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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Whoa there Tiger!!! Read the post as you have confirmed what I have said, Worky offered the 6th which I agree was accepted at first by Glasgow then pulled (ask your promotion why) (twit for Tat) so are you now saying that the 6th is acceptable to Glasgow are you confirming on here that this date will be the first leg at Derwent Park? I am sure the Workington promotion will be glad to hear that. You seem to be in the know? But do you really know; do you really really know do you? do you "Ken"; or can your "Ken" kiss my "Barbies Ass" Lets also clarify Worky finally accepted the 7th up at Ashfield once they found out that they would get a facility for Klindt who is the rider who would be missing, or do you want them to use Dale Lamb as their No1 up there again to give you a chance Furthermore the BSPA were reluctant to sanction the Sunday as it is the day of the Ben Fund meeting at Redcar which will already have riders missing due to Round 3 or 4 of the Lakeside Peterborough saga (and for once you cant blame either of those clubs as their fixture lists are what they are including weather impacts) and why did Glasgow want to run on an off day as their chosen night is a Friday (but hey you own the stadium and can run on any day you/they want) but it wouldn't have anything to do with fitting in with the scheduled of St Craig the new patron saint of Glasgow would it (Hmmm, no surely not) or Worky possibly being shorn of a rider. Funny how moving West a few mile can change a sinner into a saint. If Craig had been with Glasgow from the start of the season I may have had some sympathy, the circumstances that got Craig there weren't the most honourable (to say the least but I wont go down that road) and the claim that he was brought in for the best interests of British speedway don't ring very true either. We all know whose best interest it was for and in. If Glasgow can choose dates on the availability of Craig like someone has said earlier wait until next April when Dan will be fit and run it then (on second thoughts no as that's not practical either really; is it?) Now to be really honest Glasgow wanted the 12th and 13th of October which if there had not been this congestion in the fixture list would have been acceptable to both parties (I assume) but that would leave Worky with a blank weekend on the 6th and 7th and with the meetings they have to fit in just can not do it unfortunately, especially as there are only 4 weekends available in October for their remaining fixtures, so what do you want them to do concede this fixture and let Glasgow go through to the final with a bye. It would just about sum up the farce the sport is turning into. This whole argument may be moot anyway as Craig is having a scan today on his damaged hand/wrist/arm to ascertain exactly what the position is regarding his injury so serendipity may intervene and sanity may prevail and this meeting will just happen and all this bickering will just be a side show to the real event, and dare I say once Craig's position is resolved one way or another then dates may become totally meaningless. Good luck to both teams whenever it happens and lets hope everyone is safe. On my honesty I will retain the honest in the name thanks or if you do want a name change how about "Longshanks" as there is a good Scottish link there and whilst we are on with name changes can I suggest one for the Glasgow Tigers as Twisters would seem more apt and "The Glasgow Twisters" does have a certain ring about it. I will disseminate information and share what I deem fit and it will be as I have been honestly informed, if that proves to be wrong I will be the first to point that out and then post an apology; a retraction; or both; whatever is appropriate, I am happy to admit when I am wrong and some rumours are strong and still they are proven not to be the case but whoever let a good story get in the way of the truth. However the "Truth will out" as the saying goes So come on "The Glasgow Twisters" do the right thing Regards THJ
    6 points
  2. They got the same ‘loyalty’ as they showed to Buster and the fans. The one thing riders should know about Chapman is you don’t :;() him over without there being a price to pay
    6 points
  3. If they could get one to drop out the top League could run as a four team tournament... Same four teams constantly riding one home match per week, providing that continuity of fixture list that so many want... Would only need 16 riders too so lots of replacements available so no need for Guests, adding much needed credibility to the Sport... Or maybe to spice it up a bit they could have one complete Guest Team per week replacing one of the regulars on a adhoc non conjoined, randomly unplanned basis? It needs to be made clear though that no Guest Teams would be allowed to gain entry to the end of season playoff, regardless of performance. As only the four official Premiership teams will be allowed to try and qualify for the four places available... Bring back the Green Helmet cover to add a bit of colour as well.. Also. Possibly any team six points behind at any stage of the meeting, to any other team at all, could also then have that team (or team's) riders that they are six behind, blindfolded....? Circa £30 to get in, the increase being down to the fact that you will now get 16 races each meeting, so more than at present, and that only blindfolds officially made by respected ex riders may be endorsed to be used, and this costs money.... Oh, and due to the Polish, Swedish and Danish Leagues race nights, to avoid clashes, all matches will be ran at 1.00am on a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and Friday morning, so the lads can, the very minute after Heat 16 is completed, drive directly to whichever the nearest airport is that gets them out to Sweden/Denmark and Poland as early as possible.. Thus saving on costly overnight hotel bills.. Add in a few K Tels Hits of the Seventies CD's, a centre green presenter who has had experience in hospital radio and an evening full of birthday dedications to fans who have been "coming for 60 years and whose favourite rider of all time is Bjorn Knutsson" and quite frankly we are on to a winner... Could be a great year for British Speedway 2019... Edit : Monkey Tennis in the interval? No? Ok but no ideas a bad idea...
