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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Excellent turn out at the Brandon Hall Hotel tonight for a presentation by the S.C.S. Group detailing the continuing fight against Brandon Estates. Over 300 people attended, standing room only, to hear how the group are to counter the 'ahem' *inaccuracies* in the developers claims about viability and alternative sites. Almost a two hour presentation with no-one calling for a refreshments break, such was the interest in the well prepared (and delivered) presentation.
    14 points
  2. Starman I thought you were one of the reasons they closed the other one...?
    13 points
  3. I think the entrance fee is very reasonable , £16, for what we watched in the latter few weeks at Workington was better than Premier League served up on television. Through the season I paid £18, £17 for the likes of Edinburgh and Glasgow , to keep Speedway at Workington I would pay that too . Its a difficult one with the Concessions...you have those with a healthy work/state pension who have more disposable cash than the likes of my Mam who only has State pension so finds the concession price a winner every week so I'm torn with that one . Its the kids prices I think you should target. You get a family coming with 3 kids it makes for an expensive night . Cut the kids prices and try and make it elsewhere selling food/drinks , getting more Adults through the gates could be key if they can bring kids for say £1 , sounds a big a difference than paying £4/5 for each child. I'm praying we can go to the tapes in 2019, the buzz in DP for those finals was unbelievable. Would be amazing to go and do it all again !!! I know a lot more people willing to donate their cash into the Trust fund , if we do run next season . If we can make the Workington Trust work with more fund raising, 50/50 every week, donations from fans it could have a huge impact . Look at Edinburgh's Trust Fund this season , fantastic contribution. The downfall to it working this year was the uncertainty , people are not going to part with their money for it to fold half way through the season. The interest for Speedway in Workington is still there, that showed with the crowds for the Finals. It would be sin to lose Speedway in Workington after the season that made History
    10 points
  4. Taking a carer along might not be a bad idea, could use somebody to stand in the food/beer queue ensuring i don't miss any of the speedway action.
    6 points
  5. As someone who got addicted to Speedway with the Bulldogs in 77, I fear we will never see or hear the roar of a speedway bike in Bristol again. I have so many fond memories...it's under my skin and I keep logging back into this forum to keep up to date. However...after the demise of the Bulldogs and then following Swindon, Newport and Somerset around the Country...I'm left in despair. I haven't watched one single meeting this past season...either live or on TV. I'm so depressed with how this sport is run. I can't give it my time or effort...it's a complete farce. However...it feels like a son or daughter who has strayed...and you are still thir for them. You can't help the love...but you know deep down it's totally screwed. So sad...yet so simple to resolve. The sooner the old school promoter dies the better...bunch of clowns that only have the interest of their pockets. The sooner Speedway riders realise they aren't like any other Motorsport...the better. Apart from Poland...they are a Garden Shed product...yet they want to portray an F1 type status. It's total bullrubbish...smoke and mirrors. Speedway is followed by Lower working class people with very little disposable income...said with respect...it's run by Promoters that are no better than second hand car salesman, Circus Clowns, found out by TV and sponsorship. It's a total shambles. I just feel for the kid I was at 12yo age....who got addicted and wanted to ride a bike and have fun. And then got a bunch of speedway politics thrown at me. Same for riders....same for public....it's all complete bullrubbish...yet it's totally ingrained in our lives and hard to ignore. Totally punch drunk with the whole affair.
