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The last 7 or 8 pages of this thread is utterly ridiculous. Why the chuff do a number of you respond to anything the forums most famous troll posts? He just sits in his bedroom creaming his pants over your responses!! I bet he's got his hand in his trousers already after reading that The only positive thing out of all this is the fact he makes Starman appear a teensy weensy bit intelligent Seriously though, this forums lack of moderation has been a joke for a very long time and is the reason many 'adult' posters (including myself) don't bother logging in very often. Right....back to topic PLEASE. I thank you8 points
7 points
I don't post a great deal these days but must admit I'm on the verge of giving up on the forum, I come on here to hear about speedway not the rubbish posted on just about every thread now. Probably get abuse for posting this.7 points
You aren't telling it how it is are you?It wasn't that he doesn't want immigrants in the country.It was the fact he said they (and it wasn’t about immigrants per se,but specifically illegal immigrants)should be drowned.Let a few die to put others off.Now that is right wing extremist rhetoric.That is what the Echo called him out on.If you can't understand that then that is pretty ignorant and as we have seen there are a few pretty ignorant people who think along those lines.The law is the law and as I have said,we have signed up to international agreements on how to deal with the situation and nowhere does that agreement advocate letting people die as a deterent It then becomes an image problem for Poole.Do they want to be associated with someone who has extremist views?It can damage the clubs image6 points
4 points
Also being covered in the usual place with a texter trackside... http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/18574/australian-championships-gillman-2018-9am4 points
It wasn't racist. The tweet wasn't a good one and suggesting let them drown was ill thought out at best, basically in poor taste. However, racist it was not. It's this constant playing of the race card that caused Brexit and Trump.. you'd think some folk would learn.3 points
Shame, as he would probably do a very good job on the way the track was last season, if its that way.3 points
Sorry Fred, I find it very difficult to be disappointed at the squad we have assembled, it was known a couple of months ago that Fred and Tai wouldn't be riding UK this year so any disappointment has long since been forgotten. By the way, you are the king of pathetic personal insults, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones3 points
It seems you are finding out why i call him the odious one. He has me on ignore but comments on my posts and likes!3 points
I gave up last year, couldn't stand anymore of the vile hateful comments from Flange.Just why do the mods allow this lunacy to carry on, isn't there a way to block him from entering the Wolves thread completely.3 points
I havent read past quotes but if Fred has been been mocking the dissabled that is a step too far and totally unacceptable. I have a disabled daughter who has cerebral palsy. So Fred having a laugh and a joke is one thing but if you or anyone else want to behave in such a manner you should go and crawl back in the hole where you came from. From this moment onwards why cant people on here have a civilised and honest discussions about speedway , have the banter , yes , but keep personal insults to themselves.3 points
It seems as if a few threads have been taken over (more than is normally the case) by contributirs whose sole aim is to wind-up and throw personal abuse around. Its become ridiculous. Are you going to take some decisive action??2 points
2 points
How low can one be?? An opportunity to just keep quiet but no, you have to stick the nail in further. With that reply, it's very clear what you're implying. You are a very sad individual.2 points
Lidsey with a good start in the Aussie champs. 6 from 6 then dropped off. He will be an absolute steal at reserve.2 points
Problem with that is " They " just follow you ,to whatever thread you choose . start slinging opersonal abuse and when they get some back try to be the victim .2 points
I will answer you. the local paper called him a racist for his disgusting tweet in which it was. wont say anymore on the subject2 points
All you all do is feed the flange, just ignore him and don't respond, he will then have to find something else to fill his sad life, sad part is some of you wont2 points
There is little or no moderation and the lunatics have largely taken over. The sensible members get shouted down or abused. It seems standard for this country at present. People shouting at each other. Anyway, Happy New Year Bruno, enjoy your speedway in ‘19.2 points
From the man who made stupid comments to someone months ago and when an insult was "thrown back" at him, got the bloke banned and whined for days about it. Maybe when someone asks a civil question, give your honest answer and just leave it as that. No need to insult someone for asking a question.2 points
1 point
1st Meeting is set for Saturday March 23rd - Ben Barker Testimonial. No football that weekend.1 point
Hope your fully recovered and can conduct yourself in a sensible manner on the bsf and then maybe people will take you seriously instead of the dross you were posting when you were obviously not of sound mind. Good luck!1 point
