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  1. If you name them all at once you get one story in the local papers. Name them one at a time and you get 7 stories in the local papers
    7 points
  2. Dunno about TaylorJ but I am How's that for honesty Regards THJ
    7 points
  3. Jake Allen has said no & is loyal to the Scorpions for a second time.
    6 points
  4. I thought the lower points limit was there to stop the likes of Cook coming into the CL. The league will still be too strong for some of the young riders expected to move up from the NL.
    6 points
  5. He may have deep pockets but from what I am hearing he has very short arms!
    6 points
  6. Ok. How about... Got pisse 'tired and emotional' in Poland, missed the Sunday flight, had to fly in early Monday morning and arrived feeling hungov dehydrated. That better?
    6 points
  7. Now here I am being good and refraining myself commenting on the Glasgow thread , but low and behold you keep popping your ugly heads up on ours Tero has Polish commitments on a Sunday I believe , so unless he has his own Rocket I doubt he would make it back to Newcastle for a 6.30pm tapes up !! So naff off back to your own thread and celebrate that big surpise (Not) of a team you have , leaving Rasmus to last, as the big unveil no-one knows about , looking forward to seeing his cheesy video Lets hope he takes to the Glasgow track as well as DP otherwise you be swinging on that long tail you've got
    5 points
  8. I expect he could be persuaded by the refurbished heating in the changing rooms
    4 points
  9. Troy flakey, but achieving 7.69. You need to look at all the puff pastry that’ll be returning to Poole next season! And no Chris Harris to bail you out!
    4 points
  10. What is this a Speedway forum or Homes under the Hammer
    4 points
  11. Just amazed the action hero supertroll did not allude to this signing.....
    4 points
  12. Lampart - 4.58 - Rosco has confirmed this on various social media platforms so no idea why you're saying it's 4.37.
    4 points
  13. If it makes you feel better, so am I. There are ways and means of doing business - but I guess it takes 2 to tango and Rasmus could have said no. Anyway, good luck next season.
    4 points
  14. I remember too, but sadly you have a certain management/promotion of a Scottish team so desperate and hell bent on doing anything they can to get a Trophy , then crying all over social media about how skint they are yet still manage to throw cash at riders (after they had agreed terms) ..... bitter about Rasmus ...yes I am too
    4 points
  15. If he has aspirations of getting back into the GPs riding championship especially with how watered down it is probably isn’t the best move. End of the day he’s probably getting a rather decent wage for beating NL riders so why not.
    4 points
  16. That's good... they are forecasting a wet summer next year
    3 points
  17. Are we not aloud to be confident? Most other teams would be if they’d named the top 4 we have. If Poole had named Doyle, Batch, Ellis, Musielak I’m sure we’d be told that there was no point in turning up as the league was already won.
    3 points
  18. I dont know how much they pay the riders but going by some on here it is too much. Rider cost was only part of the problem though, staff wages in other areas have been cited , factor in upgrades to stadium area, track , advertising and it all mounts up. The same observation can be made about your own team and i am not having a go at Edinburgh here ,they also made similar noises two seasons ago hence the fans fighting fund. Same thing as ourselves except the owners are picking up the loss and not the fan fund. I do see were you are coming from though and it is just not a Glasgow problem, but we don't help ourselves with the statement released and then allegedly offer big wages , if indeed we have it is only conjecture.
    3 points
  19. All the people who were slating Belle Vue yesterday can now see who the unprofessional person was.
    3 points
  20. I`d be surprised if NB Jacobsen wasnt confirmed quite soon for return to Berwick in 2019, just a guess though. On a different subject how encouraging is it to see the continuing improvement in Ricky Ashworth. Possible para Olympian.
    3 points
  21. You would if you saw him regularly at the Showground brum, absolutely brilliant there. Away form was always a bit suspect though, mainly on the tight tricky tracks ...
    3 points
  22. I wouldn't trust him either
    3 points
  23. Not heard anything about sponsorship at all, not sure when the two year deal is up and even more uncertain of it's continuation now that we have new owners of the club and what effects it will have , but I would hope they are willing to carry on with there excellent support that they have already given to the club as it is valued highly for there help. Regardless which ever way they choose to go , I think we should thank them for the way they have supported the club in there quest to lay foundations for the clubs future.
    3 points
  24. Don't have time to check but assume you've posted the same on the Leicester and Somerset pages as the likes of Harris, Nicholls, Schlein, Worrall won't be cheap but then ironically Somerset, Leicester and Glasgow will all have young UK riders in there team. And will the 12.19 used up by Cook and Lawlor cost more than say Wilson-Dean (6.00) and Doolan (6.09) Await post from THJ to gives us the honest facts
    3 points
  25. I dont do it on purpose, I had what I thought was a source close to the club, I won’t be listening to him again.
    3 points
  26. Is it really in Buster’s interest to build a power house team at any of his 3 venue’s? Surely he wants close exciting meetings. No good having a strong team at Boro and packing the place if no sod turns up at Foxhall or Saddlebow. i would suggest he wants 3 evenly balanced sides
    3 points
  27. There seems to be that many variations of teams about but if starke and barker are at reserve it will take some beating
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. Can’t understand why the Aces aren’t standing by a rider who has bleed Aces blood for his team. Much more to this than meets the eye, especially since Cook has now refuted the statement by Belle Vue. Dont think there has been a more loyal servant to the Aces than Cook in recent years, sometimes loyalty really means little. Be interesting to see who the Aces are planning on using next season then now. Fricke looks nailed on. Just wonder if Bewley is going to be fit to start the year .
