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9 points
Sorry to but into the Lynn thread.But I have to say I can understand that people can lose their love/ interest in anything for whatever reason.But what I cannot understand is if you have lost your love /interest in anything in this case speedway why o why do you need to come on a speedway forum and even watch it on tv (a GP goes on for three and a half hours with only seven extra heats). I lost love/interest in my first wife I do not stalk her on face book etc I have had no contact in 25 years and I moved on and re married.I lost interest in football I could not tell you the name of anyone who now plays for my ex team and I do not watch it on tv my interest is now with speedway.I have moved jobs a few times over the years I have no idea how my ex companys are doing I have no interest I concentrate on my new job and how my new company is doing. All I am saying is that you have to move on in life find new love/interests and enjoy them and leave the past behind I think you will find life's a happier place.6 points
Hi Guys Thank you for your feedback regarding the Draw for the NDL KOC. Yes I agree, it should have been much better than it came across and believe me, it won’t happen like that again! I can only apologise to those that weren’t happy with the draw. It was something that hadn’t been done before and there was teething problems and light quality problems. At the last minute I was told we could only go on air live for 2 mins, which totally threw a Spanner in the works and I mean last minute! I had just done a 10 minute interview with Redcar Promoter and an ex rider of this league, Jitendra Duffill, which many may of enjoyed listening to and some not. That interview was meant to go out just before the live draw and it was timed so that it would, but then with only having 2 mins in the end, it was only the draw itself that was shown live, which was a shame really. This really needs looking in to for next year and WILL be done more professionally. I was left embarrassed with the way it came across, but at least the draw was seen live. A lot of room for an improvement next year! I except all feedback, whether it’s positive or negative. We can’t improve on things if we don’t listen and take on board the negative comments as well. I will be in attendance regular at all the NDL tracks this coming season and I’m very happy to listen to feedback regarding this league, whether it’s from Fans, Riders, Promoters, Sponsors etc. If you see me next season, come and say hello and give me your thoughts and suggestions on this league. I know I’m never going to please everyone, but I hope to please the Majority! Best Wishes to you and which ever team you Support in 2019 and let’s hope it’s a good season ahead. Best Regards Jason Pipe NDL CO-ORDINATOR6 points
Today's blog by the marvellous (I wish I could write as well as he does) George Dodds in "The Dirt Extra" on Bandits' website has opened the question of what it means to "support" the club. Drawing attention to the launch of the Berwick Speedway Supporters Club -- the new, officially-backed organisation with firm views on where funds raised in the name of "supporting" the club should be channeled -- he reminds us how the club has come so dangerously close to closure twice in the past three years and that monies raised in the name of supporting our Bandits should be used for just that -- securing the future of Berwick speedway. Let's get together, let's make it happen!5 points
We wouldn’t be 20 points adrift with that team as we would win all our home meetings..... my cup is always half full....3 points
No 1 person. its ok to have an opinion and many of us agree. Get the meeting tied up as close to 9 as possible. That's great. But the people who don't go any more and like to keep mentioning it as if they are important moaning about everything they weren't even there to witness sometimes after years. Knocking the team/ promotion at every opportunity. It gets annoying to read. Every poster should have an attendance record. Thanks for alerting that you don't attend though. I know to take it with a pinch of salt. Would be interesting to know what other regular attendees think. Do they really miss you. Do they even rate your opinions as even. I don't. But maybe I'm wrong I stand by it though. I take the opposite view. I'm so glad you don't come! Miserable buggers.3 points
Okay signing,, will have some good meetings and will have some shockers, it's the next signing that will show if we will be fodder or challengers3 points
Welcome to the Witches Richard Decent signing - should be very solid at home Has been improving steadily year by year - hope that continues3 points
Or Between races watch Buster ride around and aroundddddd and aroundddddddd on his tractor. On a wet night you can even watch him for 2 hours removing slop from the track. Well some do. Others learnt their lesson.3 points
And that's the reason why the attendances have dropped over the years.... Making a comment like that, you must be a promoter …..3 points
One rider attempted to smuggle 7 of his mates into a PLRC at Peterborough a few years back in the back of his van2 points
2 points