    6 points
  6. Hey End of season do at The Railway Club in Workington I weighed over a £20 pound note for four pints of "Amber Nectar" and got £10:20 change. When I looked at the cash in my hand the Steward said "is there a problem" I said "I think you have robbed your good self Marra as I got 4 pints there" (in my poshest Geordie accent) and the guy said "no Marra its as cheap as chips in here" so departing with a beaming smile I said "you better find a wheelbarrow for later as I will end up legless at these prices" and it got better as the night went on 2 pints of larger and 2 Gin and Slimline Tonics £9 quid. That's Nine English Pounds!!!! Honestly it was a duty to make a pig of myself. Who needs to go to Spain for cheap drink when there is the Costa Del Cumbria. £80:00 kitty all spent up and a few extras to boot, Hic!!! Needless to say I am just waiting for my application to become a full member of the The Railway Club in Workington to arrive. By the way what a great night the end of season bash was and I appreciate we usually end up rattling around the Trades Hall and due to the success the club has experienced this season the evening was a sell out with the venue (which was rather tight to say the least) being packed out however this just added to the night. (plus the cheap drink to boot which was an added bonus)Brilliant!!! If I had one complaint it was the two bottles of wine I won in the raffle being requisitioned by "The Witches of Workington" in a magic act which resulted in the contents of the said bottles disappearing; totally!!! Although I did see some of the wine later in the back of the Taxi on the way home when Worky Worky adorned with a carrier bag hooked by the handles over each ear started shouting for some Scottish bloke called "Hughie" in the bottom of the bag. Doh!!! Last of the big time drinkers eh!!!! Finally for the benefit of Byker Biker and Tsunami, yes I was rather "Thick Headed" the following morning or should I say Thicker Headed than the usual norm but a couple of pints at lunchtime sorted that laal problem out... Yeah.... Regards THJ
    4 points
  7. One upside of the aging demographic of the speedway fan is that soon they'll be bringing their carers along, it might just save the sport
    4 points
  8. Really? You want to swap 2 meaningful heats for 6 un meaningful heats that the crowd aren't bothered about, from my memory at least 50% of the crowd left after the match, then some of the top riders were not interested and often dropped out anyway followed by whoever was in the Rider of the Night Final agreeing to split the prize money whatever the result
    4 points
  9. The club can always run these meetings after the main meeting, and any fans that want to get away early can leave after the main meeting. This is what used to happen, after the main meeting a few races for juniors or any riders that wanted to test out bikes etc, or the club checking out a new rider.
    3 points
  10. Really glad to read this news.In this time of doom and gloom for many speedway clubs if Brandon can re-open it would put a big smile on every speedway fans face across the country.I for one have really missed Coventry's visits to Belle vue you were always the club I loved to hate lol.Wishing you all the very best in your quest and will keep my fingers crossed that you are soon back at the tapes. KEEP UP THE FIGHT.
    3 points
  11. Years ago the rider was of secondary importance to the Club, but now the rider holds all the aces. With their demands, their costings and their distant relation with the clubs, they have to take some responsibility for the way this sport has declined. They appear as mercenaries taking the sport for all they can get, giving little back in return. Like you say the majority of riders want to rush off to their next payday. If the rider cant give 110% to the club then don't sign them, Would much rather have a lesser rider who gives his all, then someone who goes missing because of fixture clashes The phase 'second halves' is old fashioned. what the punter wants is a well organised meeting that flows through the evening. We could start with a 15min practice session , to help riders set their bike up, then a 5min break to regrade the track, before the meeting starts in earnest. After 4 heats another 5min break, again to regrade the track, another 4 heats then another break . We see this every week in the polish league and it works like clockwork.... Midway though the meeting there could be a set of races for youngsters starting out , before the climate at the end of the night. Presentation and a scheduled program is more important than anything, It would enable the fans the opportunity to get drinks or pop to the loo without them long delays...
    3 points
  12. One seasons experience of him at Berwick was more than enough to see he wasn’t fit for purpose
    3 points
  13. Thats terrible This year Ipswich didnt run the 16 Lapper which was due as part of the season ticket A pro rata refund cheque was sent within a couple of weeks of the confirmation the season was finished with a letter apologising for the meeting not happening and thanking the fan for their valuable support
    3 points
  14. Correct, but George has already said Newcastle can't afford to run in a single league, as the more affluent teams will force up the expensive costs of all teams. Newcastle won't be the only ones as well. Difficulty is the more teams don't return, the higher chance of a single league.
    2 points
  15. One Belle Vue meeting i went to they had track grading after more or less every couple of heats however nearly every single race was a good one. No complaints from anyone then
    2 points
  16. Wolves season ticket includes all ko cup and playoff home fixtures and even the olympique individual meeting
    2 points
  17. I must be one of the few that does not mind track grading.At Belle vue the grading keeps the dirt where it should be and helps to produce some awesome racing.
