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The whole culture is different because the Sport has credibility.... If Poland ran their Leagues in such a 'Mickey Mouse' fashion as British Speedway does then simply they wouldn't enjoy anywhere near the same coverage... Part of the Polish success story (and the success story of any team sport at whatever level) is that 'tribal loyalty' that is built up through the identity of their teams... Polish fans simply wouldn't stand for the No1 rider of their fiercest rivals wearing their colours and representing them on an adhoc basis... As it fundamentally goes against what team sport should be... I remember how hard it was for Darcy Ward to be accepted by his own ZG fans when they signed him, as they saw him as a Torun man.. In Britain in one single week you could be a Wolverhampton rider on a Monday, a Somerset rider on a Wednesday, and a Swindon rider on a Thursday and actually be the Belle Vue No1....! (Who also represents his contracted team of Glasgow on a Friday, but rides for Workington on a Saturday and Newcastle on a Sunday)... Simply nonsense... And will never generate any decent national mainstream media coverage as it simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny... As it wouldn't in Poland if they ran the Sport the same way...8 points
None of that really made much of a difference... The key things they did which drove the success of the Sport in Poland were the following... They found great success in letting riders dictate to clubs when they would be available, meaning they had to ride on nights to suit the riders earnings rather than when the spectators wished meetings to be ran... They also saw great benefit and positive feedback from the mainstream media by allowing meetings to take place with the two teams in attendance regularly being made up by any random couple of septets who happened to be available. Septets that had been cobbled together on an adhoc basis on any given evening, to wear the colours of the two clubs competing.. Another master stroke was ensuring that as many riders as possible were contracted to as many teams as possible, preferably covering (thus impacting), three leagues, which meant "guests" were in great demand, bringing that much needed lack of credibility to almost every match that takes place.. Possibly their finest idea was to produce a fixture list and then systematically dismantle it halfway during the season so plenty of "guests" can always be available. (And spectators who had booked time off work, and maybe hotels to watch their team, become disillusioned). A fixture list which had been put together in the first place with a clear plan to avoid running meetings during the warmer, dryer Summer months, and instead, cramming in as many meetings as possible towards October and November when it becomes colder and wetter. With the genius add on of running "dead rubber" League meetings to qualify for the play offs, AFTER the play offs have been completed and the League has already been won.. Add in an admission fee that has no correlation to the entertainment value on offer, but goes up by inflation busting amounts annually, allied to a year on year reduction in the overall quality of riders on show, and you surely have the perfect recipe for success.. Cannot think why the BSPA don't run something along similar lines.. Sure to be a winner...8 points
Gazc for his wit and for relentlessly owning all monarch posters on here when the debate goes into patter wars. Halifaxtiger for his knowledge on all tracks and up and coming riders he could be a speedway scout for the mighty Tiger's. Dontforgetthefueltapsbruv on every thread talking sense and is very fair and reasonable too into the bargin. Paulco for fantastic match reports very fair minded bloke. And a great ambassador for Glasgow Speedway. Tyretrax. Special mention too u love the tigers and its honest and i feel your pain. oh tigergirl your enthusiasm gushes through your posts too, true tiger!4 points
Nice to encounter one of life's natural optimists.4 points
EVEN if speedway in Norwich was a huge success it would never rival soccer in the shape of Norwich City. Places like Torun, Gorzow, Leszno, and Zielona Gora are towns where speedway is the undisputed number one sport, it is what they are synonymous with, and the fans that attend are doing so in support of not just the club but the town itself. The whole culture is different and is reflected in the media at all levels including TV.4 points
4 points
