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Ipswich taking a risk drafting in two former Glasgow riders as guests for this huge clash . Added to that a former Tiger slides his broomstick round Foxhall at reserve , do Ipswich understand that once a Tiger always a Tiger , except for Kevin Wolbert . As a youngster growing up in Argentina , all his classmates longed to be Maradona , Coty dreamed of being Robett Nagy . Richard , son of god , was born in a stable and visited by three wise men with gifts of , a pint of heavy , a Tigers racejacket and a picture of a statue with a motorway cone on it's head . And growing up in Australia Mason Campton would have a bush tucker trial eating Haggis , square sausage and tattie scones . So Witcypoos , you have been warnef14 points
It's amazing how negative people are! Having watched all of the matches at both Rye House / Lakeside over the last two years I can say it was great fun at both venues....and me being a long standing Hackney supporter. I will again go to Rye to watch Speedway, that's the main thing. Yes it's a shame Arena is going but things move on..... I for one will be giving my full support to Jon and Stuart who thankfully are trying to keep things going...and ironically in one of our most successful years for some time! Up the Hammers....7 points
Just goes to show Edinburgh are where they are due to a massive home advantage track they call a race track does flatter them tbh . Thats not racing up there its clinging onto your bike for sheer life , last night Glasgow set a racing track and Edinburgh boys bottled it5 points
4 points
Its over 10 years ago since I went to Brandon to see the biggest crowd I have ever seen at a league match, admittedly it was the Play Off final between Coventry and Swindon. A fantastic atmosphere and although ultimately a difficult evening to endure it was great to be part of the occasion. As an aside, Smolinski and Balinski were reserves on this particular day. Since then the promoters of a significant number of clubs, in all leagues I hasten to add, have continually driven down the costs to maintain the bottom line. This has been done by weakening the league year on year, however, each year despite 'weakening the league' promoters make huge losses. I cannot think of any club, possibly with the exception of Poole, that have made a profit in those 10 years. So if the answer is to weaken the league, why are losses continually made? There must be some correlation between the weakening of the league and the number of supporters who attend on a regular basis? If people didn't care who rode then the attendances would be high and profit would be made. To me its two fold, weakening the product to pander to those clubs who struggle both to compete and attract supporters. I mean that's worked a treat if you use the Premiership as a barometer where only Swindon, Coventry, Poole and Wolves have won the league since 2007. That may change this season but clearly the same teams are always competitive whether you weaken the league or not. The second is the cost to attend. In 2009 I remember paying £13 to watch Adams and Zagar plus several other good riders. I am not belittling the current crop of Swindon riders but to be fair I am not sure how many of them would get in the 2009 line up. So costs have gone up 33% but the standard has dropped considerably too. I am not an EL snob but it is my preferred choice of speedway. The sooner that the promoters realise that supporters actually matter then the sooner that speedway can move forward, although it may be too late now. This is not football where the income generated by the supporter is irrelevant. The income from us supporters has a direct correlation on each of their clubs. It is for the promoters of each club to talk to its supporters and see what they want. In all the time I have attended regularly, which is since 2005, at no stage have I ever been asked what do I think! Swindon have Lee Kilby in charge of the commercial side of things and he is a breath of fresh air. He communicates with fans via Facebook and is continually looking to push the Robins forward on a commercial basis but its kinda pointless if there is hardly anyone in the stadium to enjoy the product. Grachan has said he doesn't attend regularly. The club should be asking him why he and others no longer attend regularly and trying to identify any patterns that occur from club to club. Is that not a sensible business model - giving the customer what he wants? The promoters continue to take liberties. That is not a criticism of Tsunami or Skid Sprocket. Its a collective problem they have. They only do what is right for their club and not the benefit of the sport as a whole. One day the promoters will have an AGM and it will be the final one because people, like many on the BSF, we will have long since cared what happens and then the promoters can do whatever they like...4 points