I thought we were supposedly vulnerable in heats 13 and 15 in 2018 - yet not only did we make the play-offs but we won the Premiership trophy too.2 points
In the late 90's there was a request for riders to be allowed programable ignition systems, which would auto do the settings for different stages in the racing. A vote was held with all league riders, and there was a majority of riders who didn't want such an extra expense. So when I knew that Seemond had a switch on his bars, I knew it was an attempt to change the ignition setting from retard at the start gate, to normal after the first bend. I pointed this out during the meeting, hence why Seemond stopped using it, but after the referee refused to do anything about it, Seemond went back to using it and won his last race. They definitely worked. Just a pity that at a later year 2002, Davey Watt hadn't used one and he might have reached the first bend with everyone else. Instead of tootling around at the back for the 3 rides we allowed him.2 points
You cant help yourself what has sponsors got to do with us, but you have to bring us into it again prize buffoon of the highest order.2 points
The soft limiter cutting in first would be like a fairly minor misfire so you should have plenty of warning. Every other off road bike has rev limiters including our flat track bikes, because we have less tyre grip though it's a fair bit different and we would usually gear to hit the limiter twice a lap at the ends of the straights on Speedway tracks. As pointed out though the Speedway limiter is to be set so high that it won't come into play once away from the gate.2 points
Rather than a track closing surely an open licence is the next best option? the BSPA should 100% encourage any track to operate from training tracks upwards!2 points
Certainly not worried about Joshie in the coming season. Should be our 2nd top scorer.2 points
Hello; well the reporting of my death has been greatly over exaggerated; firstly compliments of the season, bit late I know but I hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year to all. I have been rather busy since mid December making for a very frantic festive period both in my personal life and behind the scenes in other ventures. (and now I have the dreaded "man flu" but I am soldiering on manfully and not moaning whatsoever "Honest") (and no its not just a cold right!!! its worse than that!!! honestly!!! I am dying though!!!) On a more serious note; everyone will now be aware that the club is up for sale and I can not go on here and fully outline what has gone on however I for one am really disappointed with the current situation. (in fact I am gutted) However what needs to be pointed out is that Laura is the sole owner of the club and ultimately it is her decision as to what happens with it and what route she takes with regards to how the business is run. For information in November a business plan was worked out to make the club more financially secure and mitigate (or at least spread) the losses and there was a great deal of good will and support for the proposal and it was felt from certain quarters (me included) that this could save the club and offer a plan of support for the next three years seeing us through the proposed redevelopment phase of DP and the opportunities that this potentially offered to the club going forward. Furthermore the team (as most could see) was built to a budget to support this plan. The proposal was comprehensively and finally completed and filled out by the end of November and we had identified where our shortfalls were and what we required to fill them; I had pre-booked a room in the Waverley Hotel in Workington before Christmas for a meeting at the end of November or the start of December, to outline the full proposal and discuss what additional support was required and everything was coming together; however things ground to an abrupt halt following several positive meetings. Unfortunately two key people didn't want to go down this LLP route (or at least had reservations) as offers had been made from the local authority and a local business that appealed more than the "developed LLP business plan" so the initial proposal for an LLP to take ownership and run the club was parked. This other proposal and offer of support has not come to anything unfortunately and this added to other extraneous issues have (I believe) tipped the balance and resulted in the club going up for sale. I along with one of the other promoters put a great deal of effort into pulling together the survival plan for the club and we genuinely believed the LLP proposal could have worked, and again we were genuinely excited by the prospect of taking the club forward under this new format, there was a great deal of good will and opportunity to build on the success experienced in 2018 however it is probably dead in the water now and I am now "Totally Unsure" how things will progress from here going forward. So if there are any potential buyers out there who require any support both in management time and/or financial input or information I am willing to help however the signs (to me) currently do not look good. Also if anyone wants the facts PM me or call into the Golden Lion or Lifeboat in Maryport Saturday 12th Jan as I will be propping