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An emotive post THJ and after losing both parents in the last two and half years one I can relate too. I have an idea how much you have done for the Comets and would just like to say a very big thank you, your help in all the ways you mention has been invaluable. Best wishes to yourself and Dad for Xmas and 2019 fella.9 points
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Hans is a solid scorer and will do well at Peterborough- he’s a good team man who will help the rest of the team6 points
You've got a good un in Ash. He has served the Diamonds well these last few seasons. Good Luck to him.5 points
We are not worthy of such information , it's a bit like a second hand car dealers price guide catalogue i'm afraid.4 points
If any rider was loyal to his team it was Cook, unbelievable that they would let him go.4 points
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What a load of rubbish moaning about things that haven't even happened and not likely to happen. If it does happen THEN have a good old moan4 points
The truth is that NOBODY on here knows. We don’t know to what extent their business relation is. The deal with Peterborough could be totally different from the deal he has with Ipswich. We know Louis has insisted on certain clauses and has a buy back option, we haven’t heard of anything similar with Peterborough. One Lynn fan told us on here not to expect any rider announcements this side of Christmas, it’s the Buster way. And yet Peterborough have just announced two and we’re looking to reveal the full 7 before Christmas! Nobody knows exactly what details are involved with this so called “commercial” deal.4 points
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There is one on now of him getting Pis*ed in the Crystal Palace (Wetherspoons) singing oh the Edinburgh are shi*e at the top of his voice. He is not a bad singer is Craig and a very musical tune he has chosen.3 points
Nobody really knows why Craig as been omitted from BV , high wage demands are just speculation, what I will say is that after 8 years at Belle Vue , CC was everything you’d want from a Speedway rider ... loyal , committed, gave 100% every meeting , i certainly wish him the best wherever he ends up3 points
If you were talking of riders such as Mauger, or Crump you might have had a point, you are having a laugh if you think cook adds to the gate, If he's pricing himself out then its time for him to go, the management have a budget and have to stick to it.3 points
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Quite jealous actually always gives his best and although not the rider he was, he will at the very least achieve his average.3 points
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You don't enjoy watching Klindt's amazing racing skills & wholehearted gutsy performances weekly? What's wrong with you?3 points
If he comes in on his 2012 average of 4.58, we can’t sign Stefan Nielsen and Zach. Surely, Jake Allen 4.56 or Summers 4.58 would have made more sense on that average? Bonkers.2 points
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Welcome back Tero, pretty sure the Diamonds fans will be disappointed. Could be a big season for the likeable Finn who has shown signs in recent seasons of being capable of taking the next step of achieving consistent heat leader status. If this does materialise then it can only help in the big heats.2 points
Really? Didn't the BSPA write a whole new rule, just for Cook, to say that if you cried off from a meeting with a dodgy illness excuse you were banned for 7 days? Was he giving 100% in your bank holiday meetings with Leicester when he did 1 pointless ride before pulling out of both meetings because he was "tired"?2 points
Wow. A day of mega surprises for diamonds fans. Nike Lunna signed. Where did that come from. Never expected that. Ash gone. GUTTED! Maybe a bigger surprise than the Lunna signing. Had him nailed on as a dead cert for 2019 diamonds. Really disappointed he's chose to go elsewhere. Tero to Workington. Whilst possibly not as big a surprise, again a dissapointment. Not sure where our team building goes now., last years's engine room has been ripped out.2 points
Its all about opinions .... My personal opinion is saying Belle Vue are stuffed in early December is way to premature2 points
It is what it is, looking forward to a few new names. Would like to see Bjerre back and one of the Holders.2 points
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The bloke faked a family members death on the Reading forum years ago, anything is possible with him.2 points
Remember in previous years in play off meetings against Poole. He had BV blood running through his veins and was totally commited. He was gutted more than anyone when they just missed out winning. If I had been a BV supporter I could not have wished for a more commited rider. Full of raw emotion for BV to do well. It was not just another European Club for him as part of global track riding around Europe. In some ways I kind of hated the guy, but maybe it was part envy as that's the kind of commitment and sense of elation/grief I want to see from more riders when they are trying their best for the team and are GENUINELY gutted when they lose out. For many of the top riders its almost a sense of just another meeting and off to POL/SWE/DK tomorrow so doesn't mean too much. Maybe also being British he has also felt a real connection to the team over the years he has been with BV.2 points
Ashley Morris is a really good signing, a solid second string who has had a good few seasons up on Tyneside, so its easy to see why alot of Newcastle fans wanted him back. He averaged 6+ at home last year and for me hes more than capable of putting a points on his 5.44 average esp now the points limit has been reduced. David Mason said in the double page feature in the Speedway Star that all the team has been signed up and we be announced before christmas.2 points
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Adam indicated in one of the interviews that if we complete with the team he knows of then we will be very competitive at the top & bottom end.2 points
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He has been binned according to the man himself and the management didn't even tell him. Learnt through a 3rd party. I'll take that apology now thanks Gavan!!2 points
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Mitch Davey has tweeted he's on the look out for NL/CL team places for 2019 - he wasn't given the 3.00 average required for PL racing...…. Would like to see him back at the Barr.2 points
Please Please not. I spent so much time defending him in his wild Elite days and he kept letting us down despite his obvious talent. With the new found club and team spirit of the last four years it would be a disaster in my opinion.2 points
