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  1. I think the first morning will be like a market with promoters, who are trying to sell their clubs, all standing behind suitcases having donned sheepskin coats and cloth caps shouting at the passing punters in broad cockney accents .... 'I'm not asking 20,000 I'm not even asking 10,000' etc etc!!
    5 points
  2. The approximate scenario that I have gathered from various sources including people who rent the shops on the site is this : 1. The stock car crowds have been falling for years and it's has taken a handfull of big meetings per year to balance the books.There are 5 members of the Woodroffe family that inherited the site from its founder , the late Chick Woodfoffe, so profits all have to be cut 5 ways. None of them are particularly stock car enthusiasts and the place is just a cash cow to them . For several years they have been apparently screwing the Speedwáy club and the shops foe every penny they could get before bailing out. One of the shop tennents told me the rent the has to pay. I forget the actual figure but it is absolutely eye watering. The rent for the Speedwáy track is said to be the highest of ant Speedwáy track in the country, despite the poor facilities. basically it seems the owners have just been trying to fill their pension funds for sometime and sell the stadium before things start falling down. 2. Representations by the Hammers have been going on by the Hammers promotion to Thurrock Council and the local MP for several years now. A mere Speedwáy club it may be but it still draws the biggest crowds in Thurrock. There was talk at one time of the name being changed to Thurrock Hammers at the councils request . So planning permission has been given for developing the site subject to the developers allowing some facility for "Motor Sport". 3. Apparently there was buyer for the site when the club nearly closed in 2016, but he pulled out. 4.As I understand the present position, there is a buyer interested but he would like to buy off the provision for motor sport and help facilitate it being transferred to another site. To that end Thurrock Council have two possible sites under consideration, within the Thurrock boundaries . I.e.not Southend, Chelmsford, Colchester or these other places people have speculated on here. 5. It may well be some time before the present site is built on, because being a former gravel pit there are things like risk assessments for pollution to be carried out and a range of other things to be done before anything can start. As far as I know Speedwáy could possibly have squeezed another season or two out of Arena but of course once the owners decided to cut and run it meant it would be financially impossible for the Hammers promotion to run the place on their own. Jon Cook did say to the crowd just before the move that he was speaking to all parties interested in continuing motor sport of all kinds and if there was a deal to be done they would do but it seems with all the ifs and buts and uncertainties of the situation that was not to be. The above comments are what I think is a fairly full picture. It may not be 100% accurate all the way through but I I pretty sure it is about 90% of it.
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Would love us to be able to carry on at Arena.
    3 points
  5. Basically British Speedway is up for sale. Might even be able to get a BOGOF deal.
    3 points
  6. It’s a bit like the old kid tv programme “runaround” with mike read but not as well organised
    3 points
  7. Richard Hollingsworth is the best man for the job .
    2 points
  8. CANNOT compare British speedway with what takes place in Poland. We are lucky that BT have continued to provide a TV platform for speedway in this country.
    2 points
  9. That of course was similar to that plan of Gaming International (Stadia UK) initially - move Dogs/Speedway from Blunsdon to the new Racino in Reading. I actually drove round the land which Reading Council had offered GI/Stadia today. Warehouses - made me think what it could have been if GI/Stadia had kept their word. They of course didn’t and never have when it comes to any stadium construction / replacement.
    2 points
  10. Well i guess all the moaners will be happy now that the club is for sale, and they wont have to moan about the quality of racing next season,
    2 points
  11. Strong rumours on the terraces yesterday is that a minimum 2 year lease has been signed, securing the car racing for that period. Depending on who you listen too there are various names in the hat but popular choice suggests Deane Wood may of taken it on. Deane has speedway at his mildenhall stadium, sub let's to Ipswich witches at foxall, and he rents Arlington from the Dugards. So he is very familiar with working alongside speedway. Be interesting to see what develops.
