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Honestly Pal are you kidding? You express deep indignation and outrage at anyone suggesting anything they have heard as rumour on here flippantly dismissing it and going into offensive mode in your responses; demanding evidence and proof of what they say; and what do you know? you are guilty of it even when you have the information provided for you. The hypocrisy of it all is astounding! For your information I have never been associated with any business that has failed, you have had the information provided for you; and you still make your own version up; you are a complete "Numb Nut" Can you not read? You wanted the information and evidence and you were provided with it!!! and you still get it wrong!!! and make up a statement like "my business never went into LIQUIDATION like yours" You SCREAM!!! "I want all the information and detail" and when you get it you act like a like a Tory Brexiteer and say "oh no!!! err!!! I don't like that information" ("it's rumour" (sic)) I will make something else up on my own and post a defence ("as its lies" (sic)) or dismiss it out of hand making either personal attacks or pulling the "no one loves us everyone hates us" card. Honestly!!!! Sound familiar? You ask everyone to produce evidence!!! and did so of HalifaxTiger!!! who is a sensible chap with many contacts throughout the sport up and down the country; who is known to talk to all and sundry about Speedway: and again do you honesty think he will share any of the names of the people he talks to with a clown like you!!! and especially as to who and where he gets his information from!!! Lets face it you do not need to be Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes to realise what is going on. You asked HT "to produce evidence about the large sums we are supposed to be offering EX Workington riders for this coming season" He doesn't need to provide it really does he as it is already out there!!! Do you not read the Speedway Star?, (obviously not) do you not believe people on here when the say "Laura Morgan stated in the Speedway Star what was going on"?, (obviously not) but think about it? Now I will type this slowly so it has the chance to sink in to that "Snadger" you have for a brain. The Workington Promoter went public and stated one of her riders was offered a five figure sum to join Glasgow this year, now the smallest five figure sum I can think of is £999:99 pence however we all know that's not the figure now do we Sherlock? no it was £10,000 to come and join Glasgow!!!; (Ten Grand) however she stated he (the rider) stayed loyal to the Comets, and she felt it was making life difficult for other promotions to build a team when these kind of inducements were being offered to riders. However and again!!! do you want all the texts and correspondence verbatim on here? or the actual hard copies? to sate your want for proof, its a forum not a courtroom; and even if you were provided with them you wouldn't believe it anyway. Your next demand will be "well which riders" Who Who!!! well again Sherlock just sit down and think about it for a minute!! Like eh!!! You have already signed one Ex Workington rider so it wont be him will it?; and all Workington have retained from last years TREBLE winning team are two riders; and again giving some due respect like HT; I wont name names; however you don't need to be Einstein do you Sherlock to work out who it would be FFS!!! like do you? as you only have two to choose from so take your pick you have a 50% chance of being correct. So HT can stand down I would say!!!! Like eh? Then you bang on about these inducements and salaries being rubbish as Glasgow are losing £100,000 plus per annum and that's not possible to offer these type of salaries and inducements!!! and that the sign on fees are coming from sponsors!!! which to be fair every one accepts and has no issue with; to a certain extent; however when you are shown the figures from company accounts of what AV are underwriting the Speedway team to the tune of!!! you still cant grasp it; now I accept that the information was in a very crude form and I could argue context from other posters on here who have also looked at the AV accounts and defended certain aspects, however that was not the intention, the point was to show by how much the club is being underwritten by AV!!! and how by the course of action they are taking is skewing the whole Championship. You try and defend what is being spent and what is being saved by saying "Again re last year losses steps have been taken to address this no full time team manager, new track fence done, track alterations done, no full time Den manager, also den closed out with speedway and football days which comes to a fair amount" Honestly no one cares about how much you are making; losing; or saving!!! can you not see its the hypocrisy of the whole situation and the damage it is doing to other promotions. This is before we even get to mention the points money and other inducements being offered. But no they don't do that everything is open honest and above board!!! Aye righto!!! The best bit of course is where you have stated in the past "you do not care about other teams" you don't care how Glasgow