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I 've only been with the team for 5 years but I sense that Sue probably ages twice as fast as the rest of us, literally her phone must never be more then a foot away from her charger. I can say the best texters to read can be the most hard work for the updaters. Often halfway through typing heat 10 comments and heat 12 result is coming through. Often it means ignoring visitors or family to sit in front a laptop, updating a meeting that sparks no enthusiasm in me, but I know to someone somewhere stuck at work or at a family do those updates are the most significant part of their day. As it would be for me if i was following a Kent away fixture I couldn't get too. That's why it works, we are all fans and want to know how our teams(or favourite riders) are doing and that's why it has worked for so long. It's for the fans by the fans.8 points
God almighty,there's more chance of brexit coming to an agreement, than these two completing this fixture5 points
Been a good signing for Berwick for the two seasons he rode here. Had some cracking races last season and interacted well with the fans. Would be a good man to have in your corner to help out, especially passing his knowledge on to younger riders. Always came across as a genuine character and fitted in well with the club. Good luck to him.5 points
Let’s not overlook the the culpability of the BSPA Chairman and especially the Vice Chairman in all this. It’s thanks to Godfrey interfering with the fixture list to suit his own club that meant that Lakeside, Peterborough, and Workington had difficulty completing their fixtures, and thanks to the pair of them that Lakeside couldn’t use both Arena and Rye House get the Remain gin fixtures . Thats Chapman and Godfrey for you, bleating about protocols and to hell with the fans. Even by BSPA standards the sport has sunk to a new low, made even worse by Chapmans boasts that he was going to do this and do that but he has done nothing. Words cannot e,xpress my contempt for the pair of them, especially Godfrey. Look at the mess the sport was in when these two clowns took over, and look at it now - even worse. Unbelievable . And they both think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. As for Peterborough, Lakeside and Rye House Stadium, it wouldn’t surprise me if they are all history by next year. Sadly. What a bunch of clowns run this sport from to bottom.4 points
Does speedway havea Duckworth - Lewis Method of fiddling results ? MAybe it should be the Chapman -Godfrey method in speedway ?4 points
If he did then its the best Boro performance of the night4 points
The joke is on you. They are the prices at the EOES!!!4 points
Double headers are often a necessary evil in speedway but It occured to me for a double header v the same opponents, couldn't just one match be staged and the scores count for both meetings, i.e League & KOC, etc. I am not particularly referring to last nite's Worky v Lakey postponement(s) but double headers in general. I seem to recall a few years ago in at least one meeting the score counted for 2 competitions with full, and prior agreement of both team mangements, and presumably the BSPA & SCB. Double headers are almost inevetable but the cost of bascially staging 2 meetings with effectively one income, but with just say 1 1/2 x usual admission, though with one set of travel costs, must financially crippling especially at this time of year....3 points
Don’t think that was me Singy, certainly wasn’t eying up the catering van Love visiting Workington. After 4/5hrs of driving hell, the final drive along the A66 , makes you realise how beautiful Britain is. Will be back to Workington this weekend 100%, just hope the weather stays fair & good luck on Thursday night3 points
Surely a better and fairer idea is to simply award the trophy to whichever team actually finished TOP OF THE THE LEAGUE. Or, given the fact that it was Lakeside's responsibility that this meeting got called off, award it to Panthers and let's lock horns with Worky next weekend. Surely it's the 'grand final' everybody really wanted.3 points
Dont bother to restage - just kick both teams out and award the title to Worky3 points
That's what Edinburgh thought with a bigger advantage Scunny - the outclassed Philips apart - were very solid indeed while Workington relied on the brilliant Jensen and Campton. Klindt, Starke & Bach were poor, although Bach at least tried hard. Cracking meeting , with the highlight surely Campton's astonishing pass of Garrity & Manzares in heat 12. He came from nowhere to take them both on the inside with a remarkable turn of speed and its definitely one of the best moves I have seen anywhere this season.3 points
1500? Try basing a budget on a third of that, then go forward. When and if crowds pick up, pay picks up. Hoping 1500 turn up is suicide. At the Div 2 tracks in the north a 20 pc crowd increase is probably only another 100 or so people. Its time to be realistic and go into survival mode first, then try and build.3 points