    2 points
  12. Most mx clubs in the U.K left the ACU and joined the MCF as they have brought mx and other 2 wheeled sports into the 20th century and riders can have both ACU and MCF licences the Courtney's tried to run a speedway GP style event around the country through them but the riders were threatened with bans from the Bspa if any of them run with a MCF licence ,the Courtney's run a very sucessfull mini bike series through the MCF they run the F2 speedway also http://www.mcfederation.com/events
    2 points
  13. Excellent news as it is unthinkable that such a good track would be lost to Speedway
    2 points
  14. Agree with everything you say, however.. Not sure if it will cease to exist as it has ran pretty much the same operating model for decades and is still here. (Just).. The big difference nowadays is obviously Social Media magnifies the issues a thousand fold, hence we discuss the nonsense that so often pervades far wider than we used to years ago when we all agreed it was still nonsense but at a very local level, eg with the five or six people you were stood with at the track after finding out your No1 was in Germany to ride in a Long Track meeting tomorrow, and your opponent had four guests due to one being in the same Long Track meeting, and the others missing because this was an rearranged meeting... Same nonsense but we had already paid our money when we found out so didn't have a choice to attend or not.. Speedway hasn't cottoned on that Social Media can be a huge force for good but sadly also hasn't realised that it can also be a huge problem given 'bad news' is now 'out there' within seconds... The sad fact is the way they give out so much nonsense through their ridiculous operating model, it leaves them wide open to ridicule via the modern media, which can never be a good start from which to attract a decent following... What you got away with in the Seventies when England/GB had great teams, great riders and great coverage on mainstream written and visual media, you simply cannot get away with now... Domestic Speedway was still "a bit Mickey Mouse" back then, but what you saw on ITV on a Saturday afternoon wasn't domestic league Speedway and always had credibility (and an 'X Factor' in Peter Collins)... And domestic Speedway then flourished on the coat tails of this coverage... Yet Speedway still runs a very similar operating model domestically that it did in the Seventies.. And it still runs a similar all round entertainment package for your night out that it did in the Seventies.... But doesn't anywhere near still run a similar admission cost to what it did in the Seventies when index linked to inflation... Cease to exist? Probably not for a good while yet, but it will (and can) only meander to an ever decreasing fan base using its current model of operation. One piece of bright news is I read today that the over 60's in ten years will form over 12 million of the whole population... Maybe light at the end of the Speedway tunnel after all...
    2 points
  15. Hi to all Workington Fans. Here is the rub, running in 2019 will be very difficult and honestly it still is in doubt as to whether we will be coming to the tapes next year, however I am proposing something different and developing a business plan (with others) to save the club and to ensure it runs at least for the next three years whilst Derwent Park is still available, what happens after this period we can worry about then. What I am looking for is some commitment from fans; local businesses or anyone who has contact details of anyone who can offer support who I can talk to, the proposal is to form a new partnership (LLP) to run the club. For obvious reasons I can not go into much detail on here however, I do have the bit between my teeth; but I can not do this all on my own. I am working with the promotion to formulate a plan to take the club forward and continue with the sport in Workington. The Club "end of season bash" is at the Workington Railway Club this Friday and I will be open for any discussions then where the plan can be discussed or if anyone would like to PM me I can provide details. The Speedway Trust who have provided invaluable support over the last two seasons and will be heavily involved along with all of the fan base. It is an open secret that the club isn't financially viable and has had cash flow problems, hopefully my proposal will go a long way to correcting this. As the BSPA General Meeting is coming up fast this proposal is time limited unfortunately as certain assurances and guarantees have to be met at the BSPA AGM. So come on Workington how much do you want Speedway, its your call. Once its gone I very much doubt you will ever get it back Regards THJ
    1 point
  16. And what are your qualifications to give any rider advice??
    1 point
  17. THIS week's edition of Speedway Star will be something we have never done on this scale before.
    1 point
  18. Not that long since the BSPA had a very good deal with a certain Sky TV - for some reason(s) and after many years of enjoying the cash, they don't appear to have done anything with it? Unless you include giving out a commission to a certain Mr R or paying "top" riders more than they could afford to do so.
