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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2018 in all areas

  1. I find calling them lesbians often gets get a response
    14 points
  2. I think you are absolutely right and this simply has to be addressed. The pay rates that I have heard Glasgow were offering were unbelievable, and I got that from several sources. Its all very well to bleat about huge losses but when part of that is down to unsustainable wages responsibility lies significantly with the promotion themselves - they are the ones who are just ignoring the income they have when they consider their expenditure. Glasgow might be the worst example but there's no doubt in my mind that others are almost as bad. I have said several times in the past that aside from the very top boys speedway has never been a full time occupation - at whatever level - and the sooner we get back to that the better. I am sure there will be riders who really won't like it but they need to get a grasp on reality.
    7 points
  3. Don't keep paying over the odds to riders , it effects every team when you do that and pushes then nearer the mire as well
    7 points
  4. i have always been a huge fan of what the promotion has done at Glasgow,i fine job indeed, they have always been rumoured to be be the strongest payers in the the league and will pay what they need to pay and more to get the 7 riders they want that i always respect and have no problem with,its good always a strong team and is one fixture i always look for at the start of the season, another good thing but.....to turn around and say they need to look at at operational cost well that seems to be of their own making,and only they can address it
    6 points
  5. Well if he brings it up in an interview then it kinda is up for discussion!
    6 points
  6. Insane money for any league.
    5 points
  7. Harris's sob story is pathetic,he's earn a few bob more than he makes out,total self interest.Why go Long Tracking to lose money !!!.had a lot of respect for him as a rider and entertainer but his PR is terrible.90+ meetings this season and just making ends meet!! Pull the other one!
    5 points
  8. I dont see any good reason to be gloating or laughing about the Glasgow situation Regardless of any financial budget reduction that is coming I think we should all hope that there isnt a similar reduction in interest in the sport generally The overall approach and attitude to club and community (IMO as a neutral outsider) has been a breath of fresh air I very much hope that continues and others decide to follow
    4 points
  9. Well done Pob for your efforts with the Massif pages Would be great to see the Witches and the Massif get bigger and better next season
    4 points
  10. Things can change over the course of the 3 days. What someone says on day 1 can change dramatically by day 3. Thats why in the past someone has supposedly 'leaked' some detail which then turns out to be inaccurate I'm all for a well-worded, fully informative press statement at the end of the AGM.
    4 points
  11. it could be that there are a few more clubs hiding their financial problems from others , inc the bspa etc . clubs like my own are struggling to get to the tapes in 2019 . lakeside .newcastle and a few more may not enter the league . its time to shove ALL the big lads up a league and not allow them back . time ti stick together , promoter wise and not sign any big names . what do you want to do . sign a big name and see your team go down the pan while the big names milks the lower leagues ? thses are our clubs . we cant support them any more than what we are already doing. so big names must not be signed . i would rather see a team like workington built last season than see 1 man milk it and still be in a job the following year , while we are stuck with Saturday night tv . so come on promoters . stop signing the likes of nicholls,cook morris and co and give British speedway a chance . its your choice . use it or lose it . sorry for hijacking the thread , but it seems to be the correct thread to put it on .J long live the tiggers and the cornets !
    4 points
  12. Not really interested how he spends his earnings ,simply saying his Interview is a PR disaster if he expects people to believe what he says.Self Interest and other people paying for everything seems to be what he would like.He can only ride a speedway bike.
    4 points
  13. Karma for what i really cant get my head round that comment. Our promotion have done a lot wrong i agree but they also have done an awful lot right. But the attitude you show that you would rather gloat and wind fellow speedway fans up says a lot more about you. If i suspect you support Workington i would never consider gloating on a club that may not come to tapes next year but as i say it says more about you that you feel the need to gloat.
    3 points
  14. What a load of short-sighted, jealous folk there are about calling themselves speedway fans and gloating because a team's owners comes out and makes a statement. Sure Glasgow spent on trying to put a winning team together but what a lot of folk so blinkered they can't see past their own team is that the Glasgow Promotion also invested heavily in the community around Ashfield. When they bought the stadium they also guaranteed the continuation of the areas junior (equivalent of English non-league) football team and the money spent on the work on the stadium was mostly done by local companies employing local people. Yeah if the Facenna's walk away because of losses it's more than speedway that loses out. Think about the greater picture rather than gloat!!!
