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Appreciate your comments, I don't believe age has anything to do with it but whilst we're on the topic - I'm 27 and have been watching Lynn most weeks since I was 6, so 2 decades worth i think qualifies me to comment. Alongside being a Stars fan, I'm also a Norwich City fan who have also never, even won the 'main' trophy. Whats the difference between the two? Communication I appreciate is not as good as other sports, but what do you want the Club to say? If they announce the team now in 1 hit, would we not have the same feeling you mention, because there would be nothing to talk about in January, February and Early March until the season begins? Again, I may be wrong but I can't really say I've noticed a difference in the time a meeting takes to run from when I first understood times etc in early teens to now - and I travel now 138 mile round trip to watch the Stars, as opposed to around 90 when i first started going. I was speaking to someone involved in Speedway yesterday and we were discussing how to improve the sport and he raised a great point. He said that if we asked 100 people how to 'solve' speedway, and he felt there would be 100 different answers, and that multiple answers would contradict others - so how DO you keep everyone happy? Simple answer is, you can't! Prices on everything in every walk of life has gone up over the years, including my NCFC season ticket (Which has gone up by around 18% in the last 5 years) so I'm sorry, but I don't buy this argument that the prices have gone up by £1 or £2 as a reason why people don't go. Not intended to ruffle feathers at all, but my view is that so many people are enjoying predicting the death of British Speedway, that when it inevitably happens, these same people can take joy in saying I told you so.11 points
Sometimes I think people watch Sports Personality of the Year to check that speedway isn't mentioned, just so that they can have a moan about it after.7 points
Haven't seen any team (or supposed team) that comes close to Peterborough. On paper they are head and shoulders above other teams.7 points
Well Ace & Sid don’t rate it but they appear to be in the minority, as far as the Panthers fans are concerned they are happy and they are the ones that matter.6 points
I put something like this a season ago and you questioned my age too! What’s the deal with that? I don’t think he is naive at all. I think the guys who don’t attend regularly but spend 24/7 moaning about it are sad acts that do damage the image of the team and the sport. Those guys aren’t as Important as they think they are and while some of what they say is right many times I’ve been to meetings to come home look on here and it’s been views that are completely different from those at the track. There was a buzz last year. I know that oppinion may offend some but it was a very pleasant place to be. A few areas of improvement but at the end of the day it’s sport. If you want gaurenteed entertainment in an allotted time slot then try the theatre or cinema. And get over the age thing ffs hes not naive and I back his comments 100%. Get over the self importance. His comments ring fairer than most of the critical ones. There is a lot speedway can improve on but bleating on 24/7 is just toxic and it stinks out the whole thing. It’s the equivalent of taking a dump next to an 8/10 Christmas dinner. Ruins every bodies day just because you don’t like the peas and sprouts. Alex keep the faith mate!5 points
Panthers, like Kings Lynn in the top flight and Mildenhall in the NL had a injury ravaged end to the season. I think all 3 would have won there titles if it weren’t for injuries.4 points
That wouldn’t be the case under the rules as they stand, as a rider would then have current averages for both leagues so the appropriate one would apply. Lasse and Ben didn’t have a PL average for 2018 so will start 2019 on a converted CL average - Craig, Chris and Charles do have 2018 PL averages so will use those to start 2019.4 points
pretty disrespectful towards a lot of people on this forum that have been going to speedway all their lives, you're not alone, but you really don't realise how lucky you are to have had a chance to support the same team for so many years. i'm from Wimbledon, grew up going to Plough Lane (football & speedway), my grandad worked at the stadium, so did my parents (they met there), and now look at it. i've been involved riding at Canterbury, Reading, & Exeter, but you talk to supporters of those clubs you'll realise you're very lucky at Kings Lynn. think of all the changes at the stadium, used to be a total rubbishepit, but i bet you have a more comfortable spot up in the stand now. i bet you used to be negative about stuff even when you had Lee and Jessup as top riders but still lost, there just wasn't the internet to vent it. chill out, support your team, get behind them, Kings Lynn are a top club again, this year showed that, embrace it man!4 points