    2 points
  18. Looking at this post, it would be understandable if would be promoters just gave up, knowing their audience was ungrateful supporters. Of course they care for supporters and the advancement of the sport, otherwise we wouldn’t have had Redcar, Leicester or the NSS. Various people have tried to get a site for Bristol, as they have for Cradley and other places. Each attempt costs time, energy and money. They don’t give up because they don’t care about supporters but because there are too many hurdles. In future, someone thinking about Bristol may well look at your post and think all supporters are like you, ungrateful of their efforts, and query why they are bothering.
    2 points
  19. They need to bring back uncovered wickets, levy hefty fines if 90 overs are not bowled in a day, and cut out those ridiculous hourly drinks breaks.
    2 points
  20. Seems a few were left wondering what that post on Twitter meant especially when it gets on other sites and you don't see the comments made. Seems to be something a school kid would post but strange for an official account to post. Did the post White Bunnies on the first of the month
    2 points
  21. It depends what people want to spend money on, 20 fags about a tenner, 4 pints up town about fifteen quid. In that context sixteen quid for speedway is ok, it’s getting people in and coming back again that is the problem.
    2 points
  22. I do think that £16 is a completely fair price for an adult. Could even reach £18 and I think it would be well worth the entertainment (considering some championship tracks do charge this and more, with no greater facilities than Derwent Park). As for concessions, it would be wrong to scrap the discounted rate in my opinion as the majority of the current audience are 65+. However, a concession rate is offered for ages 16-17, students and OAP’s. The argument has been raised regarding retired people having more disposable income. What about the massive amount of young workers (24 and under), apprentices, that earn a totally lower pay rate than ages 25+. No discount is given. Maybe this could explain a lack of interest from young people. There will never be an answer to please everybody. It is seemingly difficult to pull in new fans, but we can protect the club with what we already have. Every little helps, plenty of fundraising, people contributing to Workington Speedway Trust. It would be a real shame to lose the club we love after such a brilliant season.
    2 points
  23. Honestly It is not just the teams you have quoted who run at a loss nearly all of the promotions in all the leagues are "blowing their brains out", however when you talk to these guys it is the same old "Hydraulics" "oh we have made a small profit", or "oh we have broke even this year" or the old chestnut "oh we have only made a small loss but we are nearly their". One promoter advised that "I've nearly balanced the books and only took a seven grand hit this year due to buying a 25 grand air fence, next year I am in the black" on further due diligence inspection prior to a possible investment that £7k loss was actually and £85k loss and the following year there was another £75k loss. When are these people going to realise, when is the message going to get through, how the sport is being run (especially in the top two leagues) is just not sustainable. We can not compete financially with Poland or anywhere else on the European continent for that matter. Currently British Speedway is being run as a "feeder country" for the Polish Leagues and we may have to revert back to the semi pro or fully amateur format that we once run in the past and stick with that for a period before we can climb back to anywhere near the way the sport was. BluPanther may have put up a really negative post however under the current terms of reference the sport has major difficulties and he may well be correct in his assumptions (unfortunately) Regards THJ
    2 points
  24. That of course was similar to that plan of Gaming International (Stadia UK) initially - move Dogs/Speedway from Blunsdon to the new Racino in Reading. I actually drove round the land which Reading Council had offered GI/Stadia today. Warehouses - made me think what it could have been if GI/Stadia had kept their word. They of course didn’t and never have when it comes to any stadium construction / replacement.
    2 points
  25. Equally your post makes me smile to.. Thanks
    1 point
  26. Last time I called in at Cowley earlier this year it was looking very sorry for itself. Personally, despite all the good intentions, I can't see speedway returning there...which is very sad as I enjoyed 32 years following the 'Rebels' and 'Cheetahs' and it holds so many great memories!
    1 point
  27. At certain times of the season standing on the bends at Blunsdon while the riders muck about or the ref has multiple restarts from the tapes or other forms of wasting time and a meeting takes 2 hr 30 mins in the cold wind that Blunsdon gets, many do want to get away and some leave before the end of the meeting.