    3 points
  15. Got to also be remembered, that Glasgow own their stadium and the outlets in it, so no 'rent ' as such, and an extra money stream, and possible tax exemption if they put it through their business. Ironic that the have poured money into riders who other clubs were likely to sign, only to call off the signing cos Glasgow has found the magic money tree. They are reaping what THEY have sown.
    3 points
  16. My understanding is that only 12 promoters turned up so guests were brought in from the Polish League. But most of them were late getting up so were excluded under the 2 minute rule. Rider Replacement was then applied which resulted in Matt Ford getting additional votes A number of promoters were excluded for having a different opinion to Matt Ford
    3 points
  17. I'd be surprised if 'most' top Championship riders are paid that amount. If they are, it doesn't take the genius of an Einstein to work out why speedway teams are in desperate financial straights.
    3 points
  18. Can never understand the powers that be who run the sport. Many have said we are at a watershed moment in the sport and this could be one of the most important AGM's in determining which way the sport goes in UK. I find it incredible that the SGB site is only too keen to mention it has doubled its Twitter followers and that its only ??? until the sport returns in March yet NOTHING mentioned about this very important AGM starting today. One would have thought in the very least they should be all over twitter mentioning one of the most important AGM's ever to have taken place in the sport was kicking off today. Also making most of social media to say they would update twitter/facebook immediately news flowed out of the AGM as to whom may be continuing in the sport in 2019 and informing us the poor mushrooms that we would be kept updated as to any news as it happens on any changes to league format/team points limits and anything else that would keep fans regualary checking the site for updates. Maybe it just shows the ignorance of the BSPA that they choose to keep all in the dark even to the degree of not even mentioning arguably the most important AGM in the sports recent history. Like do they think that thousands would be descending upon Chepstow in protest or to try and influence the meeting ?? To me it would make sense to keep fans informed in order that general interest can be kept throughout the 3 day meeting process. Yes we can wait until its all done and dusted and get one big version but that's hardly utilising modern media to its full potential. Incredible to think that POL transfer window closes in 2 days and Sweden almost completed their teams, yet we sit hear with nothing but news about clubs closing or promoters looking to sell up or clubs needing major cash injections if they a re to continue in 2019.
    3 points
  19. Yup........and at least we can be assured (because speedway is such an honest, up front game) that there would be absolutely no chance of race fixing........LOL
    3 points
  20. Don't think the heatleaders worry about injuries at all. Their concerns will only be about finances. To put themselves week in week out through handicap racing they'll demand a higher per point wage or larger signing on / guarantee payment simply because they're certain of less money.
    3 points
  21. Neither! in Poland speedway is run as a proper professional team sport promotion relegation riders on riding for one team and no guests. Then add in sponsorship tv rights press coverage speedway in Poland becomes something that people want to attend and be involved in unlike here where its seen like the embarrassing uncle at Christmas.
    3 points
  22. Lambo started the season on 7.38 and his GSA at the end of the season is 9.31 Doyle started on 9.69, ended on 9.57 Bewley started on 4.71, ended early on 7.23 Dan did very well before his crash and looking at the stats upped his average the most until he suffered that nasty injury. Doyle's av speaks for itself imho. Lambo seemed to have matured this season, and reached another level. His team riding was great, he finished 2nd in the averages, only just below Doyle, his interviews seem like he is maturing nicely too. I know i'm a Lynn fan but for me it was Lambo..
    3 points
  23. 98. A season I’ll never forget as an Ipswich fan
    3 points
  24. I’ll tell you exactly what I was on if it is of such importance, it’s no secret, £60 per point, 15pence per mile and £1000 sign on fee which was split into two parts, now I don’t know exactly the amount of points I scored so let’s say 300 max and I’m being nice to myself 300 x 60=£18000, great wages, Now let’s take out the 10k it cost me to race so that’s 8k from April until mid August, not bad but not great wages BUT I have a job, I don’t expect speedway to pay 24/7 anymore, anyone who thinks that the majority of speedway riders are earning loads are deluded. Now please, don’t get me misconstrued I get that riders cannot demand what isn’t there but please, please don’t think riders are on mega bucks because it simply isn’t true
    3 points
  25. Yes,,, like a pie in one and, another pie in the other
    2 points
  26. I find it a bit strange that some are hoping for a running commentary from the AGM Until the end nothing is decided/confirmed and even then may require some tweaking in hindsight I do just hope though that all of that is in place before the season starts this time. It is the supplementairies that are most damaging IMO