I really don't see anything wrong with Cradley entering a team in the NT this year & if it keeps the club running thats good, but by allowing them to cherry pick any riders they want from all the other teams (to get under the points limit) means they were guaranteed to at least reach the final. This is what has caused unnecessary friction with the rest of the league and pretty much made the trophy a non event for the other teams, which must have affected their crowds. There were plenty of riders without team places to make up a competitive team, why were they not told to make up a team from these riders. Fair play to Mildenhall this year & good luck in the 2nd leg.4 points
If Ford leaves Poole, that's bad news all round for the club. No other businessman will run it the way he has and with the uncertainty over the stadium he will find it extremely difficult to find a buyer imo. Whist nobody wants clubs to close down, if Poole do, there's certainly an element of reap what you sow. Peterborough and Coventry fans will understand what's meant by that.4 points
Honestly Jenga is that the best snide remark you can come up with “are you J.C.F. in disguise” and accuse me of posting “bilshot” Well Geoffrey we all know who the “King of Bilshot” is don’t we. You keep posting constant diatribe and vitriol under the guise of “it’s a joke marra” it’s just a bit of craic marra” “can you not take a joke marra” “it’s all done tongue in cheek marra” but it’s not Geoffrey is it, you are just an odious little man who gets pleasure from trying to wind people up and some sort of sad pleasure when you get a bite. Well go on I will bite. As after watching you cry like a baby in front of Steve Whitehead when he gave you a solicitor’s letter for the rubbish (bilshot) you had been posting on here then turning away after apologising profusely and still in floods of tears stating to your marra Scarra “I told him’ he’s just a Muppet” wow what a comeback and especially when Steve did not hear it, well what have I got to lose. On my first ever post I had to apologise to all my loved ones, family, friends and Stuart Robson as I vowed to all of them that I would never post on here, unfortunately the straw that broke the camel’s back was something that you posted on the Lakeside Hammers v Workington Comets - Friday 1st June thread and as a new poster I could not get my content uploaded and passed in time to enter the debate, however you have given me the golden opportunity here to respond. There had been four previous occasions where I had come mightily close to posting on here twice to Mr Snackette who could be rather condescending at times to say the least and twice to your good self and my intention was to be the “Voice of Reason” but that pen name was taken so I run with THJ as I will always endeavour to be honest in whatever I post and likewise if I am wrong I will be just as quick to retract and apologise. Remembering the issue you posted on the Lakeside Hammers v Workington Comets thread - Friday 1st June which was Libel, plain and simple. You accused Steve Whitehead of “taking money” off the riders to fund Mr Whitehead’s “Playboy Lifestyle” and as Libel is defined as defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. You basically accused Steve Whitehead of theft and of living the high life on the proceeds of taking money off the riders which is totally untrue and as such; Libellous. Now Geoffrey I don’t know how you could perceive Mr Whitehead is a Playboy as I can confirm Steve is a hard working straightforward guy who has a regular 8 till 5 job and works dam hard at juggling this job, his commitments to his Sister and ongoing commitments to Workington Speedway on top of regular family commitments (like most of us). Oh but he wears casual shorts when it’s only warm outside and sunglasses on the top of his head, in Workington of all places, how very dare he, LOL The efforts Steve Whitehead has put in behind the scenes at Workington are often underappreciated and I have heard various comments from people deriding him and his efforts and actually quoting from ludicrous and inaccurate posts made by you Geoffrey, and at the start of the season you were a one man wrecking crew with the damage you were doing to the Comets Brand and when you were chastised about it you went sarcastically the other way and tried to tone it down but your obnoxious inner self is starting to show through again Geoffrey and you are reverting to type. Steve is “marmite” to be honest but there is not a malicious or dishonest bone in his body and if you don’t like him; his view is “that’s your choice” and he would not lose any sleep over any statements or comment made (especially on here) If they were nothing more than personal thoughts stating perceived facts. However to actually state that someone was stealing from riders to fund a Playboy Lifestyle was bang out of order especially when it is common knowledge that the club have had some financial issues especially towards the end of last season and the start of this one. The “Poor Jenga” brigade need to be made aware of a long (very long) past history of antagonistic and obnoxious posts not just on this web site but on the “Workington Speedway Unofficial Forum” which was shut down by the promotion due to the continuous diatribe being posted by Jenga and his terrace buddy and