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  1. He doesn’t - he’s a troll
    5 points
  2. https://www.eastbourneeagles.co/news-1/2018/11/24/latest-statement So Eastbourne almost ready to accept their move to the Championship, should be confirmed by next weekend.
    3 points
  3. I’m a Lynn fan who stopped going to KL for a few reason - one of the main reason is the poor racing gate and go is the norm - the one thing Pboro has got is a far superior race track that’s unless Buster ruins that as well .
    3 points
  4. Doesn't exactly inspire anyone when theres Lynn fans who say they dont go to home meetings because of the way he runs his beloved Lynn team, then theres those who seem to think Peterborough are now the poor neighbours that will just end up with whats left and have very limited funds to attract anyone ,NKI and Bjerre might prefer to "come home" now, they both could be used as a means of getting some of the fans that had drifted away to return and as has been pointed out many times assets are pointless now as riders will ride were they want to.
    3 points
  5. Who is the Workington promoter
    3 points
  6. Well there’s a surprise....
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I've never ever in my life heard a rider utter these very words before..........DISGRACEFUL !!!...........LOL
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. They will mean he loves himself and his family more then Workington
    2 points
  11. If there is a track available at Rye House, which it seems it is, and there is a promotion able to run speedway there and there seems there is, would you not think it would be in the interests of everyone to put one with the other and keep speedway going, irrespective of the arguments between the former Rye House promotion and the BSPA
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I would suspect it's along the lines of the bond, that they are required to post with the BSPA before they run, not being sufficient to cover their outstanding debts (riders wages etc.). The BSPA will have paid the riders the outstanding wages, all be it at the standard league rate. I.e. Not the additional money agreed between Rye House and the individual riders. Just a theory.
    2 points
  14. According to Cookie , when he joined , he stated he was getting paid for results, so to me I think lessons have been learnt
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Some new names would be useful. It like living in a time warp. Have missed brum's banter over the last few years. It's been grim downstairs. We've had to bring Taps and his mates with us (in fact as step bruvvers now) but no pain no gain as they say
    2 points
  17. Well I reckon you did a pretty good job taming the Lions this season......and the season before........and the season before............
    2 points
  18. So long as Buster doesnt insist they go to Foxhall I dont care either way
    2 points
  19. God you lot need an injection of enthusiasm, hope you get it with a few signing announcements, the management holding a fans forum would be great too.... I understand you're tentative re the new arrangement, guess I would be, but you have speedway at the showground for another year, that's great, particularly our derbies
    2 points
  20. Smashing news, Jock Sedgmen back in the blue and gold, should be the ideal partner for Josh in the engine room of the team. Sedgy on the white line, Josh along the air fence. Perfect team riding! He should add a bit to the 6 average especially at home, where he is much loved. Welcome home....the bar has been polished for your next performance.
    2 points
  21. Sometimes things just dont work out He never really fitted in - didnt seem to mix fully in the pits and certainly didnt connect with the fans. Turned down various offers of help with machinery when he looked very slow Think it was more that his injuries were much worse than he let on that was the problem Probably it was only that options were limited that meant he wasnt shipped out earlier. Whilst his eventual departure was farcical to say the least it was definitely the right decision If he is fully fit Im sure he will do a decent job back where he feels most comfortable
    2 points
  22. Hi ruff, but forgot I was going to reply. I blame the 5 pints after the King Donner last night. A good night with a decent showing with all 3 owners, and of course mine host was John Taylor of Boilertech our main sponsor, who's son in law has the pub The Shakespears Tavern, Guide Post. Nothing formal just a bit of craic, pie, peas and gravy, together with tickets for 2 free drinks. Can we not have one of these every week ? Roy had brought a DVD with cuttings from Sunderland and other tracks, and lots of old Newcastle teams and our PL winning season. That went down well. No talk of the future team, I think cos that wasn't the point of the night, but there will be a Xmas Party this year the 22nd December at the PTE, which is going to be formally announced soon, so get it your diary, but I don't think tickets for 2 free drinks will be on offer.
    2 points
  23. Honestly I think if I was to produce the actual pay slips you wouldn't believe it and having been a sponsor for many years now of various riders (even some at Glasgow) you get to find out what is actually going on, but at the end of the day we are where we are and once the dust settles nothing will come of it, however the hypocrisy is overwhelming and if the roles were reversed there would be just as big an outcry of foul play from the other side without a shadow of doubt. However as sated earlier I do genuinely hope Glasgow win something this year for all they have done to improve facilities and all they have spent (not just on riders) to improve and develop the sport in the area they deserve some reward for their effort. Good Luck in 2019. Regard THJ
    2 points
  24. Talking of season ticket holders getting a discount, had an e-mail from the club today saying because of Rye House folding last season & one meeting not taking place ,£17 will be knocked of next seasons renewal. So credit were credits due, because this hasn't happened before in past seasons.