    2 points
  27. Seen a fair few of these comments regarding Heeps this year. All I can say is I wish I was as fat as this lad!
    2 points
  28. The SCB is not invited to the AGM as it is for the BSPA to decide the future formats of speedway, so why should you be looking for anything on the SCB twitter. Every year a press statement is prepared as they leave the AGM for the Present Officer to write up, and issue it usually the morning afterwards. The main points are included and smaller items immerse in the period afterwards possibly having been presented to the SCB for scrutiny and comments. It's only in people's twisted minds that it's a mushroom situation, but if you feel neglected so be it. Many times something is agreed but on reflection, when other decisions are later made, the original decision needs to be amended. If they did what you expect, you and others would be on their backs saying something like "why didn't they wait till the end and publish the findings in full' and not very professional. Can't win really, hence the reason trying to get it right is more important than feeding the crocodiles looking in and ready to attack.
    2 points
  29. Copied from Pirates Memories Facebook page........... For all those who missed out on the 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner in March, the REF is delighted to be showing the recording of the evening this week at the stadium. Make a date for Wednesday 14th November from 7.30pm in the main Grandstand to see the event on the big screen as we ‘turn back time’ on the Pirates. The video captures all of the rider interviews and presentation with contributions from 27 riders and ex-riders who have graced the Pirates colours over the seven decades. Pirate legends such as, Tony Rickardsson, Mark Loram, Gary Havelock, Pete Smith, Alun Rossiter, Steve Schofield, Lars Gunnestad, Magnus Zetterstrom and, of course, Team Manager of the last twenty years, Neil Middleditch were amongst the attendees with further screen messages from Ken Middleditch, Darcy Ward, Dave Watt, Bjarne Pedersen and Greg Hancock. It served as a virtual “This is your Life” of Poole Speedway and was emotional, uplifting and inspiring. The opportunity to see the likes of Havvy and Tony Rickardsson talking at length about their time with the Pirates as well as Matt Ford sparring in dynamic interviews with former riders is a one time chance not to be missed! As the story unfolds, it underlines how the club, under its current promotion, has become one of the most famous names in World Speedway and how they must build on all they have done to go on with pride and determination and continue their success. The event is now to be staged in the GLASS GRANDSTAND to make room for everyone to attend. £5 entry with a £1 discount for REF members. Hope to see you there!
    2 points
  30. Seems like the Panthers are the only sustainable club.
    2 points
  31. Agree 100% Ian, but I now believe that as it is 'so bleedin' obvious' that what we have have now doesn't work, the Promoters must be acutely aware of all the issues they have, but simply haven't got either the vision, capabilty or finance to ever break out of that self inflicted continous vicious cycle of lack of credibilty of product, meaning lower income is achieved which cannot then cover annually higher uncontrolled costs.. Unless, as you say, something totally radical takes place... I just don't think they have that desire to try and undo all that has been done as it would be a huge undertaking and possibly well beyond their particular skill set... I personally dont think we will ever see the sport ran 'properly' again. (as a team sport), in this country, and what we have now ie lots of weekly cobbled together nonsense, will be the only way forward. (As surely if they felt it needed fixing they would have by now such are the glaring issues)... Which is a shame, as the core product on offer can be truly great... Anyway, here's hoping I am wrong and someone has the balls and comes forward to take the sport over here by the scruff of the neck, see its huge potential (99.9% of the population don't go), and has real vision, drive and desire to deliver a 'brave' new dawn... I will write a letter to Santa as a 'back up plan' though, (just in case)....
    2 points
  32. Exclusive picture from this incident: I believe the lady on the left is the new chairwoman of the BSPA
    2 points
  33. Hearing that one huge decision has been taking today, after much debate the BSPA decided to ditch the Custard Creams they have had for years with their morning coffee in favour of Chocolate Hob-Nobs. Revolution is in the air.
    2 points
  34. In any business if you are running at a loss the first plan of action is look at your controllable costs. Normally rhe wages you pay is any business highest outlay, this is were you can bridge the gap normally under consultation. To run your business losing enourmous amounts but continue to pay over the odds continually is reckless and bad business practice in any venture. Speedway is no different.