    1 point
  19. I understand your fears but I think putting barriers between the leagues is not the answer. We have to recognise that any rider would want to compete at the highest level his ability allows and to place punitive conditions on riders moving from NL to CL (or CL to PL) is not in the best interests of the sport or the riders. The reality is that Speedway operates a progressive regime. Generally speaking, young riders start out their careers in the NL and, when their skills allow, move to the CL and thence to the PL. To place an artificial 'glass ceiling' above the NL to prevent riders fulfilling their potential in the upper leagues (and punishing them if they dare to try) is not in the best interests of the sport or its riders. Speedway needs to find ways of encouraging teams and riders to work together progressively for the good of the sport and improve its marketing image as an entertaining and competitive family sport to attract people back to the terraces. The Pathfinder report does it for me.
    1 point
  20. Major issue with Championship, the Premier was all done and dusted. The championship is the main reason the sport In the UK is dragging. Time for the top league to separate and go alone leaving some the championship to argue amongst themselves.
    1 point
  21. i know this may be trivial to a lot of people but just one of my biggest gripes is the lack of medical cover at meetings.a bib dislike of mine, and I'm sure many supporters, is having to wait anything between an hour and an hour and a half for the one ambulance there is to return from the hospital.one ambulance, in a professional sport is really unacceptable.i know of some newbies including ones that i have introduced saying that they would not return because standing around was ludicrous so come on promoters sort out this situation before the die hards also start to get fed up.
    1 point
  22. Excellent, mind you will they listen and take good ideas on board !!
    1 point
  23. Considering the vastly reduced number of fixtures this year, (and the fact that Worky went through almost the whole of May without a home meeting) it's nothing short of scandalous that they should have failed to complete their fixtures. The fault lies entirely with the SCB and the promoters for the totally dysfunctional league programme which was unfit for purpose from day1 of the season.
    1 point
  24. You might be surprised. True, it is more uncertain this season but in the last few years Belle Vue, Leicester, Glasgow, Berwick, Workington, Sheffield, Peterborough, Isle of Wight, Birmingham & Plymouth have all had new owners.
    1 point
  25. Having seen first hand the minibike champs series grow year on year to now have its own world championship , the Courtney brothers and Co are capable of taking speedway to another level if allowed to by the old guard . It's going nowhere but downhill at present so it could just be what's needed to save speedway in this country .
    1 point
  26. If reality then it'll be one of those worst kept secrets that those who think that they are in the know skirt around before it's made public. However, we as Panthers fans are more aware than most that there is many a slip between the BSPA AGM emblazoned cup and lip.
    1 point
  27. Although I understand that some Panthers fans don't appreciate their threads being 'contaminated by numpties',,, I do believe that speedway needs continuity as, the majority of fans and/or staff that I know seem quite reluctant to 'change'.
    1 point
  28. You're asking too much there .......
    1 point
  29. You always try to come up with a get out of jail card. Seriously have misgivings about you being a Poole fan.
    1 point
  30. Sundays are the only viable day for Peterborough. Anyone who thinks the top league on a weekday is going to work are bonkers.
    1 point
  31. Hans fan saying wouldn't touch Hans!! maybe time for a username change.
    1 point
  32. I don't need to save up. I have £25k saved up and I'm only 22. I'm going places.
    1 point
  33. BMR are affiliated to the MC Federation (MCF) who licence their flat track series and many off road events as an alternative to the ACU. They were going to be the authorising body for the 'breakaway' individual series to be run by ?the Courtneys? a few years back but the SCB/BSPA managed to get that blocked. Maybe time for another try at shaking things up?
    1 point
  34. Surely, the ACU could be approached for them to consider another sub-regulator, with all the usual safety aspects and insurance in place, but call the sport by another name and perhaps alter the traditional speedway set-up. E.G. race over 6 laps, 350 cc engines or 600 cc engines. Handicap races. Just a thought! As for a name, how about MotoRaceway?