ALL HAIL THE POSITIVES BLOODY CAN'T BELIEVE anyone can be negative after last year, OK so we fell at the last stages but hell they tried even if injured and with riders who perhaps didn't give 100% like our own guys. ROLL ON THE 2019 SEASON!!!4 points
Exactly. Although they are entitled to their opinions, it really doesn't matter a fig. I haven't heard or seen a single Panthers fan making any negative comments. Every Panthers fan I know (which admittedly is only a handful) is over the moon with this team.4 points
Its all about opinions , Mine opinion is... that Panthers line up is one of the strongest posted so far , Bomber .. can still perform at PL level , as proven last year HA ... Still a very capable PL heat leader Wright .. Should be able to up that average by at least a point Cook... Will feel he has something to prove , and will probably finish top of averages Add to that a very strong reserve duo ,... Looks very promising for Peterborough4 points
Because Riss, Etheridge, Todd Kurtz, Wajtknecht and JB Andersen all rode in the Premiership in 2018. You may disagree with the rule, but it is there in black and white for all to see and being applied consistently (as far as I can tell).3 points
The only way to stop riders doubling up is to stop riders doubling up. Coming up with indirect rules that you hope will stop it is never going to work in the devious, murky world of team building.3 points
Well for one Ipswich havnt announced their team as yet. Secondly as New Owner Buster should have immediately released a proper and fully explained Press Statement to both Peterbough and Ipswich fans informing them how the two Clubs acquired would be run and by whom etc. It’s called COMMUNICATION something which I know (and am sure as a Lynn fan you are aware to) Buster is not great at and certainly needs help and advice in this particular area. Panthers fans are so fortunate to have GED and Lisa who the majority of the time get it spot on. Had this happened as it should the “experts” you refer to would have more than likely be happy to sit back and wait and see what developed. You can’t blame people for being concerned about their Club through lack of proper information from the Owner! I, therefore, suggest you take it up with him if you are still concerned.3 points
Totally agree with your post.You will get use to certain members on here constantly moaning about the sport.Webby has often quoted me in certain posts that he didn't like because it didn't agree with his.I'm nearly 50 now and been going for over 40 years,maybe i am to young to have an opinion also3 points
Some of us remember Charles Wright wobbling around Workington and trailing half a mile behind the others in 2007/8, thinking "would he be in the team if his brother, James (a former Birmingham asset) wasn't there too"? And look at him now.3 points
North South West East Its easy to get your coasts mixed up when youre in landlocked Wolverhampton3 points
Wolves who are they? na joking. Steve if they sign Thorssell/ Morris they look really strong JT will put at least half a point on his average.If they go a different route say Pawlicki they will still be strong i will be surprised if they get beat at home.3 points
Took the words right out of my mouth there! Back in the Premier league, starting front zero regards a team, I think the management have done the best they possibly could. Just need a bit of good luck, more importantly no injuries.3 points
Harris and Hans will have their indifferent meetings but overall will achieve their average at least, they are both at a track that they have scored very well at in the past, Cook and Wright should increase their averages after not great seasons by their standards and they have the best reserves in the league. A lot of excitement coming to the showground as they are all racers and if this was my team I would be very happy.3 points
3 points
Looks a lot better than Belle Vue's bunch. This team is the one to beat in my opinion.3 points
As an opposing supporter you seemed to be worried far more than any Panthers supporters about the Peterborough team , I wonder why.3 points
3 points
What a dodgy bunch of so and so's Hope its a new No1 thats announced - open up with big fanfare2 points
The regulations (albeit for 2018) states: "16.2.7 The most recently established MA will be used. If a rider has an established MA in both the Premiership and Championship Leagues, established in the same season, that leagues MA will apply to that league." Therefore, Barker and Bjerre will use their CL MA as it is the most recent. Similarly, the AGM Statement says: "Conversion rate for 2019 will be 1.5" The conversion rate has always worked both ways, otherwise how else do you calculate a rider with a CL average's PL converted average?2 points