partner in verbose malfeasance Scarramanga. The promotion could have (and should of in my opinion) taken action at this time but chose not to do so in the belief they would keep the peace and by not stating the real reason as to why the plug was pulled on the unofficial forum however they got absolutely slaughtered by you Geoffrey and Scarramanga for shutting the forum down. So they were condemned for keeping a discreet silence. It is a complete contradiction for the promotion as they are dammed for perceived heavy handedness in one breath and then slated for not passing out information or keeping the fans informed in the other. So if they had of informed the fans of the real reason why the unofficial forum was shut down they believed it would have stirred up a hornets nest so as a Service Recovery Strategy they decided to say nothing. Honestly they can’t win!!! Not just this promotion have felt the wrath of Geoffrey and friend thought as the previous promotion was targeted by these two with some pretty nasty and cheap shots and can I add unequivocally that Keith Denham was (and still is) a gentleman and was always approachable (as is Steve) and neither deserve the abuse they received through these forums. Keith like Steve is a hard working (and successful) businessman who has a passion for Speedway and both opted to become Speedway Promoters and I don’t think Keith would have left the club as a promoter if it was not for the vitriol being spouted not just against him which he accepted (just) but when the attacks become very personal and directed towards his family this I believe was a major factor in why he decided to call it a day as a promoter What if these forums had been around when your dad was a promoter Geoffrey what would you have made of it? If there were vitriolic and disparaging comments made about Eddie Thornborrow (Thornbarrow Thornburra Thornborough Wheelbarra, Peterboro, whatever the spelling is. LOL "just a joke marra") during his tenure in charge of the Comets which was not very successful in the one year (1980 I believe) he ran the club as a promoter. I could make other cheap shots here but what’s the point I don’t want to sink to the depths you “troll” Geoffrey. Two wins in the whole season and then the club folding the next, wonder what the "Jenga" of the day would have made of that, More to follow eh! Further if disparaging comments had been made public about what Eddie was up to; or not; whether true or not: whatever the case may have been when he was running the club and someone like your good self was making disparaging comments about his family would you carry on the way you do now. Or is this why you do go on like you do. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there was no internet in Eddie’s day and with the team being bottom of the league and with only two wins to their name all season, surely even a team full of your favourite rider “James Sarjeant” couldn’t have performed that badly. Could they? You scream that as a paying customer you are entitled to information, what happened when Daddy was running things in the 1980's before instant media? You waited for the local paper, the Speedway Star or on rare occasions a radio or TV report, the opportunity to vent your spleen was very limited. Everyone has the “Right of Free Speech” will be the cry and yes I agree they do; to a certain extent however there is no such thing as Freedom of Speech without accountability. Legal systems sometimes recognise certain limits on the freedom of speech, particularly when freedom of speech conflicts with other rights and freedoms, such as in the case of libel amongst others. Justifications for limitations to freedom of speech often reference the "harm principle" or the "offence principle”. Limitations to freedom of speech may occur through legal sanction or social disapprobation, or both. Therefore Geoffrey you can state anyone is a miserable s*d, ugly s*d, tight s*d, old g*t etc. as a statement of fact, however you put thieving in front of those then you better have the evidence to prove it or be prepared to face the consequences that come with making that statement (especially in writing). This is why Steve Whitehead asked for a retraction by you and an apology as the post was offensive, totally untrue and constitutes Libel and I don't think Mr Whitehead was being unreasonable in what he was asking. I suppose the crocodile tears were just for added effect once you had been outed. Geoffrey I find you a morally reprehensible misanthropic miscreant who tries to play the “cheeky chap” card with his cute spelling mistakes in his barbed comments writing them down like a school kid new to the scene and when challenged about your reprehensible behaviour you try to play it off as a joke and turning it around on the other person with the “can’t you take a joke like” adage or “it’s just a joke get over it” or the delightful “am just joking Marra” Sorry Marra I am not buying that in the slightest. As I have stated I was there when Steve Whitehead politely and discretely pulled you to one side and explained what he (Steve) was upset about; and you in floods