As someone who got addicted to Speedway with the Bulldogs in 77, I fear we will never see or hear the roar of a speedway bike in Bristol again. I have so many fond memories...it's under my skin and I keep logging back into this forum to keep up to date. However...after the demise of the Bulldogs and then following Swindon, Newport and Somerset around the Country...I'm left in despair. I haven't watched one single meeting this past season...either live or on TV. I'm so depressed with how this sport is run. I can't give it my time or effort...it's a complete farce. However...it feels like a son or daughter who has strayed...and you are still thir for them. You can't help the love...but you know deep down it's totally screwed. So sad...yet so simple to resolve. The sooner the old school promoter dies the better...bunch of clowns that only have the interest of their pockets. The sooner Speedway riders realise they aren't like any other Motorsport...the better. Apart from Poland...they are a Garden Shed product...yet they want to portray an F1 type status. It's total bullrubbish...smoke and mirrors. Speedway is followed by Lower working class people with very little disposable income...said with respect...it's run by Promoters that are no better than second hand car salesman, Circus Clowns, found out by TV and sponsorship. It's a total shambles. I just feel for the kid I was at 12yo age....who got addicted and wanted to ride a bike and have fun. And then got a bunch of speedway politics thrown at me. Same for riders....same for public....it's all complete bullrubbish...yet it's totally ingrained in our lives and hard to ignore. Totally punch drunk with the whole affair.3 points
Cant see it being possible to get the points money down to £40 per point I dont think the Ippo reserves were even on as low as that and the top end probably double at least At £40 a rider averaging 6 would be earning less than £10k from 40 meetings - that doesnt even cover 1 bike for a season let alone a 2nd (or more) as is expected by clubs (and fans) and thats before they earn anything!! Ippo I estimate average 1000+ and I doubt make a profit (although due possibly to paying above average rates and higher stadium rent than most) To achieve such a reduction I think you are looking at a NL+ standard rather than even a diluted Championship It does show that all is reliant on those sponsors and benefactors Re admission - certainly not a £10 sport - thats a pie in the sky thought Where we are now at £15-18 is about right for the mid level league I think a proper 'top league' could go to £20+3 points
The biggest indication of the attraction, that this sport has, is that it is incapable of retaining the interest of the current die-hard supporters let alone attract new ones. But the BSPA, ACU don't appear to grasp this dire situation. Governed by Promoters with personal objectives , the sport has always been the second thought. So antiquated in their ideas and the way they address the fans is appalling. They don't seem to grasp the importance of them fans, and it is little wonder they lose interest. They have this secret society that you are not allowed to know the problems or the plans. Its about time they realise we are on the same side and we all want the sport to prosper. While the fans are continued to be treated like mushrooms nothing will ever change. There's not much time left...3 points
Ive cut it down to what I see as the most important point Whilst the sport can only attract 500 or so then the price charged is almost irrelevant IMO3 points
Honestly It is not just the teams you have quoted who run at a loss nearly all of the promotions in all the leagues are "blowing their brains out", however when you talk to these guys it is the same old "Hydraulics" "oh we have made a small profit", or "oh we have broke even this year" or the old chestnut "oh we have only made a small loss but we are nearly their". One promoter advised that "I've nearly balanced the books and only took a seven grand hit this year due to buying a 25 grand air fence, next year I am in the black" on further due diligence inspection prior to a possible investment that £7k loss was actually and £85k loss and the following year there was another £75k loss. When are these people going to realise, when is the message going to get through, how the sport is being run (especially in the top two leagues) is just not sustainable. We can not compete financially with Poland or anywhere else on the European continent for that matter. Currently British Speedway is being run as a "feeder country" for the Polish Leagues and we may have to revert back to the semi pro or fully amateur format that we once run in the past and stick with that for a period before we can climb back to anywhere near the way the sport was. BluPanther may have put up a really negative post however under the current terms of reference the sport has major difficulties and he may well be correct in his assumptions (unfortunately) Regards THJ3 points
