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  1. There’s two precedents set. One is to go on the meetings that have been completed. In this case, Lakeside win by 46-44. The other comes from Redcar v Glasgow last year, when a result was declared before Heat 10. The SCB took into account that even if neither Glasgow completed Heat 10, the result was still conclusive. Two 5-0s to Peterborough in Heats 9 and 10 and Lakeside would have still progressed. To be quite frank, no more time can be spent on the semi-final – it’s not fair on Workington, in particular. Workington and Lakeside need to start planning the final, which must take place next weekend.
    9 points
  2. Let’s not overlook the the culpability of the BSPA Chairman and especially the Vice Chairman in all this. It’s thanks to Godfrey interfering with the fixture list to suit his own club that meant that Lakeside, Peterborough, and Workington had difficulty completing their fixtures, and thanks to the pair of them that Lakeside couldn’t use both Arena and Rye House get the Remain gin fixtures . Thats Chapman and Godfrey for you, bleating about protocols and to hell with the fans. Even by BSPA standards the sport has sunk to a new low, made even worse by Chapmans boasts that he was going to do this and do that but he has done nothing. Words cannot e,xpress my contempt for the pair of them, especially Godfrey. Look at the mess the sport was in when these two clowns took over, and look at it now - even worse. Unbelievable . And they both think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. As for Peterborough, Lakeside and Rye House Stadium, it wouldn’t surprise me if they are all history by next year. Sadly. What a bunch of clowns run this sport from to bottom.
    9 points
  3. This is the problem. When rules are stuck to rigidly, people complain 'there is no room for common sense'. However when there is a hint that some common sense may be shown people say 'what is the point of having a rule book' I am sure it is the same people each time complaining each time, and just like to whinge and have a pop at all and sundry. Yes I have sympathy with their present situation, but in this instance there is no way Peterborough would pull back the deficit. They should be big enough to accept that and common sense should prevail.
    7 points
  4. 5 points
  5. At least there are no shortage of expert tossers!
    5 points
  6. All the comparisons to Laurel and Hardy are completely unjust. Remember that Laurel and Hardy were talented people trying to look like fools whereas the people running the sport are????
    5 points
  7. The Scorpions have put themselves in a strong position for the second leg, i would be happy with an 18 point lead no doubt. The Comets have it all to do. We could count ourselves a little unfortunate not to have had a point or too more on the board last night without taking anything away from the Scorpions. Paul Starke may have scored a few more points if his starting had been better but it was poor on the night, 5 points from him would have been more than acceptable. Rasser was superb on the night and has really shown great determination in the quest to win the club its first seven man silverware. Mason Campton has improved greatly with more racing during the second half of the season and will have a huge part to play in the 2nd leg. His win in heat 12 following a second hard move in the race from Garrity after already stuffing Nicolai up down the back straight was superb and a fitting response. Rene had what will have have been a very frustrating night for him, he tried his hardest from a position of not making very good starts but just seemed to lack that bit of speed that would have brought him a few extra points. Nicolai seemed to find himself in the wrong place on more than one occasion and invariably found himself at the back when in traffic. He will have a huge part to play in the 2nd leg and is more than capable of turning last nights form on its head. Young Kyle nearly managed a second place in the reserves race and he will be looking for more at Derwent Park. Seven heat wins wasn't bad from the Comets, it was the 11 non scoring races that hurt us. Jason Garrity and Jake Allen are a formidable 3 and 4 partnership at the EWR and were responsible for 3 of the damaging 5-1's the Comets conceeded. If we can get on top of these two and make big strides into the deficit early then it will be game on and the nerves will be jangling once again. Up the Comets !!
    5 points
  8. Seems logical in the circumstances. Won the 1st leg away and 20 points up just past halfway in the second. It was only going one way so just put everyone out of their misery and call it!
    5 points
  9. Yes... They've got the FRN right, just needs to be the right N! Surely it's time to switch to Friday, Saturday and Sunday and if riders don't want to do that they can find other jobs to do
    5 points
  10. LOL - That would be unfair on both sets of fans!
    4 points
  11. Still no word on sgb website about sundays fun at rye nothing on comets about fixtures have taken days off others have moved work so i could go mon night and thur am thinking why bother this aint fun anymore !