    2 points
  35. Erm, like what? Ford put together what many thought was a winning 1-7 only for it to fall apart at P&P when Holder had to admit he didn’t have a work permit. So Kildemand signed on a short term deal in the hope the Holder situation would resolve. Which it never did. So he kept plugging away trying to get a winning team. Which eventually happened. He didn’t give up like many others, or run for months on end with r/r. In speedway, there is no magic so no guarantee that decisions will always be good. But, a team that fell apart before the beginning of the year that ended up being league champions can only do that if there were more good decisions than bad. 5 league wins in the last 8 years is hardly evidence of someone who makes poor decisions.
    2 points
  36. But they claim that the Agm is the most important ever and a watershed moment for quite a few years now, so no one believes them anymore and just hope that any changes they make actually are for the benefit of the fans and the future of the sport rather than just the benefit for a couple of clubs or promoters.
    2 points
  37. Paying riders too much money!!! Heard Cook was near 2K a meeting with points! Insane money for the championship.
    2 points
  38. Yes you were bottom and so were Kings Lynn You made some good changes mainly Klindt and won the league. The record books show you won it, but you were lucky the other team had injuries and there is no way Morris should have been allowed to ride at Lynn So because i say Kings Lynn were team of the season (along with the majority) you have an issue with that? Rank outsiders...to topping the league....would have won the play offs if it wasnt for injuries and the farce of Morris riding. (and yes i know Lynn agreed bu the top brass should have put a stop to it simple as there is now a precedent been set) Not Pooles fault they can only beat whats in front of them but they were lucky winners this season But i forgot in a poll i must include only Poole............... Just had a quick tally up KINGS LYNN 10 VOTES (including 2 Poole fans who know the score) SOMERSET 4 VOTES POOLE 4 VOTES (Shovlar , Starman and yourself were 3 of these, possibly the 3 most blinkered people here and the other said it was because Poole cheated) Poole didnt cheat........................they got lucky and yes i will feel Kings Lynn got robbed through injuries and the stupidity (and yes Lynn at fault) of allowing Morris to ride Kind of says something when the whole forum doesnt believe that the team of the season is the one who won the league. Perhaps if you had come from bottom.....raced other fully fit teams.......didnt get a rule changed...........and won it it then you would be given credit
    2 points
  39. I note that on Saturday, Chepstow racecourse (which is where I'm guessing the AGM is taking place) is due to host some kind of mud-wrestling event. If the promoters haven't agreed things by then via talking, well they could always decide them in a different way.
    2 points
  40. At the end of the day no matter what they spend its still trying to make a silk purse from a sows ear, they stated in their first season they were after crowds of 4000 to make it pay having been a few times i cant see where u can put 4000 in comfort its just not big enough.
    2 points
  41. To be fair to the Harris's she did say on Twitter that as she works for JLR they got it on some kind of employee lease scheme, she mentioned it on there because ill informed people were trolling them for it. Having said that Chris does need to wake up and smell the coffee, like most riders he's not as good as he thinks he is and don't get me wrong as a Cov fan I love him to bits but I'm also honest in my appraisal of riders.
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. Well that might just bring a few of the "Smug" tiger fans back down to earth with a bang !! Seems the "Treble Champions " aren't the only team with financial struggles. After all the comments on Glasgow-Workington Semi Final thread, from certain posters , a lot of sarcastic comments about the Comets running again, seems 2019 is make or break for Glasgow too.
    2 points
  44. Can't you just gatecrash and fix speedway please.......
    2 points
  45. Doesn't she work at JLR (Jaguar-Land Rover), where I guess there's a scheme for employees at a certain level, and family members, to lease (or purchase) new vehicles at very affordable prices, probably changed every six months?
    2 points
  46. Probably a bit of both . The owners have been pushing for Friday nights ever since they took over the club . But to be honest i dont see any significant increase in crowd levels compared to a Sunday afternoon . We have probably hit the ceiling of what size of crowd speedway in Glasgow can attract now , regardless of which day we have our meetings .
    2 points
  47. You not join yet then ?
    2 points
  48. Put certain riders of a 50m handicap and you would have them as 3 pointers by May but stuck off 50m all year The next year off scratch those same riders would average 10+ Handicaps not practical IMO
    2 points
  49. I have said this before but when riding for Coventry ~ which covers a number of years ~ Chris used to spend months trying to get the right set ups on his machines at the beginning of the season and then by July he would be flying until the end of the season. So why was it necessary to then get rid of these and start again the next season on new equipment , which meant another frustrating session of trying to get the right set-ups. Seems a crazy waste of money to me.
    2 points
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