of tears vowed to mend your ways, post an apology and said you didn’t mean what you said and fully understood Mr Whiteheads point of view. Again sorry Marra I am not buying that one in the slightest either. Not with all the crocodile tears in the world then adding !I will try my best but I don't really understand this internet thing" and "I am not sure what to do"? PMSL In fact as someone previously had posted your content is a load of “Tripe” and if you had any sense of shame or even honour you wouldn’t show your face around the place ever again; you have relentlessly disparaged this promotion and the previous one for that matter and the two guys who have been at the forefront of your obnoxious, snide, misinformed, bitter and twisted comments; in Steve Whitehead and Keith Denham; who rest assured both only ever have had the best interests of Workington Speedway in their hearts and souls and all you wanted to do Geoffrey was hide behind an avatar (or a made up name at least to hide behind in relative anonymity) to put across your biter and twisted agenda you are some piece of work pal. Well I have been totally honest in my opinion and I do hope people see you for what you are “an obnoxious pathetic little specimen” and I do wonder at times is it a case of jealousy in that your old man couldn’t make a go of it but the last two promotions have at least made a good fist of the job at hand and delivered on putting out competitive teams and delivered on the entertainment factor You are a plastic fan who needs to take a long hard look at himself and stay off here and well away from Derwent Park. Oh and if you do turn up I will introduce myself and pass on some “billshot” its nice to say hello. More to follow. Finally you might consider a name change and I know you have been accused of being a “Troll” and a “Keyboard Warrior” in the past but can I suggest Gollum because I can see the resemblance with this character and yourself Geoffrey with the exception that you have more wrinkles but slightly more hair and if you are unsure who Gollum was he’s a “Lord of the Rings” character described as follows: Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk (Derwent River), who lived near the Gladden Fields (Cloffocks/Stainton Hole). Originally known as Sméagol, he was corrupted by the One Ring (The One Forum) and later named Gollum (Jenga) after his habit of making "a horrible swallowing noise in his throat" (Whilst crying like a baby) See you Friday and "More to Follow"!!! Regards THJ4 points
the club is the club where ever it is at least we have a team for the rest of this season and next and 2020 at rye hopefully then we will have a clearer picture of what the future holds as real fans of the club you should all get behind it now as the best way to do that is support the club by actually supporting it rather than moaning re the production on the night the club can only use the facilities of the arena they are at and please remember 90% of the staff are volunteers and the club does not have the money to throw at top of the range or up to date equipment I feel also that some on here are really speedway fans and not really fans of lakeside and to keep the sport we all love alive we need to get with the times as hoping the old days of hackney west ham or Wimbledon will not save the sport it needs to move on starting with the old fogies at the BSPA. COYH4 points
Congrats to Glasgow, by far the best team on the night, well deserved win. Cookie was worth the trip thro and the admission money - I’ve missed watching him riding flat out like that. Coming back to the Championship League has brought the smile back. I said Bomber would benefit from having Craig around so I’ll pat myself on the back now Have to say I was unimpressed and embarrassed by the boos from a small section of “Monarchs fans” towards Craig. Bl@@dy short memories some people have. 5 years of sheer joy and that’s what he gets for trying to earn a living......... Impressive nights for Broc Nicol (thanks lad) and Jordan Stewart4 points
Some on here may remember the Honda experiment at Sheffield a few years back. But isn't one of the reasons for the continuing decline down to riders simply can no longer afford to race and that the engine tuners are holding the sport down at gunpoint. Has anyone ever done a survey of ex riders and why they quit the sport because surely a high percentage would be purely down to costs. How many highly talented riders have quit cos all they can afford is a lawnmower engine!3 points
3 points
At Scunny we usually have brilliant racing with plenty of passes. Support isn't good though, certainly not compared to our other 2 tracks. Quibel Park and Ashbyville. I think the answer to that is because of where EWR is situated. It's far out of town. no buses after 6pm ish . Too far to walk and I certainly wouldn't want to see youngster on cycles. Its on a busy road which leads to Industrial estates. It cries out for a special bus service for speedway on a return basis. Nowadays most families have cars, but men work shifts, that means 2 to 10 and night shift families miss out. I also think doubling up and down effects speedway popularity. The die hard crowds are getting smaller and smaller by the year.3 points