up the bar in one or the other from tea time until late as there will be no value in trying to second guess what has gone on as it is quite complicated; and there are also some things that I just can not share on an open forum. As stated it is Laura who owns 100% of the business and is still in the driving seat, she says it remains her intention to "carry on and prepare for the new season" however from the press release she has stated that; "The amount of hours of work that they have all put in behind the scenes, in what are obviously very challenging times, has been incredible and as a result of that many other aspects of our lives have suffered as a direct consequence". She also highlighted that; "all our success last season came at a significant cost, which has been well documented in the past", says everything and to me does not bode well. On the cash side of things the press release pointed out that they "hoped it would lead to a more sustainable future for the club and that is still our aim going into the new season. At present that additional backing is still significantly less than we had hoped to achieve by this time but we will continue to pursue every possible avenue to obtain as much support in terms of sponsorship and help as we can for the 2019 season". It is this support that is vital but again the comments do not read well However the one positive from all this is that she is still "talking up" about running next year further through the press release so "Nil Desperandum" like eh as Horace once said? Regards THJ2 points
Tomorrow`s live internet coverage link- starts at 8am UK time they say https://www.australianspeedwaychampionships.com.au/live/2 points
Thanks Lewy. That's appreciated and indeed Bruv, let's move forward and hope for a bright future both for speedway in general and the Witches in particular. It would be Latin and is the family clan motto. Hopefully, you may see it on a few raceuits next season - if I don't go bankrupt again, lol, and I get my A into G. We all have opinions and I recognise that my style and humour didn't suit everyone. Apologies to all that I ticked off. Onwards and Upwards, eh?2 points
15 heats is 15 heats and is basically 16 minutes of track time - so how it’s better value if it’s spread over 2hours 15 rather than 90 mins I’m not too sure .2 points
So some of you want it all over within half an hour, it's never going to happen, try standing with other people who might have more interesting conversation in between races, look forward to the next race, work out what's gonna happen, read the programme, the supporter's club will probably put a comp in their column each meeting, work that out, I'm personally hoping the mascot will be entertaining us this year haha... And don't forget to listen to the interviews that Kevin does with the riders/promoters/team managers!2 points
No could about it Fricke certainly ahead of Holder Kurtz etc a quality rider and a proper number one2 points
What the hell are they playing at releasing a Statement like that today !!! Jesus christ spare a thought for the riders who have signed on dotted line this season , they must be thinking hang on what the hell have I done signing for this crew have they learnt nowt from last year , not a wheel turned and the negativity has started already . No one parted with their money into the Trust or out with the thoughts of wasting their money if there isn't to be a club... all that great press and statements given after this season about the council , and longevity of the club down the pan Well done shot themselves in the foot with this one2 points
2 points
Not true. A rider has a rider pass and when not riding at a meeting he has no auto right to take someone else in with him. If he is riding his allowance is plus 1 to cover his 1 mechanic. A second mechanic is usually allowed tho. Some riders take great humbridge to having their vehicle searched to see if they are abiding to the official rules. I once had a Diamonds rider who told me he could bring in 22 guests if he wanted to, and I told him his proper entitlement and I never ever saw him bringing in his 22 as threatened. Riders need to be reminded of these rules, and the clubs have the balls to support the pits doorman who tries to enforce the rules. Freeby's are a nuisance to all paying fans.2 points
As I have said before despite the tremendous cosmetic improvements to the stadium from a viewing perspective it was a much better experience in the days of Cyril Crane and the Littlechilds2 points
2 points
That sounds terrible imagine regular speedway on regular nights during the summer, even worse if it was first week of May until end of August, all those dreadful nice warm evenings with reduced threat of rain and the whole of September reserved for Play Offs, Cup finals etc. Thankfully everyone will see sense and run erratically, enjoy the Easter weekend washout and embrace the rush of fixtures before the cut off dates / freezing their toes off watching the season wimper out in late October.2 points
Yep so it's got a covenant on it for a specific use... but saying that the shower over here where I stay Monday to Thursday have just downgraded a Green Field site next to me to shoe horn 1200 houses on it the Bar-stewards... Down here it's only a fixed covenant whilst it suits the powers that be... and I never thought I was a Nimby but apparently I am... Doh... Regards THJ1 point