THAT'S not what I said and as someone who has visited Polish speedway towns no doubt you know that. Of course there is a place for team speedway in the UK. It is the only type that can possibly work.3 points
3 points
Good shout but Berwick's best crowds are against Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Redcar, Workington. What kind of crowds would they get against Buxton, Isle of Wight, etc. Dropping into the NL they would still have to pay the same rent for the stadium. As regards weekends off now and again, one of the biggest complaints this season has been the lack of meetings and gaps in the fixture list.2 points
I do think that £16 is a completely fair price for an adult. Could even reach £18 and I think it would be well worth the entertainment (considering some championship tracks do charge this and more, with no greater facilities than Derwent Park). As for concessions, it would be wrong to scrap the discounted rate in my opinion as the majority of the current audience are 65+. However, a concession rate is offered for ages 16-17, students and OAP’s. The argument has been raised regarding retired people having more disposable income. What about the massive amount of young workers (24 and under), apprentices, that earn a totally lower pay rate than ages 25+. No discount is given. Maybe this could explain a lack of interest from young people. There will never be an answer to please everybody. It is seemingly difficult to pull in new fans, but we can protect the club with what we already have. Every little helps, plenty of fundraising, people contributing to Workington Speedway Trust. It would be a real shame to lose the club we love after such a brilliant season.2 points
Really? You want to swap 2 meaningful heats for 6 un meaningful heats that the crowd aren't bothered about, from my memory at least 50% of the crowd left after the match, then some of the top riders were not interested and often dropped out anyway followed by whoever was in the Rider of the Night Final agreeing to split the prize money whatever the result2 points
Would they not try run a nl team team to keep the track running ,the likes of Eastbourne and Birmingham seem to have put decent competitive teams together and have kept a decent crowd level and not lost any money from what I hear they would have a decent team with some local riders in Leon and kerion plus the likes of mitch Davy Luke Ruddick Ryan MacDonald Kev Whelan blair Smith that would give locals something to cheer about and with less matches could have a weekend of now and again and with having the training track on their doorstep could bring riders up from there, also there wage bill would be easy quarter less than they pay out now and with local riders the local press might cover it more2 points
Thats terrible This year Ipswich didnt run the 16 Lapper which was due as part of the season ticket A pro rata refund cheque was sent within a couple of weeks of the confirmation the season was finished with a letter apologising for the meeting not happening and thanking the fan for their valuable support2 points
Cannot really generalise about concessions some pensioners are well off, some are scraping by , the current admission cost is about right .......if we (Worky) we’re getting about 800-1000 people through the gates! Do not really know what the future holds for Speedway in this country , riders want to ride in different leagues (double up/ down) to make ends meet but fans want to see their own riders every week and not go missing either for other British teams or riding abroad. We need to make the sport more credible and professional but I do not have all the answers , it’s all about costs, riders want more money and who can blame them whilst fans want value for money.i A slick well run meeting between April and September with October as a last resort is what is needed but will things change as fans on This forum have been speaking out but the promotions do not listen!,2 points
2 points
