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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2018 in all areas

  1. Rider of the year: James Sarjent, for single handedly doubling the length of time it takes to run a meeting, what great value for money Most impressive team: Poole for managing to cheat their way to a title yet again Team rider of the season: Chris Holder One to watch: Matt Fraud Bulldog award (Best British rider): Rory Schlein Meeting of the season: Eastbourne vs Mildenhall 26/10/18 Surprise of the season: That the sport managed to survive it Underperformers (Team): BSPA Unluckiest rider: James Sargent, the refs keep picking on him Newcomer of the season: Martin Vaculik
    6 points
  2. I thought I'd watch this on catch-up after seeing this here. Good luck to Blair. I hope he gets himself sorted out in the rehab that they sent him to. I wonder if this is one of those cases of someone involved in sport desperate to regain the adrenaline rush that they have lost after finishing their careers. I felt very sad for him watching this. He wasn't your typical "Jeremy Kyle" type guest who comes on screaming and shouting, and his family were clearly a bit embarrassed to have to resort to putting him on the show. He looked emotional throughout and seemed to genuinely want help. No way did he come across as a "scum bag". I think he is lucky in that his family clearly care about him. I hope they do some sort of catch-up programme in the future and he is doing well.
    5 points
  3. I have said a similar thing probably this last 3 years but used a % reduction for riders. Fans would then be used to familiarity year on year.
    5 points
  4. i predict Kings Lynn will top the team vote but Poole will win on a technicality
    4 points
  5. Wolves were Friday's until Dan McCormack & CVS swapped nights with the Brummies. It was a great start to the weekend (socially) when it was Friday racing!
    4 points
  6. ................Totally Honest John......best read, witty, sensible, fearless, adding to a wonderful Workington season.......roll on 2019 marra....
    3 points
  7. For balance my vote goes to Crump99 for his lighted hearted positive outlook on everything
    3 points
  8. Jesus.... don’t make that ego any bigger Was almost finished putting flags out after he got banned... when he made his return post three cheers to totallyridiculousjohn
    3 points
  9. Fair play, never having smoked or drunk or gambled. But i have a different perspective. I've known alcoholics who are lovely people. People with gambling addictions. I wouldn't class them as scumbags, given that I happen to like a drink but am lucky enough to be able to choose when I drink. I know a number of people who were incredibly nice until they got hooked on Crystal meth - yes obviously not a smart thing to take, but the scumbags to me are those who sell that crsp not the addicts.
    3 points
  10. Would that be a 70" TV?
    3 points
  11. Posting on here can be classed as an addiction
    3 points
  12. Every man and his dog knows heroin is addictive. To take that first shot is your choice. You make that choice to be an heroin addict. Nobody who takes that $#!+ deserves sympathy, especially ripping your own parent off for £40k plus. I don't consider my life as boring and I done drink, smoke, do drugs or gamble. Even with all the health issues I'm currently dealing with, unable to work for 2 years so far, I will not go down that route of taking up things that become addictive. I don't expect people to feel sorry for me so I have no time for someone who's an addict. All addicts are scumbags and have no thought for others.
    3 points
  13. As an idea for encouraging team continuity; how about allowing a discount on rider averages for team building purposes if a rider stays at the same club for the new season. For example a rider finishes with an average of 7.49. If he stays with same club then a discount of half a point is given for team building purposes. His average becomes 6.99 if he stays put, but remains 7.49 if he changes teams. Even if the entire team is retained the total benefit is just 3.5 points. Not enough to unbalance the league, but enough to encourage retaining riders.
    3 points
  14. The problem with the promoters in my opinion is not that they deliberately want to run the sport into the ground, it makes no sense for them to purposely lose their money, but the system that has been created makes it impossible for the sport to function properly. There are too many conflicts of interest and pulling in opposing directions. What the sport needs is for decisions to be made in the best interests of speedway as a whole but unless someone independent is elected to make these decisions things will just carry on as they are, leading to a slow and painful death. The argument that it’s the promoter’s money doesn’t stand up for me. What other sport operates in this way? You wouldn’t get Malcolm Glazer and Roman Abramovic making up the rules of football so why do we have to put up with it. Tsunami clearly had the best interests of Newcastle at heart and anyone who puts their cash into speedway has my respect but the sport needs an independent, honest, respected leader. And to your rival moxey63, get well soon.