    1 point
  35. Correct as did Sheffield but they were still under the auspices of the ACU with SCB approval
    1 point
  36. All joking aside, I don't understand why the Rye House supporters would not support a homeless team from Lakeside, using their track. If you were happy to go to the stadium to watch Rye House speedway, but were forced to liquidate, surely you would return to the stadium to watch another team? After all, most teams, as we know, are different year on year and during the season. Whatever you call yourself, is virtually irrelevant. I would love to see both teams line up in 2019, but at the moment, it is possibly neither.
    1 point
  37. OK then--how about Rye House Rockets.
    1 point
  38. It'll be new season, same old sh!t.
    1 point
  39. Which fans should they listen to? The ones who want one big league at Championship level or the ones who want a stronger top league? The ones who want 13 heats and a second half or the ones who think that 15 heats in a match is better value? The ones who want the play-offs or the ones who don't want the play-offs. The fans who want modern music or the fans who say the music isn't important as it's all about 4 blokes on bikes without brakes? It's all very well saying "listen to fans", but in the end they'll just agree with whichever fans give an opinion that they, themselves, like. Because the fans don't all have the same opinion.
    1 point
  40. Even with the headline in this week's Speedway Star " Listen to fans" ( Thank You Neil Machin ) I wonder how many of the other promoters gathered around the table will heed his call? Of course, they all should put the fan's views reasonably high up on the Agenda, as crowds continue to dwindle. The best suggestion is for Promoters like Neil to persuade the others to get their heads around the concept that feedback does not mean the same as complaints. Fans collectively also want speedway in the UK to be an attractive, well presented, exciting motorcycle racing sport that they can continue to offer their support to and spread the word to other would-be fans knowing that that is what they are going to see on a consistent basis. Fingers crossed hey!
    1 point
  41. i predict Kings Lynn will top the team vote but Poole will win on a technicality
    1 point
  42. I have said a similar thing probably this last 3 years but used a % reduction for riders. Fans would then be used to familiarity year on year.
    1 point
  43. Every man and his dog knows heroin is addictive. To take that first shot is your choice. You make that choice to be an heroin addict. Nobody who takes that $#!+ deserves sympathy, especially ripping your own parent off for £40k plus. I don't consider my life as boring and I done drink, smoke, do drugs or gamble. Even with all the health issues I'm currently dealing with, unable to work for 2 years so far, I will not go down that route of taking up things that become addictive. I don't expect people to feel sorry for me so I have no time for someone who's an addict. All addicts are scumbags and have no thought for others.
    1 point
  44. Bloody harsh on Glasgow being classed as under performers 2nd in the league and very competative in the play offs is classed as under performing How speedway has changed
    1 point
  45. Yeah, I knew someone would pick up on that lol. But they did so good it should be recognised even from a different league!
    1 point
  46. If it is him you will close down soon. Has ruined Peterborough twice mildenhall and Coventry. Well meaning buffoon. And his brother was even worse.
    1 point
  47. 500cc were planned but definitely too narrow. I'd not been to Stoke before, rough and ready but hey ho it's an operational track. 110% effort by the Helsby Junior GT Club for staging the event. Great to see such a variety of bikes and riders GT140's were competitive so too the 250's all went without any accidents too. For amateur/semi professional riders an excellent opportunity to have a run on a speedway track. Hopefully more tracks will stage similar events in the future. Solo's & Sidecars....bring it on as Grasstrack venue's are in short supply.
    1 point
  48. Teams are going out of business anyhow ..I don't think there is much to lose
    1 point
  49. I fully agree.There are loads of fans who take a lot of pleasure from seeing new young riders progress. It is also more unpredictable. I watch nowadays ( not every week) at both Eastbourne and Kent and for the most part the racing at both tracks has been top drawer. I hope the promoters have learned their lesson and will vote fo a higher average. I think 39 was a disaster, and judging from comments on this forum, I am not alone in thinking that.
    1 point
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