    6 points
  4. I been a poole supporter a lot longer than you this is a forum for debate i write how i see it if you dont like what i write dont read it better still put me on ignore bye
    6 points
  5. I am not quite sure how you can say that with Kemp, Bebee, Marson, Jenkins, Rowe, Bickley, Dicken, Woodhull, Pavitt, Flint, Atkins, Edwards, Brennan etc riding in it. All of these are in their first or second season at that level. Even the likes of Bowtell, Shanes, Morley, Hume, Bacon, Wood, Verge, Stoneman, Bailey, Smith, Mountain and Perks could be given the tag of developing. There are older riders in the league, but Jon Armstrong's reputation as a mentor is well known and of significant benefit - ask anyone. The league has to come to a balance between developing riders and ensuring that the product is attractive to the public, because a team full of novices most certainly is not - that's nothing more than a glorified training session. I think for the most part the NL hits it bang on.
    5 points
  6. Batch has gone from 8.48 to 7.96 in the last month. As long as he averages 8.00 tonight he'll be fine. They should have gone old-skool tonight. Fireworks, moped races, flour fights, burning Rosco's trousers - that sort of thing.
    4 points
  7. Maybe he his a Poole speedway supporter without the blue tinted specs!
    4 points
  8. This has to be the worst speedway match of all time .10 mins between races to back drop of a 1980's sound track .if you wanted to know why speedway is dying this is it
    3 points
  9. Can't believe I am saying this but good luck Monarchs at least with Monarch fans we (weegies) get the usual banter, so hopefully Monarchs hump the Comets, as their fans come across as envious moaners who play the victim role. The Comets team have done very well this year and deservedly so , but certain fans seem to think that other teams should jump to their demands because they have a problem fitting their fixtures in after not having any during the long hot summer.
    3 points
  10. If you do not ride over the lumps or down into the holes it is only 290 mtrs
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. The Edinburgh track staff did a superb job of rescuing the track before the Berwick match after heavy rain virtually all day and a 40-minute delay to let them relay the surface once the rain went off. They deserve every plaudit for their efforts, and in fact there were some pretty good races when the match got going. They didn't "let themselves get caught out" and all that happened was the Bandits were making superb starts early doors. Nowt to do with the track. As for various Worky people here suggesting Kevin Doolan is a poor choice of guest, he seemed OK in that one -- paid ten from four, I think.
    3 points
  13. Can only have a maximum of 7 rides not 10
    3 points
  14. Hope doolan turns up with an engine and not the push bike he used at newcastle !
    3 points
  15. Great night at NSS on Monday, did not start off too well, but second half was brilliant. Super performance from all the team, tactics spot on from the manager.Makes up for the disappointing 2017 season where a couple let us down. Looking forward to Monday at the AFA. Let's get behind the Stars, they deserve it.
    3 points
  16. Conciliatory/Rosco? Let’s be frank here, he wouldn’t know the definition of conciliatory if it smacked him in the mush!
    3 points
  17. Fans who want to see the top boys need to get a grip on reality and realise the more we keep chasing the dream of our league system been respected alongside Poland and Sweden the more trouble clubs over here will get into, we just don't have the fan base to pay these riders and riders over here need to realise the sport here at moment is at a semi professional level so don't expect much more. Speedway here needs to strip it back and pay what we can afford, improve the product in general and have less drama and bad press releases. Once the product improves and we can then maybe look at a proper tv deal if we are giving them something they want to pay for, right now they clearly don't value it so clearly something needs to change and not just for them but for us. I would go with the one league system or one i sent into BSPA was this North/South Split (with the clubs from top PL & CL currently running) 18 Teams as it stands North Division would be : Belle Vue, Berwick, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Redcar, Scunthorpe, Sheffield, Workington. South Division would be : Kings Lynn, Leicester, Poole, Somerset, Swindon, Wolves, Ipswich, Lakeside, Peterborough. Teams in there respective divisions would face each other home and away twice so that would be 16 home meetings but also i would add in that north v south face each other once to create extra fixtures and would also add variety which would be awesome for fans and riders and how it would work is say next year in 2019 Sheffield travel down to Poole, the year after in 2020 Poole would travel to Sheffield. So that is 20/21 home league meetings which would be great value for season tickets, you would see how can fit in KO Cup in and then at end of season the top teams in north and south would be divisional champions and get a trophy and then face each other in a two leg tie for playoff champions, give it all advertising you can and a Super Bowl style finale. I believe this is more radical than a poxy name change they did other year and would help speedway in this country grow, riders would get enough meetings in and if we have to go 5 or 6 riders in a team, create a format that works to make team speedway exactly that again and have a product we can be proud of. This might not be perfect but surely would be better than staying as we are and struggling along.