    1 point
  28. As things stand right now there will be no speedway at berwick next year , so just think about that
    1 point
  29. So you pays your money and takes your chance that they will qualify for the semi and final of the KO Cup and the play offs. If they do you've had a good bargain and if they don't, much less so. I think I prefer to know what I am getting for my money and what my saving is going to be but it's a matter of personal choice. Meanwhile, back to the Leicester Lions. It looks as if they have a good idea of the riders they have in mind. Let's hope that the happenings at the AGM next week don't disrupt their plans. They've had a difficult time since they moved up but I think that the addition of Stewart Dickson could see their fortunes change.
    1 point
  30. He also finished with the seventh best average in the premiership he's no mug.
    1 point
  31. As far as I am aware, Tero is already sorted
    1 point
  32. are you sure about that you could be wrong skidder goes under a different name just like you
    1 point
  33. Same here...gave a chance to talk tactics etc with one's mates on the terraces.
    1 point
  34. Recovered and waiting for the next do Witches owned the dancefloor... and all of the wine that was won Ps I’m sure it’s just £2 a pint in Top Tap Maryport
    1 point
  35. Newcastle will run Second Tier of Speedway (unless one big league) Sunday still the preferred option But who knows? Regards THJ
    1 point
  36. Andy Hewlett was the person who pushed for a Bristol revival. After creating and promoting the Rebels he sought to reestablish the Bulldogs. He (as a member of Bristol City Council) had good contacts within the planning depth and secured a plot of wasteland at Avonmouth. . .a few miles to the North of the city. Unfortunately nature lovers complained of problems to birds flying into Slimbridge wildlife centre up the coast in Glos. The planned area is now a WIND TURBINE site !!!! A new promoter took over the 'cause' a couple of years ago. But nothing as yet has come to fruit. It's knock back after knock back.
    1 point
  37. 90 STARS OF BRITISH LEAGUE DOUBLE DISC (4-hour) SET . . . only £16 To commemorate 90 years of British speedway (1928-2018), we present 90 stars of the British League era from 1970 to 1990. Thrill again to classic action footage of many of the all-time greats who graced the top flight when the BL was universally recognised as the greatest league in world speedway. Featuring 17 past individual world champions: Ronnie Moore, Barry Briggs, Ivan Mauger, Ole Olsen, Anders Michanek, Peter Collins, Michael Lee, Bruce Penhall, Erik Gundersen, Hans Nielsen, Per Jonsson, Jan O. Pedersen, Gary Havelock, Sam Ermolenko, Greg Hancock, Billy Hamill and Mark Loram. Plus other track legends of England, Denmark, Sweden, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Scotland and Finland. 1 Andersson 2 Ashby 3 Autrey 4 Bastable 5 Beaton 6 Betts 7 Boocock E 8 Boocock N 9 Boulger 10 Briggs 11 Carter 12 Cartwright 13 Collins L 14 Collins N 15 Collins Pe 16 Collins Ph 17 Cook J 18 Correy 19 Courtney 20 Cox 21 Cross 22 Crump 23 Davey 24 Davis 25 Doncaster 26 Dugard 27 Ermolenko 28 Evitts 29 Grahame Al 30 Grahame An 31 Gundersen 32 Hamill 33 Hancock 34 Harkins 35 Havelock 36 Jancarz 37 Jansson B 38 Jansson T 39 Jessup 40 Jonsson 41 Jorgensen 42 Karger 43 Kennett G 44 Kilby 45 King 46 Knight 47 Knudsen 48 Lee 49 Lofqvist 50 Loram 51 Louis 52 Lovaas 53 Mauger 54 McMillan 55 Michanek 56 Moore 57 Moran K 58 Moran S 59 Morton C 60 Morton D 61 Nielsen 62 Niemi 63 Nilsen 64 Olsen 65 Owen J 66 Pedersen 67 Penhall 68 Persson 69 Petersen 70 Plech 71 Pusey 72 Ross 73 Sanders 74 Schwartz 75 Shirra 76 Sigalos 77 Simmons 78 Smith A 79 Tatum 80 Thomas 81 Thomsen 82 Thorp 83 Titman 84 Valentine 85 Wigg 86 Wilkinson 87 Wilson Ray 88 Wilson Reg 89 Wiltshire 90 Wyer Let the arguments begin . . .!
    1 point
  38. Likely to be able to score about the same as Simon Lambert, even at 59. One good gate in four ( or five ) and Bingo a very similar average. Coax Michael Lee back and you have a good basis for a team at Championship level.
