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Anyone in Ipswich know who this Carol is ? That's a very progressive church i must say...10 points
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4 points
Strange thing is while often a lack of passing in a meeting is, in some minds, held as proof of a lack of entertainment; Trownson over the Owens, Powell over Hancock and Hamill, Dougie Wyer blocking every move from Ivan Mauger and Denis Sigalos at Sheffield are races that still stick in my mind. Speedway Updates would have dismissed them all as: FTG. Good racing isn't just passing and repassing - although a good swoop from high on the banking never did any fan any harm!4 points
Do you want our help or not? Just because I dont live in the area doesn’t mean I don’t want the club to survive and get a new track.4 points
I might not agree with all the thing's Ford has done over the years but you have to give credit for the success he has had over a prolonged period.Nothing would give me greater pleasure if Poole can get there track sorted Lisa because i have enjoyed going to Poole over the years especially the 1980s.4 points
Just back from the Lakeside fans forum. Well attended. Someone said around 200 there but I didn't count them myself. The meeting lasted about 1hr 45 min and a lot of detail was given which I am not going to repeat on here. Suffice to say there is hope . Lots still to be done but there was an hour long meeting with the developers a week of two back, and the Thurtock Council are tangibly supportive . There are sponsors interested in giving support if things come to fruition and at the moment at least there seem to be funds available to build a basic Leicester style track. The council are doing their assessment/planning of sports facilities in a few months and Speedwáy seems to be on the agenda. The behaviour of the BSPA towards Stuart Douglas has been atrocious, and wrangling are still going on. No criticism was made of Rye House who did there best to help but reading between the lines it seems the BSPA's treatment of them has been abysmal as well. It just seems incredible to me that given the present state of speedway the BSPA are not bending over backwards to keep Speedwáy at that facility instead of obstructing it . All the riders will be paid by Stuart but it is the BSPA that are preventing it at the moment. It seems to me that that, the BSPA continue to believe that it is they , not they riders, nor the fans, that are the most important people in Speedwáy.4 points
How about maybe just being pleased that someone involved in your sport has been recognised by the wider motorsport world?4 points
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3 points
I don't know whether you are just trolling and trouble making in your usual way or whether you are just dim but rather than make such unhelpful comments, why not leave the matter to those who are working with, and to some extent being guided by Thurrock Council on what the petition should or should not include. The fact that the petition includes the signature of a former World Champion is one of the things that adds weight , for example. Speedway might be a minority sport nationwide but it attracts the biggest crowds in Thurrock.3 points
Why are people on here continuing to perpetuate this bitterness toward Glasgow? Speedway fans in the past have been like a family who can enjoy great banter, but recently this has descended into football-like hatred and is tending to create ill feeling. It's all been covered earlier on this thread but some people can't move on and are resurrecting the same old guff about what they "know" or "have heard" about how Glasgow run their business. As I said before, other clubs would similarly splash the cash had they Glasgow's wherewithal. It would be foolish for anyone to think otherwise.3 points
Here we go again they were on silly money vans chucked in payed mechanics unless you can do more than you heard it's hearsay3 points
You mean our guests? Dale chose someone who had just recently had a great meeting for us at Lynn as a guest, so he thought he could rely on him again to do the biz but unfortunately not, not against Poole! Our injuries caught up with us too. Also had we not had EVERY DECISION go against us at bloody Poole the score would've been VERY CLOSE and may just have gone our way, their 8 man team at Poole and the injury to our man on a mission that night made our job very difficult, in my mind it will always be Poole's hollow victory It's unbelievable that you can pour blame onto Dale and the team for our loss, you'll never be satisfied!!3 points
Yes I am aware what Rob Godfrey quoted, the difference is not everyone believes it.3 points
I'm confident that crowds will be bigger next season. I know a couple of fans who used to be regulars in the EL, but had gradually attended less and less since Panthers dropped down - but they're already talking enthusiastically about next season. And that's just me; I'm sure plenty of other Panthers fans could report a similar story. Anyway, nobody will be going less often, surely?! One positive aspect of next season's line-up is that most of the riders (assuming it comprises the 7 we're expecting) have some sort of history with Panthers. Ged could have brought in 7 riders who are totally new to the club; it could well have been successful and we'd all be delighted. But then it's like supporting a team of strangers, speedway mercenaries. I know that's the nature of speedway, but I'm really glad that the first three signings are not only top riders, they also give us a certain feeling of being "our boys". Same goes for Bradley W-D and Paul Starke. Even Ben Barker to a lesser extent. Then, if the rumours are correct, it'd just leave ChasW as a "new" boy. The fact that the management team is still Ged, Neil & Carl only adds to the feelgood factor, imho. And I can't wait for the new season!3 points
