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Certainly in my case - and I suspect many others - its not a case of 'bitterness' at all. I suspect that some fans might be a little envious of the financial resources that Glasgow have but, as you rightly say, they would all want the same for their teams. However, it sticks a little in my craw that in one minute you have the Glasgow owners spouting about 6 figure losses season on season and the possibility that 2019 might be the last one for the Tigers and then throwing huge sums of money about - and I don't think there's any doubt of that whatsoever - in building a team for the forthcoming year. That, to me, seems to me to be the very point that many are making, and that's not 'bitterness', its merely condemning hypocrisy and irresponsibility.10 points
Are you the forum's number 1 spelling mistake? Missing the 'i' and 'k' from your forum name?6 points
Honestly I do wonder if clowns like you actually have any idea of what goes on or if you just sail though life with your head up your posterior. All you need to do is go on the Companies House web site and you can see what is happening. Details available at (no rumour) https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC147093/filing-history Look at the full accounts and the full accounts made up to 30th April 2017 posted on 01st Feb 2018 is a good place to start and look at page 20. There are others available and it is all there to see if you can be bothered to read through the previous years With Glasgow it is all "Smoke and Mirrors" as the parent company Allied Vehicles (AV) have set up the Speedway on their accounts and put through a Debt Waiver and the latest namely £617k for 2016 (wow!!!) and £424k for 2017. These losses will be mitigated against their (AV) corporation tax, so as they have declared just over 5 million of profit for 2017 the corporation tax bill would have been around £800k and they just write off the £424k loss against this tax bill, which I assume at this current moment in time is all above board and legal. I must add this as I am not a tax expert by any stretch of the imagination on intra-business tax affairs. Where they will be stating the place (Glasgow Speedway) is making a £100,000 loss for last year I assume this will be the short fall from the funds being generated from the speedway receipts and income which will only be realising around £324k per annum, however as the whole thing is being underwritten by the tax man there isn't really a problem is there. 700 fans @ £17.50 = £12.250 + food and drink say £15k per meeting for 20 meetings = £300k add in a bit of sponsorship and it will be about right. (aka £100k short) The only problem being, and what our Scottish country cousins fail to realise is; they (Glasgow Tigers) would not survive (or have to radically reduce their financial aspirations) if they didn't have the costs underwritten by AV by providing this debt waiver. For reference a loan waiver is the waiving of the real or potential liability of the person or party who has taken out a loan through the voluntary action of the person or party who has made the loan Using a debt waiver seems to me to be a bit ambiguous as you usually provide a debt waiver as a fringe benefit to an employee if you do not require your employee to repay a debt. The example I am aware of is, if you sell goods to an employee and later tell them they are not required to pay the invoiced amount, you have provided a debt waiver fringe benefit. However benefits are usually taxed and I am surprised the tax man allows this for a company. However as stated it must be legal and above board and to be honest my exposure to facilities like this have been on a much smaller scale The thing is; if in the future the dreaded tax man looks at this in depth and pulls the privilege where a business applies a tax waiver to another stand alone business and this benefit gets reviewed and the tax law changes there will be a major threat hanging over Glasgow Speedway as they will be in the same boat as everyone else having to manage a budget. Who mentioned "Sugar Daddy" some time back? not far off the mark really. So anyone who has a turnover of £130 million could offer this facility to any club and write off any losses against their corporation tax bill its easy to be a spendthrift when you are using someone else's money. (especially the tax mans) (Kudos) So to answer the question and the HUGE sums of money you are throwing about as a club, facts are readily accessible and don't lie, when you are being underwritten by a financially successful business like AV you have access to funds that other clubs only dream about. As Halifax Tiger quoted earlier in the thread "Certainly in my case - and I suspect many others - its not a case of 'bitterness' at all. I suspect that some fans might be a little envious of the financial resources that Glasgow have but, as you rightly say, they would all want the same for their teams" I am of the same belief but your odious and obnoxious defence to comments being made on here when you obviously do not have a clue of what is going on seem to be providing you with a "Schadenfreude" which can not be good for your health; you need to take some of Paulco's advice "Time to put this nonsense to bed . Does it really matter what other fans think of our club or it's custodians . We're the ones turning up for home meetings and the occasional away ones , not them . If we're hated , so be it , I wont lose any sleep over it" I certainly have never hated anyone (well maybe Maggie Thatcher but for a whole raft of other reasons) however you need to do your research and get your facts right before you start spouting off I would suggest. Live Long and Prosper Regards THJ6 points