How true is it that the BSPA committee are currently refusing to ratify our proposed line up? Honest question arising from pit comments at Undera yesterday. Perhaps Neil Watson could comment please.1 point
I think that Fricke is ahead of Jack Holder and Kurtz at the moment but that could easily change in the future. Holder is progressing quickly and has done well in Poland and Kurtz did seem to stagnate last season but many riders do and then continue to improve. For what it's worth, I think that Fricke and Holder will both get in the GP's and maintain that level. I am less sure about Kurtz. He is fine when he makes the gate but gets beaten too often by lesser riders when he doesn't. However, it wouldn't be a surprise if, in the next 2/3 years, he did have a breakthrough season and make the next couple of steps up the ladder. I think that Masters has reached his level, which is a good PL heat leader.1 point
Nothing is perfect Sidney and speedway is far from it.I have a good moan on here every now and then as we all do. But my point is that we and others still find enjoyment in the sport and attend meetings.Whats not to like about the racing I see every meeting at the NSS,i to love to watch the young riders improve I watch all the Colts meetings as well and I am very much looking forward to watch Lidsey ride next season and that's why I come on a speedway forum to read and talk speedway.because I still have an interest in the sport There is much wrong with our sport but I still enjoy the bare bones of the sport the racing and if I ever get so disillusioned with the sport and it Pee's me of that much that I no longer enjoy any of it I will just walk away and find another interest and you will never here me moaning on about why I fell out with the sport on here I will just find pastures new and leave the forum for people who still enjoy speedway to talk about speedway no one wants to be bored to death reading about the reasons why I will have fell out with the sport people will form their own opinions without any help from me.Plus I will be busy doing something new.1 point
Come on Skidder. The Poole forum has been filled with non speedway related items posted on here these last few weeks, so we need to get back on to subject. This supposed to be Poole 2019 topic. You would hardly believe it with whats been on here recently. A few posters were questioning why Matt has not gone after Lidsey or Becker, with comments such as was Matt slipping. Perhaps those posters were not aware of why Matt cannot compete in these areas in the current climate, which was why he couldn't sign promising young riders Woryna or Jackobsen who at least had the benefit of riding UK so had some experience.1 point
As much as i moan about Speedway i could never envisage not having it as part of my life.April approaching and i am again looking forward to the new season starting again.My take on it now is it gets me out and if i can see a few decent races i am happy.This year i am looking forward to seeing Doyley ride everyweek and am really looking forward to seeing Lidsey ride when he visits with Belle Vue.Also fingers crossed for all the young Brits in the Championship and will be rooting for Kemp, Rowe, Brennan ( ect).1 point
Whats the point in going "to keep the track open", when not only are you not enjoying it, complaints are not acted on. You good supporters, genuine passionate supporters, that are no longer enjoying what they used to, purely by matters outside of there immediate control - I feel sorry for you, I really do. My take on it is this - get at least 50 of you that feel the same and stopped going, not because you lost the love of speedway, but are fed up of being taken as mugs, get together and go and protest outside the stadium on the night of a match. 50 of you are going to spend at least £20, thats £1000 revenue the management has lost that night, never to get back, its visible to them by the fact you went, and stood before them. And who knows, upon seeing you others may join in. If one night may not succeed in getting a meeting, then do it again, and again if necessary. Make sure it is a peaceful demonstration. You already demonstrated your passion for the sport by keep attending year after year watching the product turn sour, passionate supporters like you deserve more. For different reasons I "left" speedway about 35 years ago, I picked up interest in 2013, went to Cardiff 3 years on the trot, but only been to my "local: track, BV, for the World Team Fri/Sat back in 2016. I know BV has a top stadium, brilliant race track, but what is stopping me going regular to spend £35+ (inc travel etc) of my pension is the fact British speedway is so mismanaged I cannot go and watch it as it would imply I agree with it. Now I subscribe to BT, watch the GPs, Euros etc, but when British League speedway comes on, its so badly run, you know rules are being flouted and wondering is the ref really neutral. I feel for those their that night, seeing a meeting finish on tv generally within 2 hours, knowing the next meeting, with no tv cameras, they could be there for up to 3 hours. Horrendous.1 point