operate as long as you are okay" and "you are not bothered if other promotions fold" really show you up for what you are and with a selfish and self centred approach like that are you sure you aren't a Speedway Promoter already. You do come across as an Ostrich who sticks his head in the sand so please do not get aggrieved if someone comes along and pokes a stick up your sphincter. So there you go Sherlock I would suggest you get your facts right and look at what is being said and digest it before blindly jumping in all indignant and go off half cocked as you will invariably get a response back and if you do not like the content you can always push the "Ignore" button rather than blindly trying to defend the indefensible with demands; threats and mockery that quite frankly is a load of "Old Tosh" (thought about putting something stronger but what's the point) and gets somewhat repetitive!!! and on the previous years quoted they were for context only as it was "Your Club" promotion/backers remember that posted that it has made six figure losses every year since taking over at Ashfield and yet you are not prepared to accept any rational post from anyone with your deeply delusional arguments Finally if you do want evidence (Hard Evidence) Detective Chief Inspector Taggart "There hasn't been a murder!" but next time you venture South look me up and I will be quite happy to show you numerous texts to prove the point. (as would Laura I imagine) (in fact I could introduce you to her I am sure you would get on) It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick Light blue touch paper and stand well back Regards THJ9 points
If the “some years back” is referring coming in to the 2007 season, you have it entirely wrong. When Chris Morton, David Gordon and I bought Belle Vue late on in 2006, we were resssured by BSPA that the other teams had been told to keep their hands off the 2006 team until we had put together a strong 1-7. We already knew that Jason Crump was going to ride for Poole, a deal done during the 2006 season, so needed every rider we could get our hands on. Despite the assurances, the then Peterborough promotion defied everyone and signed Bjerre. I remember having a very heated phone conversation on Christmas Eve 2006 with the then BSPA Chairman, Peter Toogood about this but he basically said there’s was nothing that could be done. Personally, I thought it all a shocking betrayal by the sports’ governing body and the rider. What I considered was particularly bad was that the BV faithful had supported the rider in 2005 after he broke his leg, a break that probably cost BV the league. Now, I know that no rider can be forced to ride where he doesn’t want to, but I do believe they need to understand that loyalty is a two way matter. As a final point, the “ageing Joe Screen” you referred to was 34 during the 2007 season - Kenneth Bjerre will be 35 during 20195 points
Could be considered for The Golden Raspberry Awards though!!! (also known in short terms as Razzies and Razzie Awards) which are mock awards in recognition of the worst in film. The 2018 Awards were as follows, WORST PICTURE X — “The Emoji Movie” WORST ACTRESS X — Tyler Perry, “Boo! 2: A Madea Halloween” WORST ACTOR X — Tom Cruise, “The Mummy” WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR X — Mel Gibson, “Daddy’s Home 2” WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS X — Kim Basinger, “Fifty Shades Darker” WORST SCREEN COMBO X — Any Two Obnoxious Emojis, “The Emoji Movie” WORST REMAKE, RIP-OFF, OR SEQUEL X — “Fifty Shades Darker” WORST DIRECTOR X — Anthony Leondis, “The Emoji Movie” WORST SCREENPLAY X — “The Emoji Movie” ROTTEN TOMATOES AWARD: RAZZIE NOMINEE SO BAD YOU LOVED IT! X — “Baywatch” New for this year BEST POACHERS OF SOMETHING OTHER THAN AN EGG X — “Glasgow Tigers” Of course "its all done in the best possible taste" Regards THJ5 points
Great signing that. Buster is certainly pushing the boat out to make the P’Boro’s return to the top flight an impressive one. Prehaps once he has sorted P’Boro he will move on to Ipswich and eventually Kings Lynn.5 points
Yep at number 2 around the showground i fancy him to win heat 1 a few times5 points
4 points
This one's not a dig Paul the simple truth is that at least 2 of the 2019 team had concluded deals elsewhere only to be re-approached by Glasgow, that's how it is but the raising of the ante has made it very difficult for some other clubs to offer affordable terms. One of last seasons septet has been asking for the sort of eye watering deal he was on at Glasgow and the figures are just stunning but again that's how it is. Six figure losses are not sustainable but fortunately your club owners have the financial footing to withstand that. Take a look at your closest competitors; Edinburgh has been propped up every year by a consortium and has no security of tenure, Berwick hanging on by it's fingertips, Newcastle nothing but hope to hang on to, Redcar we'll do our best and give it one last shot and Workington looking for a miracle in reality. Don't get me wrong this isn't Glasgow's fault it is the state the sport is in but after all the meetings, talks and threats of change we are still in the same situation with wallets only a fraction of the size of egos, walking away from some of those rider deals may have just sent a message out that it can't go on. Regardless of the politics losing a club mid season is hugely damaging, the stigma spreads like a cancer; Rye House, Newport on the eve, Hull and Birmingham have all left a stain on the local business community which makes it nigh on impossible to draw sponsorship if there is a re-opening. Credit to Birmingham, they're fighting back but 2019 could see more clubs go to the wall mid season or just as sad fail to make the tapes in April.4 points