There are really two options. Cut cloth and try to rebuild the sport by using affordable riders... or run only league matches - one home and one away - so clubs don't lose that much money if the stars actually return. Won't be as costly as running for seven months.3 points
Tuning in occasionally to the Swedish and Polish leagues, I don't really notice better racing. Alright, the stars are there, but I doubt they are the stars of the past that used to attract thousands even for a meaningless individual meeting. Today's stars, compared to even 10 years ago, are plastic stars. If a speedway star can be manufactured - we have them. British speedway will be better served in the next five-to-10 years by riders it can afford. Stars will come from that.3 points
It is just history repeating itself. The rockets who are and will always be recognised as a team from Rayleigh. Riders catching up at the blinking owl cafe on the A127 after a meeting are history yet the man who made it what it was is Len Silver. It was his team as was Hackney. Many Rayleigh supporters followed the team to Rye House and religiously picked up the coach from the Weir on a Sunday afternoon but it was never the same. Those who only knew Arena Essex will go through the same pain and emotion. Sad to say but the the roar of bikes in Essex will soon be history and the chances of the sport ever coming back to the county are remote. Enjoy and savour the last meeting but don’t waste too much time in building any the hope of the sport ever returning. It will not and with the demand for property and the nimby element it will never happen. Just be grateful that you saw the best of a sport that is now a shadow of what it once was.3 points
I think it's a poor mentality to be honest to say that it will no longer be the same club after this season... Everything will likely remain the same. The same announcer and music style, the majority of the same people on the track staff team, same people running pits and the same promotion and (hopefully) the same Hammers name. The only thing that is different is the venue in my eyes. It's not unusual across all sports for teams to have to change venues at some point in their history and I don't recall fans of those clubs ever claiming that it isn't their team! And it is proven to have worked in speedway too, just take a look at the likes of Coventry and Cradley having to partner up with other facilities. They are both carrying on strongly as far as i'm aware. Here is a quick story about a local Ice hockey team that has just come out of the other side of what we are about to enter... In 2013 the Romford Raiders lost their long time home ice rink in the center of Romford. A new rink was promised by the council to be built as a replacement elsewhere in the town, however, there was uncertainty about this among the fans. From the next season, the Romford Raiders moved about 30 minutes away from Romford to share a rink with another team on a temporary basis, and changed the name to the London Raiders to suit the change. Although many fans did not follow the team in this change. A small hardcore group of supporters continued to travel and support the team, a team that still maintained it's identity throughout its temporary stay. It wasn't an easy road, the club almost folded and it took the best part of 5 years, but back in February the team moved back to Romford in a brand new facility in the Heart of the town. Now, heading into the new season the club are set for a fantastic future in a very supportive new home. This was not just achieved by hope and the council coming through on their promises but was achieved by the loyal fans, who despite not having a proper 'Home' nor having the same name, never gave up on the club despite many, many low points. All i'm saying is that I have witnessed first hand that these situations don't necessarily mean the end, and a bright future awaits on the other end of a rocky road. We need to all stick with the team we love and support and help them survive. Whilst proving that there is a market for the sport in a new facility somewhere in the area that we can soon call home. Keep the faith, and let's smash the rest of this season and walk away as treble champions!!! COYH3 points
I heard rumours this was coming and decided to make a return to forum after confirmation came elsewhere. As an ex-Coventry fan I would like to offer my commiserations to some of the Poole supporters on here. If Ford goes it will be a big loss to Poole but you Poole fans will know that he will have the left the sport in a much better position than when he became involved in it! His service to the well being of the sport and its fair and honest running is second to none (and none is pretty bad). Oh, and if the stadium is unfortunately converted to student flats or a Wetherspoons I suggest a certain Mr Shovlar could come up with a good name for the new facility. Must go and get a tissue to wipe my tears away!2 points