    3 points
  15. Your post says a lot about you as an individual
    3 points
  16. OK I dunno if this is a dumb idea or been considered before (I'm newly back into speedway after living abroad) I'll take the championship as an example. Currently the team limit is 42.5 I would suggest that any team from 2018 is allowed to keep their same team regardless of how their riders averages have improved. If they replace a rider: if the current team average is above 42.5, then the new rider must be lower than the leaving rider. (so team average could possibly still be above 42.5) if the current teams average is below 42.5 then they can replace however they like, as long as the new average is at/below 42.5 The idea behind this is that it would be better if we don't have to break up successful teams and should be able to get some consistency in teams instead of the merry-go-round of riderrs to teams and teams have motivation to improve and keep riders without having to then ditch a rider if they improve too much due to team average.
    3 points
  17. If it was a fishing match there can only be one winner, the mighty JCF ....
    2 points
  18. Every bit as worthwhile listening to him in he flesh too
    2 points
  19. Just for the record, in my line of work I have come across many addicts. It is an illness no matter how it started. The reality is that addicts come from all waulks of life, some have decent upbringings, many don’t. Reality is very few succesfully overcome their addiction. For the minority that do, I respect them rather than refer back to what they were when their addiction had hold as they have fought and won a battle few can. Remember addiction can come about from legit sources as well as illegal drugs. This case as it stands, it’s his family my heart goes out to. For their sake, I hope he proves to be in the strong minority
    2 points
  20. I agree about the fixture list should be completed but if the fixture list was not compiled properly or fixtures changed then changed back again then one can hardly blame the clubs involved. also this was about the third attempt to run the fixture!
    2 points
  21. Also, why would it be a fitting final with a Peterborough side having 3 of their own riders & 4 guests!
    2 points
  22. Well you are from Suffolk!!!
    2 points
  23. Rider of the year - got to be Craig Cook , it's a pleasure watching him every home meeting . Impressive team - only one candidate here - Workington Team rider - Paul Starke , racked up the bonus points in the Glasgow engine room . One to watch - Josh Pickering . The confines of his home track isnt suited to his all action style . Watch his progress rocket if he moves away to somewhere like Scunthorpe Bulldog award - again Craig Cook Meeting of the season - Scunthorpe v Glasgow the day after Cardiff Surprise of the season - Berwick's dads army looked basement dwellers , They were anything but that . Underperformers - Ipswich's season was blighted by injury which was the main reason they finished mid table Unluckiest rider - youmg Dan Bewley . Hope this bad injury doesnt halt his progress Newcomer - the young laddie at Ipswich - Drew Kemp - what a prospect he is
    2 points
  24. I'm not prepared to say goodbye to my team just yet....even if that means groundhopping while every avenue is explored with regards to a new stadium. It's not fair to judge the move to Rye House based on the past few weeks. Cold weather, rain-offs and electrical faults left a sour taste but I'd like to see a season with full preparation and then make up my mind. No, it's not Arena Essex and never will be but it's still OUR TEAM. Couple of positives is the pub next door and i can still have my pre match 5 guys via Harlow!
    2 points
  25. Well I can honestly say my pockets jingled more when Maggie Thatcher was PM
    2 points
  26. Wrong way round, Edinburgh won the 2010 league with 74 pts to 2nd place Newcastle's 58. Newcastle beat Sheffield in the 2010 Play - Off Final 101 - 89, and then lost the PROMOTION/ RELEGATION RACE-OFF to Ipswich 76 - 110 The magnificent Edinburgh team of 2014 went one better, as in addition to winning the League Play-Off, KO Cup, & League Cup, they also topped the League table with 74 pts, followed by Somerset on 67.
    2 points
  27. Maybe he was gesturing to one person in the crowd,,,, did you not do it back to him Tj ?
    2 points
  28. Surely with everyone being so well off the riders could pay their own - after all they are probably using £50 notes as toilet paper
    2 points
  29. Agree. He's making himself look like a plonker... £100 is my whole weeks shopping for 3. £75. "cheap jeans", the man says £15 are cheap jeans !! £75 for a "shirt" £10 -£15 £75 " half a tank of fuel" My Mr average car costs £65 to fill it up!!
    2 points
  30. Having been confined to hospital the past week, your attacks on my posts mean nothing. The morphene seems to make them even funnier. I have a broken femur and shoulder, really painful, the fault of an idiot who apparently didn't see me when he pulled into a junction and i crashed over his bonnet, hit my head on his screen and then fell onto the floor. Most painful experience I have had. A 12 inch rod knocked into my leg and screws everywhere. Now, the driver has admitted it was his fault, the police too, and the taxi driver who caught it on his dash cam. But not one of them could provide proof that my freebie had brought speedway to where it is now. But they said at least I survived my near death experience. What is speedway, they asked.