    2 points
  30. DC loud in the close season. Come July he will disappear again with Swindon croaking again.
    2 points
  31. Chris Louis living in the past......?
    2 points
  32. Pity they couldn't get the year correct on the headline .
    2 points
  33. Your point hasn’t been debated about junior pricing if indeed it is £10 for a 12 year old to attend, that’s way too much and discouraging the next generation to fall in love with the sport, many simply won’t come as parents won’t be able to afford it. I have 3 kids who come to Somerset with me most weeks (2 are aged over 12) and if it was £10 per 12 year old, I simply couldn’t justify bringing them and would then have to justify attending myself, as we attend as a family and it simply wouldn’t be the same on my own without them. £10 for a student who can potentially earn some money - maybe at a push - but a tenner for a 12 year old sorry that’s simply not viable for most families and is short sighted by promoters. It will hurt them in the long run as a generation will be lost to the sport. Like most of you out there we were hooked as kids!
    2 points
  34. Bloody hell! How thick can you get?
    2 points
  35. Personally I'm not a massive Batch fan but at number 5 he'll be better than some number 1's. I expect Doyle & Batch to score around 25 points per meeting between them. Those two should take the p!ss. If Adam & Tobi then add a combined 15 points then the top 4 will have 40 points between them....I think the 4 are more than capable of achieving that.
    2 points
  36. Would be a bargain on 6.02 average.
    2 points
  37. Belle Vue apparently aren't. The problem is that riders today view speedway as a full time occupation when in fact it never - apart from the very top boys - has been. Its why they all want to double up. It occasionally seems to me that promoters - and Glasgow spring very much to mind - take to the press to state how the club's existence is in jeopardy and how they are losing huge amounts of money and then go out and agree fantastic deals with riders ( I heard a couple last night that made me shake my head with disbelief). You are absolutely right about 'the same mess' , and rider demands are one reason why that is the case.
    2 points
  38. I think his antics from last season getting the Glasgow meeting called off along with Schlein Will scupper both their chances of being at foxhall. Also the incident a few years ago when he kicked off and was banned from the meeting
    2 points
  39. Not denying his level in GB ,but should he really be riding in Championship giving the problems in the sport,and what the BSPA said they are trying to remedy by lowering points limit to bring GB youngsters into the league and cut costs.He won’t be cheap but if a club are willing to pay we can’t really complain,it’s not his fault.Sport is still in the same mess for another year IMO.
    2 points
  40. What another thing he got wrong amazing!!
    2 points
  41. Bit harsh, Cookie was a run off away from being back in the GP next season.
    2 points
  42. Something that cost us dearly in 2017.
    2 points
  43. THJ comes with a reputation, him not me, as does Baby Bjerre, I doubt George would want their disruptive influence in the pits IMHO. (but nothing would surprise me) Summers and NBJ will be at Berwick I would guess. You need to look further afield I would suggest for your different riders... Newcastle will look very different this year from previous years and not before time as the place needed a change of face and freshened up. Luna is a good start and last year the promotion pulled the proverbial rabbit out of the hat with Matty Wethers who I for one had serious doubts about but fair play to Matty he proved me (and many others) wrong. I am sure there will be one or two more surprises on the way. Kasper Lykke maybe as a second string as we have not seen him for a couple of seasons and he was another rider who George used as a guest in times gone by. Its the big hitter who will be the big surprise I would suggest; and whats the odds on Ricky Wells? As he is another who always goes well at Brough and if Edinburgh do not use him he may be a viable option Regards THJ
    2 points
  44. Glad he wasn’t considered for a place. Too inconsistent. Average too high. I thank him for his efforts last season though, especially the semi final.
    2 points
  45. Had Tero not agreed a deal with Newcastle ?,,, it all smells a bit 'Glasgowee' this, maybe a second hand Vivaro swung the deal
    2 points
  46. I think he's worth a punt on 4.7(ish) average at reserve or #2.
    2 points
  47. Looks like Instead of collapsing mid season and failing to make the playoffs like last year, Swindon are making sure they won’t have that disappointment in 2019 by a determined effort of a place in the bottom three.
    2 points
  48. I remember a few years back our team in the 2nd division was Doyle, Nick Morris and Josh Graz' so what's changed, have the riders costs gone way up and why? as a result are riders asking for more money? are the owners of some stadium's charging more rent? Is the financial situation so bad Somerset cannot reduce admission for OAP's? If people are going to pay more for less something needs to be done to make an evening at speedway more than 15 minutes of racing. There is now plenty of speedway on TV, you have Swedish and Polish speedway with top stars. So why would you want to go and stand in the cold to watch it live. If it was football, or Darts or many other sports the answer would be, Well it not the same on TV you don't get the atmosphere. and there's the problem, speedway at many tracks has no atmosphere, love them or hate them air horns added to the excitement, the jingles like you have 2 minutes, or music specific to each rider or wipe out when you got a 5-1, or perhaps even one firework at the end of a meeting, or not doing interviews when the tractor grade obliterates the riders reply, or a club mascot for the kids, (used to think Wolverhampton's Mr Wolf was great). I remember the old Bristol flag man dressed up in his flashy suit, dancing around when he waved the flag. It's difficult if you don't have a grandstand as people are spread around, but there is no excuse not to play up to date mood and uplifting music to create excitement, or an announcer who sounds enthusiastic. Why in boxing do the competitors get such an over the top introductions, it's not to make the match boring is it. Speedway does nothing to attract new young customers, and the old boys, who make up a large percentage of the fans, will drift away because of it's no longer value for money and they will sit in front of the fire in the warm with a glass of wine and remember the old days when you could smell the methanol and the bikes were louder and your favourite rider ( for whom you had his coffee cup and rosette and badge) stayed for more than one season.
    2 points
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