5 points
It’s clear this line of trying to buy success doesn’t generally work, certainly hasn’t recently, I also rather suspect the decisions which led to Dickson departing has played a fair part in the lack of success as well. Certainly no fault can be laid at the door of the supporters for decisions made by the owners who clearly by recent announcements are getting fed up with nothing to show for it.5 points
Referring to Cook I, I find your statement amazing considering most of your supporters are gutted that he's not back at the NSS , it sounds a bit like sour grapes to me .5 points
The nastiness on this thread is really getting out of hand, not just from comets fans. It’s the same argument over and over again, and for probably one of the youngest one’s posting on it, even I’m finding it childish and boring now. The thought of any clubs going bust is not funny either. Is anyone actually excited for April to come around?!5 points
Now Glasgow have burned the rest of British Speedway with inflated costs just concentrate on who you're gonna race when they're all closed down.4 points
Now that it has been confirmed that Rasser has signed can we please dispense with all this bickering and focus on the season ahead, lets just support our respective teams , supporters have no say in what management do, let's enjoy speedway while we still have teams to support.4 points
Amazing all you Poole fans ,I'm an out of town contractor and last year I took in meetings in the top league at Rye House , Swindon ,Leicester and Poole. Peterborough,Ipswich,Sheffield,Newcastle and Scunthorpe in th championship. Mid season everyone around me at Poole were slating Richie Worrall for his efforts now your wanting him in your side take your club views out of the equation and watch speedway for what it is and you will enjoy it more ,how many changes to the side did Poole have and they got lucky with Bomber doing that overtake on the last lap . All now forgotten as Bomber had an inflated average due to the shenanigans wth his Rye House average .Watch and enjoy speedway as it is ,everyone wants a winning side but now a lt of speedway fans just want there side to come to tapes the following season ,just remember that and hope all sides have better luck with injuries next season Rant Over4 points
Something to do on a Saturday night, it’s 2 minutes away and our son enjoys it. Having recently lost the team I’ve supported for 33 years it’s good to get to see speedway on a regular basis.4 points
4 points
Well, I guess everybody's entitled to their opinion but, with only 3 riders announced so far, surely it's a bit early to be writing a team off. We had similar bollox before the start of last season with some people rubbishing Panthers' chances before a wheel had been turned...... and who finished top o' the league? Just saying like4 points
To be fair I really feel sorry for Laura Morgan, she has invested her compensation in good faith but sadly she has done so with the support of a lot of 'richards', fans with the IQ that makes Baldrick look like prime minister material, but then again …….. Anyway lets not beet about the bush I really hope that Workington beet Glasgow at Workington 65-15 and then Worky go bust whith Ramus saying things like I told you so. And why would we believe worky fans even if they are Honest or do important jobs, after all how could we cope without a programme especially when its sold by such nice people4 points
Chris didnt really give anything away despite the best efforts of the Massif! Said he is getting his passport ready for a roadtrip (2 riders from the continent??) (Could be a bluff but) said Hampel not interested in UK return. Poole tried last year for him and he turned them down Reiterated that looking a a largely new look team Confirmed Buster has taken 100% ownership but with full buy back clause within the next 12 months Denied any rider had been expected to sign but gone elsewhere - insisted still on plan A League closer to national sponsor than for many a year3 points
3 points
Oh Gav. Had a few months off this place. Came back to Reading Racers Numpty still posting for attention, Starman still posting in riddles and you still belittling everything Poole do! Some things will never change!3 points
My thoughts exactly. It is possible, of course - this is flippin' speedway after all - but surely any contract glitches like this would have arisen and been sorted out before Ged was telling us that he's got all 7 riders.3 points
3 points
Name all the other heat leaders that are better than Peterborough’s? They may not be a Number 1 when compared to Doyle but there aren’t many of those heat leaders left in this country. Weve seen enough of Bjerre to know he goes missing at the business end of the season.3 points
3 points
Time to put this nonsense to bed . Does it really matter what other fans think of our club or it's custodians . We're the ones turning up for home meetings and the occasional away ones , not them . If we're hated , so be it , i wont lose any sleep over it .3 points
3 points
Very good signing this season on his average. Newman needs a little injury free run and should finally kick on to the level many believe he is capable of. Certainly knows what its like to be in winning sides which will add to the team and a signature that i feel many teams would be happy with.3 points