    3 points
  18. Well i did say about the Belle Vue fan that had drunk to much and was quite aggressive,and i agreed with someone about him calling Proctor a cheat.The reason i put this is because it is all true,sorry if that has upset you
    2 points
  19. THJ, I'm intrigued by your 'TotallyHonestJohn' handle. What does 'Totally' add to 'HonestJohn'? Or is there a 'PartiallyHonestJohn' down there with whom you do not wish to be confused? Are you making the point that you are the honestest of all the Johns who post on here? More honest than 'SeldomHonestJohn'? It's a bit like the word 'Strictly' used on signage. What difference is there between 'No ball games' and 'Strictly no ball games' or 'No parking' and 'Strictly no parking'? I reckon it's just a scam perpetrated by signwriters to make more money. Anyway, I think the current fixtures debacle is, Strictly, TotallyC*ckedUp.
    2 points
  20. I was going on the team position changes from Somerset. Harris at one on the new GS so Kurtz goes to 5. Josh at 3 worked very well so why go back? He is on form and his meeting isn’t run by heat 10. If Josh is at 2, it leaves us vunerable at 3 and 4 imo.
    2 points
  21. think every speedway fan is hoping for the best,but just a little concerned
    2 points
  22. The thing is, the play offs are meant to be the financial saviour for some teams and meant to be looked forward to by fans. One way to ensure a big crowd for both legs is to give advance notice of the dates so fans can plan ahead and promoters promote, I realise this is a alien concept for most worky fans who obviously have spent time working in or close to Sellafield. Fans also in the past have welcomed fixtures that are back to back rather than spread out. The suggested 6 and 7th would have done that. Some worky fans are upset that Glasgow suggested Sunday 7th for there home leg as it isn't there raceday although forgetting its our alternative day. Other worky fans think we should hold it when it suits worky as we can race anytime we like. So no thought for what might be the best day to promote the match and get a good crowd. It is that type of thinking that has got Workington in to a mess from which it will be difficult to recover. This thread alone and the lack of dates will cost worky c250 Glasgow fans that will no longer travel.
    2 points
  23. I never done much reading of the Sunday Sport but I bought it every week , doesn't make me a bad person though .
    2 points
  24. Now come on Boys let’s play nicely otherwise you might get your crayons taken away.
    2 points
  25. Me too - the video also exemplifies just how good the track lighting is at Arena compared to Rye House. As for the racing itself, no comparison - RH is pretty dire.
    2 points
  26. Or attaching a rocket to his pants! Adam's best night this year was guesting for Kings Lynn in a double-header, shows the riders dislike of the Abbey racetrack. Good to see local lad Brennan in the team.
    2 points
  27. Well according to you Glasgow Regards THJ
    2 points
  28. I cant help thinking this was all Holder's doing.. Having ridden at Poole a few days earlier scoring a Max, not only did he want to show Matt Ford what he was missing, but also wanted to help them out as well. Yeah, the track was rubbish that day, but all the other riders stuck to their task and rode it, so it wasn't that bad... Holder made out it was unsafe but nobody got injured. Batch, having won his first race and was team riding a 5-1 in his second, when he slid off, no doubt supporting Holder's ideas. For both of them to walk away was unforgivable and they deserved all the problems that followed.. I'm still of the impression, had we been riding against any other team then Poole, it wouldn't have happened.....
    2 points
  29. It will be interesting watching to see if certain riders are reducing their average so they have more of a chance of securing a position next year. A lot will depend on what the bspa decide as a team average limit and even number of riders in a team. Just look at how many riders have recently got their average below 8. In the past riders have done very well one season and ridden themselves out of a job in the UK the next. Others have waved their partner through on the line so they get a bonus point and reduced average but the same pay as if they had won.