Sad news on Tomasz gollob , best wishes Tomasz. ON TOMASZ GOLLOB (10th of December) – Please, pray for this iron man Tomasz still struggles with the constant spastic pains, that does not allow him to function normally. Currently, he suffers so much, that it is impossible to continue the rehabilitation, which was to help him reduce the most onerous symptoms. Recently, Tomasz underwent the two operations: the first – the removal of the gall bladder, the second – an implantation a special stimulator near the spine to help fight with the pain. Unfortunately, despite that a few weeks have passed since the operation, even the smallest improvement has not been observed. 'For now, the implanted stimulator didn't help, but it doesn't mean, that there's no chance of improvement. At this point, we must focus primarily on a selection of appropriate parameters of stimulation and the treatment with antibiotics' – says professor Marek Harat. At present, the pains are so troublesome, that Tomasz rarely sit on the wheelchair and spends most of his time in a bed. 'Neuropathic pains are so strong, that the traditional painkillers are unable to control it. Patients are given the anti-epileptic medicines. The problem is, that Tomasz doesn't tolerate part of them and he feels very bad after them' – says professor Harat. Neuropathic pains occur in up to seven percent of patients with damaged spinal cord. They are so strong, that they are often compared to the electric shock, but medicine still does not know the answer, what is their reason. The pains occur independently or they can also be caused by an appearance of even the smallest stimuli, such as a skin contact with a clothing or a riding a wheelchair into the slightest unevenness. The recurring infections almost every week are also a huge problem. Tomasz's body is so weak, that any change in the conditions causes a high fever. This is why he avoids the guests, leaving the house only for the control and the next dose of strong drugs in the hospital. Despite the huge problems with his health, Tomasz intends to appear in public on 16th of December, during3 points
3 points
Don't get me wrong I would have loved Wright, Bradders and Jake to be in the team but guess what it's speedway and it doesn't always go your way. We have a team and have to get behind them. I like the team tbh I personally think we have the best top 5 in the league and I can't see Brummies, Eastbourne, Redcar or Newcastle having very much better top 5's. Reserves are obviously the weakness but still good to see young riders getting the chance which pretty much every team has.3 points
Rest of Aces announced : Steve Worrall, Dan Bewley, Jaimon Lidsey, Dimitri Berge, Ricky Wells3 points
Hmm me thinks you may not be being entirely (never mind totally) honest John! Thanks for your concern anyway, suggest you redirect your obvious frustration with Glasgow in a more positive way. Why not contact your own club owner and offer to do something helpful in 2019, I'm certain they could do with your contribution?3 points
A spell of waiting never hurt anyone Trust in Chris to produce a box of tricks to impress us all3 points
Any rider who gets through the GP qualifiers and qualifies by right and then the following year only misses out in a run off is, in my opinion, certainly good enough to be classed as an international rider.3 points
First time in a long time I am looking forward to attending regular meetings at the EoES and purchasing a season ticket.3 points
Hello, the finals DVDS were recorded by ReRun (Playoffs and Shield) and Tapes Up Productions (KOC), The DVDs comprise both legs of each fixture, so thats 6 meetings in total and the few heats that were run of the final league meeting v Lakeside before it was abandoned have been added to the end of the Shield Final DVD3 points
3 points
Bridges are rarely burnt in speedway. Look at Jack Holder returning to Poole and Batchelor and Doyle to Swindon. There were lots of caustic words between those riders and their clubs and all is forgotten within a season or two. I agree that Craig Cook is not the natural talent of Darcy Ward or Robert Lambert but even Tai Woffinden had a terrible first GP campaign! Craig has made the most of his career by hard work and determination and he should be admired for that and be the inspiration for every NL rider. He is also quite eloquent and doesn’t talk in cliches.3 points
I think, as has been said before ... Its Ged who has built the Panthers team, not Buster!!3 points
3 points
Now Glasgow have burned the rest of British Speedway with inflated costs just concentrate on who you're gonna race when they're all closed down.3 points