And give Chris Harris the racing line he wants? I thought that was why they changed it last time, to stop Chris scoring?2 points
For the sake of your club I sincerely hope so. It didn't work that way for Glasgow at Workington. Nor for "Edinburgh" in their one season at Shawfield (yes I know they called it "Scottish Monarchs" but neither the ex-Tigers faithful nor enough of the Edinburgh faithful took to it in sufficient numbers). Though this Lakeside at Rye venture does look more viable and fingers crossed that it works out that way. Best of luck.2 points
Actually I would say it's more a defensive stance. Not only defending my position but also the direction the club has been forced to take. I'm certainly not trying to 'attack' anyone that's for sure. A lot of comments on here are very negative which is such a shame to see, I'm doing my best to try and keep things positive on here yet some people feel the need to pick and moan about irrelevant things at this stage and it's mildly frustrating. To be honest this whole scenario is causing a horrific divide among Lakeside fans when we should be doing our best to stick together and support the club.2 points
Wonder if Nathan managed to get the massif trophy to anyone to bring down. It's nearly time for it to find a new home.2 points
"Think the question Poole fans should be asking is the team good enough this season, indivually ? If the answer is yes then where has it gone wrong in only finishing 4th. Could it be that all is not well in the Poole camp. Certainly a season of underachieving thus far. " I think Swindon, Wolves and Leicester would like to underachieve on the same scale!2 points
Forgot all about it. Well done the Weej. No arguments about this one.2 points
If Lynn beat Swindon by more than 6 in 2nd leg....then job done..... No point in moaning...until you need to2 points
There is a third option, decide who your target market is and TARGET THEM. At the moment when you go to a meeting the average age is over 50 and the whole meeting is geared to that demographic (music, presentation etc). That in itself isn't a problem. Over 50s is a perfectly legitimate target market. However, most clubs seem to want to attract young people. They go into schools, increasingly use social media and so on. The problem is youngster like Fortnite, Drake and Supreme. When you go to a speedway meeting you are presented with paper programmes, AC/DC and Wulfsport. The two are completely incompatible. Speedway either needs to promote itself to the over 50s crowd or completely change the way the sport is presented in order to appeal to a younger generation. I know which one is more achievable.2 points
I am sure most of us agree with this and Jenga's comments are invariably OTT and some are libellous with a doubt. Magic stuff! Jenga is an anchor ( just add your own W at the start of the word ). He can give it out but not take it. Pity he was not banned for life from Workington. Wa Wa Wa - all the way home then, for sure.2 points
Something usually less impressive than hoped for wrapped in shiny paper and containing a small bang that sometimes doesnt go off2 points
Not too fussed about the result as even 2 Witches home wins this week wont secure a play off place Will be happy just to see a cracker of a meeting Id not be too unhappy to see Glasgow win and make the play offs given that we cant.2 points
After living in speedway-less towns for the last 9 years I could just draw it all myself tonight if necessary! I genuinely cannot wait for the meeting. The story of forming these line-ups is something to reflect on when it's done. At the moment I'm just grateful to the managers for sorting out a good bunch of riders despite all the obstacles, and to the skies for brightening up in the morning!2 points
Didn't you know we can multi-task too ...Work, clean, iron the list goes on2 points
Honestly Apologies to all Scunny fans and to get right back on topic if we do end up with one big league the Double up Protocol will go, If Belle Vue don't use Steve Worrall I believe Rob will have the backbone of a good team with Steve W, Jason G and Josh A and will build around these three guys with the other riders. The question is who? and of course that will depend totally on what the points limit will be for team building in 2019. Regards THJ2 points
To grow the sport needs to attract new fans and they haven't got a clue who the top stars are. It made no noticeable difference to the crowds at Belle Vue when Zagar was in the team and when he wasn't. What we need is competitive racing, sensible rules applied consistently, professional presentation with no unavoidable delays and more latitude shown to allow riders to react, within reason, to on track situations and referees decisions. Not violence but gesticulating, handbags and a bit of theatre.2 points