You know the averages given to Bjerre and Barker are pathetically wrong. They both have established averages from 2017 and should be on those, in the same way any other rider that doesn't double up. When rider's miss a season or 2 they maintain their average when they come back. This should be the same for doubling up rider's, especially as they've only missed the top league for 1 year. You know how lucky you are having those 2 in the side and you know it. Not having a pop at you or Peterborough who have assembled a cracking team, but you know that ruling is wrong.2 points
what are Poland doing different to the UK, other than having government funded teams and purpose built stadia?2 points
Eric Boocock was “connected” to Nigel Boocock, but that didn’t mean they should have ridden for the same team. Wayne and Tony Briggs were “connected” to Barry Briggs, but that didn’t mean they had to ride for Swindon or Southampton. Andy Smith is a Belle Vue legend. Jack isn’t. Yet. Who knows, it might happen one day, but how can you claim someone should have signed for the Colts because of a “connection” when, in his short career, he has ridden for Birmingham, Glasgow, Sheffield, Swindon (and the Colts), and whose registration is held by Glasgow (and he was born in Stoke)? That’s a lot of “connections”.2 points
2 points
Totally agree, if JT or PP + ANO are the final pieces of the Wolves jigsaw, then look know further for the 2019 Prem champions.2 points
2 points
Its a cracking side for the Showground and whilst there will no doubt be a few flaky away performances (Foxhall please ) it will be a shock if this 7 didnt not only make the play offs but mount a serious challenge2 points
You look quite young, a relatively a new supporter. The negativity you talk of , is down totally to the promotions of the club. The fans of the Kings Lynn Stars are the best in the country. Unlike other clubs, we have never ever won the main trophy, but these die hard fans always come back in the hope one day the miracle might happen. I have spent a lifetime supporting the Stars and have been so disillusioned with the way the club communicates with us. it comes across as we are the last consideration, when every avenue is exploited, to milk in as much profit as possible at the expense of those fans, who have given so much. Often we are treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark, shown so much contempt and for what. The meetings are drawn out to ensure we spend more in the bar, and matches are raced on a track not fit for the purpose, and we are charges top dollar to watch processional follow the leader races. From a group of 30 strong, each and everyone have since departed the sport. Through my devilment and determination I am the last, thinking I'm here till the end, but the antics, contempt and rule bending of last years final to me was the final straw. all the belief I once had has all but gone. and when that happens you have to question your sanity I admire your naivety, but as the saying goes, ' You reap what you sow' and that sure tells the story of Kings Lynn Speedway....2 points
Francesco Molinari and Billie Jean King are not British either but got awards. Ivan and Ronnie have MBE and OBE between them, so nearly British.2 points
....Though hypothetically speaking ...coming back on a 7.03 would cause a bigger $h1t storm than it did in 20162 points
There is no good reason why Woffy should be reassessed given the many examples that havent after similar lay offs2 points
2 points
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2 points
the MC has got a new ipod so we dont have to listen to music more in tune with a funeral2 points
All about staying injury free: Panthers know all about that from last season1 point
Not ridiculous at all it's their converted averages, Peterborough being astute, your just jealous Swindon didn't sign them!1 point
1 point
But it’s plain stupid to say that a PL to CL conversion rate of 1.5 will be applied to PL riders to discourage them from doubling up in the CL and yet allow the rate in reverse to allow CL riders who have had experience in the PL be brought back into the PL on lower averages. So a 2018 PL reserve like Wajtknecht, who is doing his best to progress, now has to face CL heat leaders riding at reserve for another team. That can’t be right. Rasmus Jensen is anotherer example. He has a CL average of 6.59 (compared to Wajtknecht’s CL average of 5.19) but could come in to a PL reserve berth on a paltry 4.39 (compared to Wajtknecht’s genuine PL average of 4.37). How is that fair to 2018 PL riders? Just wrong.1 point
1 point
fortunately not otherwise i would be (more) skint. I stick to "playing" Speedway promoter/manager/armchair "expert"1 point
1 point
Those three teams are most peoples predictions for topping the league anyway, so what,s your problem. Maybe you wanted a 45 point average where those teams could have squeezed in the likes of Hans Andersen etc with two 5 point foreigners at reserve.1 point