The same reason Thousands yes that's right thousands go out MX racing each and every weekend , because despite the costs which are equal to speedway , it's what they choose to do ,3 points
Oh Gav. Had a few months off this place. Came back to Reading Racers Numpty still posting for attention, Starman still posting in riddles and you still belittling everything Poole do! Some things will never change!3 points
I don't think anyone actually hates Glasgow. Some are jealous, certainly - I can remember a particularly vicious piece in an Edinburgh programme shortly after the Facenna's took over the club. I don't think it really matters that much what others think, either. But this forum would be a very dull (and mostly empty) place without those thoughts.3 points
Colts team announced : Paul Bowen, Danny Phillips, Leon Flint, Kyle Bickley, Ben Woodhull, Ben Rathbone, Jordan Palin2 points
Luke comes from Melrose, so a local lad , and he has some experience of the dale. That will help since home advantage here can be huge. As long as he puts in the effort, and takes advantage of extra laps post meetings, all he needs to do is beat his opposite 2 pointer more often than not, and the blue and gold will embrace him, because that’s what we do. Anything more will be a bonus, but a few points in heats 2 and 4 will be job done.2 points
2 points
doesn't he qualify on both counts? that's why he was allowed to ride for Eastbourne isn't it?2 points
Congratulations John on your First born Grandchild. Got my second one on Monday so life is great.2 points
This debt could potentially be over 200k depending on how you interpret the statement as it quotes "each year we have incurred substantial six figure loss each year" and now poaching riders and signing big names which i would never dispute by the way is only going to magnify there debts.... also doesnt help making pantomime videos pre season.2 points
Some of us were quite pedantic when we made these points about; Colin Horton at Peterborough, Allen Trump and Avtar at Coventry, Alan Philips at Birmingham, Aaron Lanney at Oxford, Brian whathisface and Waggy at Kings Lynn, John Postledick at Reading, Gary Patchett at Swindon, Bengt over the Barmaid at Plymouth and many others who threw fortunes at riders to win a league, there are plenty more who had the egostistical pleasure of owning a Speedway Club.2 points
BWD/Barker and Lasse would make one hell of a winter and certainly one of the best in recent times, that's for sure.2 points
2 points
Haertel would be a 4..... As someone mentioned Germans earlier what average would Smolinksi come in on? Hope the old adage of "No news is good news" turns out to be right....2 points
What I have said is what happened. JC had no say in team building for 2007. Why would he? Tony Mole told me in July 2006 that Jason was going to Poole in 2007, which he did. By the time Chris, David and I bought BV from Tony, which was either late November or early December 2006, JC had already been named in Poole’s 2007 team. We bust a gut to keep KB but he’d already done a deal, behind our backs, with Peterborough. As far as referring to a 34 year old Joe Screen as “ageing” is concerned, I have no problem with that. We’re all ageing. But, out of courtesy and within the boundaries of consistency, perhaps you should refer to the “aged” soon to be 35 year old Kenneth Bjerre?! One other point that I’ve just spotted - you say that “he’d never ride for that promotion again”. Which promotion? He’d never ridden for the Morton, Gordon, Pairman promotion and it was public knowledge that the Mole, Thomas promotion was selling up. There had been a series of articles in the Manchester Evening News, and, much to their annoyance and before a deal was agreed, Tony announced Chris and David at the end of season dinner dance as the future owners of Belle Vue. So he wasn’t being asked to ride for “that” promotion.2 points
2 points
The guy is a total twonk,who is best ignored.He even said a week or so ago he wouldn't be posting on here any more as he doesn't like it.But given an opportunity to spread some of his negativity about a track he admits he has never even visited,he couldn't resist.Pointless2 points
2 points
Correct ! Really looking forward now to the new season, especially on a Thursday night under spotlights, for me that has always been the way Speedway should be, it adds so much to the atmosphere.2 points
I did wonder how you could see so far ahead - then I realised you must have 2020 vision I'll get my coat2 points
2 points
Jack's a lovely lad but would we have seriously considered him as a reserve this year? His two seasons in the Premiership have been very poor.2 points
I have never even considered a team without Musielak for me he was a shoe in.Batch who did a great job on his average he would of been a doubt but i am happy to have Troy back.2 points
2 points
Jack Holder will be fine, the lad has undoubted talent and I expect him to kick it on another level in the Premiership next season. Poole are always going to be in the mix, no point pretending otherwise2 points
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2 points
What Rasser to Glasgow.....nooooooooo hope hes got plenty of steel shoes Thats the biggest surprise of the year... NOT!!!!!!2 points