    2 points
  30. Barch and Holder were 100% the reason for their sacking
    2 points
  31. Honestly Yes they do understand and yes they do want to give as much information to fans both home and away however there are still 5 fixtures to complete between Lakeside and Peterborough and having asked the question I can confirm the Worky promotion are just as frustrated as the fans in not being able to progress these matters and I can also assure you there are a raft of emails between Tony Jackson and the promotions concerned to try and get meetings on, but there is a reluctance and rightly so I suppose to firm up dates when these other meetings are still to be concluded. The following demonstrates just how skewed the Workington fixture list has been this year: “From 1st April until 31st August this year the Comets raced as a team EIGHT TIMES at Derwent Park” “From 1st September until 29th September this year the Comets will have raced as a team SEVEN TIMES at Derwent Park” This scenario has panned out over the season and has been thus for various reasons, however it has not been all of Workington's own doing, they have been trying to get fixtures run but to be diplomatic (for want of a better word) they have kept their own council and tried to get on as best they can with the situation. I can understand fan frustration at not getting fixtures sorted but believe me its not for the want of trying by the Workington promotion. I have seen and been party to the correspondence so there is plenty of evidence that the Workington promotion are trying to progress matters. (its just not something that tends to be shared) More to follow (as the saying goes) Regards THJ
    2 points
  32. 'Pencilled in' as the first round of the 2019 KOC probably
    2 points
  33. Prove me wrong and make me eat my words Kevin, plea..........se.
    2 points
  34. Totally spot on Mr Webb. With Rose, Kerr and Anderson we are unlikely to have topped the table ( meaning no disrespect to any of that trio ). Eric Riss has, as you say, been the pivot around which positive changes have been made.
    2 points
  35. Didn’t they have a big 70’s hit with I can’t give you anything ?
    2 points
  36. If the limit is 30 then I will not be going to watch speedway next season at any level as I do not like the two higher leagues and I do not wish to spend £13 watching a glorified mdl
    2 points
  37. Fear of change taking over again and the status quo continues
    2 points
  38. Funny that when trying to promote a major event the third tiers rider championship is marketed as the NLRC not the NDLRC!!! The only time the development tag is used is when higher league clubs want a cheap or free signing.
    2 points
  39. A ridiculous low points limit has never worked in any league at any time.Even if the likes of Eastie etc do go up a league, leave it at 39 and build to that, not all will make it, but would allow the likes of Edwards etc to compete in both leagues to gain experience. If Eastie,Kent etc don't go up it needs to be 42 to keep riders employed.
    1 point
  40. Honestly I will type this slowly so you have time to digest it, just in case you are not a quick reader, Okay here goes; you are correct (there I said it) Workington did not accept the 7/10 initially as they were unsure that they would receive a facility for their missing rider. If they had not acquired a facility they would have had to go to Glasgow with a National League Rider in the Number 1 slot so who in their right mind would agree to that, (even for a league match let alone a play off one) not a guest or rider replacement; a NL rider. Teams have refused to travel to Worky this season due to there being the possibility of having to run with a guest or R/R let alone a NL replacement. Never mind, (which is why this race night; not your race night; thing has reared its head) (could be wrong and this is just my opinion) (Glasgow Friday Workington Saturday) Worky then sought clarification as to what facility they would receive if any, for running on the Sunday; this took time to come back, (now I honestly don't know how long unfortunately) in the mean time Glasgow pulled the plug on the 6/10 then Worky got confirmation that they could have a facility for their missing rider, (again I don't honestly know which way round this happened, but it did) however in the interim Craig went and unfortunately got himself injured (the scan will prove how badly I would have thought) so we are where we are. (A Brian Rix Farce maybe or that American Sit Com Soap from the 70's) (I just cant decide) Workington have an available Saturday on the 6/10 at DP and if Glasgow want to run later than this I honestly cant see what the problem is. Why cant Glasgow run on their usual Friday at Ashfield on the 13/10 is that