Thanks Gazc. He does appear a very nervy strange type of fellow. Arch is another to be wary of as he tells libelous porkies. And before anyone shouts, yes I have changed my my Screen Name to fall in line with my new business venture.1 point
Noooooooooooooo! Yessssss. I'm back Lewy and if you keep your prejudiced, massif konk out of my business, we will get on fine. I'll even buy you a fizzy pop when Leicester visit the West Country.1 point
The 2019 Panthers team members all wanted to be at the Showground, i would imagine that does help when building a team....1 point
Tungate has gone well in the first Aussie Champs round, may be proving his Belle Vue average isn't over inflated. All over Fricke's back wheel pretty much the whole race. If no Iversen, may well be worth a punt.1 point
This must be one of the few forums I use where mods are just non-existent, not even under the radar, just nowhere to be found. Considering the way the forum used to be 10 years ago it's crazy.1 point
There was actually a press release saying they will get a shared meeting.1 point
As mentioned previously kasper cannot double up as he is riding for Sheffield on a assessed average1 point
^^^^^^^^^^^^ is it still banging on about nonsense? Another thread ruined by the worst forum abuser. Who mocks someone whose mother has passed away. Sadly it knows no limits. Each to there own. Hopefully I’ll log in tomorrow and we might have our Wolves thread back.1 point
There are some topics that I ignore and, yes, I just pass over the continual 'points scoring' that some contributors appear to partake in but it does get somewhat tedious and childish in nature. As Adonis comments what I do find particularly tiresome are those who appear to continually feel the need to 'troll' certain posters and throw in the occasional abusive comment. Also those who think that they are always right and find it difficult to accept another person's view without having to throw ridcule into the 'debate'.1 point
Just been announced that the Cubs will ride on Saturdays whenever the Lions do not.1 point
They are not the first team to have six nicknames. The team I'm thinking of can also count Panthers as one of their nicknames.1 point
Sportowefakty are reporting that the Nice Polska and div 2 leagues 1st round matches will be on the last weekend of March- 1 week before the Extraleague get underway. They are also saying that the round dates are known(not published) but no news on when the fixtures will be released.1 point
Please don't knock this initiative folks it's not that long ago that Plymouth didn't have a Speedway Team and of course it's an even shorter period since it's continuation was threatened. Whatever it takes to secure the sport for Plymouth and it's lovely supporters has to be welcomed and embraced. Well done this is an opportunity to be taken and made the most of, which all the other clubs at death's door would welcome.1 point
Mate.......you really are in a bad place in mho. You need to find a new hobby. Maybe knitting1 point
I'm not on about anything racist.I been on here for over 18 months and all you seem to do is have digs at Wolverhampton.You carnt deny that.1 point
coliseum The standard spelling for an outdoor stadium is “coliseum”, but the one in Rome is called the “Colosseum.” Also note that the name of the specific construction in Rome is capitalized.1 point
1 point
1 point
Yes absolutely correct... I put this forward and other suggestions to up the NL image and get us closer to our sponsors. On the Island we held really good live draws for our meetings, be that in the crowd, with a sponsor or even on the spikes of an ice bike. However, I always seek the advice of Andy Hague who knows his stuff for this type of thing... even if I have a wacky idea, he knows how to make that idea get presented in the best way. While at the time, we may think what we are doing is the best thing ever (and to us it is of courese), using the opinion of someone like Andy enables me to cover off the viewers, our sponsors and our leagues perspective - as in this is what Andy thinks about in everything he does for the club. He wants the Wightlink Warriors always to be seen at its very best within our budget... which is of course in line with Martin and my thinking.1 point
I'd be ok with that as I agree with him. If they can't be taken back to the French coast they should be left at sea or put on a plan back to where they originated from. This is a country that can't look after it's own homeless people, we shouldn't be taking on others until our own house is in order.1 point
1 point
Edingburgh got their track grippy mid season & riders couldn't handle it even though it is a different shape to ours. The EWR, since it was re-laid a few years back has made our track too easy to ride & when newbies & below standard riders can turn up & ride 4 laps without difficulty needs to stop. Giving a racing strip that produces entertainment & tight results is one thing but it is results that get punters through the gates & we need some of the old faces back & new faces to see what our sport, & more so in Scunthorpe, is about.1 point
1 point
1 point
Last i seen he was doing the commentry for the football on BT Sport him and his scouse accent as bad as the Geordie one. Is it the same macca were talking about here mate. Didnt mean anything about the Geordie accent either was a wind up moment i had.1 point
not heard from him in a while. Certainly keeping a low profile.May well even be out of the country again.1 point