Over the years I have watched Wimbledon with Ronnie Moore when the locals thought it was a bad meeting if the visitors go within 10 points of the Dons! Provincial League racing at Hackney, plus racing in all three leagues over the last 30 years whatever they were called at the time. After 60 years of watching racing, in my opinion, it is not how good the riders are that in fact matters, it is that the teams are of similar standard. I would much prefer to watch a National League match that ends 46-44 than a Premiership match featuring the World Champion and another GP rider which ends 60-30. The advantage of lower division racing is that they make mistakes so there is often more overtaking and fewer from the gate processions. If the BSPA can get racing that is close with passing then whether the races take 55 seconds or 59 seconds will not matter as people will be enjoying the close racing and not be worried about who the riders are.2 points
2 points
Some would argue that it is a good move, as it would get rid of his three rides quicker. There seems to be little mention of the fact that Danny was coming back after a serious injury (bearing in mind the doctors told him to forget about riding again after the injury occurred). Some take longer to get back to a level they were at (he was averaging over 4 in the PL when the injury happened). The only thing you can have a go at him (or indeed the Scunthorpe Management) for is he came back too quickly at the higher level and maybe should have concentrated on the NL for the season.2 points
Vulnerability to shoulder and neck injuries is sadly the undoing of many of the more tall and slender riders whether earlier or later on in their riding careers. Being more box-shaped seems to be more advantageous, in the long run.2 points
THE biggest difference and the greatest advantage for Polish clubs is that they are representative of the towns and cities in which they are situated. That has not been the case with speedway in the UK for generations and will not change. Polish speedway clubs are akin to soccer teams in the UK.2 points
Maybe that's the answer to ensuring you have a full stadium, week in week out. You announce at each meeting, the next one will be the last!2 points
Excellent turn out at the Brandon Hall Hotel tonight for a presentation by the S.C.S. Group detailing the continuing fight against Brandon Estates. Over 300 people attended, standing room only, to hear how the group are to counter the 'ahem' *inaccuracies* in the developers claims about viability and alternative sites. Almost a two hour presentation with no-one calling for a refreshments break, such was the interest in the well prepared (and delivered) presentation.1 point
Unless youve a SIS contract you are dead in the water as a dog track. If as mooted the dogs shuts at end of yr i really dont fancy the speedway surviving one bit1 point
Millions - greyhound racing, really? I have owned greyhounds and watched a lot of greyhound racing across the UK. Towcester, the home of the Derby has fallen by the wayside this year. That’s a grade 1 facility and track. Millions is not a phrase used within the greyhound fraternity.1 point
LionsMan66- Plans are well advanced for 2019 just need the official confirmation from AGM on League structure and limits then final bits of jigsaw can be finished. One of the first priorities will be confirming the clubs number 1 and they can then build around that1 point
Not all of them... some have tight budgets The vast majority of entertainment venues have reductions for pensioners and so they should1 point
on the flip side of that he used to nearly get lapped in heat 1 then be out in heat 2 great confidence booster for a struggling rider. Also I have mentioned numerous times He was under no pressure to score as the team was strong enough to win with 6 men. The loss of Worrall early on didn't help but with being able to use the other 5 as rr or a quality guest again made little difference to what was expected of Danny. The loss of Stefan Nielsen was the big one as he was scoring well above his average when injury struck but this did leave the team needing points from reserve at the same time Gino had his crash whilst with the USA and that's were the problem became more acute as points were needed . Unfortunately they never came and in my opinion Scunny should of made a double swap for Nielsen and Phillips but hey ho its gone now so lets move on1 point
I don't see Speedway as a £10 sport at all, too little for top entertainment.......the 2018 rates at Workington being fair for all. (£16 and £13.....kids ???) Yes pensioners should have their concession................those who disagree will be guaranteed to change their minds in the future....shame on greedy Glasgow. "pensioners have more disposable income than workers.".....wow. no way ....especially if you work at Sellafield...top pay......outdoes pension by far....had taste of this former comfort and now on much less via latter coz of age.....not by choice lol.1 point