    2 points
  25. Hi to all Workington Fans. Here is the rub, running in 2019 will be very difficult and honestly it still is in doubt as to whether we will be coming to the tapes next year, however I am proposing something different and developing a business plan (with others) to save the club and to ensure it runs at least for the next three years whilst Derwent Park is still available, what happens after this period we can worry about then. What I am looking for is some commitment from fans; local businesses or anyone who has contact details of anyone who can offer support who I can talk to, the proposal is to form a new partnership (LLP) to run the club. For obvious reasons I can not go into much detail on here however, I do have the bit between my teeth; but I can not do this all on my own. I am working with the promotion to formulate a plan to take the club forward and continue with the sport in Workington. The Club "end of season bash" is at the Workington Railway Club this Friday and I will be open for any discussions then where the plan can be discussed or if anyone would like to PM me I can provide details. The Speedway Trust who have provided invaluable support over the last two seasons and will be heavily involved along with all of the fan base. It is an open secret that the club isn't financially viable and has had cash flow problems, hopefully my proposal will go a long way to correcting this. As the BSPA General Meeting is coming up fast this proposal is time limited unfortunately as certain assurances and guarantees have to be met at the BSPA AGM. So come on Workington how much do you want Speedway, its your call. Once its gone I very much doubt you will ever get it back Regards THJ
    1 point
  26. None of the riders have been paid by either the bspa or BMR .Rye house/ BMR should not be able to use the stadium for anything speedway until all monies have been settled.
    1 point
  27. you are just picking on the wrong guy/gal . many fans back down to you , but i have a feeling this one wont . so onwards and upwards as they say . responding to gazc by the way .
    1 point
  28. That would b down to Leigh Adams. They have used the names all year as well as 2 other names from overseas. All with the blessing of the clubs.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. What are the odds on Jon Cook running an Eastbourne team in the Championship, and the Dugards running a Young Eagles team in the National League? hmmmmm....rumours...
    1 point
  31. But if the former Rye House Promotion own the track then it's unlikely that the BSPA would want to see them getting any return on their investment by renting the track to someone else.
    1 point
  32. Who would you suggest? That team, depending on the last rider would be hard to beat around Shielfield and pick up a few points away. i think survival is more important than ambition at this time ! And I for one am just extremely happy to have Speedway in Berwick
    1 point
  33. 5.79 premiership average 2017 6.17 championship average 2017
    1 point
  34. Well at least in 2019 there won't be any Olympics, World Cup or Euro football to interrupt fixtures. And with many clubs not starting til April (with Easter late next April) rather than March, maybe fewer rain -offs as well.
    1 point
  35. Try this: Imagine Colin or Mick Horton had just purchased your Club and then see how enthusiastic you feel! That’s the rough equivalent for Panthers fans. Midweek racing has never gone down well with our fans which is a major issue although Stars fans are now very used to it - I can remember when Saturday nights were your race meetings with Simmo and Betsy as I often used to attend so acceptance and adjustment is possible but takes time.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. I'd agree. You could get the pair for around 14.5 points.
    1 point
  38. He has not been to the new PUEGEOT ASHFIELD ARENA though, the one we have spent twenty squillion on and pi*sed everyone in Cumbria of bar Jenga for existing.
    1 point
  39. Workington in gazump scandal , well who would have thought that .
    1 point
  40. It's always worth checking in to the BSF to make sure your still a T it And talking of maths.. Pity others can't do basic economic maths.. Then we wouldn't have a rediculous 38 point limit... Of course not mentioning names
    1 point
  41. Hey asser marra...nowt up with Cumbrian eh..
    1 point
  42. At this point in time I will be surprised if this arrangement lasts to the end of the first season and TOTALLY AMAZED if it goes into its second season (with or without GED). As as you say in another post unless GED is in sole charge the risk of a clash between Buster and the Showground management has to be a high possibility and we all know what the outcome of that will be!
    1 point
  43. I think you'll find that like everyone else the promotion is waiting to see what the NL AGM brings.
    1 point
  44. It was fine last year - one of the closest competitions for years!!
    1 point
  45. The rule was put in last year so if Zagar, Woffinden etc that had sub 8 averages could only return on 8.00 minimum. That's why Vaculik came in on 8.00 but as Chris Holder had ridden here in 2017 he was allowed to keep his 7.16 average. now he has missed a season, I would have thought he now has to be assessed at 8.00 just as others were.
    1 point
  46. Chris Holder in a Buster Chapman owned team dont think it will happen
    1 point
  47. Got to be positive ....panthers have a top class track and the best riders in the country should be riding it
    1 point
  48. So pleased to be back in this part of the forum. I have missed reading the contributions of Shovlar and SteveBrum. As for the Panthers side, we have so many options. I'm told Jepsen Jensen is looking for a ride in the UK this year. We would be silly not to use him.
    1 point
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