Its that time of the season again and to all in the play offs may the best team win. For me as a Poole fan i hope its us but lets hope that all the meetings are great to watch and will be well received by any new viewer on Tv. We all have our favourites and teams we like to have a pop at, but and its a big but, Speedway in GB is at a real crossroads, we do not need any teams to close we need a few more to come in and make the product more marketable. The sport needs new blood and a new identity to do that all parties need to work in unison rather than having their own agenda , it can still be a great sport to watch and the thrills and spills will never be replaced. To the riders we wish them all the best. to the fans support your team but support speedway. To the Promoters you may only have this chance to make some needed changes do it for the good of the sport as a whole, look at the bigger picture, You will get the backing of the fans if the right decisions are made.2 points
Scum like him should be slung in a cell for life . Not for 12 years or whatever life is classed as these days, but life as in never ever being realised.2 points
Another thing I never liked, was changing the clubs colours. West Ham speedway was red, white & blue, so was Arena Essex. It was a nice connection with the past. Changing to the football clubs colours didn't sit well with me. We don't all support West Ham United, do we?2 points
In my opinion this is all about discipline within the sport or really the lack of it, give the riders an inch they will take a mile, so many times now you see riders being pulled closer to the tapes then move away as soon as the start marshal moves, they are like little children who have to have the last say, there is no need to do 2 mins of gardening, watching the leszno v Wroclaw match on Sunday janowski got a tax sub ride and was struggling to make the 2 mins, he got to the tapes with about 10 seconds to go, no gardening nothing just straight there and green light and he makes his best start all night, woffinden can claim rightly he was unfairly excluded but he must ask himself why was he back from the tapes at the end of the 2 mins,?why was he not ready at the tapes with 30 seconds to go ? And then no matter if the ref was unfair or biased or whatever woffinden would of been in the race it’s that simple2 points
2 points
Wonder who the last Tiger was to score three full maximums , at home , in a row ? The Messiah maybe , God possibly , you might even have to go back to King Charlie in the 60's . Whether signing Cookie drags us into the play offs will be decided in Suffolk and Essex later this week , but it has been a signing that has brought the feelgood factor into a season that was going nowhere .2 points
2 points
I am as gutted and upset as anyone else about the club moving but I don’t see how the promotion can take any blame, the raceway is closing and that’s it and I can’t see the council ever building a new track. They have taken the opportunity to keep the club alive somewhere else and I hope it works out I really do. To you and me plus many others the club won’t ever be the same but at least we have the option to continue to support the club. This is not the same as when Russell decided to just move sticks with the London Lions which I hated and only went once. If the club keeps its identity I will most probably give Rye a go but if they lose the identity I won’t bother.2 points
He had his supporters on here mind.....when he and I disagreed (which was pretty regular) often it was “Shawn this or Shawn that” from other posters Always found him arrogant.2 points
I love the smell of a pumping in the morning. Ooooer missus.2 points
Good racing spectacle this evening, with Cook & Harris imperious, and Starke always seeking to team ride with his partner. Albeit Tigers were impressive, it was apparent that Monarchs are less than so when on the road, given that last week Ipswich ran Tigers a lot closer at Ashfield.. Pickering, Riss & Nicol get pass marks for the visitors, but the others, especially Worrall, will want to forgot their performances asap. Hopefully all the crucial remaining Championship fixtures can be completed this week, and I would bet on Panthers, Comets, Hammers, & Tigers being the Play-Off qualifiers. Re the booing of Cookie, I was near a small group who did so, but they were laughing at their own antics and it appeared to be more light hearted pantomime stuff than venomous, so perhaps folks should lighten up and be less po faced.2 points
I thought Josh was very good all night and, along with Erik and Broc, provided some good opposition and entertaining racing - heats 4 & 12 were very good. Ricky scored okay but looked out of sorts and the others had nights to forget. But the main reason for the heavy defeat was that Glasgow were very good tonight. Cookie was sublime (I too have missed watching him ride like that) and I think he's bringing the best out of the rest of the team, particularly Chris Harris. I think Cookie may inspire Glasgow to get the away points required to pip us to the play-offs - and perhaps even to the league title!2 points
well done mildenhall a big victory that should clinch the title and a victory for speedway in general2 points
Robert Lambert on fire in Sweden tonight. Totally quashing my 'burn out' fears.2 points
2 points
2 points
Fully agree to all of that ! Personally, I also think the sentence was very light, 2 years 8 months for his actions is nowhere near enough, in my opinion !2 points