    4 points
  12. About time the ACU realised that the" Gang of Two" are totally unfit to be in charge of a credible sport.
    4 points
  13. I'd bet Scott Nicholls would say that Tai Woffinden is a better rider than he was at his peak. Of the names mentioned that I have seen ride I can only think of Peter Collins and Michael Lee having any claim to be better (never saw Peter craven or those who came before him so can't offer a sensible opinion). Peter Collins had fantastic skills and was very exciting to watch, like Tai his gating was inconsistent but I would say Tai is a little better. He could pass anywhere on the track, generally on the outside but where I think Tai shades it is in his ability to produce the big ride when the pressure is really on. Michael Lee had a huge natural talent to ride a bike fast, quite probably more natural talent than Tai. However with his work ethic at the time of his peak he would not have stood a chance in todays Speedway where a fitness regime is such an important part of being truly world class. I apologise if I've taken this thread off at a tangent and made it about Tai Woffinden.
    4 points
  14. And you should have boarded the last train to Clarkesville as you seem to be making a right monkee out of yourself
    4 points
  15. After attending Rye House yesterday I think that the sport in the UK is currently run at an incompentance level. What they should be aiming for is to bring the sport up to an amateur level. This can be done by scraping team speedway, getting a mainstream motorcycle manufactuerer involved, standadise equipment and getting the the riders to pay to participate. This happens in the majority of amateur motorsport and for the organisers ensures profitability and continuity for their sports. So what about the professional side of speedway in the UK. Well that is dead now and should be left to the people who know how to do it Poland and Sweden.
    4 points
  16. to answer a few quotes on here 90% of lakesides problems with staging meetings have been out of their hands the so called powers that be banning 4/5 meetings in the summer the arena owners saying no more meetings after september and now the clowns at rye house saying only 2 slots left after promising oh come to us and finish the season with us and also yesterday lakeside did have an electrician on standby but were told by rye he is not going anywhere near it I for one really feel for the club as I know how hardworking and passionate they are about the club only to be let down over and over again by other parties. sadly I feel the season is done now we will get the wrong call regarding the final and will proberbly not get to finish the workington meetings either sad days for the whole sport. re next season if things do not change big time then its the final nail in the coffin for the sport very sad indeed. and regarding lakeside if rye cant pull their fingers out or at least let lakeside run lakeside it will be madness to run there and that could mean the end of our great club unless Thurrock council come true with their promise of a new track and finally I agree with nick rushbrook stop coming on here gloating and spewing bile keep it for your own forums COYH.
    4 points
  17. This is a very unhappy situation but I do not understand why the rerun cannot be on a midweek date. The stadium was rented for a speedway meeting that could not be finished due to the stadium lighting failing so the owners should allow the rerun to take place rent free or the Lakeside promotion should sue them for a full refund of the rent plus the loss of income for the final. I supported Rye House but it appears that they not only cannot run a team, they also cannot provide a stadium for others to race at. BMR should not be allowed within a million miles of the sport ever again.
    4 points
  18. What an absolute disgrace that was. Felt like the fans were left (literally) in the dark for far too long and then to come over the PA and announce "we're sorry, we're speedway people, not electricians" is just shoddy. Had to take an 8 year old kid home bored out of his mind for a good hour waiting around and doesn't want to go back to the speedway now. And can you blame him? Tonight was the absolute lowest I've felt about this sport in a long time and that's bloody well saying something with the amount of crap we put up with in speedway. People can shoulder the blame with Rye House and they obviously had a massive hand to play in this mess of a so called meeting. But lakeside have to as well. The lack of worthwhile communication was bad just the occasional "we're doing our best" well, it wasn't good enough. I often see the phrase any speedway is better than no speedway thrown a lot around especially on this forum, but I can safely say I'd rather have none than have to put up with the absolute dross I saw.
    4 points
  19. 1500? Try basing a budget on a third of that, then go forward. When and if crowds pick up, pay picks up. Hoping 1500 turn up is suicide. At the Div 2 tracks in the north a 20 pc crowd increase is probably only another 100 or so people. Its time to be realistic and go into survival mode first, then try and build.
    4 points
  20. With the end of the season just around the corner I would like to thank Sue and her very special team for the magnificent service that they provide. For many many years we've maybe taken the updates site for granted, but believe me each and every texter and updater, and Sue's right hand people are really appreciated. Thank you guys
    3 points
  21. Keep seeing a mention of large crowd but IMO no more than 500 which includes around 80 or so comets fans would not like to see a normal crowd !! Just saying . Ps sound system on 1st bend did not work very well
    3 points
  22. It was easier to pick out individual away riders when they had their own leathers.
    3 points
  23. Trail up ?.........if they were wanted in Poland/Sweden/Denmark et al they would be there pronto...
    3 points
  24. Barker wouldnt be no worse than Covatti even with his broken arm
    3 points
  25. I would hope that Peterborough do the 'honourable thing' and name the same team as Sunday. Anything else would be unfair surely. 20 points down on the night and get another crack at 0-0. Total joke. Surely if Peterborough pull this off, nobody in their right mind can say it's fair.