For me the '3rd Division' should be the 'development league'... I seem to remember that this was it's initial vision... Each team seemed to have one rider with experience (a rider coach wasn't it referred to as?) and the other six were aspiring riders, keen to learn from the more experienced pros, and benchmark themselves against them when racing... Paid track time was the outlook for many... Instead it transpired into a pseudo pro league, mainly driven that way by '2nd tier' teams who couldn't make that league pay so dropped down, bringing with them several of their riders from the previous higher level who then doubled down and brought with them higher expectations of payment... Thus creating the plethora of 'professional juniors' who now exist, who invariably make almost zero improvement year on year as they have found their level, but continue riding... In effect clogging up the system of development as the places they take should be being used to bring on younger riders... I thought this year the BSPA was eager to have clear demarcation between the leagues with the averages it set, however by simply not converting Premiership averages to Championship equivalents using the x1.5 conversation it set, it has undermined it's own idea... Division One should be the 'pro league'... Division Two should be the 'semi pro league'.. Division Three should be the development league, where getting some expenses to help cover costs should be seen as an added bonus to the track time being provided.. Three clear differential standards, with three clear aspirational levels for riders to move into...3 points
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2 points
Who is talking about 2016,2017 not me ,I was asking H T to produce evidence about the large sums we are supposed to be offering EX Workington riders for this coming season . Again re last year losses steps have been taken to address this no full time team manager ,new track fence done, track alterations done, no full time Den manager, also den closed out with speedway and football days which comes to a fair amount .Now the attack on me I find very disturbing you blab on how successful you are at least my business never went into LIQUIDATION like yours I believe you told us all on one of your rants and lastly I know a lot more about Glasgow than you think2 points
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2 points
Especially if your anticipated top 2 young Aussies realise anything of their true potential this season. Prefer anyway that many treat us as underdogs and let's see how the season progresses. Too much anticipation and over hype put on many of our teams over the years at Poole.2 points
2 points
Craig has always been very committed to bv and for that I will always be grateful. However. He just isn’t as good as he thinks he is and when he has the number 1 on his back, goes missing. In those huge moments, those big big races, I never felt confident and many bv fans I know felt the same. He does a lot of talking Craig. He needs to zip the mouth, head down, and focus on becoming on what he thinks he can be. He had the world at his feet last season. Shown up in the GP, lost his spot to an 18 year old in Polska, and had to drop down a league in the uk to make ends meat. This season can’t get a gig abroad. Doubling up again. That’s what Craig is. A decent British rider. Average joe. Compare to Robert Lambert this season, their trajectories will be poles apart.2 points
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to be fair robin never said the season starts in march, he said thats when he could start worrying!!2 points
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A Sportowefakty article today has said that the Nice Polska and div2 fixtures are done but cannot be released until the Rzeszow and Lodz situations are resolved - they mention a date of around December 19th when things might become clearer.2 points
if you want all the lowdown i suggest reading the Plymouth Forum as the promotion and team manager have been very honest with the whole situation regarding Henry Atkins.2 points
Really pleased Kyle Newman is back at Birmingham, I was disappointed he couldn't return in 2011. Hes the type of rider you pay your admission money to watch, Perry Barr is a track suited to his style and hes on a decent average. Good signing all round.2 points
Nice to read its refreshing someone posting enthusiastically rather than doom and gloom2 points
Anyone in Ipswich know who this Carol is ? That's a very progressive church i must say...2 points
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If no Lambert at Lynn would Buster look to transfer one of his Peterborough signings to balance things up ?1 point
1 point
Think I replied at the time, but you are so right. This team has a very un-Somerset feel to it.1 point
I don't know whether you are just trolling and trouble making in your usual way or whether you are just dim but rather than make such unhelpful comments, why not leave the matter to those who are working with, and to some extent being guided by Thurrock Council on what the petition should or should not include. The fact that the petition includes the signature of a former World Champion is one of the things that adds weight , for example. Speedway might be a minority sport nationwide but it attracts the biggest crowds in Thurrock.1 point