You should have bought a one way ticket then and you might have saved a few quid and done us all a favour.3 points
Moxey, still not grasping that BSI stream the GP live, for free, on their website in the USA. No illegal stream needed.3 points
Lots of different lines at Arena meant lots of passing opportunities on a very wide track. Get some DVDs and count the number of passes after the first corner against the number of passes you see at Rye. Arena wins hands down. At Rye you have to get to the outside line coming off turn 2 to win. Example from Friday night at Rye House: Gate 4 won the first 7 heats! Gate 3 won 5 of the next 7 heats!! Only 2 wins off gate 1 or 2 all night!!! And they were Morris and Lawson who were the best riders on show anyway.3 points
The track may have been small, but it definitely wasn't s##t. The primary grumble Hammers fans are having regarding Rye House is that the standard of racing it allows is much poorer than what we had at the Arena. This does not mean we aren't grateful to still have a team. We are thankful of the help Rye House have given to us.3 points
Enough fans turned up at that piss poor run down stadium with a s##t small track for the club to keep running though.3 points
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everything is rosy, I just don't believe that one big league is the solution. It will be seen as a major weakening for Premiership teams, which is the approach tried for the last decade (with inevitable consequences) and I believe will result in a cost increase for Championship teams. Frankly, I don't think tinkering with the league structure will do anything to attract fans. For me, the problem is the way in which the sport is promoted. Clubs seem to rely on a combination of BT Sport, local media, social media and word of mouth. The problem with the first three is that you are largely preaching to the converted. The only people who will watch speedway on BT Sport, read about it in the local news and follow speedway related social media are people who already have a passing interest in the sport. The problem with word of mouth is that I don't believe it is persuasive enough to get people to part with £17 to "try out" speedway. I think clubs need to try a lot harder to get speedway in front of people so they can experience it first hand. The approach I would take is to appoint speedway ambassadors who work at major local employers or who have some other access to large numbers of potential customers. Each ambassador has twenty free tickets per meeting to offer to people who don't regularly attend speedway. The tickets would include entry, a pre-meeting pit walk, the chance to watch a couple of heats from the centre green and a discount voucher for the next meeting. If 10 ambassadors bring 20 newbies each meeting and just half return for the discounted meeting (say £9 entry) and 10% return longer term this would create 300 new fans per season and generate almost £50k in additional revenue. The cost to the clubs is minimal as the people being offered free tickets wouldn't be attending without them.3 points
How can One Big League result in a much higher outlay than the Championship currently costs to run? One "top " star per team ( if that is possible with the number of "top" stars about! ) I can only see One Big league as about the same as being at Championship level. If you take out Doyle, Lambert, Fricke, Cook and don't use them unless they ride for a reasonable amount then you have no other World Class riders ( Kurtz & J Holder are of course Up & Coming. Nicholls and Harris are no longer where they were ( except in their odd best moments ). UK speedway for at least five years - while it TRIES to rebuild and attract new fans - does not need world class riders. All riders are heroes for racing but are worth only what the sport can afford in terms of paying customers. If sponsors will meet the additional financial needs of "top" riders, that is market factors coming in to play. If we go for more of the same ( of the last ten years ) further decline in terms of average crowds is the only outcome.3 points
With the end of the season just around the corner I would like to thank Sue and her very special team for the magnificent service that they provide. For many many years we've maybe taken the updates site for granted, but believe me each and every texter and updater, and Sue's right hand people are really appreciated. Thank you guys2 points
I have a horrible suspicion that tonight's farce may be the final death knell for many supporters, if not for the Hammers as an entity. I hope JCF's imaginary train journey was better than my actual one. No direct trains to London because of engineering works. Had to change at Broxbourne, and the first train when we got there was cancelled too. Just got home after a long incredibly frustrating day. Not speedway's finest hour. Another low which may be the end of a desperately sad season.2 points