    3 points
  26. Whatever they finally decide- tossing a coin might be an option you haven`t considered- Workington have 4 home matches to fit in between Thursday(1st one scheduled) and next Wednesday which is the last day of the month. utter madness !!!!
    3 points
  27. Whilst I can see what we are trying to achieve by getting a final place and the principles that we could fix the problems when it was the same at the showground, but just give up. We were beaten at home and we were getting smashed away. We have 2 riders left, why would we be wanting to put our self in a position to get a spanking in the final. I hope Ged sees sense and saves his money on guests cause the way the sport is being run no one will want to buy it off him (I know we have had 3 potential buyers but realistically no one in their right mind would invest in a speedway team in the UK) , so he will need all the money hes got for next year.
    3 points
  28. Just give the win to Lakeside. We were completely out of it and only have 2 of our riders left.
    3 points
  29. A little harsh, but only a little. There's no question that the decision - for utterly selfish motives - to stop Workington, Lakeside and Peterborough using Friday nights has contributed to this situation.
    3 points
  30. Perfect, every meeting is a Play-Off meeting and then, to determine who is the winner of the Play-Offs, the team that draws the shortest straw. Think we've nailed it lads
    3 points
  31. With the latest fixtures now appearing, it leaves just Buxton and Coventry. Who is due to be at home, and is this fixture likely to be run.
    2 points
  32. Meeting was abandoned, before the boys got dialled in.
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. GED Rathbone or desperate Dan as I call him should have conceded this tie in the best interest of the sport .Hope both sides do the honourable thing and use the same sides.Peterborough for the time been have a few more straws to clutch at
    2 points
  35. There was a time when nobody wore team suits, you identified the riders by their individual leathers / Kevlars I actually thought the Pirates looked good with the 'old fashioned' race jackets on . Just my opinion
    2 points
  36. Important factor in this meeting. Panthers riders will have the right set up from Heat 1. They will just carry over the bike changes from last night. Hope we book some decent guests for Wednesday. Will we get special dispensation to use Wells and Harris?
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. The sport needs an appropriate sponsor to hi-light what it's all about. I suggest Billy Smart's Circus.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. “We had made massive changes to our bikes “ did he he really say that with a straight face ?
    2 points
  41. As a neutral, i couldn't give a monkey's either way. The thought of two more visits to Rye fills me with dread.
    2 points
  42. Not a good way of selling the product is it? Nowt to do with me...but... what was wrong with say a 2 pm start?...no lights required.
    2 points
  43. Can you imagine going to the cinema, the projector breaks down and have you waiting for 2 hours before declaring that it can't be fixed? No need for a refund or re-entry....you did at least see half the film and it's ok, we'll tell you how it ends....
    2 points
  44. Three rain offs, two abandoned meetings, late finishes and fans leaving in their droves, long before matches have been completed. The move to Rye House has been a disaster for Lakeside, and has left the stadiums reputation for being fit for speedway in tatters. I sat in the stand last night, surrounded by the rubbish left there during friday nights meeting. A fitting epitaph for speedways worst season in living memory.
    2 points
  45. or even mildly interesting
    2 points
  46. One day you may post something that is in a very small way believable!
    2 points
  47. Honourable thing? Give me some of the crack your smoking please!
    2 points
  48. That's what Edinburgh thought with a bigger advantage Scunny - the outclassed Philips apart - were very solid indeed while Workington relied on the brilliant Jensen and Campton. Klindt, Starke & Bach were poor, although Bach at least tried hard. Cracking meeting , with the highlight surely Campton's astonishing pass of Garrity & Manzares in heat 12. He came from nowhere to take them both on the inside with a remarkable turn of speed and its definitely one of the best moves I have seen anywhere this season.
    2 points
  49. Been a good signing for Berwick for the two seasons he rode here. Had some cracking races last season and interacted well with the fans. Would be a good man to have in your corner to help out, especially passing his knowledge on to younger riders. Always came across as a genuine character and fitted in well with the club. Good luck to him.
    2 points
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