3 points
Very sweet of a number of individuals who support other clubs to take concern over our reserves ....weak tail? Let's hope our tail slaps a few of you round the face a bit good and hard3 points
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3 points
What speedway needs is someone like Theresa May to run the sport. Someone who really knows what they are doing.3 points
Think in all probability Cook was signed before we got hit with this ridiculous points limit . No chance of winning anything with two 2 pointers at reserve . Echos of Blackman and Campbell at the start of 2004 . I hope i'm wrong , but it looks a bit of a botched team building job . Yes it's nice to have Cook , but he cant win meetings on his own3 points
Oi I don't bite... That's clearly Errr... Ruff I think even if the league is 'watered down' in terms of name stature... We might get better value for money than before... As at the end of the day a race between 4 even matched amateurs would be better than a race of Jason Doyle Vs Ruff, Grumbler and Tsunami (Although that might actually be hilarious to watch xD) I don't watch speedway to see big name riders ride, I watch it to see 4 hard working lads give it their all to come first, and that's generally the entertainment value, to me anyway... Was there rumours a few months back that the Gems would go National League? I know obviously that's not happening now, but it would be really cool to see a team of the likes of Josh Embleton, Danny Phillips and Ben Hopwood every other week at Brough with the Diamonds in between too... Back to speedway every weekend from March to October then...3 points
The main question that needs answering is why someone from Coventry, obviously so sour about the loss of "his or her" team has nothing else to do but to belittle everything that the Birmingham management are trying to slowly and steadily build up?2 points
Whether they should or should not have been allowed is not the point. The fact is they WERE allowed and approved by the same Mr Godfrey who later pulled the plug. Once the figures were approved and published season tickets were bought on the strength of it, holidays and other arrangements were booked around it, clubs and more inportantly some members of the paying public were out of pocket or inconvenienced because of it. When Speedwáy Star published the interview with Godfrey, spread over two pages there was not a single word, not even a hint of apology to the fans whose money keeps the sport alive, just columns of self justification and banging on about protocols . As ever the BSPA behave as if the customers are just an inconvenience they could do without.2 points
The new track won't happen. We will be in the same stadium and on the same track next season.2 points
2 points
He doesnt Zach has had another season so in the reserve berth lets say he will do the same as last season. Doyle will outscore Morris Shanes will outscore Smith Zach could do better than last year Bellego was good for about 7 most meetings, even if Lampart only gets 4 or 5 , the points loss from Bellego would be covered by Doyle and Shanes being better than Morris and Smith2 points
I make it 42.62 would be a good team tho Sorry hadn’t reduced Wright’s average by the 2.5% which now adds up to 42.49 so yes you’re right in saying it’s just under. It would mean Wright would start at reserve and we would always have a strong reserve no matter who dropped down, definitely the best team I’ve seen so far. We will just have to wait and see.2 points
2 points
The more I look at the Glasgow team the more it softens the blow about the sneaky underhand tactic the used to sign rasmus Jensen. Karma is a bitch an the more I look at the Glasgow team the more it makes me smile. That is not a good team at all, workington proved last season that 2nd strings an more importantly reserves win meetings. So all that money splashed out on a signing on fee on Jensen, going against an agreement an a fellow professional teams back an for What? Chris Harris being on guaranteed mony every meeting last year proves you can't always buy success, let's face it, he was pretty poor wasn't he.2 points
Beat me to it! I’ve been to Lakeside on many occasions, though not local to it. Of course I’d like a replacement. Wouldn’t we all?2 points
Jack had said himself it was down to the travelling that made his mind up not to return.2 points