PUTOLINE PIRATES 38 1. Barry Coates 2-2-1-2-2-2 = 11 2. Ian Foster Did not ride 3. Wayne Chattin 1-2-2-1-1*-2 = 9+1 4. Richard Wingfield N-1*-2^*-N-2-1* = 6+3 5. Kai Ward Did not ride 6. Keith Hill 0-1-0-0-1*-1* = 3+2 7. Jeff Robinson 1-1*-2-2-2-1* = 9+2 CASTROLCRUSADERS 68 1. Sam Boon Did not ride 2. Mark Anderson 3-3-3-3-2-3-3 = 20 3. Cesca Kirtley-Paine 1-2*-3-1-1*-3 = 11+2 4. Guy Pacey 3-3-N-FN-N-N = 6 5. Rob Muir 2-3-3-3-2-2*-3 = 18+1 6. James Spencer 1*-1-2*-2*-3-2 = 11+3 7. Steve Bundy 0-1-0-0-0-1* = 2+1 SILIKONE STARS 54 1. Danny Woodward 3-3-3-3-3-3 = 18 2. Nigel Coates 3-2*-2*-3-3-3 = 16+2 3. David Chiles Did not ride 4. Steve Tideswell 3-2-3-1-2*-1 = 12+1 5. Duane Wuerzberger 2-1-0-FN-N-N = 3 6. Phillip Hill 0-0-0-0-0 = 0 7. Dave Jamieson 2*-1*-R-2-R-N = 5+2 1. N.Coates, Muir, Spencer, P.Hill 78.6 2. Tideswell, Jamieson, Chattin, Wingfield (NS) 80.5 3. Pacey, B.Coates, Kirtley-Paine, Ward (NS) 80.6 4. Anderson, Wuerzberger, Jamieson, Bundy 80.9 5. Woodward, N.Coates, Robinson, Foster (NS) 73.0 6. Muir, Chattin, Spencer, K.Hill 84.7 7. Muir, Kirtley-Paine, Wuerzberger, Jamieson (Ret) 80.9 8. Woodward, B.Coates, Wingfield, Wuerzberger 72.3 9. Pacey, Spencer, K.Hill, Foster (NS) 80.9 10. Anderson, Tideswell, Bundy, P.Hill 78.8 11. Woodward, N.Coates, B.Coates, K.Hill 72.6 12. Muir, Chattin, Robinson, Pacey (NS) 81.4 13. Kirtley-Paine, Jamieson, Pacey (FN), Wuerzberger (FN) 88.1 14. Tideswell, Robinson, Wingfield (TR), P.Hill 80.9 15. Anderson, Spencer, Chattin, Foster (NS) No Time 16. N.Coates, Muir, Tideswell, Bundy 74.4 17. Woodward, B.Coates, Chattin, P.Hill 72.1 18. Anderson, Robinson, Kirtley-Paine, K.Hill 78.9 19. N.Coates, Anderson, Kirtley-Paine, Jamieson (Ret) 74.4 20. Woodward, Tideswell, Foster (NS), Wingfield (NS) 72.4 21. Spencer, Robinson, K.Hill, Bundy 81.9 22. Kirtley-Paine, Muir, Tideswell, Chiles (NS) 83.4 23. Woodward, Wingfield, K.Hill, P.Hill 71.5 24. Anderson, B.Coates, Wingfield, Bundy 76.9 25. N.Coates, Spencer, Bundy, Jamieson (NS) 74.4 26. Muir, Chattin, Robinson, Wuerzberger (NS) 81.9 27. Anderson, B.Coates, Foster (NS) 77.0 RED BULL RACING 31 1. James Chattin 2*-1-2-2*-3 = 10+2 2. Lewis Whitmore 2-3-2-R-N = 7 3. John Yeldham 0-1*-1*-1-1 = 4+2 4. Connor King 3-2-1*-3-1 = 10+1 TEAM MONSTER 31 1. Charlie Brooks 3-3-3-6^-3 = 18 2. Wesley Cooper 0-FD-0-N-0 = 0 3. Rhys Laker 1-0-FD-N-N = 1 4. Mick Skinner 1-2-3-2*-2* = 10+2 5. Danny Woodward 2 = 2 1. Brooks, Whitmore, Skinner, Yeldham 64.8 2. King, Chattin, Laker, Cooper 66.8 3. Whitmore, Skinner, Chattin, Cooper (FD) Race Awarded 4. Brooks, King, Yeldham, Laker 63.4 5. Skinner, Whitmore (15-metres), King, Laker (FD) 67.4 6. Brooks, Chattin, Yeldham, Cooper 63.9 7. King, Chattin, Laker (NS), Cooper (NS) 66.8 8. Brooks (TR), Skinner, Yeldham, Whitmore (Ret) 63.9 9. Chattin, Woodward, Yeldham, Cooper 66.8 10. Brooks, Skinner, King, Whitmore (NS) 63.9 YOUTH CHALLENGE – 125/150cc 1. Luke Harrison 3-3-3-3 = 12 2. Ben Trigger 1-2-2-1 = 6 3. Brandon Wroblewski R-1-FN-1 = 2 4. Max James 2-3-2-3 = 10 5. Will Cairns 1-2-1-2 = 6 1. Harrison, James, Trigger, Wroblewski (Ret) 73.3 2. Harrison, Trigger, Cairns 71.7 3. James, Cairns, Wroblewski 73.5 4. Harrison, James, Cairns, Wroblewski (FN) 73.9 5. Harrison, Trigger, Wroblewski 72.5 6. James, Caqirns, Trigger 73.1 B FINAL: Cairns, Trigger, Wroblewski 75.3 A FINAL: Harrison, James, Trigger, Cairns 71.3 YOUTH CHALLENGE – 250/500cc 1. Sam McGurk 1-1-0-1-1 = 4 2. Jacob Clayton FD-0-1-0-F = 1 3. Elliot Kelly 2-3-2-3-2 = 12 4. Harry McGurk 3-2-3-2-3 = 13 1. H.McGurk, Kelly, S.McGurk, Clayton (FD) Race Awarded 2. Kelly, H.McGurk, S.McGurk, Clayton 68.1 3. H.McGurk, Kelly, Clayton, S.McGurk 67.8 4. Kelly, H.McGurk, S.McGurk, Clayton 67.5 5. H.McGurk, Kelly, S.McGurk, Clayton (Fell) 67.71 point
I think they've always had pretty good crowds haven't they... The money came with the fall of communism, sponsorship, advertising etc. The money goes where the crowds are1 point
If you really believe that it will not change then there is no point in having team speedway and just make speedway pay to enter1 point
THIS week's edition of Speedway Star will be something we have never done on this scale before.1 point
news on greyhound forum this evening that swindon closes 31st dec obviously not confirmed,with all sorts of problems at poole maybe stadia uk are going to concentrate on poor torquay !!1 point
Looks like the Warriors are asking for feedback. This from their twitter feed: It’s your turn to feedback to us on how you think we did and what we can improve on for 2019. It’s on our FB page so over to you. https://m.facebook.com/groups/294612857236337/permalink/2167284013302536/ I’m sure Barry and his team will value and act on any reasonable comments made.1 point