    2 points
  31. What about all those that couldn’t make it to KL but have supported the team all season? Fair play to those that made the long trek to KL, very much doubt the club would survive on these fans alone.
    2 points
  32. I accept that you've been busy, its took nealy a full day to reply did you chuck your pen at him, lol.
    1 point
  33. Think if you spoke to most Glasgow fans it would be one rider they felt under performed and that had a knock on effect on the team
    1 point
  34. He was second in the World Under 21 final in 1995, falling in the run off with Jason Crump. So he had the talent and potential, sadly it never happened.
    1 point
  35. would or did you attend the last meeting v lakeside ? workington could also have finished second if they had completed all their league fixtures . lets make it equal second and call it a day , eh . workington,lakeside, eastbourne and mildenhall may get slapped on the where ever . but to fine them all shed loads of cash is not on . fine the two just men that caused it, not the teams ..
    1 point
  36. I wasn't aware you were a promoter. I was aware of the decent period Newcastle enjoyed during that era and have no embarrassment in admitting you were one of the good ones. I know how strong the Diamonds were. But they are not all like you. For example, my hindsight of how Belle Vue was run for years under certain promotions may have tarnished my outlook. Maybe promoters run out of energy after initial good meaning. But, yes, Newcastle were a bit of a go-out-and-find- the-talent set up. I admire that. I also admire TigerOwl and his work for we history buffs. Thanks for the well wishes.
    1 point
  37. Accolades galore to go along with the gongs. Many Congratulations Workington Comets riders. promotion and fans. You definitely deserve it!
    1 point
  38. Phil Morris did a similar thing once on a show hosted by Donny Osmond.
    1 point
  39. Knew him quite well during his riding days over here- seem to remember he was a very funny guy.He team managed Indianerna(Kumla) for a while in recent years. Some photo`s https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dalle+andersson&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9-PHBp7DeAhVdGsAKHWReCi4QsAR6BAgGEAE&biw=1
    1 point
  40. Spoke briefly with him at Cardiff this year, having a meal with @Zetters Looked a great prospect when he first came over, fantastic style.
    1 point
  41. Here is another team to 42.5 and with Nick morris going to dubai could see him in the team. 1. Harris= 7.09 2. Woryna= 6.30 3. Kurtz= 6.75 4. Klindt= 6.61 5. Morris= 6.91 6. Jakobsen= 5.04 7. Nielsen= 3.67 42.37
    1 point
  42. In the real world £75 is .... A whole weeks shopping (any restaurant is out of the question) Bus fares for a month A years clothing budget The only sky they see is the one above their heads
    1 point
  43. Swap Garrity for worrall or anyone with an average that fits and that a good shout
    1 point
  44. I'm obviously not a Workington supporter, I have only ever been there twice and that was during a couple of years when I visited every then second division track at least once and yet today I woke up with a smile on my face. Why? Because it's great to see one of the unfashionable clubs, not fancied at the beginning of the season and who have overcome obstacles put in their way, not only win the league and the cup but who have done it with ease and style. Enjoy your success. I hope that you go on to do the treble but most of all I hope that a way is found to secure the future of the club. We can't afford to lose any teams but it would seem particularly unfortunate for your fans and promoters after achieving so much this year.
    1 point
  45. That's why I think the announcement on the Eagles website and facebook page on 15/10/18 about the meeting on 26/10/18 is important. It would be surprising if Eastbourne simply went ahead and announced a date without any consultation with Mildenhall but, if they did (and there is nothing on the Mildenhall website or facebook page), then I would say that it is Eastbourne that are most at fault here.
    1 point
  46. Not at all. I was merely trying to illustrate that there are clubs - like Wolves and Poole and others - that clearly wish to operate at SGBP level. It seems to me that many so-called fans want to place the blame for all speedway's ills at the feet of the SGBP clubs, when its the SGBC clubs that appear to have just as many if not more problems themselves, yet by sheer numbers are allowed to outvote or overrule SGBP clubs on crucial issues for the way forward.
    1 point
  47. And just to show how consistent the SCB are they have suspended Willie Dishington for making a mistake in the play Off SF between Belle Vue and Lynn when he incorrectly ruled out Steve Worrall for a heat 15 ride, but appear quite happy for an SCB official to allow Morris to ride for Poole when his average rules him out. Its wrong and in my view raises questions on the integrity and honesty of the SCB official allowing it.
    1 point
  48. We have " jenga "at workington.
    1 point
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