Crowds seemed to be holding up well enough without ya at Lynn compared to elsewhere. It's your choice. Enjoy your free night! A rotten apple spoils the bunch. No 1 likes toxic people!1 point
I too took mrss advice and I don’t miss going in the slightest - and this comes from someone who used to live for Speedway my whole life revolved around it we now get our weekly fix on tv .1 point
1 point
Just as an aside did anyone see the pictures from the WA state title meeting in Oz? Nice 'retro' racesuit for Cam - one at least 5 years old. Id say that shows his training programme is on track1 point
1 point
Delays due to choice do put people into thinking it's dragging on - particularly when the environment for fans is unpleasant or there is little else in terms of entertainment to occupy them during 'down times'. This is where speedway can make changes - undercover spectating, additional entertainments etc. to engage fans rather than just watch 15 races. When attending an american football event in London once it lasted about 3.5 hours but it didn't seem that long because of the additional entertainment on offer and I wasn't too cold or wet. Surely if we took the simple step of grading every four heats, then have 5 minute break after heat four and twelve, with a 10 minute break after heat 8. This should give officials, and volunteers the time to have a break and satisfy those who want to keep things moving.1 point
Everybody understands that... Nobody is saying have no intervals. What most people want is for the meeting to flow, with holdups kept to a minimum. What really gets my goat is when we have a long track grade, sometimes as long as 20 mins , then have another race then followed by the planed Interval.. We talk about the fans who don't support the sport anymore, yet the Promoters appear blinded to understanding the reasons why...….1 point
Why don’t you all reserve judgement on the coming season once all 7 riders are announced we have enough negativity with Brexit without including the Witches1 point
There isn't anything like the money or global appeal in speedway as there is for even Rugby League, and I'm not convinced Canadian teams in RL makes much sense. Certainly people have lost interest in Super Rugby since it added the teams beyond its core base, and the huge time differences make the whole thing a bit of nightmare for television. League speedway is really only run in Europe so time zones wouldn't be the same issue, but a European competition would only make sense if some decent television or sponsorship deal was secured on the back of it. You couldn't really run such a thing on the expectations of crowd revenue, and I'm not convinced the likes of Poole v Falubaz Zielona Gora on a cold Wednesday night would really have as much appeal as Poole v Swindon for the average fan, although you could maybe stage away 'tours' as a couple of matches at a time which might appeal to some fans. I don't honestly think Poland would have much to gain from this nowadays, and it would appeal more to those national leagues where a team or two would like to run at a higher level of competition, but there aren't enough teams in their own country to form a league at the desired level. I actually think it more likely that British teams would run in the Swedish Leagues than the Polish ones. The time to have done a European League was 20 years ago when there was more equality between the three or four main leagues and cable and satellite televisions were looking for cheap content. It would also have been a good opportunity for those leagues to have taken control of the SGP and SWC and run those competitions for their own benefit. But no-one wanted to look at the big picture, speedway is now way off the radar as a marketable sport and everyone within the sport is just fighting over scraps these days.1 point
What a joke.. .. I am neither pro or against Buxton, but if the governing body are serious about our sport then surely they should waive all the fees and do anything they can to secure the longer term future if the club. It's very easy to shut a track down, very hard to reopen one. It should not come down to the fans to fund it, the whole speedway family from the top downwards should make relatively simple obstacles disappear, rather then creating them?1 point
The draw was one of the most embarrassing and amateurish things i have ever seen when i first watched it i thought it was some sort of joke. Speedway GB also think it was as they have removed it off there website and social media feeds apologising for such a pathetic amateurish production.1 point
Kent’s number one will be on 30-35£ a point a tyre will be provided for his home and away fixtures (same with the rest of the team) 20pence a mile - more than championship riders they ride for 0.15p per mile. Fuel and oil allowance I expect. Probably a signing on fee too. The other heat leaders will be on £25 a point then probably 30 if they hit a certain amount. Second strings 20 up to a certain point then 25 and the reserves 20. All plus signing on fees if they’re full assets I presume they will be having engines and frame kits like stoneman Rowe Thomas and Hampshire previously.1 point
1 point