    1 point
  39. Gazc for his wit and for relentlessly owning all monarch posters on here when the debate goes into patter wars. Halifaxtiger for his knowledge on all tracks and up and coming riders he could be a speedway scout for the mighty Tiger's. Dontforgetthefueltapsbruv on every thread talking sense and is very fair and reasonable too into the bargin. Paulco for fantastic match reports very fair minded bloke. And a great ambassador for Glasgow Speedway. Tyretrax. Special mention too u love the tigers and its honest and i feel your pain. oh tigergirl your enthusiasm gushes through your posts too, true tiger!
    1 point
  40. Would they not try run a nl team team to keep the track running ,the likes of Eastbourne and Birmingham seem to have put decent competitive teams together and have kept a decent crowd level and not lost any money from what I hear they would have a decent team with some local riders in Leon and kerion plus the likes of mitch Davy Luke Ruddick Ryan MacDonald Kev Whelan blair Smith that would give locals something to cheer about and with less matches could have a weekend of now and again and with having the training track on their doorstep could bring riders up from there, also there wage bill would be easy quarter less than they pay out now and with local riders the local press might cover it more
    1 point
  41. went down hill when they done away with the forum
    1 point
  42. Some would argue that it is a good move, as it would get rid of his three rides quicker. There seems to be little mention of the fact that Danny was coming back after a serious injury (bearing in mind the doctors told him to forget about riding again after the injury occurred). Some take longer to get back to a level they were at (he was averaging over 4 in the PL when the injury happened). The only thing you can have a go at him (or indeed the Scunthorpe Management) for is he came back too quickly at the higher level and maybe should have concentrated on the NL for the season.
    1 point
  43. The whole culture is different because the Sport has credibility.... If Poland ran their Leagues in such a 'Mickey Mouse' fashion as British Speedway does then simply they wouldn't enjoy anywhere near the same coverage... Part of the Polish success story (and the success story of any team sport at whatever level) is that 'tribal loyalty' that is built up through the identity of their teams... Polish fans simply wouldn't stand for the No1 rider of their fiercest rivals wearing their colours and representing them on an adhoc basis... As it fundamentally goes against what team sport should be... I remember how hard it was for Darcy Ward to be accepted by his own ZG fans when they signed him, as they saw him as a Torun man.. In Britain in one single week you could be a Wolverhampton rider on a Monday, a Somerset rider on a Wednesday, and a Swindon rider on a Thursday and actually be the Belle Vue No1....! (Who also represents his contracted team of Glasgow on a Friday, but rides for Workington on a Saturday and Newcastle on a Sunday)... Simply nonsense... And will never generate any decent national mainstream media coverage as it simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny... As it wouldn't in Poland if they ran the Sport the same way...
    1 point
  44. A number of Championship clubs don't want one league with FRNS as they can only run on their designated day. Also if the 'top' riders are attracted to those clubs that can afford them what chance do the other clubs have in a one league scenario? They would not be competitive. (As already stated by the likes of Newcastle etc.)
    1 point
  45. I thought I'd watch this on catch-up after seeing this here. Good luck to Blair. I hope he gets himself sorted out in the rehab that they sent him to. I wonder if this is one of those cases of someone involved in sport desperate to regain the adrenaline rush that they have lost after finishing their careers. I felt very sad for him watching this. He wasn't your typical "Jeremy Kyle" type guest who comes on screaming and shouting, and his family were clearly a bit embarrassed to have to resort to putting him on the show. He looked emotional throughout and seemed to genuinely want help. No way did he come across as a "scum bag". I think he is lucky in that his family clearly care about him. I hope they do some sort of catch-up programme in the future and he is doing well.
    1 point
  46. Posting on here can be classed as an addiction
    1 point
  47. That's my Xmas present together with the Ivan Mauger DVD!
    1 point
  48. Easy to say when you are one of the teams building with the higher budgets and finishing towards the top end I wonder how those at the top would feel though if the Facennas at Glasgow and Guy Nicholls via Tru7 at Ipswich came in all guns blazing and went onto another level (both probably could if they wished) Would those then playing catch up rather than being top dogs then change their tune?
    1 point
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