Matej Zagar used to have the same problem. The signing of Jorgensen is not one that I would have gone for and don't think he will get the fans flocking back but we will have to see. So we have Wethers, Clegg, Jorgensen and Lunna with 3 left to go. Will be interesting to see who they are, no disrespect but hoping they are not Phillips (tried that route and it didn't work and I don't think he has improved as a rider) or Lindgren (needs a year away from Newcastle, feel he has gone stale). Top riders left appear to be Palm-Toft and Erik Riss, both of whom preform well around Brough, chances of getting both of them?? probably remote, but would like to get at least one. Baby Bjerre might be a good shout as George maybe able to sort him out, you never know. Looking forward to news of the next signing, I think the next 2 are make or break and feel they will determine whether we challenge or are also rans, Somerset already look strong contenders and potentially nailed on for the top spot, but speedway is a funny old game and you never can tell. Onwards to the next signing and 2019 our anniversary year.2 points
Good point Steve.Everyone is obviously in different financial positions. Supporters will pick and choose their meetings and it's their choice but I think the team we are putting together up to now looks competitive. We all need to get behind the club as much as possible to keep speedway going at Newcastle for the long term. Some on here won't realise what they had if the sport is lost.2 points
Assuming the expected duo to fill the team then there is plenty of scope for improvement without an out an out number one (the option I’d still prefer). Rory I wouldn’t expect to improve but that’s about the only one. There is an argument that every other rider should be able to add a point or more to those starting averages. Big key would be Becker. He comes with a fair bit of hype although I’m not totally sold on how good he is at this stage but am more than happy to be proved wrong. If he does do ok then it’s safe to say that we will always have a strong reserve which should give us a very solid outfit all throughout the season. i can see senior reserve position switching a few times whilst the number one position likewise could be held by any of that top 4.2 points
Unless he could not agree terms or there has been a fall- out its seems strange not to bring Jack back after pereseving with him last season,he showed promise and surely they had an idea of league structure being weakened,he should have been the 1 st name on the Teamsheet IMO2 points
IF Tom isn't at Brum this season the only reason i can think of is that he feels he has got the best out of himself on the track and wants to master somewhere else. He opted for P'boro the past couple of seasons (not a track that suited him) because he wanted to improve on all tracks and its paying off. Riders who want to be track specialists stay still, riders who want to dominate on all tracks move around,2 points
Im having 2nd thoughts Anyway have to keep up the speedway tradition of guests and doubling up2 points
Looking at the averages how false does Ash Morris figures look i felt as a rider he really has improved.Even in the top five he was battling away hope he can progress again.2 points
There is/was no issue between James and Poole. He knew he was underperforming and had discussed things with MF. Like most things in speedway it comes down to numbers! Good Luck at Swindon James.2 points
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2 points
Edwards is a fine signing IMHO, bright, talented, personable and level-headed. Such a mature approach in a youngster. Not a wild throttle-jockey but someone who goes about his business, constantly learns and quietly stacks up the points. I see him having a long and satisfying career.2 points
So, the likes of Stevie Worrall, Robert Lambert and Stuart Robson don't cut it for you then? Just about every club (to have announced their admission prices so far) have bumped their prices up for next season, so we are in-line with everybdy else (as I said, so far). If you think that the season ticket price (and, I have to admit I haven't really studied ours, or anyone else's) is a rip off, then the answer to that is quite simple and I'm sure you can work that one out for yourself!! The league may have been "watered down" but teams appear to have built with a weaker lower-end and still the top guys, i.e. Cook, both Worralls etc., are still getting a place in the 2nd tier, so I think it's still decent value. Please note, I am not having a go! It's just my opinion, something I have always tried to do on here if I happen to disagree with someone.2 points
James is a great signing for Swindon, did a solid job for Poole and will improve with the Robins under Doyley.2 points
If you don't have enough, or any assets, the BSPA give you a figure you must lodge with them, in addition to the mandatory bond which is held to cover speedway losses if you can't continue. If say Hulme was their rider, and his estimated value was £1500, and the minimum asset value for each club in your league was say £15k, you would have to pledge the difference which would be £13.5K2 points
You really do amaze me. The lad is pure class. Dugard’s reckon he will be on the world stage in the next 10 years and I have to agree with them I watched him beat riders this year way above his ability at the time with ease.2 points
There is a chasm between the 2, one a reserve all yr and the other riding at 2 most of the season2 points
Simply need more clubs in the NL and considering the dearth of clubs in the south Rye House should be allowed to join.2 points