not sensible, and Worky do their night on the 6/10 and lets be honest if Craig cant make it Glasgow can bring in any other rider in the league (not in the play offs) as his replacement due to his high average. (and as explained Workington's options are limited with dates) Or here's an idea as Craig is a GP rider I am sure with the "clout" Glasgow have they could arrange for Woofy or Greg Hancock to replace him and I am sure Worky would appreciate such a high profile rider going along to Derwent Park to swell the crowds. Oh hang on its a GP weekend on the 6/10 so that cant happen oops my bad. Maybe the following Friday up at Ashfield if Craig cant make that one due to injury eh? Now please do not take this the wrong way as I do not know your ethnicity however I have taken a crude guess and just in case you have difficulty with English please find the above in Scots Gaelic and apologies for any spelling errors or mispronunciation A-nis, na gabh an dòigh ceàrr seo oir chan eil mi eòlach air do chinneasachd ach tha mi air tomhas mì-laghail a ghabhail agus ma tha duilgheadas agad le Beurla, lorg an rud gu h-àrd ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba agus leisgeulan airson mearachdan litreachaidh no fuaimneachadh sam bith Gu h-onarach Sgrìdaidh mi seo gu slaodach agus mar sin bidh ùine agad a chuairteachadh, dìreach ma tha thu nad leughadair luath, bidh e ceart gu leòr; tha thu ceart (an sin thuirt mi) Cha do ghabh Workington ris an 7/10 an toiseach seach nach robh iad cinnteach gum faigheadh iad goireas airson an marcaiche a bha a dhìth orra. Mura h-eil iad air goireas fhaighinn bhiodh aca ri dhol a Ghlaschu le Rideradair Lìog Nàiseanta ann an slot Àireamh 1, agus mar sin, cò leis a bha iad a 'faireachdainn ceart, dh'aontaicheadh iad sin (eadhon airson geama lìog gun a bhith a' cluich dealbh dheth) ionad aoigheachd no marcaiche; marcaiche NL. Tha sgiobaidhean air diùltadh siubhal gu Worky an t-seusan seo air sgàth 's gum bi cothrom aca a bhith a' ruith le aoigh no R / R gun a bhith a 'leigeil le NL ath-àiteachadh. Na cuir dragh air, (is e sin an t-adhbhar air an oidhche rèis seo: chan e oidhche an rèis agad; tha rud air a cheann a thogail) (dh'fhaodadh a bhith ceàrr agus is e seo mo bheachd) (Glaschu Friday Workington Disathairne) Dh'iarr an obair an uairsin soilleireachadh air dè an goireas a gheibheadh iad ma tha e airson a bhith a 'ruith air an Didòmhnaich; thug seo ùine seachad a thighinn air ais, (a-nis chan eil fhios agam dè cho fada gu mì-fhortanach) anns a 'mheadhan a chuir Glaschu an plug air 6/10 agus fhuair Worky dearbhadh gum faodadh iad goireas fhaighinn airson a' marcaiche a bha a dhìth orra (a-rithist na bi fios gu h-onarach dè an rud a thachras seo, ach rinn e) ge-tà, chaidh Craig a dhèanamh agus gu mì-fhortanach chaidh a leòn (bidh an scan a 'dearbhadh dè cho dona' sa bhiodh dùil agam) agus mar sin tha sinn far a bheil sinn. ('S dòcha gur e Brian Rix Farce a th' ann no So-ruigsinneachd Sit American bho na 70an) (chan urrainn dhomh ach co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh) Tha Workington ri fhaighinn Disathairne air 6/10 aig DP agus ma tha Glaschu airson ruith nas fhaide na seo chan eil mi gu cinnteach a 'faicinn dè an duilgheadas a th' ann. Mar sin chan eil Glaschu a 'ruith air an oidhche àbhaisteach aca aig Ashfield air 13/10 nach eil e ciallach, agus bidh Worky a' dèanamh an oidhche aca air 6/10 agus bidh e iongantach mura h-urrainn Craig a dhèanamh gum faod Glaschu marcach sam bith eile a thoirt a-steach don lìog ( chan ann anns na cluicheadairean cluiche) mar a thionndaidh e an àite mar thoradh air a 'chuibheasachd àrd aige. (agus mar a mhìnich e tha roghainnean Workington cuingealaichte le cinn-latha) No smaoinich an seo mar a tha Creag na marcaiche dotair teaghlaich. Tha mi cinnteach leis an "clout" Glaschu an urrainn dhaibh Woofy no Greg Hancock a chuir air dòigh agus tha mi cinnteach gum biodh Worky a 'cur luach air mar a bha marcaiche àrd-inbhe cho àrd a' dol gu Pàirce Derwent gus a dhol fodha an sluagh. O cuimhnich air deireadh-seachdain an dotair teaghlaich agad air 6/10 gus am bi e comasach dhomh a bhith a 'tachairt gu math dona. Is dòcha an ath Dihaoine a-nise aig Ashfield mura dèan Craig an aon sin air sgàth eh? All in all its a load of "Hydraulics" really isn't it?(and yes that is a euphemism) Regards THJ
    1 point
  41. Is that including all of the hills?
    1 point
  42. IMO a very poor guest in Kevin donow't come on prove me wrong keV !!
    1 point
  43. It's certainly no Development League when you see some of the riders still hanging about in it.Bet hey are not riding for peanuts,that's why admission money is so high.
    1 point
  44. Says the woman with blue and white glasses.
    1 point
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