teams not being teams anymore, you lose part of the thing that attracted you in the first place. A good race is a good race. But when you aren't really bothered who wins it, that is the problem. You need to be tribalistic. Otherwise, why bother? In my opinion, fans have become unattached from the importance of team speedway. Teams in speedway nowadays are just like tribute acts for a pop band. They are a novel way of entertainment but only pretend to be the real thing. I used to think it impossible to miss a Belle Vue home match. But then riders began being signed who I knew weren't really Bele Vue. Slowly, as other riders appear who you think the same about, you gradually lose that connection. Hence that is why I can't be attracted to it anymore. The sport could be so great. Me, as a former supporter just clinging on, would love to be able to identify a team as my own, something that makes you look forward to leaving the house to watch, to feel part of every individual in it. I want to see visiting teams with an identity. I want to see two sides who want to win, every rider in them. It isn't the racing.
    2 points
  42. Would you prefer the alternative??? Another 'BORING' season in the mickey mouse NL ??? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm chuffed that we've moved up and I'm confident of seeing some 'value for money' racing at PB this season!
    2 points
  43. Wonder if NKI has had his diamond checked out yet by a gems expert ?
    2 points
  44. Hope this is a troll account, if not then what a dumb thing to post. Without fans you’d have to get a proper job. I’m sure there are plenty of Workington fans who have ploughed more than £40k into supporting the club over the years. A rider can find another club to race for, once a club dies then its fans have lost it potentially forever.
    2 points
  45. You must try Kent. Probably gonna be Monday night's at 6.30pm or if planning gets overturned in March possibly Saturdays. But outside Belle Vue and Cardiff it is the best stadium in the UK. If you do come I can point you in the direction of decent hotels, and could probably get you access to the centregreen for a heat or 2. And showing a bit of British hospitality I 'll even buy ya a beer mate.
    2 points
  46. Ironic to say the least Mr Barrie will attend one of these so called "jollies" paid for and organised by the Supporters club, maybe on the night he can categorise those there into fans or supporters.
    2 points
  47. Except Kyle doesn't ignore the fans, quite the opposite he is polite, courteous and considerate towards them but when a journalist asks you how much you spent on equipment last year you answer honestly. When the same asks how much you have spent for the forthcoming season you answer honestly, when you are asked if you are pizzed off you answer honestly. It's not hard to work out surely even you can see that article wasn't written and published by Kyle Bickley!
    2 points
  48. Edinburgh’s fans probably are the best for keeping there club afloat every year they raise some amount of money I applaud them
    2 points
  49. No.I received a mail about the early days some years ago and that was just about the last piece of info.I hadn’t even searched any further on that until yesterday,as I was really concentrating on Hamburg
    1 point
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