Here you go https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pubs+close+to+ibrox+stadium&oq=pubs+near+ibrox&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0l3.10646j0j4&client=ms-android-tmobile-gb&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#istate=lrl:mlt Hopefully keep you off this thread for a while.2 points
Good news about Ellis. Hes going the right way and I found it ridiculous that anyone could have put together a predicted/wanted 1-7 without him in it this year. I'm not as worried about a weak bottom end to the team as most. We are going to be a lot stronger at number 1 this season and whilst I wouldn't have wanted Batch back as a number 1, he is probably the best number 5 in the league. So far so good.2 points
who cares where we heard it first, why not let the clubs announce who they are signing or are you on some sort of mission to announce who has signed who before the clubs have chance to let their supporters know,why be a spoiler?2 points
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Singy13 you are a bit of a "Nosy Parker" on the quiet mind aren't you... however I will humour you with a response in deference to being open and honest. Where I spend my cash is my choice to be fair; and last year I sponsored 10 riders , 4 at Newcastle; 2 at Workington; 1 at Glasgow; 1 at Scunthorpe; 1 at Redcar and 1 at Berwick; and through the business I injected £46k into speedway in 2018, that was my commitment to the sport last year and since 2009 I have put in around £150k into the sport in total; primarily in rider sponsorship. I have been fortunate to be in a position to do so and that following a major impact to my business in 2010 when Rok plc collapsed and the fall out from that company going into administration cost me £590k wiping out my personal pension fund and it has been really difficult to maintain this level of support in speedway over the years but I did: I am not sure how I managed to do this whether it was good management or just good luck however I pulled the business back up from the brink; building it back up into a profitable entity and I would like to think that was down to the former rather than the latter. Unfortunately this year saw the loss of my main contract to a French company called Engie and that took £1.2M out of my turnover, so that is going from the "Sublime to the Ridiculous" to be fair and where I could have run a Speedway team writing off losses against Corporation Tax that now isn't going to happen. I do have enough personal disposable cash to finance a team and was approached to be a promoter this year, but why should I pump in thousands of pounds of my own money into something that will never be a viable business under the current constraints. I would like to think I am a competent enough businessman to run a Speedway operation, not just the team but the whole mechanics behind it to make a profit; however I have never been exposed to such a ramshackle way to do business and unless it changes or I could influence change I am not the guy to take it forward, I have had enough now and I have only had 18/24 month of serious involvement. So I can happily waste my time on watching football that will cost me around £60 to £100 quid for a day/night out and without any of the hassle or grief that comes with running a Speedway team saving me a fortune in the long run. I am happy to do my bit; and in 2018 I have done every job in the club from track electrician, programme and 50/50 ticket seller to team manager and helped with (and put cash into) the Workington Speedway Trust who raised £12k last year and £16k the season before with some really committed fans who want to see speedway survive in West Cumbria and certainly do not have the disposable funds I have access to but the do fantastic work. However I keep asking myself what is the point? You baulked at the suggestion of the removal of the concession at Derwent Park which would have mitigated all be it in a very small way to reducing the losses of the club, after all it is nothing other clubs have not done, but you were vehemently against that so why should anyone pump in thousands of pounds of their own cash to subsidise other fans speedway without it at least being viable. After all what is another £3 quid or a fiver for that matter if it was the difference to having or not having Speedway. Look at the Berwick thread they are going through the same pain... Now on this little chestnut, my Dad had a brain haemorrhage nearly 4 year ago in January 2015 and had cranioscopy surgery then a follow up operation where a Titanium plate was fitted in lieu of removed bone, which was the first successful cranioscopy surgery and reconstructive follow up works carried out on an octogenarian at the RVI Newcastle ever (so he's a bit of a celebrity in there) (they had tried it 7 times previous and all the others didn't make it unfortunately). However since this event happened he now has Vascular Dementia and I have lived with him since he came out of hospital primarily to stop the need for him going into residential care. (why? because I am in the fortunate position where I can) Unfortunately with this disease he can get his self a bit confused and sometimes he wakes up at midnight and thinks it is dinner time like Monday night Tuesday morning, added to which he actually thought it was Sunday and wanted a Sunday dinner. I only wished it was as simple as doing a Night Shift at work believe me; he had a water infection last month and it was the first time I had ever heard anyone "speaking in tongues" and made the David Baddiel documentary about his father’s dementia, "The Trouble with Dad" both hilarious and tragic at the same time because if you don't laugh you will end up in tears and driven round the bend. So to answer your question no I was not checking all were awake? and if you have gleaned anything from the comments above there is no need to do a night shift for the business I own as that like my old boy it is pretty stuffed as well, furthermore I was led to believe that only Whores and Policemen done night shift, (oh sorry!!! and Paulco!!! whatever he does? sorry Paulco) So I hope I have answered your questions and posts to your satisfaction. At the end of the day I am only an ordinary Puff not an Octo-Puff I only have one pair of hands not eight and can only juggle so many balls at once, oh and added to which my daughter is about to have ones first grandchild in the next week or two so that's something else to contend with. Ho Ho Ho feckin Ho Speedway? Sometimes I haven't got time to have a S***e let alone do anything else!!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers Regards THJ2 points
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