That of course was similar to that plan of Gaming International (Stadia UK) initially - move Dogs/Speedway from Blunsdon to the new Racino in Reading. I actually drove round the land which Reading Council had offered GI/Stadia today. Warehouses - made me think what it could have been if GI/Stadia had kept their word. They of course didn’t and never have when it comes to any stadium construction / replacement.1 point
Most mx clubs in the U.K left the ACU and joined the MCF as they have brought mx and other 2 wheeled sports into the 20th century and riders can have both ACU and MCF licences the Courtney's tried to run a speedway GP style event around the country through them but the riders were threatened with bans from the Bspa if any of them run with a MCF licence ,the Courtney's run a very sucessfull mini bike series through the MCF they run the F2 speedway also http://www.mcfederation.com/events1 point
I think he is just being pig-headed. Bigred`s post sounds right to me. Rye House were thrown out of the league for mounting debts- Harris would not be chasing them- he`s got no chance of getting anything from them- of course he and presumably other riders that are owed have been in touch with the BSPA to find out what`s going on !!!!1 point
Speedway as we all have known for yrs is in massive trouble You only have to look round most stadiums to realise its all old folks mainly attending1 point
Thanks for the feedback. It does really show why you would have to be start raving bonkers to invest in a track or a club where you are not allowed at the top table for a few years during which you are told when and how you run your business and any decisions made by those who are at best only considering their own self interest yet they can materially affect your bottom line and you have to accept it even if it makes no sense.They also want you to put up a bond in the knowledge that they can change the rules at anytime that can be detrimental to you and your business and you can do nowt about it and if you pull the plug you effectively get fined even though continuation could leave you with substantial losses. You have a sport run by a few incompetent people and yet next step up in the chain of command is the ACU who are in effect condoning the behaviour of a collective body that is not fit to run the sport. Good luck to anyone mad enough to invest in speedway.1 point
Its a bit unfair to single out individuals when there are so many interesting and knowledgeable contributors to this section of the forum . Yes there are also a few numpties who's sole purpose is to wind folk up and also one or two of the nasty variety . But thankfully they are in the minority and the rest of us love the sport and i enjoy the quiet moments reading the various threads . I remember the days when i went to the speedway ; went home and didnt have anyone to talk to about it until the following week , so this forum has been a godsend in that respect . Long may it continue to flourish .1 point
Yes, usually grip means fast if you attack it. If you don't it can mean slow. Some riders can't ride very grippy...Generally a little bit slicker track ( not like the M25) but with a bit of dirt and spiked up a little makes for better racing as all can ride it, just sets ups need adjusting. But for some on very grippy tracks, they just can't ride it well whatever the set up.1 point
Great days when Swindon dropped down previously - lots of different teams and continuity of fixtures1 point
It seems to me that the BSPA, collectively, have given up on "marketing" or "promoting" other than putting things up on social media. They seem to believe that 50% of people on Facebook are eager to get to a match. And leave it to fate.1 point
We are all very proud to have been nominated for an Isle of Wight Radio Local Heroes award. Martin and I are invited to the awards dinner on Nov 8th so we will keep you all posted. This is a very nice surprise and totally out of the blue so, now we know about it, it will be just brilliant to win it although being nominated is equally as fabulous when you consider where the club was just 4 years ago. Thanks everyone for your support in 2018 and enjoy the off season1 point
A lot of work gone in here. But a marketing plan that doesn't mention online strategy and frankly seems 20 years out of date. Mention of need to develop riders skills by racing at the highest level, then proposes reducing the standard of top flight racing?1 point