Kick them both out and, put Berwick in cos they were 5th.2 points
Only way would be to have a double header next week! Workington would have to park up at a service station and await the result before resuming their journey!2 points
A very one sided post. In that meeting with Glasgow nine heats had already been run and ht10 had to be rerun with two Glasgow riders only. It was a foregone conclusion. Redcar penalised themselves by dragging the remaining time out to curfew with an alleged badly injured rider who was neither transferred to hospital by the track ambulance or had a 999 ambulance called on his behalf. Said injured rider then made his own way to hospital after the curfew expired. The Redcar promoter then made plenty of noise about taking legal action so sure he was of injustice but never did, he never even took up the right of appeal.2 points
Ignoring some of the less pleasant remarks from just one or two Panthers fans, as a Lakeside supporter I can see this being awarded to Peterborough. If rain had stopped the meeting at heat 9 - just as out of Lakeside's control as the lights going out - it couldn't be awarded. Lakeside hadn't actually won the tie, although obviously they were about to. The SCB may even decide that P'boro finishing top of the league could come into play. Whatever, it's all very unsatisfactory. I feel for the Lakeside promotion, who are facing one disaster after another after what promised to be such a decent season. Unfortunately, Rye House is a dump, and I say that with some sorrow, as it was one of the first speedway tracks I ever went to, my parents taking me there as a kid in the early 60s, when it was a training track running occasional Sunday open meetings.2 points
2 points
it's not only childish, but for your part your version is untrue. You never got sick of speedway and stopped going. You, by your own words on here sometime ago, stated that once you stopped doing your notes you were asked to pay to get in like everyone else. You took umbridge with BV, because you are not a freebie any more, and therefore have stayed away rather than pay to get in. Your story has been repeated on many threads you go on, and each time conveniently try to concoct a different angle why you don't go to speedway. But your real reason, you revealed yourself a couple of years and you ave been in denial ever since. Put into a boxing context, you regularly get knocked out and lose, but always try to restart the fight as if nothing had been stated before.2 points
Doesn't even need hooks, should maybe be called the 'fish whisperer'.2 points
Is there anything in the rules that states a qualified electrician should be in attendance as it seem there wasn't one there tonight .2 points
Oh-ho-hoo....what's this, floodlight failures?!!! It has to be called off, surely? That's what Lakeside were screaming for at the EoES (what goes around, comes around!) Then maybe Panthers can go back to Rye House with a stronger line-up. It wouldn't be such a one-sided meeting and better entertainment for everybody there. And the team that finished top of the league could end up in the play-off final after all. It's a joke; sticking tractors and vans on the bends with their headlights on! Off, off, off, OFF....!2 points
Wasn't a shambles at all. Rogers and Mason looked after the riders, tho they all have programmes and mechanics to make sure their in the correct should they struggle. I would think majority of fans recognise a rider by their kevlars and helmet colour rather than the body colour too. It was an extra meeting for fans to see a bit more speedway before the winter without having teams from around the country. And for the Birmingham fans to say 'goodbye' to the riders. I don't see a problem with any of it tbh.2 points
Four guests for the team that top the league. WHAT A JOKE PLAYOFFS ARE RUBBISH.2 points
I see your dilemma Tigerforever. I initially thought there is only one punt he'll be getting and its back south. However having thought about it some more I realise that the M6 is still the way I'd send him. I can understand your thoughts, having taken the hit this year of dropping the best part of a point off his average, he must surely have bottomed out and be better next year. He is on 7.71 as that's what he is, a 7 point rider. I tried to think back to a meeting he had won for us, and cant remember one, home or away. He was signed to be our No1 but wasnt even close. I don't have confidence that re-signing him next year he could even maintain that 7.71 and where would that leave us. A lot of fans are exasperated with him, the perceived lack of effort is a common complaint. I would see his return next year as being like the Ksiezak factor 7 or 8 years ago when fans turned away when we re-signed a rider who had gone stale and admittedly had fallen out with the track. Time will tell I suppose.2 points
Its good to see the stars of the sport at league level but I'd not be worried if they didn't ride to keep costs managable. I want to watch a tight match with good close exciting riding. Who is under the helmet makes no diference to me at league level. The second tier racing is often better than Premier.2 points
MMMmmmm........ "Jeremy Corbyn Fan " Maybe an appropriate screen name for someone who distorts the truth and manipulates the facts ;-) You will be telling us all that all university students will get into speedway meetings free of charge and get the student loans repaid if they support Peterborough Speedway ;-)2 points
JCF doesn't even have to bait his hooks to catch people on here2 points
Yes on the way, onto M6 at Penrith, then off at A685 towards Kirkby Stephen, then joined A66 at Brough Sowerby! Broomsticks flying down the A662 points
Spoke to Rob G trackside not long ago.... the word he used was "GLORIOUS". Jake Allen is fit to ride.2 points
David Howe announced his retirement from racing.Still going to be involved in the sport helping Nickolaj Busk Jakobsen.2 points
2 points
At Bradford they would visit a different school every week and on race day they would transport the kids to the track, show them around the pits, explain everything and then after the first race a kid turned to me and said "is that it"? They then chose to run about the place making a total nuisance of themselves and few if any ever came back, in fact Bradford had the best team in the country, a good track and piles of silver wear but by the time it closed the place was embarrassingly empty. So imagine your idea should work, after a handful of meetings the new spectator has seen all the teams in the league and Chris Harris seemed to ride for most of them, he's been covered in dust to the extent that he couldn't see across the track and he's seen two overtakes and 88 processions. I had been a spectator from the 1950s, later a sponsor and sometimes mechanic, I introduced lots of my friends to the sport, none of them go now and I only know one who watches it on TV (and he travelled the world to big meetings, such was his initial enthusiasm). The product is now the problem, tracks that are inaccessible to anyone who relies on public transport, tracks badly prepared, bikes that are unnecessarily dangerous, same riders week after week, no matter which team it's supposed to be and a bad lack of continuity. Having said all that, I suppose anything is worth a try but I haven't seen anything new in the offing that hasn't already failed.2 points
Cheers Tony, didn’t even get to see 2 heats this time - Should get up for the playoff final though, 3rd time lucky2 points
The Rye House Stadium is a mess. A total hotch potch of viewing options, some better than others, Arena , by comparison, provided excellent viewing all round and with a well lit track and don't even start on the quality of racing. If the Hammers are serious about racing there next year, then major track changes are necessary or no one will bother to watch what is essentially a gating contest.2 points
Reading the report on the BSPA site last night from Rye House it seems that Rasmus took another knock but kept on racing despite some discomfort! Whatever happens in the next few meetings this years Comets team have been fantastic, fixture farce, injuries and rain offs, for those about to race we salute you. A TEAM TO BE PROUD OF .2 points
As a Somerset fan I got up this morning and saw 2 pages of more discussion and thought great as I really enjoy reading others opinions on meetings and outcomes. However yet again 90% of the comments have nothing to do with the subject. I personally don't post often as the criticism that people receive is very off putting. I would however say that the racing at Somerset on Wednesday was top drawer. Probably some of the best we have seen this season. Having Charles back for one night only was excellent and watching Gary and him going around on Charles's bike at the end of the meeting showed that all problems are firmly water under the bridge. The meeting didn't just finish after heat 15 and the fireworks, we were treated to some great interviews with Doyley, Nico and Charles who took rider of the night. How lucky I am to be part of such a wonderful club, the Hancock's make you feel part of their family and that is how speedway should be. So come on you Somerset and Stars fans who don't often post take the plunge and let people like me know your thoughts on the two meetings.2 points
think I saw you coming thru entrance last night......weighing up catering van....great effort, come again.1 point
He might (arguably) be an annoying twerp sometimes, but he's actually a damn sight smarter than many on here who bite every time. Anyway, if he's right he's right - as he is here.1 point
Yeh blooming rain, eased off, started again. Hoping to be on Monday night but not yet confirmed, from Hoggy.1 point